• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan

Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Academic year: 2022

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Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

July 2016



In the Name of Allah, Mo t Graciou , the Mo t Merciful

Praise and thanks be to Allah, who has seen me through to thi level in my academic achievement and for helping me accomplish thi ignificant re earch.

This thesis is the result of the collecti e effort of a number of important people who directly or indirectly assisted and supported me during my doctoral studies. To these people, I owe my gratitude and thank . First and foremost I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my main uper i or Dr. Muhamad adhil Nurdin who provided guidance, encouragement and upport throughout the completion of this thesis. I would al o like to thank my co-super isor Profe or Dr.

Azlinda binti Azman for all her guidance and encouragement which has had significant impact in the completion of this the is.

Special appreciation is extended to the Princess ourah Bint Abdulrahman University, the administrator and tudent ofDammam Univer ity AljoofUniver ity, Jazan University. King Abdulaziz Univer ity and King aud Uni er ity and the Royal mbassy of Saudi Arabia for facilitating the procedure and pro iding th n ce ary support. My unfailing gratitud is xt nded al o to th exp rt who had pro ided their in ight for the compl tion fth r earch. p cia! thank t th taff: of the chool of

ocial ct nc In titute of raduat tudi (IP ) and th Library at th ni er iti atn Malay ia forth ir coop ration and a i tance.

p cial thank al o go t Dr. bdul lah 1 ala\\ i and Dr. M han1n1 d Alharbi D r their a i tanc and ncourag m nt p rtaining t 111 a ad n1ic journ y in th c untry a w ll a th uni er ity in particular. inall ', I w uld lik t -har tny appr ciati n and gratitud t my par nt m~ hu band and childr n; all h, Ghada

orah Lina, bdulaziz and haday, and th r t f n1y broth r



for their continuous love, patience, encouragement and prayers gtven during the period of completing this thesis.









CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction ... 1

1.2 Research Background ... 2

1.3 Statement of the Problem ... 11

1.4 Research Questions ... 16

1.5 Research Objecti es ... 16

1.6 Research Hypotheses ... 17

1. 7 ignificance of the Study ... 19

1.8 cope oftl1 tudy ... 0 . . 21

1. 9 audi Arabia: Country Profile ... 0 . . . 21

1.9.1 0 r iew and Hi tor ... 21

1. 9.2 Politic ... 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 1.9.3 G ographical Location ... 23


1.9.4 Current and Projected Population ... 25

1.9.5 Religion, Language and Demographic Factors ... 25

1.9.6 Economy ... 27

1.9.7 Education System ... 29

1. 9. 8 I CT Infrastructure ... 3 0 1.10 The Emergence and Role of Social Communication Networks in Saudi Arabia ... 32

1.1 0.1 Internet Penetration in Saudi Arabia ... 32

1.1 0.1 (a) Censorship of the Internet in Saudi Arabia ... 33

1.1 0.1 (b) Accessibility of Social Networking Sites in Saudi Arabia ... 34

1.1 0.2 Face book Penetration in Saudi Arabia ... 36

1.1 0.3 Twitter Penetration in Saudi Arabia ... 39

1.11 Definition of Terms ... 40

1.12 Outline of the Thesis ... 50

1.13 Chapter Sumn1ary ... 52

CHAPTER TWO : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction ... 53

2.2 Perceptions of ocial Interaction ... 54

2.2.1 Identification of ocietal Influence on Social Interaction ... 57

2.3 Hi tory of the ocial N twork De lopm nt ... 59


2.3.1 Emergence of the Social Media Phenomenon Globally ... 60

2.3.2 Emergence of the Social Media due to Technology Boom ... 61

2.3.3 Examples of Social Communication Network ... 62

2.3.3(a) Facebook ... 64

2.3.3(b) Twitter ... 67

2.3.4 Users of Social Communication etwork ... 70

2.4 Impact of Social Communication Networks ... 71

2.4.1 Communication and Information Sharing ... 71

2.4.2 Marketing and Consumerism ... 72

2.4.3 Enhanced Learning Opportunities ... 73

2.4.4 Socialization and Communication ... 75

2.4.5 Freedom of Speech and Social Communication Network ... 78

2.4.6 Perceptions on the Positi e and egati e Impact ofFacebook and Twitter ... 80

2.4.7 Perception and Roles of Social Communication etwork in Institutions for Higher Education (HE) in Saudi Arabia ... 81

2.4.8 Perception on Facebook uch a the Inten it of ag and their Privacy Preference ... 83

2.4.9 The Impact of ocial Communication twork on the Formation of Social Relation ... 86

2.4.1 0 Impact of Social Communication tworks on Int rp r onal Coi111nt1nication ... 87


2.4.11 Impact of Social Networks on Cultural Identity ... 88

2.4.12 Impact of Social Networks on Social Values ... 89

2.4.13 Negative Impact of Social Communication Network on Women, their Families and Friends ... 92

2.4.14 Impact of Social Communication Network on Global Societies and the Demolition of Barriers ... 93

2.4.15 Improvement in Education for Saudi Women via Social Media and Electronic Medium ... 94

2.4.16 The Impact of the Internet and Social Communication Network on the Social Reformation of Saudi Arabia and the Arabic World ... 95

2.4.17 The Impact of the Internet and Social Communication Network on the Political Mobilizations ... 98

2.5 Social Media ... 100

2.5.1 Definitio11 ... 100

2.6 Social Policy ... 102

2.6.1 Social Policy Development Ba ed on ocial Networking ... 103

2. 7 Internet Use and ocial Work Perspecti ... 105

2.7.1 The Impact of ocial Media in ocial Work Practice ... 113

2.8 Theoretical Framework ... 117

2.8.1 General y tern Theor (G T) ... 117

2.8.2 General ystem Theory Definition ... 118

2.8.3 Concept of Social Sy tern ... 121




2.8.4 Types of System ... 121

2.8.5 Elements of the System ... 122

2.8.6 Characteristics ofthe System ... 124

2.8.7 Weakness in Human System ... 125

2.8.8 General Systems Theory and Social Work ... 125

2.8.9 Pincus-Minahan Model ... 125

2.8.1 0 Intervention Steps of Pincus - Minahan Model in Social Work on the Light of GST ... 126

2.9 Importance of General Systems Theory (GST) as a Framework of Inquiry ... 129

2.10 Conceptua1Framework ... 131

2.1 0.1 Intervention of Social Media on the Formation of Social Relations 133 2.1 0.2 Intervention of Social Media on Social Policy and Practices ... 135

2.11 Chapter Summary ... 137


3.1 Introduction ... 138

3.2 Research In trum nt ... 139

3 .2. 1 Research De ign ... 13 9 3.2.2 R arch trategy ... 140

3 .2.2( a) Quantitati e M thod ... 141

3 .2.2(b) Qualitati e Meth d ... 141



3.2.2(c) Content Validity ... 142

3 .2.2( d) Survey Instrument ... 142

3.3 Data Collection Method ... 143

3.3 .1 Primary Data Collection ... 143

3.3.1(a) Primary Data Collection via Questionnaire Surveys ... 144

3.3 .1 ( a)(i) Close-Ended Questionnaires ... 146

3.3 .1 (b) Operational Defmition ... 15 8 3.3 .1 (c) Research Variables ... 160

3.3.l(d) Primary Data Collection via Focus Group Interview ... 161

3.3.1(e) Primary Data Collection for Interview (Expert) ... 163

3.3.2 Secondary Data Collection ... 165

3.4 Sampling Procedures ... 166

3 .4.1 Targeted Population ... 166

3.4 .2 election of Re pondents ... 166

3 .4.3 thical Consideration ... 168

3.5 Data Collection Procedure ... 169

3.6 PilotTe t ... 170

3.7 Con truct and Content Variability ... 174

3. 8 R liability tati tics ... 17 5 3. 9 Reliabilit tatistics for Attribute ... 176

3. 1 0 tati tical Analy i ... 1 77 3.11 Objecti and I-Iypoth i ... 178



3.11.1 Quantitative Study ... 178

3.11.2 Qualitative Study ... 182

3.12 Chapter Summary ... 182

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS 4.1 Introduction ... 184

4.2 Response Rate ... 184

4.3 Students' Demographic Characteristics ... 186

4.3.1 Students' Demographic Characteristics, Study Information and Devices Used ... 186

4.3.2 Students' Study Information ... 187

4.3.3 Students' Information about Devices Used ... 190

4.3 .4 Demographic Characteri tics of Qualitative tudy ... 192

4.4 tudents' Demographic Characteristics, tudy Information and Devices Used With Type of ocial Media ... 194

4.4.1 tudents and Face book ... 194

4.4.1 (a) Students' De1nographic Characteri tic with Facebook ... 194

4.4.1 (b) Student tudy Inforn1ation with Tvvitter. ... 195

4.4.1(c) tudent ' Information about D ice U d With Facebo k ... 196

4.4.2 tudent and Twitter ... 197

4.4.2(a) Student Demographic Characteri tic with Twitt r ... 197


4.4.2(b) Students' Study Information with Twitter. ... 197

4.4.2(c) Students' Information about Devices Used with Twitter 199 4.5 Students' Answers about Social Network Sites ... 199

4.5.1 Students' Answers about Facebook ... 199

4.5.2 Students' Answers about Twitter ... 202

4.6 Students' Perception towards Social Network Sites ... 203

4.6.1 Students' Perception towards Facebook ... 203

4.6.2 Students' Perception towards Twitter ... 205

4. 7 Students' Answers about the impact of social communication networks on interpersonal relationships, religious and cultural identities ... 207

4.8 Students' Answers about Prefened Way of Communication ... 210

4.9 Students' Answers about the Impact ofUsing Social Network Sites ... 215

4.10 Correlating Factors Affecting the Interpersonal Relationships ... 219

4.11 Factors Affecting the tudent Perception ... 223

4.11.1 Factors Affecting the tudents' Perceptions ofFac book ... 22'"' 4.11.2 Factors Affecting the tudent ' Perception of Twitter ... 225

4.11.3 Factor Affecting the tud nt Interper onal Relation hip ... 227

4.12 Predictors of tudent Interper onal Relationship ... 228

4.12.1 Predictor of tud nt Int rper onal Relation hip ofFac book ... 228

4.12.2 Predictor of tud nt int rpersonal relation hip ofT, itter ... 229

4.13 Impact of predictor ' int raction of tudent ' interper onal relation hip ofFacebook ... 230


4.14 Other changeable factors of using the social networking sites affecting the

tudents' perceptions and interpersonal relationships ... 232

4.14.1 Other changeable factors of using the Facebook affecting the students' perceptions and interpersonal relationships ... 232

4.14.2 Other changeable factors of using the Twitter affecting the students' perceptions and interpersonal relationships ... 23 5 4.15 Summary Results ... 237


5.2 The Extent of Usage of Social Communication Networks Among University Students in Saudi Arabia ... 245

5.2.1 Demographic Character. ... 245

5 .2.2 Student Answers about Social etwork ite ... 251

5.2.2(a) Facebook ... 251

5.2.2(b) Twitter ... 253

5.3 The Perception among Uni er ity tudent toward ocial Communication etworks ... 254

5.3 .1 Th Perception among U ni ersity tud nt toward Fac book ... 254

5.3.2 The Perc ption among 111 er ity tud nt toward Twitter ... 256

5.4 The impact of social communication network on ocial and int rpersonal relation hip among univer ity tud nt in audi Arabia ... 257



5.4.1 Interpersonal Relationships, Religion and Culture Identity ... 258 5.4.2 The Preferred Way of Communication ... 261 5.4.3 The Impact of Using Social Network Sites ... 263 5.5 Recommendation ... 272 5.5.1 Theoretical Contributions ... 272 5.5.2 The Model of Social Policy and Social Work Based on

Social Network Interventions In General System Theory ... 274 5.5.3 Proposed Professional Intervention General System Theory ... 275 5.6 Limitations of the Research ... 284 5.7 Suggestions for Future Research ... 285 5.8 Conclusion ... 286 REFERENCES ... 288 APPENDICES




Table 3. 1 The design of questionnaire Table 3. 2 5-point Likert-type scales

Table 3. 3 Cronbach' s alpha value guidelines

Table 3. 4 Item-total statistics for questions related to Facebook Table 3. 5 Cronbach's Alpha for questions related to facebook Table 3. 6 Item-total statistics for questions related to Twitter Table 3. 7 Cronbach's Alpha for Questions related to Twitter Table 3. 8 Reliability Test for all items

Table 3. 9 Reliability Statistics for Attributes

Table 3.10 Summary of Application of Statistical Analysis Table 4. 1 Summary ofResponse Rate

Table 4. 2 Students' Demographic Characteristics Table 4. 3 Students' Study Information

Table 4. 4 Socio-Demographic Characteristic of the Interviewe s Table 4. 5 Students' Demographic Characteri tics with Face book Table 4. 6 Students' tudy Infonnation with Facebook

Table 4. 7 Students Infonnation about Device U ed with Fac book Table 4. 8 Students Demographic haracteri tics with Twitter

Table 4. 9 Student tudy Information with T-vvitt r

Table 4.10 tudents Infonnation about Devices U d with Twitt r Table 4.11 Student Answer about Facebook

Table 4.12 Students' Answer ab ut T~'itter

Table 4.13 tudent ' Perception toward Facebook



151 157 170 171 172 173 174 176 176 179 185 186 188 19')

194 195 196 197 198 199





Table 4.14 Students' Perception towards Twitter 206 Table 4.15 Students' Answers about the impact of social communication

networks on Interpersonal Relationships, religious and cultural

identities 209

Table 4.16 Students' Answers about the Preferred Way Of Communications 211 Table 4.17 Students' Answers about the Impact of Using Social Network Sites 215 Table 4.18 Correlation between Perception (Facebook and Twitter) and the

Students' Interpersonal Relationship 220

Table 4.19 Affecting Factors of Students' Perception towards Face book 224 Table 4.20 Affecting Factors of Students Perception towards Twitter 225 Table 4.21 Affecting Factors of Students Interpersonal Relationship towards

Facebook 227

Table 4.22 Predictors of Students' Interpersonal Relationship with Face book 229 Table 4.23 Predictors of Students' Interpersonal Relationship with Twitter 230 Table 4.24 Impact of Predictors Interaction on the tudents Interper anal

Relationship with Facebook 231

Table 4.25 Changeable Factor Affecting the Student ' P rception and

Interpersonal Relationships about Facebook 232

Table 4.26 Predictors ofU ing the Facebook on tud nt ' Perception of

Facebook 234

Table 4.27 Changeable Factor Affl cting th tudents Perception and

Interper onal Relation hip about Twitter 23 5 Table 4.28 Predictor ofU ing the Twitter on tudent ' P rception ofT, itter 236

able 4.29 Predictor ofU ing th Twitter n tud nt ' Interper anal

Relation hip 2J 7


Table 4.30 ummary of the Quantitative Results Obtained in This tudy 237 Table 4.31 ummary of the Qualitative Re ult Obtained in This tudy 240

L 1



Page Figure 1.1 Breakdown of Face book u ers in the Gulf Council

ountrie (GCC), May 2014 (http://www.mbrsg.ae). 37 Figure 1.2 Penetration of selected social networks in audi

Arabia as of2nd quarter of2014(http://abunawaf.com.) 38 Figure 1.3 Twitter Users in Arab Nations (http://sabq.org/dlbfde) 39 Figure 2.1 Active ocial network users by ocial platform.

(http :1 /was- g. wa cdn. net/wp-content/) 65 igure 2.2 U ers of Twitter by Nation ( tati ta ite.peeneach.com) 68 Figure 2.3 The model of general system theory (palaeo .com/co mic) 124 Figure 2.4 Conceptual framework of the intervention of social communication

networks on forming social relations among the university

tudents in audi Arabia (Arab ocial Media Report, 20 12) 134 Figure 2.5 Conceptual fram work ocial media inter ention on

th formation of ocial relation among uni r ity tudent 1n audi

Arabia (Arab ocial Media Repo11 20 12) 135

igure 2.6 nceptual fran1 w rk of ocial m dia int r ntion on ocia1

policy and practice (K 11 r. 20 13) 1 6

Figure 3.1 trat gi of th tudy 141

igure 4.1 D mographic di tributi n f g nd rand ag gr up 1 7 Figur 4.2 Di tributi n of tud nt 1n audi uni r itie ba don th 1f

p cialty 1 9

1gur 4.3 Di tributi n of tud nt In audi uni r iti ba d n

their y ar of tudy 1 9




igure 4.4 Distribution of audi Universities and type of study Figure 4.5 Students' Information about Device U ed

Figure 4.6 Distribution of using different media based on the devices Figure 5.1 The proposal to face the negative effects of social network

on social relations and cultural as well as religious identity for

university students. G: gender, UN: university Per & Art: perception a: Age

X 111

190 191 191





urvey Questionnaire

Focus Group with tudents and Interview with Experts Results

Approval Letter

' 1




Kebelakangan ini, terdapat corak peningkatan dalam fenomena penggunaan rangkaian sosial. enomena ini mempunyai impak positif mahu pun negatif kepada rna yarakat moden, terma ukiah di negara Arab audi yang tidak terkecuali daripada fenomena tersebut. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelajar universiti menggunakan rangkaian sosial terma ukiah Facebook dan Twitter dalam menentukan impak rangkaian sosial k ata pembentukan hubungan osial dalam kalangan pelajar univer iti di Arab audi. Kajian turut mengenal pa ti peranan rangkaian sosial dalam promosi identiti budaya dan agama pelajar uni rsiti. Kajian ini juga bertujuan mengemukakan konsep da ar so ial dalam menghadapi impak penggunaan rangkaian so ial. Kajian ini dijalankan ke ata 1,000 orang pelajar di lima (5) buah universiti di Arab audi iaitu King aud Uni er ity King Abdulaziz Univer ity, Dammam ni er ity, Aljoof Uni er ity dan Jazan niver ity. Temu bual epara b r truktur dijalankan dengan 30 orang p lajar t rpilih dari uni r iti-uni r iti ter but dan d ngan tiga (3) orang pakar dari King bdulaziz ity of c1 nc and Technology orang ( 1 ) kakitangan t i y n dan orang ( 1) I briti witt r Arab audi. Ha il kaj ian m ndapati t rdapat p r, p i ang tinggi dal m kal ngan pelajar uni er iti t rhadap rangkaian o, ial ( c b ok dan 'A> itt r) dan p nggunaan rangkaian o ial ini banyak didomina i ol h g Iongan 1 laki. Kaji n juga menunjukkan baha" a impak p itif t rma ukiah n1 nd dahkan p lajar k pada p n rimaan pandang n p nyertaan dal n1 m tnb ri p ndapat dan p nglibatan diri dalam rna yarakat t mpatan dan global. llnpak n gatifyang palinb m n njol daripada penggunaan rangkaian ial adalah k lemahan dan k hancuran hubunban ial


nilai-nilai sosial dan agama yang semakin berkurangan erta kelemahan kemahiran pelajar dalam berkomunikasi secara berhadapan. Kajian ini mencadangkan keperluan untuk penambahbaikan berkenaan rangkaian komunika i o ial dan kesan-kesannya di kalangan pelajar univer iti. Cadangan-cadangan yang dimajukan melalui dapatan kajian ini meliputi peningkatan dalam komunikasi di peringkat in titusi kekeluargaan, osial, pendidikan, pihak berkuasa dan belia, peningkatan dalam pendidikan dan kesedaran mengenai kesan rangkaian komunikasi sosial dan kemahiran yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan rangkaian komunikasi o ial secara positif peningkatan dalam pemantauan dan kawalan media osial· dan akhir ekali dialog di kalangan pengamal sistem ocial dan keperluan kajian lanjut oleh pakar-pakar kerja o ial mengenai fenomena baru dalam rangkaian komunikasi sosial. elain itu kajian komprehen if di masa hadapan dari aspek kepercayaan, kebudayaan dan politik juga perlu diberi perhatian. Kaj ian ini turut menunjukkan keperluan usaha bersepadu daripada keluarga kejiranan, rna jid, universiti dan institusi kema yarakatan untuk menangani impak fenomena global ini.





In recent year , there has been a ri ing trend in the u e of ocial networking.

This phenomenon has positive and negative impacts on modem ociety including audi Arabia is not in isolation from such impact. Thi study wa conducted to find out how university students use social networks, which include Facebook and T' itter.

It also determine the per onal impact of social networking on t ocial relation hip among university student in audi Arabia and looking at the ocial network 1 role in the promotion of cultural and religious identity of the uni ersity student . The tudy seeks to propose a conceptualization for ocial policy in the effect of the u e of ocial networks. A survey was conducted on a total of 1000 students at five ( 5) univer ities in Saudi Arabia, which include King aud University King Abdulaziz Uni ersity Univer ity of Dammam, Univer ity of Al-Jouf and Jazan Uni er ity. emi tructured intervi w wer conducted among 30 tud nt from the lect d uni r iti and with three (3) p ciali t £ion1 the King Abdulaziz ity for c1 nc and echnology, one ( 1) t le is ion per onnel and on ( 1) audi Twitt r celebrity. h tudy finding ha e indicat d that ther i a high p rc ption of uni r ity tud nt toward ocial n twork (Facebook and witt r) and th u f ial network a d minat d by n1al h tudy al o point d ut that th po iti itnpact includ op ning tud nt t th ace ptanc of i w a well a participation in gt 1ng pini n and ngagtng 1n community locally and globally. h m t promin nt negati in1pa t f th u f

ocial networking i th weakn in and di int gration f ocial r lati n , din1ini hing cial and r ligiou alu and th w akn of th tud nt 1 1 ill in c n1muni ating fac -to-fac ffl cti ly. Th tudy r con1m nd d th n d


r maj r in1pr m nt

X, ll


with regard to the social communication networks and it impact among university student . The recommendations involve improvement in communication between familial in titutions, authoritie , ocial institutions, educational in titutions and the youth ; improvement in education and creating awareness about the impacts of social communication network and skills related to using ocial communication networks positively; improvement in monitoring and control of social media; and lastly di cussions among the takeholder of the social ystems and further research by experts of social work about new phenomena in ocial communication network . The study also ugge ted for a more comprehen ive future tudi on other variables in terms of faith, culture and politics. The tudy al o pointed out on the need for concerted efforts of the family, neighborhood mosque uni er ity and all working in the community institutions to counter the impacts of this global phenomenon.

, Ill




1.1 Introduction

The first chapter of the thesis intends to introduce readers on the research topic. The chapter presents the research background, problem tatement research aim and objectives, re earch que tions and re earch hypothe es that serve as the main framework for the further development of the re earch such as literature review and survey instruments. The significance of the tudy show the importance of th tudy outcome both a a contribution to the literature and a a refl renee for future researchers on the impact of ocial communication network on Personal impact among the university students in audi Arabia.

The scope of the tudy pre ent the limitation and the boundary of th research, uch as the ubject of tudy and th re earch que tions explored in th pre nt tudy. allowing that a li t key term and t rminologie a ociat d with

ocial media and ocial networking it . Th country profile of audi Arabia i evaluated to gain a deep r under tanding on b th th phy ical and cial

nvironment of the country and th influ nc of the factor on th u f cial network . Th focu of lnt rn t u ag in audi Arabia al ng with th ir d finiti n are pr nt d to a i t th r earch r in und r tanding th c nt , t f cial n1 dia

network a w 11 a nt th i . in lly.

the chapter un1mary will b pr ent d t draw a conclu i n of th chapt r and introduce read r, t the £( 11 wing chapt r.



1.2 Re earch Background

In the recent year , there has been an escalating trend in the phenomenon of ocial communication networks. Users of social networking site ( ) have increased dramatically all over the world including users from both lei ure time and

at the workplace. Since the dawn of the early civilization , a sociable environment and ocial networking is formed as a process of human interaction . By regarding social networking as part and parcel of human's daily interaction it is not urprising that the advancement of technology uch as the World Wide Web (WWW) per onal computers and mobile de ices such a mart phones ha contributed toward the rapid emergence of social networking sites in a significant cale.

The boom in the usage of technology among the society ha pread globally encompassing both the younger and the older generations. The high u age of technology as a communicative channel also demonstrates a high reliance and tru t placed by the ociety. The di tance between global citizen ha been r duced due to globalization a well a the ad ancem nt of the Int rn t. Thi ph nom non pr nt both po itive and negati e implication to th mod rn ociety. dvanc 111ent 1n t chnol gt ha brought con n1 nc to c mmunication atnong m n1b r f dif:D rent oci ti tn dif:D r nt l cation a w ll a h lp acquaintanc to tay conn ct d- uch a among fan1ily n1 f th audi rabian c n1n1uniti wh li in diff r nt countri du to in1n1igrati n nd tud ing abr ad.

om r arch r ha al pr nt d th argun1 nt that technology ha enabl d a mor f:D cti and intin1at l

th oci ty a c mpar d t c n nt i nal fac -t -fac int ra ti n . hi i ' 1 n d by the u age f th ocial m dia by influential p r naliti uch a political l ad r



in Saudi Arabia have a mean of interacting with their audiences and constituents (Scarpino & Al hif, 2013). There is also a high preference among the members of the ociety to interact via online social networking in tead of face-to- face communications. This condition may re ult in the deterioration of relationship with friends and family and other forms of interpersonal relationship.

This worldwide phenomenon ha initiated researchers to tudy the impact of social media such as the intensity of usage versus users' communication quality. In

audi Arabia, strong relationships and bonds with family member are part and parcel of their culture and way of life, and thi condition ha been pre er ed o er generations. However, it does not imply that their state of relationship and the way they communicate will stay free from the influence of the proliferation of social networking sites. Like other nations all over the world there i a pos ibility that inhabitants in Saudi Arabia particularly the younger generations who participate aggressively in social network may weaken the ocial interaction within their community while increasing their interaction with family member and fri nd who li abroad.

ocial networking ite ( ) were cr at d in th mid 1 990 and ar al o known a ' ocial m dia,. It wa initially a no lty a not n1any p pl could u it due to th low u ag of the Int rn t and con1put r . How er. one th Int rn t b cam acce ibl to anyon with a dial-up c nn ction, th u ag f cial nelvvorl ing it proliferat d. In Lh b ginning of 2000' , th 1 of int raction an the quality of i ual content in i 1 m dia ha 1n1pro d ' ith th 1 un h of nutn rou it that all w d u cr to upload. tnak num r u n1odification and p "'t

their c 1nm nt ba d on th e cont nt . In a hort a half d cad , th u r of

'ocial n tworking it ha 1n rg d to a ignificant nun1b r 'C ding t n f



millions, thus shifting the usage of these sites from a mere Internet-based activity to an important means of communication globally. ven though the u age of technology a a communicative channel varies at different levels the function of social networking sites ( NS) in connecting the world globally has a more collective effect.

Social networking sites are unlike the Internet as it serves as a untque platform for different and undisputable creative way to interact. For example popular site such as Facebook and Twitter erve as a communicative channel which

have established a new way of communication and enable different level of interaction ranging from close to casual acquaintances. The high reliance of the society on social networking ites and mobile devices as one of the main channel for

communication has captured the attention of researchers to evaluate the impact of social networking sites on day-to-day acti ities of the ociety particularly their Per onal impact and interper onal relation hip .

The ocial networking it with the highe t u r i Fac b k. It v a initially launched only for the u er in Har ard ni r ity by a then ophon1or at the Har ard Univ r ity Mark Zuckerb rg on bruary 4. 2004. pon it relea to th world in eptemb r 2006, th it ha gain d imm diat popularity and ha 400 1nillion of u er world\ id ( arl on, 201 0). h it ha a total f r gi t r d 1.23 billion u er globally toward the nd of 2 1 with an additi n of 170 milli n u r

mobil d IC which nabl th c

from ad erti ing firm (Ki , 2014 ). h u r

who u the ite for l 1 ur acti iti a w 11 a prof!


an 1n m

ryd thr ugh c ding 1 bn ok con1pri of b th i itor nally. uch a th cr ation f


official pages of numerous internationally broadcasting establishments like British Broadca ting Corporation (BBC) and U A's Cable News etwork (C ).

The social networking site is formed with variou applications and content that enable its users to generate, engage, and participate in interactive activities. It is a communicative tool and serves as a platform for different and creative ways to interact with other users. Additionally, it functions as a platform for bonding beyond social interactions, uch as psychology supports and information and knowledge sharing among others. Other functions of Facebook include "social searching' and ''social browsing '. The first term i used to de cribe activitie related to searching for contacts and individual information and the latter is used to define activitie performed with the aims to generate interaction and forming acquaintance of other users on the site (Lampe et al., 2006). The site is also typically used by its users for keeping in touch with their acquaintances and maintaining one s social tie particularly among long-distance interaction through me aging application and to enable its u er to track other u er based on common a pect of on · profile, uch a geographic information educational background and common fri nd among oth r (Join on, 2008).

Another popular ocial networking it i Twitt r. It i a microblogging er 1c ite launched in October 2006 rnainly u ed a rn diun1 for inb rn1ati n haring through a ''r -tw t" 1n chani n1. Microblogging r fj r t a n w cone pt of communication wher u r p t hort m ag d ribing th ir cutT nt a tiviti or

tatu e (Java t al. 2007). Th re i a wid pr ad popularity with micr blogging ite which enabl it u r to pr d information mor imply and rapidly ompar d to con entional blog . Wh n a u r po t a 1n ag r inb rmati n n Twitt


th action i call d 'Lw t'. imil rly, tn age ar call d "t\


and can b vi w d


by other u ers of follower . ollowers of a Twitter user choose to receive or view all the tweets posted by this particular user, who normally is a famous or influential person. Like Face book, there has been a rapid growth of site users in Twitter since its launch. It is reported in 2014 that there is a total of frequent 230 million u ers. The usage of the site is so widespread that the scientists use it to observe the society s behaviour such as depression (Frizell, 2014 ).

From a communicative tool to enable creative interactions between user social networking sites has emerged into a platform for advertisement inve tigation tool, information and news sharing platform a digital tmage and ideo torage gamtng arcade and a meeting point for the society in general. Therefore an assumption can be asserted that social networking sites have a profound influence towards the communication pattern of the society due to its large number of u ers.

Another interesting aspect regarding the use of ocial networking site i the pattern of news and information dispersal and acqui ition among u er . The function ofthe e site a a meeting point for the ociety ha created an alternati e channel for the

haring of information.

imilar to the Int rn t which nable a rapid acqui iti n of infc rmation among it u er , social networking ite enable it u er to hare information among oth r u er and eventually a ingl p1 ce of infonnation r a h d out to a larg numb r f u er . nd r thi inforn1ation baring pattern, it u r f rn1 th ir ov n broadca ting n twork by functi ntng a both auth r nd r ad r and d t rm1n1ng what t be publi h d' . h rapid gr wth of u r n cia I n tv or king it and it ubiquit in daily life all o r th world ha influ nc d th way m d rn audi Arabian communicat and form ocial relation , particularly an1ong th y ung r gen ration . In the highly con r ati audi Arabian nati n th Int rn t nly



began its operation in the end of 1990s. The department of Computer ciences and ngineering in King ahd Univer ity of Petroleum & Minerals (K UPM) in Dhahran

is the first institution that used the Internet (AI-Tawil, 2001 ). Today there are Internet users all over the world. In 2010, Internet user have exceeded 2 billion individuals. Similarly across the Arabic nations, the number of Internet user is rapidly increasing.

The survey by the Arab Advisors Group in 2009 has stated that there are 40- 45 million Internet users acros 16 Arabic nations. Another report (The Arab Knowledge Report 2009) states that 60 million Internet u er ha e been reported in the same year. Recognizing the potential of Internet usage in the region the fir t G- Days conference was organized in two Arabic nation (Egypt and Jordan) in December 2010 with the objective of gathering IT -related expert in the region uch as IT business owners, software scientists and programmer alike. Also in the conference, it has been stated by the corporation that the number of Internet u er 1n

audi Arabia will exceed 10 million indi idual (Ghannam 2011 ).

Given to the late introduction of Int rnet in compari on tooth r c untri , the impact and influence that brought by the Int rnet to th nati n ar till in th

arly tage. In the literatur , th in1pact of Int rnet and th long-t rm p t ntiaL ad antageou and di ad antag ou ocial implication a ciat d v ith th u ag f Int rn t hav be n r ported. in1ilar to th Int rn t u age, th nun1b r f u r ha b n rapidly incr a ing aero th Arabic nation . The Arab o ial M dia R port Mout1ada and alen1 (20 11) ha e r p 11 d on a tudy nduct d t L an1in th number of ac book u r cro 22 nati n encotnpa d in th ·abic r gion which include lg ria Bahrain, om r , Djibouti, gypt Ir q, J rdan, Kuv aiL L banon Libya Mauritania, M rocco man, audi ·abia


n1alia udan, yria,


Tuni ia, UAE and Yemen. he statistics that shows Facebook penetration in the countries were obtained from the period from April to December 2010 in separate demographic categories as defined by age and gender groups. The findings reported from the study regarding Facebook usage tn audi Arabia are shown in the statements encapsulated in the following:

There wa a 78% ofincrea e in the number of Facebook u er (from 1.198 million user in January to 2.136 million u ·er in Decen1.ber 201 0) (p. 4).

The penetration rate of Face book u ·er among Arabic nation wa 6. 77%

toward the end of201 0 (p. 4).

The penetration rate of Facebook user among Arabic nation wa from

the UAE where 45% and above of it inhabitants owned Facebook

account (p. 4).

The usage of Face book wa dominated by the G C nation (p. ~).

Approximately 4. 7 million u er from Egypt compri ed of 22% from the total Facebook user in the region (p. 4).

The u age of Face book i · dominated by the younger group · of inhabitant · between 15-29 year old (p. 4).

Demographic analy i ugge ted that there V1 ere more male u er than female u er of Facebook at the cede of 2:1 a compared to equal ratio in

mo t nations globally (p. ~).

In the econd edition of th r port publi h d in ~0 12 the u ag of Face book and witter continued to be gi n th focu . Th tati tic in thi dition w r obtained from th p riod from Januar and Jun 2012 al tn parat d m graphic categorie a d fin d by ag and g nd r group . Th finding r p rt d from th tudy r garding acebook u ag 1n audi Arabia ar hown in th tat m nt n ap ulat d in the following:



There was a 50% of inc rea e in the number of Face book u er (from 2. 984 million u er in June 2011 to 4. 519 million u ers in June 2012 (p. 7).

The penetration rate of Facebook user among Arabic nations exceeded 12% and down to 8% toward June 2011 (p. 7).

In the duration of 2 years between June 2010 and June 2012, Face book u ers in all 22 Arabic nation grew three-fold from 16 to 45 million individual (p. 7).

The number of female Facebook u ers hawed an in ignificant growth (merely 33.5% to 34% in 2011 and decrea ed again to 33.7 in June 2012) which wa comparatively lower compared to female u er globally (p. 7).

Since April 2011, the u age of Facebook i dominated by the younger groups of inhabitants betvveen 15-29 year old at 70% (p. 7).

The penetration rate of Face book users among Arabic nation wa from the UAE (p. 7).

The u age of Face book in the region wa dominated by the Gulf Council Countries (GCC) nation as ranked by UAE, Kuwait, and Qatar respectively (p. 7).

All over the world, regular ite user of Twitter have exceeded 500 million user in the early of 2012 that ent out 2 billion twe t weekly. cro the Arabic nations o r 2 million active u r of Twitter ha e been reported in Jun


12. Thi

i equivalent to ov r 172 million twe t ent out in a tnonth or o r 5 million tw t in a day. The u age of Twitt r i dotninat d by urk y with a tagg ring n1or than 1 million u rs. cro th Arabic nation , th u ag of Twitt r in th r gion wa don1inated by th g pt and D llow d by audi Arabia and Kuwait


Lebanon whil Kuwait ha the high t Twitter p n tration rat at 12. % ( rab ocial M dia Rep 1t 20 12). or languag pr f r nc atn ng T\\ itt r u r in th rabi nati n Arabic and ngli h ar th tno t pr f rr d. H w ' r, th nun1b r f t-v

ent out in the Arabic language (62.1 %) i ignificantly high r a mpar d t tw t ent out in ngli h (32.6% ).


In the literature, the usage of social networking sites i largely connected to the role it played on the ri e of political movements across the Arab nations. Political movements are allegedly assi ted by the widespread of information and the anonymity of using the Internet and social networking sites thus gave rise to mas movements like the Arab Spring. However, there have been disputations among researchers on the role of social networking sites on these movements. While some researchers agreed that social networking sites has resulted in the formation of exten ive social network and has been used by political group as a communicative channel to spread information other uggested that other ariables uch a demographic factor are held responsible for the uprising of the mo ement. Thi not disputable given that younger groups below the age of 30 con i ted of up to 70o/o of the population in the Arab nations, a phenomenon regarded as ' youth bulge' by sociologist (Aljabre, 2011 ).

The connection between ocial networking ites and the younger g neration al o due to the fact that this group make up the majority u er oftechnologie and the Int rnet like any oth r pat1 of the world. The high u ag of inti rmation technology among a larg part of the ciety coupl d with th wid pr ad of information nabl d by u ing ocial n tworking it and th Int rnet ha brought a n w wa e of con ciou ne to the oci ty and mad th 111 realiz d about th truth that revol around th ir li ing c ndition, thu r ult d in n1a p litical riot . th r than th hun1an right p r p cti cial n tw rking it larg ly influ n th oci ty' b ha i ur and int raction g1 n to th f int ract i n and corrununication m d tern1ining oci tal b ha 1our. Thr ugh th id u ag f t chnol g Int rnet m bil d 1c and th Int rn t th c mn1unication b tv n



di tinctive groups of societies and cultures have widened and enable the exchange of different influences and behavioural patterns.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

he contemporary world is witnessing an accelerating boom in the field of communication and information technology. The technological advancement has made the world a global village where information travels to all parts of the globe in fractions of a second, and no doubt that this has influenced communities to accept the

change that come with it. It may bring a direct or indirect in1pact on indi idual and in titutions and communities.

In the present day, social networking ites have become part and parcel of the daily social interactions. It has emerged as one of the means of communications and serves as the platform for interactions between individuals and bu ine ses alike through adverti ement, and news sharing.

ocial communication networks uch a Facebook and Twitter offer lement that could be u d to enhance ocial upport int r ntion and in de loping ocial policy to str ngthen the Per onal impact among th m mb r of th c rrununit . The e elen1ent include th haring and aggr gation of u r ' p r onal inD rmation re eal d to oth r u r . Th in1pact of th ocial c n1munication n t\\>ork

ignificant and effici nt on the function of ocial upp rt and th d lopm nt f ocial policy ba d on th high lum f u age an1 ng th m mb r of th oci t du to the prolifl ration of Int rn t u ag and th gro th in th inD rn1ati n t chnol gy and mobile d ice indu try. It ha wid n d th n1n1un1 ati n am no b th memb r f the ci ty uch a ta cial n tw rking nd nabl n1or p litical

1 1


and social participation and generates new wave of social and interpersonal relationships including commercial and trades.

audi Arabia is a one of the contemporary and developing societie of the world is not far from this revolution. Therefore it is also getting familiar with in the innovations and adaptation to gain benefit from this phenomenon. Traditionally family units in Saudi operate within a larger system of extended familie and communities through communication and participation only in the country but now with the accessibility of internet the Saudis particularly the younger generation are connecting with people from all over the world. Admittedly ocial communication network in the world has expo ed u ers to variou different iew and belief: . Previously Saudi Arabia was a clo ely guarded ociety where external influence or occurrences do not infiltrate easily into the society and internal output to the world is also limited. With the new exposure made pos ible by global ocial communication network previous belief: and practice may have changed and could potentially bring po itive or negati e outcome .

In thi regard el ctronic communication n twork ar a ubj ct with two contra ting vtew . Fir tly the e it pro id an opportunity chang of human communication and knowl dg and elilninat the banier of tim . It b com plac that increa th c n erg nc f p opl and rai th d gr f int ract ion and cr at new cial r lation hip , and a tren1 nd u an1ount of acti n happ n in th trading bu in , con mic and trad -off . I low r condl it n titut a ource of r al dang r t Per onal in1pact and n1a) 1 ad to di a trou ffi ct or a ciation . It could I ad to a ociety' br ak fr n1 ultural traditi n , i lation and th di integration of the fabric of p r nal and cial lifi . It ha b n argu d that



ocial media had hijacked the family life to the extent that it reduces the chances of interaction and communication.

While most attention is given on the role of social communication networks on political mobilization and human right issues in the Arabic nation few research is conducted that determines how these networking sites influence the formation of social and interpersonal relation hips among the ite users in the region. A study conducted by carpino and Alshif (20 13) evaluating the impact of social networking sites on the function of global societie and the demolition of barriers between these ocieties. The study was conducted based on the rationale that the methods and means of social networking are constantly changing globally through the development of technologies. The impacts exerted by social networking on audi Arabian residents li ing in the U.S. was evaluated and how social networking skill were being used by the subject of tudy to close the gap and strengthen their cultural identities with time and distance from their homeland. From the finding mo t respondent agreed that ocial networking degrade per onal relation hip bond and this po e a a significant threat to th a p ct of ocial r lation wher bonding i a crucial part that form the audi cultur and it degradation cannot be tak n lightly.

I lowe r th tud al o hown that th r are both po iti e and negati impact a sociat d with social networking on the communication among audi rabian , and th impact depend th ind i idual b ha ior .

Anoth r tud conduct d by lja ir t al. (201'"') n ral factor 1n

·acebook u ag among ar ity tud nt 111 audi Arabia u ing a lf-admini t r d qu tionnair t aluat th p rc pti n f tud nt on Fac b ok u h a th int n ity of u ag and th nc . h tudy had al o n1 a ur d th d mographic factor of ac b ok u r in th r gt n.



Al-Tiyar (20 14) in his study of " ocial etwork (Twitter) and It Impact on Values ofUniversity tudents" found that the mo t ignificant negative effect of the network of communication was being able to conduct illicit relations with the opposite sex, neglect in religious rites, along with their impact on the value , and that

the mo t important positive effects represented in access to news the country in which we live, learn new things through social networks, to :fi-eely expre s their opinion, enabling skip the barrier of hame.

hat digital technology crept into the pattern of social interaction, paving the way to the emergence of new patterns of social relations characterized b.,

pontaneou communication and increasing surface breadth and diver ity. Thi merger between technology and social relations by means of ocial communication has become a norm.

Another tudy wa conducted by amir (2013) on the e aluation of the perception of uni er ity tudents in Kuwait on the positi e and negati impact of

acebo k and Twitter. Th tudy d mon trated that the u age of cial n tworking sit contribut d to an impro ed communication among acquaintance and r ult d in high r ocial interaction . Th tudy al o howed that th high u ag ocial n tworking it among Unl r ity tud nt wa accompani d with n gati con equ nc uch a a cad mic n olio b b nc . Oth r tudie condu t don th impact f

ocial n tw rk it on th int rp-r nal c mmunicati n am ng ar it tud nt howed that there wa a po iti con lation on th int n ity f it u ag and the int rper onal c n1munication am ng tud nt ( 1-Khaddam, 201 tudi had xplor d the impact f ial c nununicati n n 1\ ork on th

fact r , int n ity of it u ag and th impa t f th it n int rp r nal communicati n .



rom the literature, it can be concluded that more studie have been conducted on the issue of human rights and the freedom of peech regarding the use of social communication networks in audi Arabia due to the recent political mobilization and mass protests that took place in the region. Even though orne studies have been conducted on the impact of social communication networks on the communication and interpersonal relation among Saudi Arabian youth the copes are limited to certain communication elements uch as the positi e and negative impacts brought by the ite to their face-to-face interaction .

everal a pects ha e not been explored uch as the perception of ar ity tudents in Saudi Arabia on the role of communication network in expanding their social networks and making new acquaintances, empowering them to influence change in their communities and how they perceive these site on trengthening their cultural and religious identity and helping them to understand their oci ty better.

Other aspect that has not been evaluated by other re earcher i the perception of varsity tudents in audi Arabia on ub tituting face-to-face communication with social communication network . 1 o, thi tudy pro id in ight to the patt rn of

ociai communication n twork in a wider ar a co ering the diffl r nt region of audi Arabia and not only concentrat d in el ct uni er iti within an area. he d mographic factor e aluated in thi r earch ncompa d g nder, ag . n1m·ital tatu . uni r it I cation and l 1 of ducation among oth r fa tor a pp d to pre 1ou tudi that look d at 1 r d n1ographic factor . dditi nally. th tudy pr ent a r earch conundrun1 on th r I f cial c nm1un1

ocial int rv nti n to upport comn1unicati acti iti in th

1n d 1 of cial p licy ba d on cial n tw rk int rv nti n ning th cultural and r ligiou identity an1ong Arabic tud nt c uld b d



1.4 Research Question

In this study, focus is given on the personal impacts of social communication network (Facebook and Twitter) among the university student in audi Arabia. The extent of usage in these social communication networks, the perception among university students in audi Arabia towards social communication networks and the impact of these social communication network on their social and interpersonal relationship will be evaluated. This study aims to provide answers to t~e following questions based on the evaluation of the impact of social communication net\ orks on personal impact among the univer ity tudents in audi Arabia:

Ql: What is the extent of usage of social communication networks among univer ity students in audi Arabia?

Q2: What is the perception among un1 er ity tudent m audi

Arabia towards social communication network ?

Q3: What is the per onal impact of ocial communication

network on ocial and int rp r onal relation hip among univer ity tudent in audi Arabia?

To an w r the e re arch qu tion both qualitati and quantitati data coil ction method ar appli d. Que tionnair ur 1 u d for quantitati data collection whil a focu gr up int r 1 w 1 u d f( r qualitati m th d

1.5 Re earch Objective

Th r earch ain1 to d t nninc th p r nal in1pact of ci 1 cotnn1uni ati n network among th un1 r ity tud nt 111 audi rabia and th ffi n y f cial



network intervention on strengthening their cultural and religious identity. Based on

thi , three research objectives have been developed in the present study:

1. To determine the extent of usage of social communication networks among university students in audi Arabia.

2. To determine the perception among university students 1n audi Arabia towards social communication networks.

3. To analyze the personal impact of ocial communication networks on social and interpersonal relation hip among uni ersity student in Saudi Arabia.

4. To develop a model of social policy based on ocial network interventions on strengthening the cultural and religiou identity among Arabic students which help them to understand their society better.

1.6 Research Hypothe e

In order to d termin the per onal impact of ocial communication n twork among the uni rsit tud nt 111 audi rabia, the following hypoth ha ben defined to aid th an wering of re arch qu tion . r th quantitati m thod u d.

alt rnativ a w 11 a null hypoth ., ha b n forn1 d in accordanc t th r arch objecti e. H0 1 to H09 h w the null hyp th . In quantitati m thod, alt rnati hypothe e ar ace pt d wh n ther w re ignificant finding from tati ti al t t ,

uch a ignifi ant arianc b tw en ariabl . Oth rwi alt rnati hyp th had to be r ject d and null h poth w r ac ptcd.

Hol h re no relati n hip b tw n ocial c 1nmunicati n n twork nd



interper onal, religiou , and cultural identities among university students in audi Arabia who u e acebook and Twitter

HAl There is a relationship between social communication networks and interpersonal, religious and cultural identities among univer ity students in

audi Arabia who u e Facebook and Twitter

Ho2 There is no significant correlation between students perception on the use of Face book and Twitt r and their interper onal relationship

H \2 There is a significant correlation between students' perception on the use of Facebook and Twitter and their interpersonal relationship

H03 There is no significant correlation between tudents, preferred way of communication and their interpersonal relationship

H 3 There is a significant correlation between tudent ' preferred way of communication and their int rper onal relation hip

Ho4 There no relation hip betwe n demographic charact ri tic and interp r onal r lation hip an1 ng tud nt who u e Fac book

Th re a r lation hip betw n demographic hara t ri tic and interp r onal relation hip a1nong tud nt who u Fac book

HoS Th r no r lation hip b tV\ n d mographic haract ri ti and int rp r onal relation hip an1 ng 'tud nt " h u e witt r

Th r a relation hip b t\ en d mographic hara t ri ti and interper onal r lation hip an1 ng tud nt who u Twitt r



H06 There i no relationship between the univer ity and interpersonal relationship among students who use Facebook

H \6 There is a relationship between the university relationships among students who use Facebook

and interpersonal

H0 7 There is no relationship between university and' interpersonal relationships among students who use Twitter

HA 7 There is a relationship betvveen university and interpersonal relationships among students who use Twitter

H08 There IS no relationship between the predictors' interaction and interpersonal relationships among student who use Facebook

H 8 There is a relationship between the predictors' interaction and interper onal relationships among students who use Facebook

H09 There IS no relationship between the predictor ' int raction and interpersonal relation hip among tudent who u witt r

HA9 here i a r lation hip betw n th predictor int racti n and int rp r onal r lation hip' among tud nt who u Twitter

1. 7 ignificance of the tudy

ocial n tworking it pro ide a platform £( r anou cial int racti n uch a cotnm rcial ad erti m nt inD rmation and n w baring platforn1, digital in1ag and id o torag , gaming arcad and a n1 ting point~ r the t y in g n ra l. T h n tng ocial communication n tw rk in th audi Arabia and all r th w rid ha affect d the wa of con1munication, informati n harin0 and the forn1 ti n f and



interper onal relation hips. By convention, social interactions take place v1a the gathering and meetings of acquaintances or face-to-face interaction . The emergence of networking sites have influenced the ways individual interact with one and another thus alter the formation of social and interpersonal relationships among site u ers.

The outcome of the study may serve both as a contribution to the literature and a a reference for future researchers on the impact of social communication networks on the formation of ocial relations and in trengthening the di ciplines of

ocial work and practices. In the field of ocial work practices are enabled ba ed on the effectiveness in consuming, producing and applying the theories from re earch conducted in order to produce outcomes that are effecti e, appropriate and e idence-

based. Researches are used as a powerful tool to inter ene with the lives of the community and society alike. In the current research and its relation to social work, the contributions are directed in the area of ocial media intervention on th forn1ation of social policies and actual practice of ocial v ork . Thi is ba ed on the perception that ocial network and onlin communitie ar unique and influ ntial to ocial communication particular! in relation to the und r tanding of th oci ty, th trength ning of cultural id ntity a w 11 a r ligiou identity.

A compared to th pr IOU tudi conduct d n th int r ntion of ocial In dia n th rabic c mmunity :D w r arch ha b n onduct d to d t rn11n

0111 a p ct f u ing cial c n1muni at ion n twork uch a th p r pti n of ar ity tud nt in audi rabia on th rol of c Inmuni at ion n twork in , panding th ir ocial n twork and n1ak n w a q uaintanc 1 in tnpow ring th m t influenc change in th ir c n1muniti and h w th p rc th it n

tr ngth ning th ir cultural and r ligi u, identit and h lp th m t und r tand th tr



society better. In addition, the study al o intend to explore the perception of varsity students in Saudi Arabia on sub tituting face-to- face communications with social communication networks.

1.8 Scope of the Study

The focus group of the tudy is university students in Saudi Arabia. This selection is made based on the assumption that younger generations participate more aggressively in social networking site .

Therefore research intends to evaluate the Personal impact of ocial communication networks among the e univer ity student . In addition trong relationships and bonds with family member are part and parcel of the culture and ways of life among Saudi Arabians. Therefore, it prompts the researcher to investigate the impact of social communication network on the tate of their interpersonal relationship and the way they communicate with each other. elf- admini tered que tionnaire ha been distribut d to a much tudent a po ible through different channel such a manually and u ing the Int rnet to btain a bigg r population ample and hence a n1ore r liabl r ult.

1.9 Saudi Arabia: Country Profile

1.9.1 Overvie·w and Hi tory

h Kingdom of .. audi Arabia i, the larg t ountr in W t ia and on,. of th mo t con er ati nati n gl ball . h vv alth br ught by th ri h il r n ha tran formed th country fl- 111 an econ micall ba kvvard nati 11 t am ng th rich t globally. The nam f th nation i riginat d


m th ruling family f

aud. Th family tart d t rul t c untry in th 18111 century. h trong r ligiou



identity in audi Arabia i contributed by its statu a Prophet Muhammad place of birth and the practice of Wahhabism, an ultraconservative interpretation of the Islamic religion (BBC, 20 13). Wahhabism is the most dominant faith practiced in Saudi Arabia. Practices according to Wahhabism are according to the literal translation of the Koran. According to critics, the ultraconservative and trict interpretations of the religion have resulted in the birth of religiou extremi t such a the Taliban (www.pbs.org).

The country is I lam s place of origin and the location of it holy lu·ines.

King Abd-al-Aziz (the Lion of ajd) founded the country in 1932 by o ertlu·o\ving the Hashemite ruling family. Besides the tatus as a ruler the king of audi Arabia i also responsible to guard the holy slu·ine ; hence the title Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. King Abd-al-Aziz is also regarded a the founder of the modern audi Arabia. Following a campaigns which lasted for three decades, the King ha

ucceeded in unifying the Arabic Penin ular. After the king death e ral of hi male desc ndant ha e taken o er the ruling of audi Arabia, which i tated und r the country' Ba ic Law amend d in 1992. The main focu of th ruling amily during th 20111 century wa modernization, and th pr r ation of tability fl-om extr mi t which had prompt d the countr to tation

folio ing Kuwait' a ault in 1990.

1.9.2 Politic

arm1e 1n audi Arabia

audi ·abia i rul d by h reditary n1onarch which uppr th D rn1ati n of political pat1ie . pp iti n includ th by r ligiou n1il it ri fr n1 o er ca organization . in1il r t it hi t ry th m d rn p litical nt in audi

ar und a n of th country truggl D r tability, uppr



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