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Academic year: 2022








JPS/N/SMA/CP/33/2020 (SH)



Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Negeri Selangor




SEBUTHARGA NO : JPS/N/BPSg/P(13)/30/2020(SH)



Bil. Butiran Muka Surat










Dokumen A Dokumen B Dokumen C Dokumen D Dokumen E Dokumen F Dokumen G Dokumen H Dokumen I

A/1 – A/3 B/1 – B/2 C/1 – C/4 D/1 – D/2 E/1 – E/20 F/1 – F/11 G/1 – G/2

H/1 I/1 – I/2



Arahan Kepada Pentender



1.0 Hak Kerajaan Untuk Menerima / Menolak Sebutharga

Kerajaan adalah tidak terikat untuk menerima Sebutharga yang terendah atau mana-mana Sebutharga atau memberi atau apa-apa sebab di atas penolakan sesuatu Sebutharga. Keputusan Jawatankuasa Sebutharga adalah muktamad.

2.0 Kontraktor digalakkan membuat lawatan tapak sendiri dengan berpandukan koordinat yang diberikan atau melihat gambar-gambar yang di muatnaik di http//:tender.selangor.my

3.0 Cara-cara Melengkapkan Dokumen Sebutharga 3.1 Penyediaan Sebutharga

Pentender adalah dikehendaki mengisi segala maklumat beikut dengan sepenuhnya;

a) Ringkasan Sebutharga perlu diisi sepenuhnya dan ditandatangani oleh pentender dan saksinya.

b) Borang Sebutharga perlu diisi dengan menyatakan harga secara pukal (Lump Sum) kuantiti dan tempoh masa yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan kerja. Borang ini perlu ditandatagani oleh pentender dan saksinya.

c) Butir-butir Spesifikasi (jika ada).

d) Senarai Kerja Dalam Tangan.

e) Senarai Pengalaman Kerja.

Jika berlaku kesilapan dalam mengisi maklumat-maklumat di atas, Pentender hendaklah menandatangani ringkas semua pembetulan.

3.2 Penyerahan Dokumen Sebutharga

3.2.1 Bagi Penghantaran Borang sebutharga, kontraktor perlulah memenuhi syarat-syarat serta mematuhi langkah-langkah seperti berikut :-

a. Pemeriksaan suhu badan melalui ‘Held Thermometer’

perlu dilakukan dan hanya yang memenuhi suhu normal sahaja akan dibenarkan menghantar boring sebutharga.

b. Penjarakan social satu (1) meter dilaksanakan.

c. Pemakaian topeng muka ’Face Mask’

d. Penggunaan ‘Hand Sanitizer’



3.2.2 Dokumen Sebutharga yang telah diisi dengan lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam sampul surat berlakri yang

dicatatkan dengan bilangan Sebutharga

JPS/N/SMA/CP/33/2020 (SH) serta Tajuk Sebutharga dan hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam Peti Sebutharga pada masa dan tempat yang ditetapkan dalam Kenyataan Sebutharga.

3.2.3 Jika Dokumen Sebutharga tidak diserahkan dengan tangan, Kontraktor hendaklah menghantar Dokumen tersebut dengan pos supaya tiba pada atau sebelum masa dan di tempat yang ditetapkan.

3.2.4 Sebutharga yang diserahkan selepas masa yang ditetapkan atas sebab apa sekalipun, tidak akan dipertimbangkan.

3.3 Penjelasan Lanjut

Sekiranya terdapat maklumat dalam Dokumen Sebutharga yang tidak jelas atau bercanggah, Pentender boleh menghubungi Bahagian Saliran Mesra Alam dan Caruman Parit, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Negeri Selangor untuk penjelasan lanjut.

4.0 Ringkasan Sebutharga

4.1 Ringkasan Sebutharga hendaklah menjadi sebahagian daripada Borang Sebutharga ini dan hendaklah menjadi asas Jumlah Harga Sebutharga.

4.2 Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebutharga hendaklah mengambil kira Semua kos termasuk kos pengangkutan, cukai, duti, bayaran dan caj-caj lain yang perlu dan berkaitan bagi penyiapan kerja dengan sempurnanya.

5.0 Tempoh Sah Sebutharga

Sebutharga ini sah selama 90 hari dari tarikh tutup Sebutharga. Pentender tidak boleh menarik balik Sebutharga sebelum tamat tempoh sah.

Pengesyoran tindakan tatatertib akan diambil sekiranya Pentender manarik balik Sebutharganya sebelum tamat tempoh Sebutharga.



6.0 Tempoh Siap Kerja

Kerja ini hendaklah disiapkan dalam tempoh tidak melebihi 5 minggu.

Mana-mana Penyebut Harga yang menawarkan tempoh siap kerja melebihi tempoh siap kerja maksimum yang ditetapkan tidak akan dipertimbangkan.


Semua perbelanjaan bagi penyediaan Sebut Harga ini hendaklah ditanggung oleh Penyebut Harga sendiri.


Semua Penyebut Harga adalah diingatkan supaya tidak terlibat dalam aktiviti jenayah rasuah berkaitan dengan perolehan ini. Sehubungan dengan itu, para Penyebut Harga diberi peringatan berikut:

8.1 Sebarang perbuatan atau percubaan rasuah untuk menawar atau memberi, meminta atau menerima apa-apa suapan secara rasuah kepada dan daripada mana-mana orang berkaitan perolehan ini merupakan satu kesalahan jenayah di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694).

8.2 Sekiranya mana-mana pihak ada menawar atau member apa-apa suapan kepada mana-mana anggota perkhidmatan awam, maka pihak yang ditawar atau diberi suapan dikehendaki membuat adua dengan segera ke pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan rasuah atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Kegagalan berbuat demikian adalah merupakan suatu kesalahan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694).

8.3 Tanpa prejudis kepada tindakan-tindakan lain, tindakan tatatertib terhadap anggota perkhidmatan awam dan menyenaraihitamkan kontraktor boleh diambil sekiranya pihak-pihak terlibat dengan kesalahan rasuah di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694).

8.4 Mana-mana kontraktor yang membuat tuntutan bayaran berkaitan perolehan ini walaupun tiada kerja dibuat mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan dan mana-mana anggota perkhidmatan awam yang mengesahkan tuntutan berkenaan adalah melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694).




Syarat-syarat Sebutharga



Sebutharga adalah dipelawa daripada Kontraktor-Kontraktor Yang Bertaraf Bumiputra yang berdaftar di Negeri Selangor sahaja masih dibenarkan membuat tawaran buat masa ini bagi kerja berikut :




JPS/N/SMA/CP/33/2020 (SH)

Kontraktor-kontraktor yang ingin menyertai Sebut Harga ini hendaklah berdaftar dengan CIDB Malaysia dan berdaftar di Negeri Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya, mempunyai Perakuan Pendaftaran Kontraktor (PPK), Sijil Taraf Bumiputera (STB) serta Sijil Perolehan Kerja Kerajaan (SPKK) di bawah bidang berikut:

Gred Kategori Pengkhususan G1 CE CE12

Kontraktor terlebih dahulu dikehendaki mendaftar secara Online di laman web http//:tender.selangor.gov.my dan Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) sebelum membeli dokumen sebutharga.

Kontraktor digalakkan membuat lawatan tapak sendiri dengan berpandukan koordinat yang diberikan atau melihat gambar-gambar yang di muatnaik di http//:tender.selangor.my

Pembelian dokumen tawaran secara Online dikehendaki melampirkan salinan resit asal bayaran. Resit tersebut hendaklah dilampirkan di mukasurat hadapan dokumen.

Sila sertakan salinan sijil SSM dan sijil CIDB yang tempoh sahlaku masih aktif sewaktu menghantar borang sebutharga.

Sebutharga ini akan ditutup pada 11 November 2020. Dokumen sebutharga hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam peti sebutharga di Pejabat Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 5 Blok Podium Selatan, Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, 40626 Shah Alam, Selangor tidak lewat dari jam 12.00 tengahari pada hari tersebut.



Bagi penghantaran borang sebutharga, kontraktor perlulah memenuhi syarat-syarat serta mematuhi langkah-langkah seperti berikut :-

I. Pemeriksaan suhu badan melalui `hel thermometer` perlu dilakukan dan hanya yang mempunyai suhu normal sahaja akan dibenarkan menghantar borang sebutharga.

II. Penjarakkan sosial satu (1) meter dilaksanakan III. Pemakaian topeng muka (Face Mask) IV. Penggunaan `hand sanitizer`






Lampiran ‘A’


1. Pemborong/kontraktor dianggap telah melawat dan mengetahui akan tempat kerja yang dijalankan dan berpuashati dengan syarat-syarat yang dikenakan dan mengkaji dengan terperinci masalah yang akan timbul bersabit dengan kerja ini supaya tidak menjejaskan kerja nanti. Segala tuntutan yang bersabit dengan kerja ini tidak boleh dibuat dan tidak akan dilayan.

2. Pemborong hendaklah memulakan kerja dalam tempoh 7 hari dari tarikh yang dikeluarkan dan hendaklah mengikut arahan dan kelulusan Pegawai Penjaga JPS atau wakilnya.

a) Jika pemborong gagal memulakan kerja dalam tempoh 7 hari akan dibatalkan dan tindakan tatatertib akan diambil terhadap pemborong mengikut syarat- syarat pendaftaran.

b) Jika pemborong tidak menyiapkan kerja dalam masa yang ditetapkan, tindakan secara pembayaran gantirugi dan penggantungan lesen dan pendaftaran atau apa-apa cara lain yang difikirkan patut oleh Pegawai Penyelia atau wakilnya.

3. Semua komponen/instrumen/alat yang dibekalkan dan digunakan hendaklah yang baru dan belum dipakai dan mempunyai mutu yang terbaik dan diperolehi dari dalam negara/luar negara (software, firmware dan hardware hendaklah digunapakai seperti sistem sediada di JPS Negeri Selangor dan seperti tertera pada borang sebutharga) serta mendapat kelulusan Pegawai Penguasa JPS Negeri Selangor atau wakilnya. Pegawai tersebut juga mempunyai kuasa untuk meminta contohcontoh untuk diperiksa sebelum komponen/instrumen/alat tersebut dibekalkan atau digunakan. Semua komponen/instrumen/alat yang dibekalkan hendaklah mempunyai cetakan (stamping) “HAK MILIK KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR” berdakwat kekal.

4. Hanya pekerja-pekerja yang mahir dalam bidang masing-masing sahaja yang patut digunakan. Pemborong dan pekerja-pekerjanya hendaklah menjalankan kerja dengan baik dan cermat. Sebarang kerosakan oleh sebab kecuaian pihak pemborong atau pekerjanya hendaklah dibaiki atau diganti atas perbelanjaan pemborong sendiri.

5. Apabila siap, segala sampah sarap serpihan dan lebihan hendaklah dibersihkan dan dibuang ke tempat yang dibenarkan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT).

6. Pemborong adalah dikehendaki mengambil insuran bagi pekerja (Workmen’s Compensation) atau mencarumkan dengan SOCSO bagi semua pekerjanya.

7. Komponen/instrumen/alat sedia ada yang diganti/ditukar hendaklah dipulangkan semula ke JPS Negeri Selangor.

8. Sebarang pertanyaan hendaklah dikemukakan ke Bahagian Saliran Mesra Alam dan Caruman Parit, JPS Negeri Selangor.




Saya/Kami bersetuju dan patuh kepada syarat-syarat yang dikenakan seperti di atas.

Tarikh : ... Tandatangan : ...


Nama : ...

No.K/P : ...

No.Tel : ...

Tarikh : ... Tandatangan : ...


Nama : ...

No.K/P : ...

No.Tel : ...




No. Sebutharga : JPS/N/SMA/CP/33/2020 (SH) Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran Negeri Selangor,

Tingkat 5, Blok Podium Selatan,

Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, 40626 Shah Alam,

Selangor Darul Ehsan.

(Pejabat yang memanggil Sebutharga) Tuan,

Sebutharga Untuk :


Di bawah yang tertakluk kepada Sebutharga dan Spesifikasi Kerja dan pelan-pelan, saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini adalah dengan ini menawarkan untuk melaksanakan dan menyiapkan kerja-kerja tersebut bagi jumlah harga pukal sebanyak Ringgit Malaysia :

(RM )

2. Saya bersetuju menyiapkan kerja-kerja ini dengan sempurna dan memuaskan dalam masa 5 minggu dari tarikh mula kerja seperti yang ditetapkan.

Bertarikh pada ……… haribulan ……… 20 ………

……….. ……….

(Tandatangan Pentender) (Tandatangan Saksi)

Nama Penuh : ……… Nama Penuh :………..

No. K/P : ………... No.K/P:………...

Alamat : ………. Alamat:………...

……… ..………...………...

Atas sifat : ……….



Meteri atau Cop Syarikat




Particulars of all projects complete within the last five (5) years





As Main *As Sub-



Contractor Contractor

Important Notes: (1) The Letter of Acceptance and Completion Certificate for each project completed and listed above must be submitted together with the tender.

(2) * Value of work undertaken in the capacity of a sub-contractor to the main contractor of the project stated.

A Certified copy of the Sub- contractor agreement must be submitted together with the tender.

(3) ** The Contract date for completion shall include any approved Extension of Time.



DOKUMEN D Surat Akuan Pembida/

Surat Akuan Pembida Berjaya




Saya, ______________________________ nombor K.P ___________________

yang mewakili _______________________________________________________

nombor Pendaftaran ________________ dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam JABATAN PENGAIRAN DAN SALIRAN NEGERI SELANGOR atau mana-mana individu lain, sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama -sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini.

2. Sekiranya saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam JABATAN PENGAIRAN DAN SALIRAN NEGERI SELANGOR atau mana-mana individu lain sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan-tindakan berikut diambil :

2.1 penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; atau

2.2 penamatan kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; dan

2.3 lain-lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan Kerajaan.

3. Sekiranya terdapat mana-mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana-mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya berjanji akan dengan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran.

Yang Benar,


(Nama dan No. KP)

Cop Syarikat :

Catatan : * Potong mana yang tidak berkaitan





No. Sebutharga : JPS/N/HIDRO/B(13)/12/2020 (SH)

Saya, _________________________________ nombor K.P___________________

yang mewakili ____________________________________________________ nombor Pendaftaran _____________________________________ dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam JABATAN PENGAIRAN DAN SALIRAN NEGERI SELANGOR atau mana-mana individu lain, sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini.

2. Sekiranya saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam JABATAN PENGAIRAN DAN SALIRAN NEGERI SELANGOR atau mana-mana individu lain sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan-tindakan berikut diambil :

2.1 penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; atau 2.2 penamatan kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; dan

2.3 lain-lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan Kerajaan.

3. Sekiranya terdapat mana-mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana-mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya berjanji akan dengan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran.

Yang Benar,


Nama : __________________________

No K.P : ___________________________

Cop Syarikat :

Catatan : * Potong mana yang tidak berkaitan







1.1. Scope of Work

The works in this contract comprise soil investigations, which include any, or combination of the component activities of boring, sampling, field-testing and laboratory testing. The scope of work is as defined in the Scope of Works (Appendix A) and in the Drawing(s).

1.2. Document Mutually Explanatory

The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another and in cases where differences occur between specifications and drawings

a) Specification shall be preferred to the Drawings for the purpose of quotation preparation.

b) Detailed drawings are to take precedence over small scale drawings.

Provided always that any ambiguities or discrepancies shall be referred as soon as possible to S.O who shall issue to the Contractor instructions directing in what manner work is to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the clause.

1.3. Inspection of Site

The Contractor is deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and satisfied himself regarding the conditions on site, the scope and nature of the Works, equipment, plant and materials necessary for the completion of the Works and is fully aware of all risk, contingencies and other circumstances which may affect the cost of the Works.

1.4. Setting Out and Taking Levels

Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall be responsible for setting out and taking of levels. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all survey work and shall rectify and errors, inclusive of abortive work resulting from improper setting out and leveling all at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Contractor must appoint Licensed Land Surveyor to carry out all setting out works and all positions must be clearly shown its respective coordinates.



1.5. Supply of Plant Materials and Labour

The Contractor shall at his own expense, supply and provide all plants, labour and materials for both temporary and permanent works, including the supervision thereof transport to or from the site and in about the Works and all other items and necessities required for the construction, completion and maintenance of the Works

1.6. Watching and Lighting

The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense all lighting, watchmen and other security facilities as where required by any statutory authority or by the S.O for the protection of the Works and/or for the safety and convenience of the public or others.

1.7. Interference with Traffic

All operations necessary for the execution of the Works, inclusive of temporary works shall be carried out in such a manner that it should not interfere unnecessarily or unduly with public convenience other access to the use and occupation of public or private roads, footpaths and waterways.

1.8. Water Supply

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangement at his own expense for providing water supply required for the proper execution of the Works. This may include the supply and fixing of all fees to the relevant authorities. On completion of works the Contractor shall restore the site to its original condition.

1.9. Electric Power Supply

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangement at his own expense for the supply of electricity required for the proper execution of the Works. He should comply with all safety regulation and pay all fees required for the connection, installation and usage of electricity to the relevant authorities.

1.10. Temporary Access

Where required the Contractor shall at his own expense, construct temporary roads or other suitable forms of access to facilitate his operation and also the inspection of the Works by the S.O. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement with the effected land owners, inclusive of payment of any compensation where applicable to obtain the right of way for the construction of such temporary access.



1.11. Workmen’s Accommodation

The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper housing of his work force and should comply at all time the relevant local legislation or requirements on health and general hygiene.

1.12. Damage to overhead and Underground Mains and Services

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages and consequential liabilities arising from damages to electricity mains, water mains, telephone lines, sewage mains, gas mains and the like in the execution of the Works. The Contractor is responsible for ascertaining the positions of all mains or services in the vicinity of the borehole prior to the start of any boring of drilling work.

The S.O shall be informed immediately it a is suspected that any planned boreholes or sites of test could affect existing mains or services. The S.O may upon receipt of such information approve a change in the location of the borehole. Alternatively, if the S.O insists on the original location the Contractor will be reimbursed for all costs incurred in the relocation of the affected mains or services.

1.13. Storage Facilities

The Contractor shall provide proper facilities for the storage and protection of soil, rock and water samples.

1.14. Contractor’s Site Agent/Assistant

The Contractor shall maintain at all time a resident site agent or assistant who should be able to communicate effectively with the S.O. Any direction, explanation or instruction given to the agent or assistant shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor. The site agent or assistant should possess a minimum qualification of a certificate course in Engineering from recognized Polytechnic/College or equivalent. The site agent should be capable of identifying and describing correctly soil and rock sample in the field based on the references mentioned in this specification.

1.15. Rejection of Improper Plant and Site Agent

The S.O shall be empowered to order in writing from time to time

a) The removal from the site any plants or materials not conforming to the requirement of the specification and the immediate replacement of such plants and materials to the satisfaction of the S.O.

b) The dismissal from the site any Site Agent Assistant, Technician Supervisor Plant Operator or any other workmen of the Contractor who in the opinion of the S.O is incapable of following proper instruction or procedures of work as specified in the specifications and the immediate replacement of such workmen to the satisfaction of the S.O all at the expense of the Contractor.



1.16 Laboratory Testing Facilities

All laboratory tests must be carried out at laboratories approved by the S.O for this purpose the S.O is empowered to inspect the facilities and his decision on suitability of the laboratory is final. The Contractor may submit alternative laboratories for consideration of the S.O in the event that the proposed laboratory is unacceptable. If considered necessary, the S.O may assign his own representative to reject or disapprove payment for any laboratory test which in his opinion was not carried out properly or in accordance to specifications.

1.17 Clearance of Site on Completion

On completion of the Works the Contractor shall clear and remove from the site all plant, surplus materials, rubbish and temporary works and leave the whole of the and works clean and tidy to the satisfaction of the S.O. All test pits boreholes and test holes should be backfilled using suitable material and in a manner approved by the S.O.

1.18 Insurance

The Contractor is required to take up adequate cover indemnify the Government in respect of Personal Injuries and Damage to Property as detailed below.

1.18.1 (a) Injury to Persons

The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnity the Government against any damage, expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings what so ever, whether arising at common law or by statue in respect of personal injury to or death of any person whomsoever arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the execution of the Works.

(b) Damage to Property

The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnity the Government against any damage, expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings due to injury damage of any kind to any property real or personal (including the Works and other property of the Government), insofar as such injury or damage arises out of or in the course of or by reason of the execution of the Works and provided always that the same is due to any negligence, omission, breach of Contractor’s servants or agents or of any sub-contractor, whether nominated or otherwise and his servants or agents.



(c) Negligence of Government or S.O

The indemnities given by the Contractor under sub-clauses (a) and (b) hereof shall Not defaulted or reduced by reason of any negligence or omission of the Government or the S.O or the S.O’s representatives in failing to supervise or control the Contractor’s site operations or methods of working or temporary works or to detect or prevent remedy detective work, or to ensure proper performance of any other obligations of the Contractor under this Contract

1.18.2 Workmen’s Compensation (a) Indemnity to Government

The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Government and its officers or servants form all liabilities arising out of claims by any and every workman employed in and for the performance of this Contract for payment of compensation under or by virtue of the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance 1952 and the Employee’s Social Security Act. 1969 or any other law amending or replacing such law and from all costs and expenses incidental and consequential thereto.

(b) Taking of Insurance

Without prejudice to his liability to indemnify the Government under sub-clause (a) above the Contractor shall at his own cost and expense and as a condition precedent to the commencement of any won under this Contract take out in the joints names of the Government and the Contractor a policy or policies of insurance from an approved insurance company as are necessary to cover the liability of the Contractor in respect of workmen employed by him.


(i) The said policy or policies so taken out shall be endorsed as follows

Endorsement “A” – It is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of any workmen employed by the within Insured’s Contractors as referred to in Endorsement “B” hereon or any dependent of such workmen bringing or making a claim under the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance in force in Malaysia against any officer of the Government thereof for personal injury or death or disease sustained whilst at work on any Contract covered by the terms and conditions of the within policy which the Insured may be carrying out for the said Officer or Government, the Company will indemnify the said Officer Or Government against such claim and any costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof. Provided always that the Company shall be entitled to have the sole conduct and control of all proceeding connected with claims covered by this endorsement.

Nothing in this endorsement shall be construed as affecting the Insured’s right to recover damages in any other way under the said Ordinance.



Endorsement “B” – It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnify herein granted is to cover the legal liability of the Insurance to workmen in the employment of Contractor performing work for the Insured while engaged in the business and occupation in respect of which the within policy is granted but only so far as regards claims under the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance in force Malaysia.


1.1. Position

The position of boreholes and sites of investigation are as described on plan or as marked out on site where applicable. These locations cannot be changed unless with the prior approval of the S.O or as provided for in Clause 1.12 of this specification.

1.2. Schedule

The schedule of investigation is as described in the Drawings and Scope of Works.

1.3. Boring Plant

The boring plant should be capable of boring/drilling to the maximum depth indicated in the Scope of Works or Drawings. The boring equipment and supplies used shall be such that boring to a maximum depth of 60 meters below ground level can at attained when required by the S.O. If boring required offshore or over water bodies, the required depth shall be measured from the existing bed level. The plant used should be capable of advancing the borehole, carrying out sampling, conducting in situ testing and drilling through rock, all in accordance with the specifications for each of these operations.

1.4. Method of Advancing Boreholes

The method used shall be the type permits an accurate and continuous observation the soil column. No mingling of soils from different level is allowed.

When an undisturbed sample is to be taken a reasonably clean hole should be maintained and the section of the soil to be sampled should not be unduly disturbed.

Recommended methods are wash boring, continuous augering, continuous sampling and rotary drilling or a combination of these methods. Percussion boring is not permitted unless indicated otherwise.

1.5. Cased and Uncased Boreholes

Unless otherwise stated boring without casing may be permitted provided that there is no collapse of the borehole. A collapse is considered to have occurred when I the opinion of the S.O there is a mingling of soil or rock from different depths within the borehole.

Casing shall be provided as soon as there are signs that the walls or the borehole are collapsing.



1.6. Other Methods of Stabilizing Boreholes

Other methods of stabilizing boreholes may be subject to the prior approval of the S.O Nevertheless casings should be used when in the opinion of the S.O, there is considerable doubt on the effectiveness of the borehole stabilization technique proposed or practiced.

1.7. Heaving of the Bottom of the Borehole

To prevent heaving and disturbance of the soil at the bottom of the borehole the level of drilling fluid should at all times be maintained equal to or higher than the elevation of the groundwater. This condition shall be strictly observed in formation of fine sand, silt or in operation involving undisturbed sampling.

1.8. Size and Depth of Borehole

The size of the borehole shall be such that the requirements of size in sampling in situ testing etc are satisfied.

In general boring in soil shall be stopped when the standard penetration test values over a depth of 9 meters are equal to or greater than 50 blows/0.30 meters. The S.O may modify this general rule depending on the actual site condition.

When rock is encountered drilling shall be carried out to penetrate at least 3.0 meters into rock if the rock is limestone. For the other types of rock this depth shall be as specified by the S.O. Additional drilling shall be carried out if so instructed by the S.O.

When directed by the S.O, completed boreholes shall be backfill with sand or other approval material.

1.9. Rock Drilling

The procedure for rock drilling shall be in accordance with ASTM D2113 – 70 (1976) “Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation”

The minimum diameter of cores acceptable shall be 30.2 mm (AWX.AWM core barrel) Cores of 54.0 mm (NWX.NXM core barrels) in diameter shall be taken only when directed by the S.O.

The Core Recovery Ration (CRR) and the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) shall be reported for each core run.



1.10. Abandoned Borings

No measurement or payment shall be made for borings abandoned or lost before reaching the specified depths except as otherwise provided hereinafter for false start or unless and to the extent the S.O deems that the borings so abandoned are acceptable. Except with the specific permission of the S.O the Contractor shall not abandon or complete any boring or remove any casing or drilling equipment without first allowing the S.O the opportunity to obtain the position and depth of the boring prior to abandonment or completion and any other information which the S.O may require. No allowance or payment whatsoever will be made for any boring abandoned or completed without compliance with these stipulations. In addition in order to receive consideration for payment for abandoned boring the Contractor shall furnish the S.O with complete records and samples for the depths penetration in the same manner as that prescribed for completed borings.

1.11. Boring False Start

It is intended that the borings shall be made so as to clear all underground pipes, cables, conduits and other underground utilities or structures. However should the Contractor be unable to complete any boring due to encountering utilities or structures which cannot be reasonably foreseen after Clause 1.12 of this Specified has been complied with or because other obstructions are encountered which the S.O considered are of unusual nature and that failure to penetrate the obstruction is not the fault of the Contractor’s method or equipment a false start will be allowed form the ground surface to the lowest elevation penetrated will be paid at the rate indicated in the Scope of Works for the particular type of sampler used and boring being performed, provided however that the Contractor shall submit to the S.O a complete record of all false starts.

1.12. Hand Auger Holes

Hand augering should be carried out with an auger of approved design to ASTM D 1452-80 “Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Boring” The auger stem shall be of a design that will allow a thin-walled tube sampler to be fitted a its point for the purpose of taking undisturbed samples. The minimum diameter o f the holes shall be 100 mm.

Casings need not be provided for hand auger holes. Augering shall be stopped when the sides of the hole start to collapse or when the resistance to augering ids so great that it cannot be advanced with the force of 2 healthy workers of average Malaysian physique Disturbed samples recovered from the auger shall be collected at 1.50 m intervals to whenever there is a change in the material type.



Undisturbed samples may be required in very soft to stiff cohesive soils taken with a thin walled sampler of minimum outsides diameter of 76.2 mm and a nominal tube length of 610 mm. The maximum wall thickness shall be 3.18 mm.

The sampler shall be pushed into the soil with the body weight of the operator or with the use of hydraulic forces Light, dynamic tapping of the tube may be allowed subject to the prior approval of the S.O. Any use of dynamic force shall be reported in the borehole logs.


3.1 Continuous Sampling and Disturbed Samples

Continuous samples are to be taken when indicated on the drawings and Scope of Works or when directed by the S.O. When continuous samples are required they shall be taken to a depth of 5 m measured from the existing ground or bed level of water channel or body by the S.O.

Unless otherwise specified continuous samples may be regarded as “disturbed”

samples. When continuous samples are not required disturbed samples using ordinary drive split barrel samplers shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 1.5 m and at any point where there is a change in material type.

The procedure for obtaining split barrel samples shall be as directed in Test 1.9- B.S 1377:1975. The taking of disturbed samples shall be concurrent with the Standard Penetration Test unless directed otherwise by the S.O. The requirements for the Standard Penetration Test is described in Clause 5.1 of this Specification.

The minimum amount of soil sample to be collected shall be based on meeting the requirement necessary for the various classification tests, such as Moisture content Atterberg Limits and Particle Size Distribution.

When sufficient quantity of soil is not obtained in the first instance the sampling operation shall be repeated at no extra cost. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to choose an appropriate sampler to an appropriate sampler to ensure that a sufficient quantity of material is obtained in the least number of sampling operations. However when the operation has been repeated for a total of 3 times and sampler with a flap retainer or other sample retaining device has been used at least once the operation need not be continued. The Contractor will only be paid for unsuccessful sampling if the S.O is satisfied that the above procedure has been complied.



3.0 Undisturbed Samples

3.2.1 General

Undisturbed samples shall be taken when cohesive soil is encountered in the boring. If there is no change in the soil type undisturbed samples shall be taken at 1.5 m intervals. Where the depths of undisturbed sampling are indicated in Contract Drawings these depths are to be deemed as provisional and the quantity of undisturbed samples to be taken may vary according to the actual site condition. It is understood that such variations should not affect the rates quoted by the Contractor in the Scope of Works.

Hydraulic force shall be used to drive the sampling tube and the drilling machines used must be weighted sufficiently to exert a force of up to 25kN without uplift of the drilling machine. If a satisfactory undisturbed sample cannot be obtained with the above force a 63.5 mm O.D split tube drive sampler with liner shall be used a deflected per clean out auger with water or drilling mud circulation shall be used to clean out the bottom of the holes or casing prior to sampling. After the described elevation is reached the circulation shaft be stopped and the auger shall be rotated to bail out any gravel accumulated at the bottom of the hole.

When sampling below the water table or where water has been used to clean the casing measured, noted and the recovery ratio shall be computed as the recovery length divided by the length of the sample stroke. Undisturbed samples with recovery rations less than 60% will not be accepted. In such cases the hole shall be cleaned out and a standard split barrel sample shall be taken (disturbed sample)

The Contractor will only be paid for unsuccessful sampling of the S.O is satisfied that the Contractor shall complied with the procedure in obtaining the sample.

3.2.2 Cohesive Samples

For soils having some cohesion the thin walled tube of minimum 50 mm (2 in) outside diameter as described in ASTM.D.587 – 74 shall be used to obtain undisturbed samples. The method of sampling shall also follow that standard.

3.2.3 Cohesion less Sample

The thin stationary piston sampler is to be used to recover undisturbed samples of cohesion less sands and soft wet soils below the water table. The sampler shall be of an approved design in good operating condition and vented to allow the escape of the fluid during sampling.

The sampler shall be assembled with the piston locked flush with the bottom of the sampling tube and then lowered into position. The activating rod of the piston shall then be firmly clapped to the drilling in a manner approved by the S.O. The sampler shall be of an approved design, in good operating condition and vented to allow the escape of the fluid during sampling.



The sampler shall be assembled with piston locked flush with the bottom of the sampling tube and then lowered into position. The activating rod of the piston shall then be firmly clapped to the drilling rig in a manner approved by the S.O.

The sampler is then forced into the undisturbed material at a rate 150 mm (1/2 ft) per minute. The sampling stroke shall then be 50 mm (2 in) shorter than the maximum stroke to prevent possible compression to the top of the sample. A minimum time to shear of 10 minutes shall then elapse before the sampler is rotated at least two full turns to shear the end of the sample. The assembly shall then be slowly withdrawn and cap place on the bottom of the tube immediately after removal from the top of the borehole. Under no circumstances should the sampler be advanced into the soil by rotation, hammering, jarring or other dynamic method.

3.1 Preservation and Storage of Samples

3.3.1 Disturbed Samples

Representative specimens of continuous samples and of each split barrel tube sample as described in Clause 3.1 of this Specification shall be preserved immediately after being recovered in wide mouth, airtight, clear glass jars scaled with a non-shrinking wax. Alternatively samples maybe placed in bags made of heavy gauged polyethylene sheeting of an approved thickness. Each sample shall be placed in 2 layers of such sheeting each layer sealed to form an air-tight bag.

The covers of the jars or the inner layer of the bags shall be marked with job number (provided by the S.O) the date, the bore hole and sample numbers the depth or elevations and the blow count A label shall then be affixed to the jars or bags, clearly and legibly showing the information and a visual identification of the type of material. The samples shall be consecutively placed, according to depth in protective boxes which shall be clearly marked to indicate their contents. The boxes shall be safely stored by the Contractor for transportation to the laboratory.

3.3.2 Undisturbed Samples

A maximum of 50 mm (2 in) of undisturbed material shall be taken from the top and the bottom of the tube make up a jar sample for both the top and bottom.

Subsequent to the preparation of these samples both ends of the sample will be coated with non-shrinking micro-crystalline wax to a thickness of about 40 mm sealed with wax and capped to ensure an airtight seal. The voids at the top and the bottom of the tube shall then be filled but not packed with either moist sand sawdust to prevent sample disturbance due to movement in the tube.

Both ends of the tube shall be then be capped and sealed with wax. The tube shall be marked using indelible ink to show the job number (provided by the S.O) the date the bore hole and sample numbers used to advance the elevation the recovery ratio and the maximum hydraulic pressure used to advance the sampler.



All the sample described above from undisturbed sampling shall be safely stored by the Contractor for transportation to the testing laboratory.

3.3.3 Rock Cores

The procedure for storage and preservation of rock cores shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2113-70 (1976). The D.I.D standard core box as shown in Figure 1 should be used.

The Contractor shall safely store the samples in marked boxes for transportation to a site specified by the S.O.

3.2 Submission of Samples

As the work progress or upon completion of the sub-surface exploration or when directed by the S.O the Contractor shall prepare selected specimens for transportation to the testing laboratory. They shall be property and carefully packed in a shock resistant manner to avoid breakage or disturbance during shipment. The boxes shall be clearly and legibly marked for easy identification.


4.1 Ground Water and Water Table

During all boring operations the Contractor shall record the level of ground water table Casings shall be pulled up 30 mm and left in the soil overnight and a reading of ground water level shall be taken the following morning. Readings shall be taken everyday before borings are made or continued. The method of measuring water level in the boreholes shall comply with ASTM STP 479. p.


Should impervious sub-soil be encountered which delay the accurate determination of this water level the S.O may designate certain bore holes as observation wells. At these specified locations the casings may be ordered left in place. In such instances the casing shall be capped with metal pipe cover perforated with one hole 3 mm (1/8 in) in diameter. The cover shall be applied tightly so that a pipe wrench is required to remove it. The water level records shall be submitted together with the borehole logs.


5.1 Standard Penetration Test (S.P.T)

Standard Penetration Test shall be carried out in conjunction with the sampling by split barrel sampler described in Clause 3.1 of this Specification. When obtaining continuous samples, Standard Penetration Test should also carry out at 1.5 m intervals or as directed by the S.O. The equipment and method for carrying out the tests shall be as described in Test 19-B.S 377:1975.



The value of N as defined in the BS Standard method shall be reported together with the number of blow counts for each 75 mm penetration of the sampling tube in bracket. The blow counts for the first 150 mm penetration (the seating drive) which do not contribute to the value of N shall also be included in the bracket. Two examples are N=42 ( and N=50/100 mm (28, 30, 35, 15/25 mm)

When a penetration resistance of 50 blows is recorded in the seating drive the test shall be stopped and the SPT value reported as N=50/x mm where x is the depth of penetration Boring shall then be continued as stated in Clause 2.8.

5.2 Vane Shear Tests

Vane Shear Tests shall be carried out in bore holes if required by the S.O. The equipment and method shall be as described in Test No.18 B.S 1377.1995.

The number and location of the tests shall be indicated by the S.O. In general vane shear tests shall be carried out when soft sensitive clays are encountered and at 1.5 m intervals within that same strata. Each operation shall include the determination for undisturbed and remolded strengths. Disturbed samples shall be taken for taken for moisture content determination and classification test.

5.3 Deep Sounding Tests

Deep Sounding Tests shall mean the “Dutch Cone Testing” using a mechanical friction-cone penetrometer as described in ASTM.D 3441-79 “Deep quasistatic, cone, and friction cone and friction cone penetration test of soil. The plant shall be of a type approved by the S.O and shall be capable of existing a minimum load of 100 kN. The cone shall be of a cross sectional area of 10 m. In general, measurement of cone resistance, friction, resistance and total friction shall be taken at 0.25 m interval up to a depth of 5 m and at 0.5 m interval for depths greater than m. Total friction resistance not mentioned in the ASTM shall mean the total frictional resistance developed along the entire length of the rod that depth.

The sounding is considered complete when the total resistance exerted on the rods exceeds 90 kN or when the sounding cone resistance exceeds 30 MN/m unless instructed otherwise.

When instructed by the S.O sounding shall be continued when the total resistance exerted on the rod exceeds 90 kN with the use of a friction reducer.

In such a case only the cone resistance needs to be measured and the operation shall stop when the cone resistance reaches 30 MN/m2. The method of carrying out the tests and recording the results shall be as approved by the S.O.

Before conducting the test, the Dutch Cone machine shall be anchored to the satisfaction of the S.O. If the anchors fail before the force limits mentioned above are achieved the test shall be suspended and the S.O must be informed immediately. The S.O shall decide on the next course of action.



The units to be reported are kN or the total friction, kN/m2 for the frictional resistance and MN/m2 for the cone resistance all to 3 significant digits.

5.4 Mackintosh Probes

The apparatus used shall be the standard “Mackintosh” probes.

Probing shall be stopped when the resistance has reached 400 blows/0.3 m penetration or the depth has reached 15 m, whichever is reached earlier, unless directed otherwise by the S.O. The exact penetration achieved after 400 blows (the point of refusal) must be recorded.

5.5 Field Permeability Test

Field permeability test shall be carried out if required by the S.O. The variable head and constant head test are as described in Chapter 21 – BS 5930:1981.

Other standards may be used with the S.O’s permission. When permeability tests ar requested the Contractor must take measures to prevent leakage between casing joints. Prior to conducting the test the natural water table of the soil must be observed and recorded. Permeability tests results must include brief description of the method used depth at which it was conducted and the natural water table.


The continuous disturbed and undisturbed samples taken from the site investigation and prepared ad described in Clause 3.3 are to be delivered to a laboratory approved by the S.O for laboratory tests as stated in Clause 3.4.

The following tests are to be carried out except where indicated otherwise.

6.2 On Disturbed Samples (including continuous samples)

1. Visual and Manual examination (ASTM.D 2487-69:1975 or BS 5930:1981)

2. Natural Moisture Content (Test 1 – BS 1377:1975) 3. Liquid Limit (Test 2 – BS 1377:1975)

4. Plastic Limit (Test 3 – BS 1377:1975)

5. Calculation of Plasticity Index (Test 4 – BS 1377:1975) 6. Linear Shrinkage (Test 5 – BS 1377:1975)

7. Specific Gravity (Test 6 – BS 1377:1975)

8. Particle Size Distribution (Test 7 – BS 1377:1975)



6.3 On Undisturbed Samples

All test carried out on disturbed samples are also to be carried out on undisturbed samples. In addition, bulk density test to be carried out using the method described in BS 1377:1975. The following tests may also be required if directed by the S.O.

1. Unconfined Compression Strength (Test 20 – BS 1377:1975)

2. Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression without pore-water measurement (Test 21 – BS 1377:1975)

3. Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test with pore-water measurement in accordance with method recommended by A.W Bishop

& D.J Henkel. E.I.B.S 1969 Edition or later.

4. One-Dimensional Consolidation (Test 7 – BS 1377:1975) 7.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS

7.1 Preliminary Borehole Logs

Complete, accurate and up- to date records shall be kept by the Contactor for submission to the S.O upon the completion of the field investigation or as otherwise directed by the S.O.

During the progress of each boring or probe the Contractor shall keep a continuous and accurate log of the materials encountered the procedure for advancing boreholes or probes the sampling procedure, in situ test results, ground water level artisan water pressure and any other pertinent data which could be indicative of available to the S.O for examination and recording at any time. Following the completion of each hole and before beginning a new hole, the S.O shall be furnished with two copies of preliminary borehole logs and records for the compete boring or probe.

7.2 Details Required In The Final Report

The final borehole logs to be included in the final report shall contain all information listed in the preliminary borehole logs. However, the soil description presented in the preliminary borehole logs shall be revised according to the laboratory test results and the amended descriptions presented in the final borehole logs.

Appropriate items from the list for deep boring shall be included in the log for hand augering.

For deep sounding the log-sheet shall contain tabulated field gauge readings and results of cone resistance, friction resistance and total friction, together with the reduced levels.

For Mackintosh probes the resistances in blows /0.30 m penetration shall be reported.



Details of laboratory results required to be included in the report are given below

(a) Moisture content value only

(b) Liquid limit plot of moisture content us blow or penetration (depending on method used) for a minimum of 4 moisture content points.

(c) Plastic limit value only (d) Specific gravity value only

(e) Particle size distribution semi logarithm chart of the lips shown in log 10 BS 1377:1975. A maximum of B curves (3 samples) of the same borehole are allowed on a single chart.

(f) Unconfined compression test unconfined test unconfined compressive strength moisture content bulk density dimension of specimen at failure, strain at failure the load against deflection test chart as shown in Figure 49, BS 1377:1975

(g) Unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test without pore-water pressure measurement (3 or more specimen): moisture content, bulk density cell pressure, maximum principal stress difference and mode of failure.

(h) Unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test without pore-water pressure measurement (3 or more specimen) plot of stress vs. strain, plot of Mohr circles and failure envelope, cohesion, angle of shearing resistance and all items in (g).

(i) One-dimensional consolidation test specific gravity, initial and final bulk densities and moisture contents plot of void ratio against the logarithm of applied pressure, tables of coefficient of consolidation, initial compression ratios, primary compression ratios and secondary compression ratios against pressure increment and also table of coefficient of volume compressibility against pressure increment.

(j) Organic matter content value only (k) Total sulphate content: value only

(l) Sulphate content of ground water value only (m) pH value only

(n) Constant head permeability test completed test data sheet as in Figure 3 ASTM.D 2434-68 (1974) and plots of velocity against hydraulic gradient



The finalized record shall include at least the following date:

(a) Dates of commencement and completion

(b) Name of Engineer Contractor and Contractor’s site agent (c) Make model number and type of equipment used

(d) Bench mark used for establishing elevation including description of its location and the datum which it is based.

(e) Location ground elevation and identifying number of borehole probes and reference to survey data (Location includes grid reference)

(f) Type of boring, including diameter and description of casing auger (g) Angle of inclination of the longitudinal axis of the borehole from the


(h) Weight of hammer, height of drop and number of blows required to advance the casing each successive 0.30 m (1 foot) if and when percussive boring is permitted

(i) Record of Standard Penetration Test as described in Test 19 – BS 1377:1975

(j) Length of samples obtained and Recovery Ratio

(k) Force or hydraulic pressure required to press undisturbed sampler (l) Elevation of the bottom of sampler at start of advancing of each sample

and elevation to which sampler was advanced

(m) Distance from the bottom of the sampler to the lower end of the sample when the sampler is not filled to the bottom and any other circumstances of obtaining the sample

(n) Bore log with soils described in accordance with BS 5930 or the Unified Classification System

(o) Elevation of ground water table, date and time of observation and elevation of casings and the elevation of bottom of hole. This shall be done daily at the start of work and after completion of the bore until the ground water table conditions have been established by the S.O.

7.3 Submission of Report

On completion of the Works the Contractor shall prepare proper site investigation and laboratory testing reports endorsed by Professional S.O comprising all relevant notes, remarks and pertinent information required by the Specification together with complete laboratory test results and the finalized boring and field testing records as described in Clauses 7.1 and 7.2 of the Specification

The Contractor shall submit a draft of his site investigation and laboratory testing report to the S.O for his preview and comment.

After receiving the comments of the S.O the Contractor shall proceed to prepare the final site investigation and laboratory report in one (1) original copy and four (4) duplicate copies which shall be submitted by the Contractor directly to the S.O suggested format for the final report is given in ANNEX A.






1.1 Introduction

This should include the objective of the sub-surface soil investigation

1.2 Scope of Works

A detailed list of works carried out comprising all subsurface site investigations should be listed


2.1 Exact positions of the boreholes should be presented A table showing the coordinates of these boreholes should be prepared

2.2 Field Investigation

A summary on the machinery and methods employed in the field exploration should be presented


3.1 Borehole Locations

A summary of the types of laboratory tests conducted as-specified should be presented


4.1 General

The should elude a summary the soil-properties and soil profiles

4.2 Interpolated Soil Profiles

The Interpolated soil profiles shall be simplified and the following parameters to be included:

(a) The Standard Penetration blow counts of the soft and hard strata (b) Field vane shear results of the clay layer

(c) Physical identification of the subsoil based on Unified Classification System

The interpolated soil profile shall be presented on standard A2 paper E/18



This should summarize the main points of the report


Appendix A – Borehole logs

Appendix B – Laboratory test results

Appendix C – Photographs of rock coring samples and undisturbed soil samples





1.0 The contractor shall carry out the total number of three (3) boreholes.

Locations of the test are as per attached drawings. Actual location on site shall be determined by the S.O.

2.0 Contractor must appoint Licensed Land Surveyor to carry out all setting out works and all positions must be clearly shown its respective coordinates.

3.0 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) in all boreholes shall be carried out at 1.5 m intervals

4.0 Obtain disturbed soil samples from every SPT split spoon sampler for classification test

5.0 Undisturbed soil samples in soft to medium stiff clay shall be taken using stainless steel open thin walled tube sampler as directed by S.O and vane shear test inside the borehole as directed by the S.O.

6.0 Boring in soil shall be terminated when one of the following is reached,

a) achieving ‘N’ values of 50 blows/300 mm in 5 consecutive b) rock is encountered and continuous rock coring of 3 m long c) the depth of boring work 45 m

7.0 To carry out soil laboratory test as stipulated in the specification and bill of quantities at the laboratory approval by S.O.

8.0 To collect water samples from boreholes or locations as directed by the S.O for chemical testing.




Ringkasan Sebutharga


(Tandatangan Penyebutharga)

Nama Penuh : ……….

No. K/P : ……….

Nama Jawatan : ……….

Cop Syarikat :……….


Kerja-Kerja Penyiasatan Tanah Bagi Rekabentuk Terperinci Bagi Kolam Takungan Bluewater, Seri Kembangan







3 INSITU TESTS (PART 9 : BS 1377 : 1990) F/4 - F/7



Catatan :

Dokumen Sebut Harga adalah dikira sebagai saling jelas-menjelas antara satu sama lain. Kontraktor hendaklah mengadakan segala yang perlu untuk melaksanakan kerja dengan sewajarnya sehinggalah siap mengikut tujuan dan maksud sebenar Dokumen Sebut Harga pada keseluruhannya sama ada atau tidak tujuan dan maksud itu ada ditunjuk atau diperihalkan secara khusus, dengan syarat bahawa tujuan dan maksud itu boleh difahamkan dengan munasabahnya dari dokumen Sebut Harga itu.


The time of completion of al works shall be 5 Weeks



Kerja-Kerja Penyiasatan Tanah Bagi Rekabentuk Terperinci Bagi Kolam Takungan Bluewater, Seri Kembangan



RM 1.1 Allow for Insurance of Works, Third Party Policy,

Public Liability Policy and other relevant insurance policies. (minimum cover for public liability:



1.2 Allow for Workmen's Compensation Policy or Socso

as required in the General Conditions of Contract. LS

1.3 Allow for the Compliance with the terms of the

Preambles of the Schedule of Rates LS

1.4 Allow for obtaining of approval and permit including payment, if any from the relevent authorities for execution of works.


1.5 Allow for provision of full time professional attendance on site for the duration of the site operations.


1.6 Provision of 5 sets of the final report (including as- built survey endorsed by licensed surveyor) and 2 sets of soft copy (in disc) containing the SI report in pdf format, all SI data in AGS format (in accordance to the Specification for AGS format) and soft copy of the as-built survey plan and photograhps showing boring rigs at all borehole locations, disturbed samples in split- spoon sampler, extruded undisturbed samples and rock cores and each pit face of trial pit with labelling and colour reference strip. Allow also for Digital Photographs showing boring rigs at all borehole locations, disturbed samples in split-spoon

sampler, extruded undisturbed samples and rock cores with labelling and colour reference strip, stored in CD-rom.


1.7 Provide additional copies of final factual report No. Rate Only

Total for Bill No. 1 carried General Summary



Bagi saya mudah untuk menderivasikan kata kerja lepas kepada kata kerja sedang dan kata perintah... Saya mudah menguasai

Pertama, CHI kekal dengan mekanisme struktur yang fleksibel bagi memudahkan kerja-kerja penyelarasan pelbagai pertubuhan dan persatuan yang mempunyai aspirasi

5.0 Undisturbed soil samples in soft to medium stiff clay shall be taken using stainless steel open thin walled tube sampler as directed by S.O and vane

Sekiranya pembida gagal mengemukakan Surat Akuan tersebut yang telah ditandatangani oleh pegawai Syarikat yang bertauliah, pembida tersebut akan dinilai sebagai

Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini bersetuju menjadi terikat oleh dan tunduk kepada Syarat-Syarat Kontrak dan Senarai Kuantiti yang terletak harganya dan/atau Spesifikasi

(b) LPHS akan mengisi kadar harga mengikut tafsiran pejabat sekiranya Kontraktor gagal memenuhi ruang tersebut.. SEBUTHARGA BAGI KERJA-KERJA MEMBAIKPULIH TANGKI AIR SERTA

Oleh itu, terdapat kata kerja transitif sebagai lawan kata kerja tak transitif, dan kata kerja aktif (tidak mengambil di- sebagai lawan kata kerja pasif

(b) Bincangkan dua kaedah pengorekan bagi penyiasatan di bawah tanah, dengan memberikan contoh-contoh ujian yang sesuai dijalankan bagi menyokong perbincangan