• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan

---~.,--,. -~----,---~ ~~C.oll.ection ... qLdafa ._hy~.inter.v.i.ewing. the-r:espor:l-dents.-.wer.e-infon:natiye-.-ar:ld fruitful.

Respondents_ were very .GQ-_opercative and helpfuL -Picture 1 :showed one of the students' interviewing one of the elderly respondents in Kedai Lalat, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Picture 1: A student during an interviewed with an elderly respondents regarding her use f modem and traditional medicine in Kelantan. 0

• •

All questionnaires are collected (Appendix D) and checked by the researchers/research assistant. Each survey form was given a code number fo

r easy reference, e.g. A 222. The same code number was used for steroid tests (Appendix E). All available traditional medications were kept in the refrigerator or filing cabinets before the steroid analysis.

Steroid tests were done in batches of 5 medications. Steps of analysis of steroids

The utili7.ation of modem and traditional medicines by rural elderly Mnlnys inPnhnng and Kclnntnn

The pictures below show the steps. for the analysis of steroids in the traditional medicine

--- · __ _..,~d .... r-u~g""'"::·s-"':""amples. (Picture 2-8) ·----~



_ _ ______

.. _ ....__._.___

__ _ _

Picture 2: The extraction phase

Picture 3: The extraction products


The utiliwtion of modem and traditional medicines by rurol elderly Malays inPahang and Kclw1tan

Picture 4: Spottinng the TLC plate

The utilizntion of modem and traditional medicines by rural cldt.:rly Malays inPahung and Kclantnn

Picture 6: Visualization of separated substances

Picture 7: The spraying process


The utilization of modem and traditional medicines by rural elderly Malays inPa!umg and Kclantan

. :.:::

Picture 8: Drying of samples in the oven

The figures below show all the data that were collected from the cross-sectional study of elderly Malays living in rural areas in Kelantan and Pahang ·(see appendix C for detail of individual elderlys). The study was performed by using the structure!-questionnaires and data analyzed are presented as bar and pie charts. The figures below represent the total of respondents, sex of respondents, age of respondents, ttie utilization of both modem and traditional medicines and the steroid content.

The utilization of modem and traditional medicines by rural eldL.-rly Malays inPnhang and Kelnntan


Total and number of respondents in both states.

. Figure


shows the total number of re~pondents interviewed in Kelantan and - ... : __ ~ -Pahang."-f~~totafriurritier.


respondents.friferviewed in"' both s~es. ~9re;.1oo7.peopl~s-...


ref SB8.

respondents from Kelantan

and 419

respondents from .Pahang.

Figure 1: Total and number of respondents in both states


-~{{i~}~~j~Jt:\~i ~;;i;\~f~~c::~<~ ,.---.

I r.3Total respondents








2. The available data

Currently, the data available to us were 688 questi~nnaires forms from Kelantan and 64 out of


questionnaires forms from Pahang team. The total available respondents interviewed in ~th states were


people. Out of


respondents interviewed,


were elderly respondents (Figure 2).


The utiliwtion of modem and trnditional medicines by 11Jilll cl<k:rly M!lluys inPnhnng and Kclnntan

Figure 2: The elderly respondents from available data



- .. ...


3. The elderly respondents



Total respondents 13 Elderly

Figure 3 reveals the percentage of elderly respondents interviewed in Kelantan and Pahang. There were a total of 619 elderly out of 752 respondents interviewed in both states whereby 96.8% in Kelantan and 3.2% in Pahang.





' I



The utiliwtion ofmodl.:m and traclitional medicines by rural elderly Malays inPahang and Kc!nntan

Figure 3: The elderfy respondents in both states



3. '1. Sex of elderly respondents

GJKelantan DPahang

Female respondents comprised a higher percentage than male with 62% and 38% respectively (refer Figure 4). Apart from that, among 599 elderly respondents interviewed in Kelantan, 37.6% of them were males and 62.4% was females.

Meanwhile, there were equals percentage of both male and female respondents interviewed in Pahang (refer figure 5).




The utilization of modem nnd lrnditionnl medicin~ by rum! elderly Mnlays in Pahang nnd Kelnntan

Figure 4: Sex of elderly respondents

Figure 5: Se;c of elderly respondents in both states

Kelantan Pahang


· .

GJMale OFemale

GMale DFemale


The utilization ofmodcnt'and traditional medicines by rural elderly Malays inPahung and Kclantnn

3.2. Age of respondents

Figure 6 sho~s .the thr~ .age grotJp of elder1y respondents intervjewed in Kelantan and Pahang. There wer_e three age groups namely, 60-69 years, 70-79 years and above 80 years old. In both states, the respondents aged 60-69 years old was the highest percentage with 49%, followed by elderly aged 70-79 with 36% and above 80 years old with 15%. This situation is similar in both states where the first cohort group is the highest percentage with 48.7% and 80% respectively. For 70-79 years old, 36.1% in Kelantan and 20% elderly respondents in Pahang. Meanwhile, the elderly Malays aged above 80 years old were the smallest number interviewed in both states being 15.2% from Kelantan and no 1


respondents recorded in Pahang (refer Figure 7). Figure 8 shows the sex ratio in the three age group. Data shows that female was the highest frequency in every level of age. The percentage of female aged 60-69 years old was 31.8% and male was 17.9%. The second cohort group comprises 14.4% of male and 21.2% of female meanwhile the elderly above 80 years include 5.7% of male and 9% of female.

Figure 6: Age of elderly respondents

49% [i) 60-69




35 30


The utilization of modem nrul trnditional medicines by rurnl clc!L-rly Malays inPalwng nnd Kcluntnn

Figure 7: Age of elderly respondents in both ~tales

Kelantan Pahang


Figure 8: Percentage of elderly based on a~e and sex

60-B9 70-79


- . -· - - - -,- l


060-69 070-79


13Male OFemale

The utilization ofmo<k.'Tll and traditional medicines by rural elderly Malays inPahung and Kcfantan

Figure 10: The utilization of modern and traditional medicines in both s_tate.s

Modem Traditional

8Kelantan DPahang


Medicines ;


Figure 11 shows the utilization of medicine among the three cohort groups that took modem, traditional, both types of drug or not both of drugs. For the elderly age 60-69 years I old,


respondents took modern medicine,

13.1 o/o

respondents utilized traditional drug, 1 0.5% respondents utilized both modern and traditional medicine while 7.9% did not take any types of drugs. Meanwhile,


respondents among elderly who aged 70-79


modem medicine,


elderly took traditional medicine while





utilized both and not both type of drugs respectively. Among elderly aged above 80 Years ' old, 6.3% of them took modern medicine, 2.9% respondents took traditional drugs While 2.1% and 3.3% respondents utilized both or not both type of drugs respectively.


I '

·nt.: uti lizntion or mcdcm and lrntlitionalm~-dicincs by rum! elderly Malays inPahnng and Kelanl!III

Figure 11: The utilization of medicines among elderly

60-69 70-79



5. The utilization of traditional medicines among respondents


EaJ Traditional DBoth DNot both

Figure 12 shows the percentage of utilization of traditional medicines among respondents without considering the age. The data showed that about 47% of them used traditional medicines while 53% took modern medications.


The ulili7..Dlion of modem and traditional medicine~ by rural elderly Malays inPahang and Kclanlan

Figure 12: The utilization of traditional medicines without considering the age

1!1 Modem

!ill Traditional 53%

6.Traditional medicine

Figure 13 shows the number of samples of traditional medicines collected from the respondents. There were 135 traditional medicines drug samples collected out of

359 samples and analyzed for steroid content while the other 224 do not have any samples for analysis.



The utiliwtion of modem and traditional medicine:~ by rural elderly Mulnys inPuhung ond Kclantun

figure 13:The sample of traditional medicines

6.1. The steroid content

13 Have sample DNosample

Figure 14 reveal the percentage of ster<?id contents in traditional medicine which had been analyzed using Thin Layer Chromatography method. It showed that 37% and 26% had prednisolone and other unknown steroid. Meanwhile, 37% of traditional medicines negative for both types of steroid respectively.

In Kelantan, there were 1 02 samples collected and analyzed for steroid. The results in Figure 15 shows that 27.5% was positive for prednisolone, 34.3% positive for unknown steroid and 38.2% negative for both steroids. Meanwhile in Pahang showed 66.7% of traditional medicines is positive for prednisolone and 33.3% not contaminated with any steroids.

70 t


60 j I






i 1 Percent


20 10 0

The ulilizution of modem and traditional medicines by rural cltkrly Malays inPahung and Keluntan

Figure 14: The steroid content


---· . ··- ..... . . - . &~.-.... - . -- ... .

1m Prednisolone 1!1 Unknown steroid DNegative

Figure ·J5: The steroid contents in both states

Kelantan Pahang


. . ·~;::




fm Prednisolone

_ m

Unknown steroid EINegative

· ~




The utilization of modern and traditional medicines by rural elderly Malays inPahnng and Kclantnn