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A Thesis Submitted to the Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government In fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy

Universiti Utara Malaysia




I Salim Ibrahim Ali, declare that this thesis is my own work, unless referenced otherwise, and has been submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy from the School of Law, Government and International Studies of the Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2019 and no other Academic Institution.




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All praise be to Allah the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth for making this academic journey possible right from the very beginning up to the end. I wish to register my sincere appreciation to my supervisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainal Amin Ayub and Assoc.

Prof. Dr. Harlida Abdul Wahab for their patience, understanding and encouragement throughout the PhD journey. I ask Allah (SWA) to increase your knowledge and wisdom.

I equally thank the Dean and the academic staff of the School of Law, Universiti Utara Malaysia for the inputs that they have provided directly or indirectly during this journey. May Allah reward them all abundantly. Amen.

My family deserves to be appreciated. Special mention of my late father. May Allah forgive his shortcomings. To my mother, I wish to thank her for the guidance, upbringing and the overall moral, financial and spiritual support.

﴾ا ًريِغَص يِناَيَّبَر اَمَك اَمُه ْمَحْرا ِ بَر ْلُقَو ِة َمْحَّرلا َنِم ِ لُّذلا َحاَنَج اَمُهَل ْضِفْخاَو﴿

روس ءارسلإا ة –

ةيلاا 24

I equally wish to appreciate my siblings for all their support. Thank you.

Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my wife, and my children (Maryam, Reem, Sedra, Dawod, Mustafa, and Rayhana) for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you.




Berjuta-juta kanak-kanak di seluruh dunia berada dalam bahaya serta ancaman penderaan, pengabaian, buruh paksa, keganasan dan eksploitasi seksual. Konflik yang berterusan di Iraq menyebabkan berjuta-juta kanak-kanak terlantar kesan daripada peperangan. Akibatnya, kanak-kanak terpaksa berdepan dengan isu seperti buruh kanak-kanak, penculikan, direkrut bagi tujuan pertempuran serta keganasan seksual.

Iraq merupakan sebuah negara yang meratifikasikan kesemua konvensyen antarabangsa yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan terhadap buruh kanak-kanak namun dilihat dari aspek perundangan, tidak banyak yang dilakukan untuk melindungi kanak- kanak dari terlibat dengan buruh kanak-kanak. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk: (1) mengkaji undang-undang yang menjamin perlindungan kanak- kanak terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan aspek buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq; (2) mengkaji konvensyen antarabangsa dalam konteks perlindungan terhadap buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq; (3) menganalisis masalah undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan terhadap buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq; dan (4) mengemukakan cadangan mengenai perlindungan terhadap buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq. Kajian ini ditakrifkan sebagai kajian penyelidikan undang-undang dengan mengamalkan kaedah doktrinal melalui pendekatan sosio-perundangan. Temubual dengan sekumpulan responden turut dijalankan. Pendekatan metodologi ini membantu kajian dalam membina penjelasan yang sistematik tentang masalah undang-undang buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa pada masa kini, peruntukan undang-undang di Iraq yang melindungi hak kanak-kanak daripada buruh kanak-kanak adalah berselerak dan terdapat dalam undang-undang yang pelbagai seperti perlembagaan, undang-undang buruh, undang-undang jenayah, dan undang-undang pendidikan. Peruntukan undang- undang yang sebegini dianggap tidak mencukupi untuk melindungi anak-anak dari buruh paksa apa lagi untuk mengurangi penderitaan mereka. Walaupun Iraq mengesahkan kesemua konvensyen antarabangsa yang berkaitan, pelaksanaan undang-undangnya tidak selaras dengan piawaian antarabangsa. Melihat kepada permasalahan ini dan berdasarkan kepada konvensyen antarabangsa yang telah disahkan oleh kerajaan Iraq, kajian ini mencadangkan mekanisme perundangan yakni dengan menggubal undang-undang khusus dan komprehensif bagi tujuan memastikan hak dan perlindungan terhadap buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq. Ia juga mencadangkan untuk mengaktifkan peranan institusi bagi mengawal selia masalah buruh kanak-kanak di samping menuntut hukuman yang berat terhadap pelanggaran undang-undang.

Melalui pendekatan perundangan dengan mewujudkan undang-undang yang komprehensif dan institusi penguatkuasaan yang berkesan, perlindungan terhadap buruh kanak-kanak di Iraq dapat ditingkatkan secara positif serta dihapuskan secara beransur-ansur..

Kaka kunci: Perlindungan Kanak-kanak, Buruh Kanak-kanak, Iraq, Pencerobohan Amerika, Undang-undang Pekerja.




Millions of children around the world are in danger of abuse, neglect, forced labour, violence and sexual exploitation. The ongoing conflict in Iraq has left millions of children displaced by the war. As a result, children are facing child labour, abduction, recruitment into fighting, and sexual violence. Iraq has ratified all the international conventions related to the protection against child labour, and nothing much has been done to safeguard children against child labour. Therefore, the objectives of this study are (1) to examine the laws that governing child protection particularly in relations to child labour in Iraq; (2) to study the international conventions within the context of protection against child labour in Iraq; (3) to analyse the legal problems in relations to the protection against child labour in Iraq; and (4) to propose recommendations about the protection against child labour in Iraq. This study is defined as a legal research study that adopting a doctrinal research method with a socio-legal approach.

Interviews with a group of respondents are carried out. These kinds of methodological approaches assisted the research in building a systematic explanation of the legal problems of child labour in Iraq. The study found that, at present Iraq is using a piecemeal approach when the legal provisions that safeguarding the rights of the children and protecting them from child labour are scattered and available in different legislations namely the constitution, labour law, criminal law, and education law.

These patchy provisions are believed to be insufficient to completely protect children from forced labour or even to reduce their suffering. Although Iraq has ratified all the related international conventions, its legal implementation is not consistent with international standards. Considering this situation and relying on the international conventions that were ratified by the government of Iraq, the study recommends a legal mechanism for the protection against child labour by enacting a specific and comprehensive legislation for the purpose of ensuring the rights and protection of the children of Iraq. It also recommends for activating the supervisory role of current state institutions and exacting the heavier penalties on the violators of proscriptions against child labour. Through this legal approach of having a comprehensive legislation and an effective enforcement institution, the protection against child labour in Iraq can be positively improved and gradually eliminated.

Keywords: Child Protection, Child Labour, Iraq, US Invasion, Labour Law.














1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem Statement ... 6

1.3 Research Questions ... 11

1.4 Research Objectives ... 11

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 11

1.6 Research Methodology... 12

1.6.1 Research Design ... 12

1.6.2 Research Scope ... 14

1.6.3 Data Types ... 15

1.6.4 Methods for Data Collection ... 15



1.6.5 Data Analysis ... 21

1.7 Limitations of the Study ... 23

1.8 Literature Review ... 24

1.8.1 Definitions of Operational Terminologies... 25

1.8.2 Child Labour ... 26

1.8.3 Child labour in Iraq ... 33

1.8.4 Gap in Literature ... 44

1.9 Outline of Chapters ... 44


2.1 Introduction ... 46

2.2 Historical Background of Child Labour ... 48

2.2.1 Child Labour in Ancient Civilizations ... 48

2.2.2 International Principal Directions on Child Labour ... 54

2.2.3 Activities of the International Organizations against Child Labour ... 57

2.2.4 Child Labour in Developing and developed Countries ... 62

2.3 The Conceptual Frameworks of Child Labour... 83

2.3.1 Scope of Child Labour... 83

2.3.2 Socio-Economic Factors Related to Child Labour ... 90

2.3.3 Major Factors in The Perpetuation of Child Labour ... 97

2.4 Conclusion ... 102


3.1 Introduction ... 104

3.2 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 ... 105



3.3 Optional Protocols to the CRC on Sex Trafficking and Armed Conflict ... 113

3.4 ILO Conventions on Child Labour ... 116

3.4.1 The Minimum Age Convention 1973 (No.138) ... 116

3.4.2 Convention of Worst Forms of Child Labour 1999 (No. 182) ... 118

3.4.3 The Worst Forms of Child Labour Recommendation No. 190 in 1999 ... 131

3.5 The Application of International Standards for Child Labour in Iraq ... 140

3.6 The Setting of Child Labour ... 151

3.7 Conclusion ... 154


4.1 Introduction ... 157

4.2 The Legal Framework ... 158

4.2.1 International Conventions ... 158

4.2.2 National Commitments ... 158

4.3 The Role of Trade Unions in Combating Child Labour ... 169

4.4 The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Iraq... 171

4.5 Summary of Findings from Interviews ... 174

4.6 Conclusion ... 177


5.1 Introduction ... 179

5.2 Background ... 180

5.3 Negative Effects of Child Labour ... 182

5.4 Motivations to Child Labour in Iraq ... 185

5.4.1 Social Motives ... 185



5.4.2 Economic Motives ... 186

5.5 Risks of Child Labour ... 186

5.6 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Iraq ... 187

5.7 Education and Its Effect on Child Labour ... 189

5.8 The Sale and Trafficking of Children in Iraq ... 191

5.9 The phenomenon of Recruitment of Children in Iraq ... 193

5.10 Iraq Legislation and International Conventions ... 196

5.11 Finding ... 202

5.12 Conclusion ... 206


6.1 Introduction ... 208

6.2 Findings ... 209

6.4 Recommendations ... 210

6.4.1 Reforming A Legislation ... 211

6.4.3 Establishment of the Institutions ... 214

6.4.4 Raising Awareness Level and Support ... 217

6.5 Recommendations for Future Research ... 217

6.6 Conclusion ... 218






Table 1.1 Child Violations

Table 1.2 Categories of Respondents Interviewed for the Research




Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969.

Iraqi Labour Law No.37 of 2015.

Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81).

Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138).

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography 2000.

Optional Protocols to the CRC on Sex Trafficking, Armed Conflict.

Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Stockholm Declaration and Agenda for Action, Stockholm, 1996.

The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq, 2005.

The Declaration of 1924.

The Paris Principles, Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups, 2007.

The United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. (CRC)

Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, U.S. Department of State.

Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (182).




AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund UN United Nations

ILO International Labour Organization

UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USA United States of America

NGO’s Non-Government Organizations DRC Declaration of the Rights of the Child MAC Minimum Age Convention 1973 STP Sex Trafficking Protocol

CSEC Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children OSH Occupational Safety and Health

ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Sham PMF Popular Mobilization Forces

ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant YPJ Women’s Protection Units

YBS Sinjar Resistance Units HPG People’s Defence Forces PKK Kurdistan Worker’s Party IDPs Internally displaced persons BC Before Christ

UNDP United Nations Development Programme


xiv GDP Gross Domestic Product FDI Foreign Direct Investment

ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Council USD United States Dollar

UK United Kingdom

EU European Union

OPSC Odisha Public Service Commission THB Trafficking in Human Beings OCGs Organized Crime Groups ATM Automated Teller Machine WFCL Worst Forms of Child Labour

NCCI Non-governmental organizations Coordinating Committee in Iraq NCMEC National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children

CEACR Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations




Appendix I Summary of The Thesis

Appendix II Interview Protocol (English Version) Appendix III Interview Protocol (Arabic Version) Appendix IV Informed Consent Form (English Version) Appendix V Informed Consent Form (Arabic Version) Appendix VI List of Elite Interviews




1.1 Background of the Study

Children represent an important role for the vital categories of the nation today and for the future. Thus, the international law has recognized child rights since 1924, following the adoption of the first International Declaration on the Rights of the Child by the League of Nations.1 Subsequently, the human rights instruments utilized by the U.N., like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, coupled with such regional instruments as the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man advocated that human rights be devoid of violence, abuse and exploitation.2 Such rights were applicable to everyone, including children, and they were further extended in other instruments like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966. Nevertheless, the International consensus promoted the need for a new instrument that had explicit terms laying out the specific and special rights of children.

Therefore, by 1989, the General Assembly adopted the CRC, which has since become the most extensively ratified human rights treaty in the history of mankind, achieving ratification by almost every major human rights entity.3

1 Thomas Hammarberg, "The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and how to Make it Work,"

Human Rights Quarterly 12 (1990): 97.

2Beth A Simmons: Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2009), 308.

3 Louis B Sohn, "The New International Law: Protection of the Rights of Individuals Rather than States," American University Law Review 32 (1982): 24.




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The Recommendation No. 190 of Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182).

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The United Nations - Iraq (UN Iraq), http://www.uniraq.org/index.php?lang=en (Accessed September 22, 2018).



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