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March 2020





Thesis Submitted to School of Business Management,

Universiti Utara Malaysia,

in Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science (Occupational Safety and Health Management).



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In Malaysia, the prevalence of obesity is high among healthcare workers and this becomes a problem because they have the responsibility to promote health and prevent obesity. Besides that, obesity is also associated with higher incidences of injuries at the workplace together with higher medical costs, more lost workdays, and reduced productivity at the workplace. The aim of this study was to identify the factors influencing obesity among healthcare workers and to determine the strategies to control obesity. A qualitative research was conducted among 20 obese healthcare workers through individual semi-structured in-depth interviews, and the interviews were audio recorded. Then, the data were transcribed and analysed by using thematic analysis. The results showed that the themes on the factors influencing obesity were mainly dietary behaviour, job stressors, and working conditions. A total of 26 factors emerged from the data, 22 of these factors had been identified in previous studies while four new factors were found in this study. The participants also suggested several strategies to control obesity including improvement in knowledge, motivation, and exercises. However, the extent of the effectiveness of these strategies could not be confirmed in this study and further studies are recommended on this matter. All of the objectives of this study were achieved. This study provides theoretical contributions to Social Ecological Model on the factors influencing obesity among healthcare workers and helps to develop strategies for weight management at the workplace.

Keywords: Obesity, healthcare workers, dietary behaviour, job stressors, working conditions.



Di Malaysia, kadar peratusan obesiti adalah tinggi dalam kalangan pekerja kesihatan, dan hal ini menjadi masalah kerana mereka bertanggungjawab dalam menjaga kesihatan dan mengurangkan kadar obesiti. Di samping itu, obesiti juga dikaitkan dengan peratusan kecederaan di tempat kerja yang tinggi, kos perubatan yang tinggi, kerap tidak hadir bekerja, dan kurang produktiviti di tempat kerja. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti faktor yang mempengaruhi obesiti dalam kalangan pekerja kesihatan dan menentukan strategi bagi mengawal obesiti. Kajian kualitatif ini melibatkan 20 pekerja kesihatan yang obes, dan data kajian diperoleh melalui kaedah temu bual individu separa berstruktur, dan setiap temu bual dibuat rakaman audio. Kemudian, data kajian dibuat transkripsi dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan tema penentu yang mempengaruhi obesiti adalah cara pemakanan, faktor tekanan kerja, dan keadaan kerja. Sejumlah 26 faktor terhasil daripada data, 22 faktor yang dikenal pasti merupakan faktor yang telah ditemui dalam kajian terdahulu, manakala empat faktor lagi adalah penemuan baharu bagi kajian ini. Peserta kajian turut mencadangkan beberapa strategi bagi mencegah obesiti termasuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, motivasi, dan aktiviti senaman. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian ini tidak dapat memastikan tahap keberkesanan strategi yang dicadangkan dan kajian lanjut perlu dilakukan dalam hal berkenaan. Kajian ini telah mencapai semua objektif yang disasarkan. Kajian ini memberikan sumbangan secara teori terhadap Model Ekologi Sosial bagi penentu obesiti dalam kalangan pekerja kesihatan dan membantu dalam membina strategi pengurusan berat badan di tempat kerja.

Kata kunci: Obesiti, pekerja kesihatan, cara pemakanan, faktor tekanan kerja, keadaan kerja.




First and foremost, I would like to praise gratefulness to Allah as I have completed this thesis. I would like to express special appreciation to my supervisor, Prof. Madya Dr. Nor Azimah Chew Binti Abdullah for her contribution and effort in providing guidance, endless patience, and support throughout the process of completing this study.

I am also very grateful and deeply appreciate my parents, my father Azhari Bin Yaacob and my mother Fatimah Binti Ibrahim for their sacrifice, help, endless support in all aspects, trust, love, understanding, and financial support they have given to me. Special thanks also to my family members for making me realised that I am not alone in this journey. Thank you so much for my family and friends for giving me such a great strength of patience, courage, and ability to complete this thesis.

Besides, I would like to thank School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia for offering the program Master of Science (Occupational Safety and Healt h Management) and I would like to express appreciation also to Universiti Utara Malaysia for providing great facilities for the students.

Furthermore, I wish to express appreciation also for the examiners for evaluating this thesis. I also want to thank all the participants of study for their willingness to participate in this study and for their time to carry out part of the study and share their experiences throughout the interview process. Lastly, I am thankful to everyone who involved in this study whether directly or indirectly.




Title Page ...i

Permission to Use ... ii

Abstract ... iii

Abstrak ... iv

Acknowledgement ... v

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Tables... x

List of Figures ...xii

List of Abbreviations ... xiii


1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Problem Statement ... 8

1.3 Research Questions ... 15

1.4 Research Objectives ... 15

1.5 Scope of Study ... 16

1.6 Significance of Study ... 17

1.7 Definition of Key Terms ... 18

1.7.1 Circadian Rhythms ... 18

1.7.2 Dietary Behaviour ... 18

1.7.3 High Energy Dense Food ... 19

1.7.4 Occupational Stress ... 19

1.7.5 Prevalence ... 19

1.7.6 Shift Workers ... 19

1.8 Organisation of the Thesis ... 20

1.9 Chapter Summary ... 21




2.1 Introduction ... 22

2.2 Definition of Obesity for Adults ... 22

2.3 Global Obesity ... 23

2.4 Obesity among Adults in Malaysia ... 25

2.5 Impact of Obesity on Workers ... 27

2.5.1 Impact of Obesity on Work... 28

2.5.2 Source of Obesity on Health ... 30

2.6 Obesity among Healthcare Workers ... 32

2.7 Malaysian Dietary Intake ... 35

2.8 Dietary Behaviour ... 38

2.8.1 Food Choice ... 39

2.8.2 Source of Food ... 44

2.8.3 Emotional Eating ... 47

2.9 Job Stressors ... 53

2.10 Working Conditions ... 58

2.10.1 Work Schedule ... 60

2.10.2 Food Environment at the Workplace ... 64

2.11 Strategies to Control Obesity ... 65

2.12 The Conceptual Framework ... 66

2.13 The Underlying Theory ... 67

2.13.1 Social Ecological Model ... 68

2.13.2 Health Belief Model ... 76

2.14 Chapter Summary ... 80


3.1 Introduction ... 81

3.2 Research Design ... 81

3.3 Data Collection Procedures ... 83



3.4 Population of Interest ... 87

3.5 Instrumentation ... 90

3.6 Data Analysis ... 92

3.6.1 Thematic Analysis ... 93

3.6.2 Trustworthiness ... 96

3.7 Ethical Consideration ... 97

3.8 Chapter Summary ... 98


4.1 Introduction ... 100

4.2 Profile of Respondents ... 100

4.3 Results ... 102

4.3.1 Dietary Behaviour ... 102 Food Choice... 102 Eating Out... 111 Eating Patterns ... 115

4.3.2 Job Stressors ... 125 Job Demand ... 126 Inadequate Staffing Level ... 127 Inadequate Equipment Availability ... 128 Organisational Climate... 128 Social Factor ... 129

4.3.3 Working Conditions ... 132 Time Pressure ... 132 Co-workers’ Influence ... 136 Food Environment at the Workplace ... 137 Work Schedule ... 139 Workplace Activities... 141

4.3.4 Other Factors ... 141

4.3.5 Strategies to Control and Prevent Obesity ... 144 Strategies Related with Exercise ... 144 Strategies Related with Motivation ... 147 Strategies Related with Improvement on Knowledge ... 148



4.4 Chapter Summary ... 149


5.1 Introduction ... 150

5.2 Dietary Behaviour ... 150

5.2.1 Food Choice ... 151

5.2.2 Eating Out ... 155

5.2.3 Eating Patterns ... 155

5.3 Job Stressors ... 159

5.4 Working Conditions ... 161

5.5 Other Factors ... 165

5.6 Strategies to Control and Prevent Obesity ... 166

5.7 Research Implications ... 170

5.8 Limitations ... 173

5.9 Recommendation for Future Research ... 174

5.10 Conclusion ... 174



APPENDIX A Approval Letter from Medical Research and Ethics Committee ... 197

APPENDIX B Approval from Hospitals ... 201

APPENDIX C Information Sheet ... 203

APPENDIX D Consent Form ... 205

APPENDIX E Personal Information Form ... 207

APPENDIX F Interview Guiding Questions ... 208




Table 1.1

Table 1.2

Table 1.3

Table 2.1 Table 2.2

Table 2.3

Table 2.4

Table 2.5 Table 2.6 Table 4.1 Table 4.2

Table 4.3

Table 4.4

The Prevalence of Obesity in ASEAN Countries in 2010 and 2014

The Prevalence of Obesity by Population in ASEAN Countries in 2019

The Number of Hospital Workers in Kedah with BMI>24.9 in 2012

Weight Status in Adults According to Body Mass Index (BMI) Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity of Large Malaysian Obesity Studies

Distribution of Number of Servings According to Food Groups Based on Caloric Value

Calculation of Water Requirement According to RNI for Different Age Groups and Gender

Causes of Occupational Stress Summary of Stress-related Hazards

Background Information of the Informants

Summary of Data Analysis on Food Choice as the Factor Influencing Obesity among Healthcare Workers in Kedah Summary of Data Analysis on Eating Out as the Factor Influencing Obesity among Healthcare Workers in Kedah Summary of Data Analysis on Eating Patterns as the Factor Influencing Obesity among Healthcare Workers in Kedah

Page 4



23 26



56 57 101 110




x Table

Table 4.5

Table 4.6

Summary of Data Analysis on Job Stressors as the Factors Influencing Obesity among Healthcare Workers in Kedah

Summary of Data Analysis on Working Conditions as the Factors Influencing Obesity among Healthcare Workers in Kedah

Page 131





Figure Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3

Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5

Figure 2.6 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 5.1

Percentage of Each Country’s Populations That is Categorized as Obese (with Body Mass Index of Over 30)

The Obesity Scale

Overweight and Obesity Trends in Malaysia by National Health and Morbidity Surveys, 2006, 2011, 2015

Malaysian Food Pyramid Conceptual Framework Social Ecological Theory

Social Ecological Model (Adapted from Bronfenbrenner, 1977) Level of Determinants and Sectors of Society are Implicated in the Complex Systems of Obesity

Health Belief Model

Procedures Involved in This Study Sample Selection

Thematic Analysis

Model for the Factors Influencing Obesity among Healthcare Workers in Two Public Hospitals in Kedah

Page 2

3 5

36 67 69 71 74

77 86 90 93 172







Body Mass Index Kilogram

Meters Mililitre

National Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition National Health and Morbidity Survey

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health World Health Organization



1.1 Background of the Study

Obesity is a condition of having excess body fat to the extent that it may have negative effects on one’s health (World Health Organisation [WHO], 2000; WHO, 2018a). There is no specific device which helps to measure obesity. A crude population measure of obesity is the body mass index (BMI). The BMI is defined by the calculation of a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of his or her height in meters (m) (WHO, 2000; 2018a). Recently, the prevalence of obesity has shown an increasing trend globally and also in Malaysia (Chan et al., 2017; Ghee, 2016; Jang, Kim, Lee, Myong, &

Koo, 2013; WHO, 2018a; Zainuddin et al., 2016). Obesity has become a global health problem and the problem not only occurs in developed countries, but it also spreads widely throughout the developing countries (WHO, 2018a). Figure 1.1 shows the obesity trend across the globe. Mohamud et al. (2011) indicated that obesity has become a concern as it may affect healthcare costs and may reduce the quality of life.



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Approval Letter from Medical Research and Ethics Committee









Approval from Director of Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim



Approval from Director of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah


203 APPENDIX C Information Sheet




Dear participant,

This research aims to study about obesity among healthcare workers in Kedah. Several factors which might influence obesity among healthcare workers will be evaluated in this study. The information obtained from this research might help the government and employers to control obesity which keeps increasing in Malaysia. The researcher is going to ask a few questions regarding the factors which might influence obesity. The interview will take about 15-30 minutes.

The interview will be conducted immediately after your consent. The name of participants will not be mentioned in the interview and will not be included in the report.

Personal information about participant of study will remain strictly confidential.

The information obtained will be analysed and will be used only for academic purposes.

If you are willing to participate in this study, please sign the consent form and return it to the researcher. If you have any question regarding this research, you may ask directly to the researcher.

Thank you for considering this request to participate in this study.









Para peserta yang dihormati,

Kajian ini adalah berkenaan masalah obesiti dalam kalangan kakitangan kesihatan di negeri Kedah. Beberapa faktor yang mungkin menyebabkan obesiti dalam kalangan kakitangan kesihatan akan dinilai dalam kajian ini. Maklumat yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini dapat membantu kerajaan serta para majikan bagi menangani masalah obesiti yang semakin meningkat di Malaysia. Penyelidik akan bertanyakan beberapa soalan berkaitan faktor-faktor yang mungkin mempengaruhi obesiti. Sesi temubual ini hanya mengambil masa selama 15-30 minit.

Sesi temubual akan dijalankan setelah mendapat persetujuan daripada peserta. Nama peserta tidak akan disebut dalam temubual serta tidak akan disertakan dalam laporan.

Segala maklumat berkaitan peserta akan dirahsiakan.

Maklumat yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dan akan digunakan bagi tujuan akademik sahaja. Sekiranya anda bersetuju untuk menyertai kajian ini, sila tandangan surat persetujuan yang diberikan dan kembalikan surat tersebut kepada penyelidik. Para peserta boleh terus tanyakan kepada penyelidik jika terdapat sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan kajian.

Terima kasih kerana meluangkan masa dan memberikan kerjasama bagi menjayakan kajian ini.

Yang ikhlas,






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