• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan


5.5 Conclusion

This study examines a topical and compelling developing issue connected to climate change in the tourism industry, which is timely and compelling. Indeed, climate change has a profound impact on all elements of human life and livelihood, and it is one of the most pressing issues facing scientists and politicians throughout the world today. Thus, study looking at the perspectives of the community living in the area that is directly affected by climate change is vital. In order to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change on tourism sectors, all stakeholders, including politicians, students, teachers, commercial and governmental institutions, civil society organisations, and other concerned organisations, must work collaboratively to achieve this goal. The need for a comprehensive awareness of global warming and climate change on tourism sectors and destinations among community, on the other hand, is critical in order to counteract the harmful impacts of climate change. This research contributes in a variety of ways, including the following: it analyses the awareness of the community on climate change, assessing the community perceptions on climate change impacts in tourism and assessing the community perceptions on adaptation strategies of climate change impacts in tourism which has hardly been studied in Malaysia.

The research is thereby added to the current body of knowledge on climate change implications particularly on the tourism destinations in Malaysia. It significantly assists the policymakers to develop an effective approach to educate the community


on adaptation techniques and help them overcome the impacts of climate change through the adaptation strategies suggested. If community has a greater awareness of climate change impacts and knows how to address them, this knowledge eventually will guide them to take good steps to safeguard the environment in their living areas.

In addition, the adaptation strategies suggested by the community may also guide governments in understanding the importance of awareness in creating policies to combat the impacts of climate change. Further, the study has also assisted researchers in evaluating the level of community awareness, attitude, and knowledge about the impacts of climate change pertaining to their tourism areas. According to the findings of the current study, a thorough awareness of climate concerns can help to minimise vulnerability substantially which may create sustainable tourism. Because awareness is a precondition for climate change adaptation behaviour, it is possible to obtain the necessary awareness by paying particular attention to the most effective information available as perceived by the community of the specific tourism areas affected by climate change.



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