• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan

512 K. Ratnavelu, C.K. Fatt, and E.A. Ujum

throughout the study period, a few patterns are visible: (1) JF always appears at rank 1 or 2; (2) JFE maintains its position in the top 4 ranks; (3) JBF and FM are positioned at ranks 6 and 7. Accordingly, a change in the ordering of journals by relative influence rank indicates a shift in inter-journal communication trends. This can be seen with the RFS, which has shown a gradual decline in self-citation index, corresponding to an upward shift in relative influence ranking. This suggests that RFS is becoming more prominent in the finance literature. On the other hand, the Journal of Business can be seen shuffling around ranks 1 (1999-2000) to 5 (1994, 2001-2002).

Drops in ranking occur when the self-citation rate increases or when there is a decrease in the normalized average citations from other journals (indicative of reduced external influence).

Table 4. The relative Influence Rank obtained by sorting self-citation index values in ascending order


Relative Influence Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


















Inter-Journal Citations and Ranking Top Journals in Financial Research 513 established journals which have a larger pool of works to cite from. This could explain the low rank for the younger, comparatively less self-citing, yet highly cited RFS. Despite beginning publication only in 1988, RFS averages 33.70 citations per publication during the period 1990-2006, the highest among the seven journals studied (see Table 1). To address this issue, one could tally citations to journals within a fixed time window, but this is exactly the approach utilized by the impact factor which we are trying to avoid. A more promising approach is to conduct a centrality analysis of the citation network for business/finance journals, from which a number of prominence scores can be constructed (reflecting different aspects of a journal’s relative position within a structure of citation ties). This will be explored in future works.

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to acknowledge the UM-High Impact Research Grant No: F000013-21001 as well as the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme No: RG298-11HNE for support of this research work.


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