• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan



Academic year: 2022









A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master Information Technology

Kulliyah of Information and Communication Technology International Islamic University Malaysia

January 2016




The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a necessity for the education sector. Many governments have implemented strategies to push the adoption of ICT as medium and support for teaching and learning in schools.

As manifested in the literature, today, more and more schools adopted electronic learning (e-learning) as part of their teaching delivery. Interestingly however, despite increasing number of e-learning adoption, the literature shows that the level of usage rate is rather low in developing countries. Therefore, it is the aim of this study to examine of the factor affecting the e-learning behavioral usage continuance intention.

The study was conducted through the use of Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) as the research framework. The data collected in this study was based on 151 responses, collected from the high school and secondary school in Cambodia. The adapted and modified questionnaires were designed using the 5-point Likert scale and the chi square and PLS-SEM was used to test the affected factor and internal consistency of research instruments. A series of chi-square analysis was conducted to the e-learning benefits and advantages against the demographical factors (age, gender, and level of education), and SEM-PLS Algorithms is used to test internal consistency reliability, indicator reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity.Through SEM-PLS, a model was developed to explain the influencing factors that affect the students’

intention to continuously use internet in their learning activities. A bootstrapping method was used to determine the relationship between variables. A number of findings emerged in this study. Among others is positive influence of self-efficacy, perceived quality and perceived usefulness on the satisfaction. A set of recommendation is provided to assist education sector, in Cambodia in particular, in order to motivate students to use e-learning and provide student with greater advantages.



صخلم ثحبلا

نا مادختسا ايجولونكت

تامولعملا تلااصتلااو

حبصا رما

يرورض يف

عاطق ميلعتلا

. ريثكلا نم

تاموكحلا تذفن

تايجتارتسا عفدل

هاجتاب ينبتل

ايجولونكت تامولعملا

تلااصتلااو طيسوك

يميلعت معدو

هسيردت هميلعتو


سرادملا .

مويلا امك ىلجت يف


ديزملاو نم

سرادملا تنبت



ءزجك نم

ميلعتلا .

ديازت نم مغرلا ىلع ،مامتهلال ريثملا نكل

مادختسا لدعم ىوتسم نأ ةساردلا رهظيو ،ينورتكللإا ملعتلا دامتعا ددع يه ةساردلا هذه نم فدهلا نإف ،كلذلو .ةيمانلا نادلبلا يف ام اعون ضفخنم ىلع رثؤت يتلا لماوعلا نم كولسلا

.ينورتكللإا ملعتلا رارمتسا مادختسلاا ةي

رربملا لعفلا ةيرظن مادختسا للاخ نم ةساردلا تيرجأ دقو (TRA)

ىلع ةساردلا هذه يف اهعمج مت يتلا تانايبلاب تدنتسا دقو .ثوحبلا راطإك 151 مت .ايدوبمك يف ةيملاسلإا ةيوناث ةسردم نم اهعمج مت يتلا ،ةبوجلأا

ت تانايبتسلاا ميمصت ليدعتو اهفييك

مادختساب اه 5

تركيل سايقم ةطقن Chi


مادختسا ناكو PLS-SEM

قاستلااو ةررضتملا لماع رابتخلا

ايازمو دئاوفل عبرم ليلحت نم ةلسلس تيرجأ دقو .ثحبلا تاودأ نم يلخادلا لا ،رمعلا( ةيفارغوميدلا لماوعلا دض ينورتكللإا ميلعتلا ىوتسمو ،سنج

تساو ،)ميلعتلا مادخ


قاستلاا ةيقوثوملا رابتخلا تايمزراوخ

رشؤم ةيقوثوملاو ،يلخادلا نم .ةحص زيامتلاو ةحص ةبراقتمو


مزع ىلع رثؤت يتلا ةرثؤملا لماوعلا حرشل جذومن ريوطت للاخ PLS

مت مث .ملعتلا ةطشنأ يف تنرتنلال رمتسم لكشب اهمادختسا ىلع بلاطلا لا سابلإ ةقيرط مادختسا نم ددع رهظ .تاريغتملا نيب ةقلاعلا ديدحتل ءاذح

ةءافكللال يباجيلإا ريثأتلا ريغ ىرخأ رومأ نيب نم .ةساردلا هذه يف جئاتنلا نم ةعومجم ميدقت مت مث.حايترلاا ىلع ةدئاف ةرظنو ةكردملا ةدوجلا ةيتاذلا نم ،صوصخلا هجو ىلع ايدوبمك يف ميلعتلا عاطق ةدعاسمل تايصوتلا يفحت لجأ مادختسا ىلع بلاطلا ز

ايازم عم بلاطلا ميدقتو ينورتكللإا ميلعتلا





I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion; it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Information Technology.

I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion; it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Information Technology.

This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Information System and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information Technology.

This dissertation was submitted to Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology and is accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the Master degree of Information Technology.


Mira Kartiwi Supervisor


Mira Kartiwi Supervisor


Suhaila Samsuri Examiner


Asadullah Shah

Head, Department of Information System


Abdul Wahab Bin Abdul Rahman Dean, Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology




I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigation, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as whole for any other degree at IIUM or other institutions.

Sary Alvy

Date ………...

Signature……….. ……






Copyright © 2016 by Sary Alvy. All right reserved.


No part of this unpolished research may be reproduce, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below.

1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may only be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement.

2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (prints or electronic) for institutional or academic purpose.

3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries.

Sary Alvy

Signature ……… Date ………..






My parents for fatherly role and care throughout my life, My Brother and sister who has given me the courage, My adoptive parents, who always support for Master Degree and Anjar Ruspita Sari, who support and courage during do Research.




All praises be to Allah (SWT) for his mercy and quidance in my entire day to endeavour.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Ass Prof.Dr.

Mira Kartiwi for her professionalism and valuable guidance in the completion of this dissertation. I owe her a lot for what she taught me during this Research.

Thanks to Anjar Ruspita Sari, for help, support and encourage me during the hardest time of this process until finish this dissertation.

Especially thanks to my adoptive parents and the whole family, for their unconditional love and support material include tuition fees during my Master Degree.

Finally biggest thank to my parents: my mother, father, brother and sister, for their unconditional love, full support and encourage me throughout the entire period my graduate studies.




Abstract ... ii

Abstract in Arabic ...iii

Approval Page ... iv

Declaration ... v

Dedication ... vii


Table of Content ... ix

List Of Tables ... xii

List of Figures ...xiii

List of Appendix ... xiv

CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction ... 2

1.2 Background of the Study ... 3

1.2.1 Cambodia Islamic Centre (CIC): The Case Study ...5

1.3 Problem Statement ... 6

1.4 Objective of Study ... 7

1.5 Research Questions... 7

1.6 Significance of the Study ... 7

1.7 Scope of the Study ... 8

1.8 Limitation of the Study ... 9

1.9 Definitions of Terms ... 9

CHAPTER TWO : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction ... 10

2.2 The Concept of E-Learning ... 10

2.2.1 E-Learning Definitions ...11

2.3 The Implementation of E-Learning ... 12

2.4 Critical Success Factor of E-Learning ... 13

2.5 Organization Culture and the Role of E-Learning Implementation ... 14

2.6 E-Loyalty ... 17

2.6.1 Definition ... 17



2.6.2 Behavioral Intention Toward Online Learning ... 18

2.7 Techology Continuance Theory ... 18

2.7.1 Technology Acceptance Model ...19

2.7.2 Theory of Planned Behavior ...21

2.7.3 Expectancy Disconfirm Theory ...22

2.8 Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) ... 23

2.9 Proposed Model and Research Hypotheses ... 25

2.9.1 Self-Efficacy ...26

2.9.2 Perceived Services Quality ...27

2.9.3 Perceived Usefulness ...29

2.9.4 Satisfaction ...30

2.9.5 User Attitude...31

2.9.6 Benefits ...32

2.9.7 Challenges ...33

CHAPTER THREE : METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction ... 34

3.2 Research Design ... 34

3.3 Research Population ... 35

3.4 Sample Size ... 35

3.5 Instrumentation ... 35

3.6 Measurement ... 36

3.6.1 Variable Survey ...37

3.6.2 Variable Identification ...38

3.7 Pilot of Study ... 40

3.8 Data Collection ... 41

3.8.1 Analysis Data Procedure ...41

3.9 Method Analysis Data ... 42

3.9.1 Chi Square Method ...42

3.9.2 Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) ...42


4.2 Demographic Profile ... 45

4.3 Factor Assessment of E-Learning Benefits... 49



4.3.1 Chi-Square Result for E-learning Benefits Versus Age Factor ...49

4.3.2 Benefits Affected by Educational Level ...51

4.3.3 Summary of Benefits Factor ...52

4.4 Assessment of E-Learning Disadvantages ... 52

4.4.1 Analysis of Disadvantages Versus Age Factor ...53

4.4.2 Disadvantages Affected Level Education Factor ...54

4.4.3 Summary of Analysis Disadvantages Factor ...55

4.5 Measurement Model Assessment ... 56

4.5.1 Outer Loadings Indicators ...56

4.5.2 Convergent Validity and Construct Reliability ...57

4.5.3 Discriminant Validity ...58

4.5.4 Summary ...59

4.6 Structure Model ... 59

4.6.1 Determination Coefficients ...60

4.6.2 Path Coefficients...60

4.7 Hypotheses Testing ... 63

4.8 Mediation Analysis ... 66

4.9 Summary ... 68


5.2 Answers to Research Questions ... 70

5.2.1 What are the Factors Affected the Perceived Benefits of Using E- Learning Platform? ...70

5.2.2 What are the Factors that Affected the Perceived Disadvantages of Using E-Learning Portal? ...71

5.2.3 How the User Behaviour and Perception (Namely the User’s Attitude, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Quality, Usefulness and Satisfaction) Towards E-Learning Influence the Intention to Continuously Use the Facility? ...72

5.3 Recommendation ... 72

5.4 Conclusion ... 73

5.5 Suggestion for Future Study ... 74






Table 3.1 Measurement of Demographic Information ... 37

Table 4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents ... 46

Table 4.2 Demographic Profile of Respondents ... 47

Table 4.3 Benefits Versus Age Factor ... 49

Table 4.4 Factor Benefits Affected by Educational Level ... 51

Table 4.5 Disadvantage Versus Age Factor ... 53

Table 4.6 Disadvantage Affected by Level Education Factor ... 54

Table 4.7 Outer Loadings Indicators ... 56

Table 4.8 Convergent Validity and Construct Reliability ... 58

Table 4.9 Inter-correlation Matrix ... 59

Table 4.10 Outer Weight and Significant Level of Indicators ... 61

Table 4.11Path Coefficient and Significant Level of Correlation Variable ... 62

Table 4.12 Hypothesis Testing According to PLS-SEM ... 64

Table 4.13 Result of Hypothesis Testing ... 65

Table 4.14 Sobel’s Test Results (Z value) ... 68




Figure 2.1 The Extended System of Learning in the Organizational Context ... 16

Figure 2.2 Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior Model ... 18

Figure 2.3 Technology Acceptance ... 20

Figure 2.4 Theory Planed Behavior ... 21

Figure 2.5 Discomposed EDT ... 23

Figure 2.6 Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) ... 25

Figure 2.7 Proposed Research Model ... 26

Figure 4.1 Factors of E-Learning Facilities ... 48

Figure 4.2 Analysis of Mediation ... 67




APPENDIX A: The Questionnaire ... 86

APPENDIX B: Permission Letter from The Cambodia Islamic Centre ... 98

APPENDIX C: PLS-Algorithms ... 99

APPENDIX D: Outer Loarding ... 100

APPENDIX E: Bootstrapping ... 102





The advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have shaped the paradigm of teaching and learning. It has shift from the traditional teacher-centric approach to learner-centric approach. In additional, the technological and economic change has also lead to new educational need as students’ demand for flexibility, such as access to teaching materials outside office hours and so on. As a result, such requirement has forced higher education institutions to strive to adopt more open and flexible pedagogical approach (Latchem, 2004; PLS RAMBOLL Management, 2005).

The most common approach to address the need of flexibility to access to learning materials and course delivery outside office hours is through e-learning mechanism.

According to Clark (2002), one can adopt e-learning as content and instructional methods if such materials are delivered on a computer, whether on CD-ROM, internet or intranet, and designed to build knowledge and skills related to individual or organization’s goal. In addition, with education revolution, there are many education institutions developed the learning system based on the learning activities and social communication.

In addition, e-learning system has become a strategy to improve the quality of the education system, which helps the instructors and the learners. According to Newton (2003), e-learning has produced major benefits, such as enhancing access to education and training, and offering a competitive advantage in a fast moving marketplace. The e-learning portal provides great advantages include video learning, forum discussion, liberating interactions and resources learning, such as journal online and assignment



between learners and instructors that offer limitations of time and space through the asynchronous and synchronous learning network model (Katz, 2000; Katz, 2002;

Trentin, 1997). In education sector, e-learning portal plays a significant tool in fulfill the requirements for learning in modern society, particularly in order to remain competitive. According to Wang (2003), online learning system has become one of the fastest moving competitive advantages in providing configurable infrastructure to integrate learning materials, tools and services that offer the solution to delivering educational content quickly, effectively and efficiently.

Recent studies have highlighted the importance of investigating the technological continued usage, beyond the adoption. While there is a growing adoption of e-learning in education sector, little attention has been given on what are the factors that affect the perceived benefit, disadvantages and the intention to continuously use e- learning as part of teaching and learning activities. Considering the potential value of e-learning, particularly as a significant tool to improve the quality of teaching and learning, an education institution needs to identify issues that hinders or facilitate the e-learning usage, so as to able to come up with appropriate approach to sustain the adoption.


A number of previous researches concentrated on identifying the determinants of individual acceptance on the use of e-learning system. According to Frese and Sabini (1985), Action is goal-oriented behaviour that related to the concept of human behaviour towards the situation. The models of behaviour are two components:

attitude towards a specific action and subject norms regarding that action (normative beliefs and motivation comply). According to Roca and Gagne (2008), the three



determinant beliefs are perceived autonomy support, perceived competence, and perceived relatedness that impact on perceived usefulness, playfulness, and ease of use in e-learning adoption. Other determinants beliefs is includes instructor attitude toward use learning based system, learner’s behaviour intention toward use e-learning, individuals learning flexibility and online course quality seem to affect learners’

satisfaction (Sun et al., 2008). Perceived usefulness and self-efficacy were shown to influence behavioural intention to use e-learning (Liaw, Huang & Chen, 2007).

Therefore, human behaviours intention plays a significant tool in adopting of using e- learning portal.

The rapid growth of the information and communication technology in Cambodia, most of higher education institutions need an online learning application for competition in the education business and accepts e-learning as a way to improve the quality of academic more effective and efficient. However, most students in Cambodia have difficulty in adoption with e-learning portal since e-learning is a new learning style and students do not have experience in using e-learning platform before.

Many higher educations that provided e-learning face enormous difficulty in achieving successful strategies, including the delivery, effectiveness, and acceptance of courses (Saade, 2003).In the fact, there are numerous barriers to the integration of human behavior into using of the web-based learning system. According to Abbad and Morris (2009), Successful implementation of a system and adoption by learners requires a solid understanding of user acceptance processes and ways of persuading students to engage. Measuring attitudes has an important role in analysing consumer behaviour because it is a known fact that there is a strong connection between attitude and behaviour. Specialists have discovered that attitude indicates in a certain degree, the possibility of adopting certain behaviour (Bertia, 2009).



Attitude is a crucial factor that lead to effective and efficient in using e- learning since the favourable attitude provide a positive effect for learners accept the new online learning system.The attitude can be positive, if the new form of education fits the students’ needs and characteristics, or negative if the student cannot adapt to the new system because he/she does not have the set of characteristics required (Bertia, 2009). Internet based learning system acceptance is defined on the individual's psychological state to intended use the particular e-learning. According to Park et al. (2009), developers and deliverers of e-learning need more understanding of how students perceive and react to elements of e-learning along with how to most effectively apply an e-learning approach to enhance learning. Therefore, to make e- learning more effective and efficient, particularly improve the students’ academic performance In Cambodia Islamic Centre, some useful technique are designed and implemented e-learning portal an evaluation approach which is evaluated user’s attitude for acceptation of using e-learning platform.

1.2.1 Cambodia Islamic Centre (CIC): The Case Study

Cambodia Islamic Centre School is a non-government organization to encourage the Muslim generation to accumulate Islamic and science knowledge by providing scholarship to the students. The Cambodia Islamic Centre School was established in july 1997 and it was located in St 6A, Chroy Metreyleu, Russey Chroy Comune, Mukkampoul District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. There are around 487 students from grade 7 to grade 12 and 40 staff in Cambodia Islamic Centre School. Most students in Cambodia Islamic Centre get scholarship from donor and school, but just only for tuition fees. The school regulation is students should be lived in school hostel and CIC also provide daily food for students. Whereas, students should be paid around RM600 (Six hundred Ringgit) for a hostel and food for per-year. The Cambodia



Islamic Centre School is obvious from the presence of students and teachers from different parts of Cambodia country with one another in the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and developing the Islamic economic by providing strong educated to Islamic and science knowledge to new Muslim generation. CIC has strong mission and vision to improve a Muslim generation capable of analytical and critical thinking in the way of Islamic life cycle, and to develop highly-educated Muslim person in Cambodia. However, CIC is provided the traditional methods only that let students do not understand how to utilize the online application platform or search the information and knowledge by browsing, and especially students are limited in gaining knowledge since they only obtain knowledge from one book that their teacher used in teaching.


Measuring factors effect adoption e-learning portal has been established objective of many papers, which use the different methodologies. In the field of e-learning, researchers in the world discussed about attitude from different perspectives.

Previous researches on e-learning in the context of Malaysian universities were focusing more on students’ acceptance of e-learning as a learning tool (Maslin, Othman & Rosdina, 2007; Ramayah, Ahmad & Lo, 2010). Some studies evaluate the implementation of e-learning in private and public universities in Malaysia (Raja Hussain, 2004; Puteh & Hussin, 2007; Puteh, 2007; Goi & Ng, 2009).

However, while online learning platform has been promoted to several of high education institution, the intention to continue using such system is still very low (Chiu et al., 2007), particularly not much researcher has been carried out on the adoption of using e-learning in Cambodia.

This study attempts to extend these efforts by designing and implementation e- learning platform for Cambodia Islamic Centre in order to evaluate the behavior



intention of CIC environment towards the e-learning portal, and to examine the factors that support them to adoption of e-learning portal, particularly use the e-learning portal has significant influence on students’ academic performance.


The research objectives are derived as bellow:

i. To identify the factor that affects the perceived benefits of using e-learning system.

ii. To identify the factor that affects the perceived disadvantages of utilizing e- learning portal.

iii. To examine how the user behaviour and perception (namely the user’s attitude, self-efficacy, perceived quality, usefulness and satisfaction) towards e-learning influence the intention to continuously use the facility.


This study attempt to explore the following research question:

1. What are the factors affect the perceived benefits of using e-learning platform?

2. What are the factors affect the perceived disadvantage of using e-learning portal?

3. How the user behaviour and perception (namely the user’s attitude, self- efficacy, perceived quality, usefulness and satisfaction) towards e-learning influence the intention to continuously use the facility?


High education institution are adopted with online learning application both as an alternative channel to traditional classroom learning for existing students and as a way



to expand their reach to new students. Adopting e-learning portal and technology requirement are large investment of school, time, budget, and space that need to justifiable for administrator. However, in the context of e-learning portal, student’s perceived service quality and satisfaction is likely to affect the images and reputation of institution. In the service, the reputation of the services of institution has a strong influence on the customer loyalty and retention (Arora & Stoner, 1996). Thus, students’ learning satisfaction and qualify become an important factors to institution needs to manage services quality for their education system.

This study presents some empirical evidence on the level of using e-learning satisfaction and improves the academic performance among students and staff in Cambodia Islamic Centre. Such Study is rare in the Cambodia Islamic Centre context, particularly one that focuses on assessment of e-learning implementation by providing e-learning portal.

The results of this study are beneficial to CIC organization in order to improve the quality of education and understanding the important tool of technology in the Cambodia Islamic Society, and students increase the computer skill and resources for study. This research can also assist CIC organization to promote the education to the donor for supporting students.


This study was conducted in Cambodia Islamic Centre School by focusing on the assessment e-learning implementation. The searcher develops the e-learning platform for Cambodia Islamic Centre to use, questionnaires were distributed to the students in Cambodia Islamic Centre School.



The study provided the e-learning platform to evaluate the user behaviour intention towards e-learning portal. This study is limited in Cambodia Islamic School. The instrument of collection data included questionnaire to students in Cambodia Islamic Centre School.


E-Learning: is a learning activity that is associated with the web based application as the delivery medium learning experience. According to Rosenberg (2001), E-learning refers to the use of online web based system to deliver a broad array of solutions for enhance knowledge and performance.

Asynchronous Learning: refers to communication and activities that used the digital system to take place as a real time. Examples are video conference, email-message, online discussion forum, blogs, etc.

Student’s Satisfaction: is referred to the student’s characteristics that have feeling positive or negative in using e-learning.

Perceived Quality: refers to the user’s perception of the overall quality in using the e- learning system.

Perceived usefulness: as a positive user’s attitude or determinant of intention that provide the significant influence towards us e-learning system.

Synchronous Learning: refers to learning environment that describe the forms of education, instruction in which everyone take part at the same time, but not in the same place.





The target of this study is assessment of e-learning implementation in Cambodia Islamic Centre. This chapter provides synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature that are relevant and connected to the research questions. The relevant literatures consist of the concept of e-learning, the design and implementation of e- learning, the benefits of e-learning, e-learning critical success factors, the online interaction learning theory, and also the proposed model and research hypotheses.


Economic, social, and technological forces continue to change globally, which leads to the way of life in organization, and the world moves away from the traditional living. In specific, these forces continue to change the way of teaching and learning.

According to Urdan &Weggen (2000), the need for different learning models, due to skills gap and demographic changes and demand for flexible access of lifelong learning have played upon teaching and learning. Thus, this teaching and learning evolution are attached by characterizing the innovation and creation. The innovation terms are consisted of e-learning, distance learning and distributed learning. Today, most high education institutions have e-learning system for competitive reasons and to improve the quality of teaching and learning. According to Allen and Seaman (2005), more than 96% of institutions in the U. S. had over 15,000 students enrolled to the offered online courses. Most universities worldwide are now offering web-based learning via learning management systems (LMS) that enable them to open their



courses on-campus, off-campus, and even across borders (Raaij & Schepers, 2008;

Sigala & Baum, 2003).

2.2.1 E-Learning Definitions

The ‘e’ in e-learning stands for electronic. In other words, a computer or computer network is used, along with information technology, to achieve forms of learning not previously possible. According to Clark & Mayer (2011), the ‘e’ in the e-learning is related to ‘how’ of the electronic storage of digitized learning materials. More recently, definition of e-learning is evolved to the wireless, internet based system and mobile technology of learning. E-learning system used the information and communication technology such as World Wide Web, CD-ROM, TV, Radio, Computer, cell phone and learning management system (LMS), that lead to improve the quality of teaching and learning procedure (Dehghani & Peyman, 2014). E- learning is defined as non-traditional type of learning where students learn outside the physical classroom, such as via email, TV, broadcast, Radio and the Internet (Du, 2004; Holmberg, 1995; Sager,1999).

According to Jenkins and Hanson (2003), there are many scientists that have different definition about e-learning, but in this study e-learning is defined as learning facilitates that utilize the information and communication technology in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Furthermore, e-learning used devices that include cell phone and computer technology to support teaching and learning activities. E-learning basically is a web based learning system, learning technology, technology based training, technology enhance learning, internet based training, online learning, network learning, distance learning, distribute learning, flexible learning, internet distribute learning, electronic learning, computer aided learning and computer based learning (Khan, 2005; Tait, 2008). E-learning is used to describe as



Institutions of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) should make use of educational technology and digital mechanisms to enhance distant and digital learning..

This chapter provides an overview of Information Communication and Technology (ICT), Internet education, learning, the theory and types of learning, group

To complement teaching and learning on this subject matter, a web-based, 3D interactive e-learning application called the Brainy is proposed to help medical students and lecturers

These supports include materials, technology used in teaching and learning process, in-service training, support from internal especially English teachers and technology

Based on the comparison made, we propose a new e-learning recommender system framework that uses content-based filtering and good learners’ ratings to recommend learning

Training needs analysis is a process whereby the results of needs assessment are critically examined; appropriate training can then be designed and developed and the gap in

(2002) who studied the cognitive differences among the students found that cognitive ability would give significant impacts on students' performances in the programming subjects.

Intelligent tutoring system (ITS) using interactive agent is a multimedia learning package.. The different between ITS and other e-learning web site is ITS apply artificial