• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan



Academic year: 2022










A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education

Kulliyyah of Education

International Islamic University Malaysia





This study explored the levels of awareness and procedural knowledge of undergraduate students in IIUM, Gombak and examined the levels of students' intention to use BookMyne as a library search tool that can allow users to access the library catalogue on the go. The study employed Rogers’ (2003) conception of knowledge and Davis’

(1989) technology acceptance model (TAM) as its theoretical background. A total of 415 students (228 females and 187 males) from 8 kulliyyahs in the IIUM Gombak campus participated in the survey .A self-developed questionnaire with 20 items measured three major constructs of interest, i.e. awareness knowledge, procedural knowledge and intention to use, on a 5-point Likert scale. The items were first content validated by experts and pilot tested before being administered to the respondents. The data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that IIUM students have low levels of awareness and procedural knowledge of BookMyne, but despite having low knowledge of the system, they demonstrated a high level of intention to use the system. Knowledge and Intention to use was found to be significantly correlated with awareness and procedural knowledge with strong positive associations.

In addition, the results of the MRA revealed that procedural knowledge positively predicted student intention to use BookMyne. The findings have important implications on how the IIUM library management and instructional technologists could devise a systematic strategy to improve students’ knowledge of BookMyne in order to increase their use of the library catalogue.



ثحبلا صخلم


لجا ةلحرلما بلاطل ةيئارجلإا ةفرعلماو ،يعولا تياوتسم فاشكتسا ةساردلا هذه تفدهتسا ا


ىلع فرعتلا اضيأ ةساردلا تلواح امك .كابموبج ةيزيلالما ةيلماعلا ةيملاسلإا ةعمالجا مربح ليولأا قيبطت مادختسلا بلاطلا يااون


ينمدختسملل حمست ةيبتكم ثبح ةادأ هرابتعبا

ةساردلا تمدختسا .نوكرحتي مهو ةبتكلما سرهف ىلع لوخدلبا -

يرظن راطإك -

لاك م

( زرجور روصت 2003

( زيفيدل ايجولونكتلا لوبق جذونمو ،ايجولونكتلل ) 1989

في كترشا .)

( ابلاط رشع ةسخمو ةئامعبرأ يعلاطتسلاا حسلما 288

و ،ةبلاط 187

اط تايلك نياثم م )ابل

ادنب يرشع م نوكتت ةنابتسا ميمصت تم .كابموج مرح ،يازيلابم ةيلماعلا ةيملاسلإا ةعمالجبا ،مادختسلاا ةينو ،ةيئارجلإا ةفرعلماو ،ةكردلما ةفرعلما :ةثلاثلا ةيساسلأا مامتهلاارصانع سيقتل دارفلأ ةنابتسلاا يمدقت لبق .يساملخا تركيل سايقلم اقفو كلذو تلا تم ةنيعلا

قدص م ققح

ليلتح تمو .بييرتج رابتخا لمع تم امك ،ءابرلخا ضعب لبِق م ةيلولأا اتهروص في دونبلا ىوتمح ،ددعتلما رادنحلاا ليلتحو ،نوسيرب طابترا لماعمو ،يفصولا ءاصحلإا مادختسبا ايمك تامولعلما ( ةيعامتجلاا مولعلل ةيئاصحلإا مزرلا جمنارب مادختسا تمو رادصإ)


22 .ليلحتلل ةادأك

.ماظنلل ةيئارجلإا ةفرعلماو ،يعولا في ةيندتم تياوتسم مهيدل بلاطلا نأ ةساردلا جئاتن ترهظأ .همادختسا ةين رفوت في ايلاع ىوتسم اوققح منهأ لاإ ماظنلبا مهتفرعم نيدت م مغرلا ىلعو تءاج مادختسلاا ةين سحو ،ماظنلل ةيئارجلإا ةفرعلماو ،يعولا ب يربك دح لىإ ةطبترم


ةيئارجلإا ةفرعلما نأ كلذك ليلحتلا جئاتن ترهظأ دقو .يوق بيايجإ طابترا امهنيب دجويو ،ةفرعلما تكلما ةرادإ نأ فيك ةيربك ةروصب جئاتنلا تنمضتو .مادختسلال ةينلا رفوتب ةيبايجإ ةروصب ئبنت ،ةب

ظنم ةيجيتاترسا ارفوي نأ كيم ةيميلعتلا تاينقتلاو ب بلاطلا ةفرعم ينسحتل ةم



.متهاكرتح ءانثأ ةبتكلما سرهف ىلع ملهوخد ةدياز لجأ م




I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion, it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Education.


Rosemaliza Mohd Kamalludeen Supervisor

I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Education.


Tunku Badariah Tunku Ahmad Examiner

This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education.


Tahraoui Ramdane

Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Education and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education.


Nik Ahmad Hisham Ismail Dean, Kulliyyah of Education




I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigation, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions.

Babakura Mamman

Signature………. Date …...








I declare that the copyright holder of this dissertation Babakura Mamman.

Copyright © 2016 Babakura Mamman. All rights reserved.

No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below

1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement.

2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes.

3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieved system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries.

By signing this form, I acknowledged that I have read and understand the IIUM Intellectual Property Right and Commercialization policy.

Affirmed by Babakura Mamman

……..……….. ………..

Signature Date




This research work is dedicated to my beloved parents, Hajja Kaka Kolomi and late Alhaji Mamman Bukar Gadai “Rabbirham Huma Kama Rabbayani Sagira”




All praise is to the Almighty Allah (s.w.t.) who gave me courage, strength, guidance, patience and zeal throughout my study period “Alhamdulillah ala kulli halin bi dalili”

My sincere appreciation goes to my supervisor Dr. Rosemaliza Kamaludeen Moh’d. Without her earnest supervision, constructive criticism, promptness, dedication to assist me and untiring effort, this research work would not have seen the light of day.

Her encouragements, guidance, care and patience, and enabling the platform for doing research have been invaluable in making it possible to accomplish this work without any hitches or rancor. Her faith in me has tremendously contributed to the success of this work. May the Almighty Allah pave her way.

Special thanks go to the examiner, Associate Professor Dr. Tunku Badariah Tunku Ahmad, for her moral, technical, intellectual and untiring guidance. I am indebted to Prof. Dr. Mohamad Sahari Nordin, Fuad Trayek and all academic and administrative staff of the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM, for their moral support and encouragement.

I thank all individuals, groups and organizations that have directly or indirectly participated in making this work a reality. To be specific, I allot many thanks to my family members, friends, colleagues and well-wishers for always supporting and encouraging me with their best wishes. May all of them stay in peace.

Furthermore, I convey my sincere gratitude to all my lecturers as well as the administrative staff at the Department of Education in particular and University of Maiduguri in general.

In full gratitude I would like to acknowledge the following individuals who assisted, inspired, supported, encouraged and sacrificed themselves to help my academic quest to this level: Prof. Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi (Vice Chancellor University of Maiduguri), Prof, K. W. Bukar (HOD Education), Habib M. A, Prof. Bulama Kagu, Ass. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mwajim and all those whose words of advice reinvigorated me to put in my best in pursuing this cause.

Last but not by any means least, I would like to wholeheartedly thank my wife for her patience, perseverance and endurance throughout good and bad times. She was always there consoling me and stood by me, come rain sunshine. May Allah bless her.




Abstract ... ii

Abstract in Arabic ... iii

Approval Page ... iv

Declaration ... v

Copyright Page ... vi

Dedication ... vii

Acknowledgements ... vii

i List of Tables ... xi

List of Figures ... xii


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4 Research Questions ... 7

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 7

1.6 Theoretical Framework ... 9

1.7 Conceptual Framework ... 10

1.8 Delimitations of the Study ... 11

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms ... 11

1.10 Chapter Summary ... 12


2.1 Introduction ... 13

2.2 Mobile Learning ... 13

2.3 Library and Mobile Applications ... 17

2.3.1 How do Mobile Apps for Accessing Library Information Help Students in their Learning? ... 19

2.3.2 Remote Library Access ... 20

2.4 Worldwide Trends on Mobile Library ... 20

2.5 Use of Library by Undergraduate Students ... 22

2.6 BookMyne Application ... 25

2.6.1 Who Can Use BookMyne? ... 27

2.7 Theory of Diffusion of Innovation ... 27

2.7.1 Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation ... 28

2.8 Technology Acceptance Model ... 30

2.9 Awareness Knowledge ... 32

2.10 Procedural Knowledge ... 33

2.11 Intention to Use ... 35

2.12 Conceptual Framework ... 36

2.13 Chapter Summary ... 37


3.1 Introduction ... 38



3.2 Research Design ... 38

3.3 Population of the Study ... 39

3.4 Sample ... 39

3.5 Instrumentation ... 40

3.5.1 Operationalization ... 41

3.5.2 Creation of Items ... 41

3.5.3 Content Validation of Items via Expert Judgment ... 42

3.5.4 Refinement of Items ... 44

3.5.5 Pilot Study ... 45

3.5.6 Finalizing the Items ... 52

3.6 Data Collection ... 52

3.7 Data Analysis ... 53

3.8 Chapter Summary ... 54


4.1 Introduction ... 55

4.2 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents ... 55

4.3 Level of Awareness ... 57

4.4 Level of Procedural Knowledge ... 58

4.5 Level of Intention to Use ... 60

4.6 Relationship between the Independent and Dependent Variables ... 62

4.7 Predictors of IIUM Students’ Intention to Use BookMyne ... 63

4.8 Chapter Summarry ... 64


5.1 Introduction ... 65

5.2 Level of IIUM Undergraduate Students' Awareness Knowledge of BookMyne ... 65

5.3 Level of IIUM Students’ Procedural Knowledge of BookMyne ... 67

5.4 Level of IIUM Students’ Intention to Use BookMyne ... 68

5.5 Relationship between Awareness and Procedural Knowledge ... 69

5.6 Awareness Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge as Predictors of Students’ Intention to Use Bookmyne ... 69

5.7 Recommendations ... 70

5.8 Suggesstions for Further Studies ... 71

5.9 Conclusion ... 72


APPENDIX I Content Validation Exercise ... 85

APPENDIX II Survey Instrument ... 91

APPENDIX III IIUM Student Statistic by Kulliyyah ... 94

APPENDIX IV Letter of Permission for Data Collection ... 95




Table 2.1 Number of smartphone users worldwide 2015 by operating system

in millions 16

Table 3.1 Breakdown of undergraduate students from the eight Kulliyyah in

the IIUM Gombak campus 39

Table 3.2 Sample Items on the Three Constructs 42

Table 3.3 Information on Experts Involved in the Validation Process 43 Table 3.4 Content Validity Ratios of Awareness Knowledge, Procedural

Knowledge and Intention to Use 45

Table 3.5 Communalities 49

Table 3.6 Total Variance Explained 50

Table 3.7 Finalized Items 50

Table 3.8 Internal Consistency Indexes for Awareness, Procedural

Knowledge and Intention to Use 51

Table 3.9 Finalized Questionnaire Items 52

Table 3.10 Summary of the Research Questions and the Proposed Analysis 54 Table 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents 56 Table 4.2 Response Rate of IIUM Undergraduate Students’Awareness

Knowledge of BookMyne 57

Table 4.3 Response Rate of IIUM Undergraduate Students’ Procedural

Knowledge of BookMyne 59

Table 4.4 Response Rate of IIUM Undergraduate Students’ Intention to Use

BookMyne 60

Table 4.5 Correlations between the Independent Variables and the

Dependent Variable 63

Table 4.6 Multiple Regression Analysis 63

Table 4.7 ANOVA Results 64




Figure 1.1 The Study's Conceptual Framework 10

Figure 2.1 The Innovation Decision Process (Rogers, 2003) 29 Figure 2.2 “Technology Acceptance Model”. Source: Davis et al. (1989) 31

Figure 2.3 Conceptual Framework 37

Figure 4.1 IIUM Undergraduate Students' Awareness Knowledge of

BookMyne 58

Figure 4.2 IIUM Undergraduate Students' Procedural Knowledge of

BookMyne 60

Figure 4.3 IIUM Undergraduate Students' Intention to Use BookMyne 62





Exponential growth in the use of smartphones and tablets has brought about opportunities for phone users to increase their level of accessibility to library resources (Wong, 2013). According to a study on student attitudes towards mobile library services for smartphones by Paterson and Low (2011), it was found that that students were drawn towards using mobile library services due to the intense growth of smartphone usage.

From March to November 2010, a 17% increase was witnessed and about 68% of students were willing to change their cell phone and planned to substitute it with a smartphone. With the rapid adoption of smartphones, the use of libraries has now transformed into a modern digitalized system, as compared with traditional access to library databases. Many technological facilities have been introduced into the library system that has paved the way for books and materials. Libraries must take note of the powerful growth of mobile devices as a tool which interfaces to the Internet as a capital challenge (Jingru, 2013). As phone screens take center stage in the fulfillment of user needs and expectations, there is a need to make use of this advantage and bring about change that would complement the opportunity at hand.

Mobile learning assists students in many a positive direction (Khomokhona 2011; Gray, 2011; Vázquez-cano, 2014). Library users can access it without stepping into the library (Sivathaasan, 2013; Onuoha &Subair, 2013). Undergraduate students make use of the library to seek information (Soria, Fransen & Nackeru, 2013;

Gunasekera, 2011). Students have positive attitudes concerning the use of mobile applications for learning, hitherto, most students tend to use mobile applications for



downloading English language dictionaries and games. Therefore, there is the need to enlighten students and teachers to be aware of the importance attached to the use of their smartphones for education purposes. Mobile phones, especially smartphones, dominate the day to day routine of human endeavors. According to Canuel and Crichton (2011), in their study on Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web, only 14% of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) libraries were currently advertising using mobile web presence, where mobile websites had become prevalent over downloadable applications. In tandem with this current trend, the IIUM has expended a large amount of resources to keep its library up to date so as to meet global standards. For this reason and many others, the library subscribes to one of the world’s leading library technological facilities, SirsiDynix. Every semester the IIUM organizes an orientation for new intake students regarding the use of the library and its facilities.

Access to information has become easy as a result of new technologies. This, according to the researchers, will make communication very convenient and timely for users in the office or at home or anywhere while on the go with their smartphones (Abdul Karim, Darus & Hussin, 2006). In 2008, a survey was conducted in the Ryerson University Library where the results of the study indicated that smartphones were owned by approximately 20 percent of students, but the projection was said to reach80 percent by 2011. In order for university libraries to remain relevant, it is important for them to adapt their services to these new changes in this digitally enhanced learning environment (Wilson & McCarthy, 2010).

One of the facilities afforded by modern, technologically enhanced university libraries is BookMyne. BookMyne is a free mobile phone application for Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices, which lets its users gain access to library catalogues on the go. BookMyne allows its users to locate books, articles, journals, and audio, video,



and library materials while you are within the range of the library access points. It also gives room to its users to review their accounts, renew material, and find library hours and locations. The user has the opportunity to do so many things without physically being present in the library. Along with this, there are activities which students can perform using BookMyne that allow them to present themselves at a later time to either collect a book or any library materials placed on hold. Barcode scanning allows BookMyne users to snap a picture of a book wherever they are, and check for its availability in the participating library. If the information sought on the book or material is available in the user’s registered library, the user can instantly retrieve it on the go through the use of BookMyne. In addition to this, smartphones are more flexible and affordable than computers that are usually fixed to a position, and compared to laptops, mobile phones are lighter. Based on students’ and teachers’ perspectives, there is also the ease of using a smartphone to download and make use of content while on a bus, at lunch, or in bed (Jensen, 2010).

Following the dramatic changes in the world of technology, librarians are encouraged to adjust to the ever-emerging technology to the library world (Jacobs, 2009). Libraries with restricted budgets should approach technology adoption projects in stages, developing content services from passive format that require very little input (Murray, 2011). The IIUM library in its web page has placed instructions on how to use BookMyne. This can be accessed through the library gateway. The introduction of new technology should not just be an add-on service, but should be accompanied by an effective and prudent monitoring committee that can evaluate its impact (Mbambo- Thata, 2010). Perhaps on the IIUM website (http://www.iium.edu.my/lib), a manual should be placed to guide students on how to use BookMyne. In order to make use of



BookMyne on their smartphones, students first need to download the application from one of the app stores, i.e. Google play store or Apple app store.

Resources in libraries may now be circulated in the cloud using global mobile access in order to achieve global library connectivity (Jingru, 2013). BookMyne provides its users the ability to find the nearest library on a Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled map. BookMyne delivers a kind of real world learning process that allows students to easily search and access digital resources, e-books, DVDs and CDs.

In this digital age, students and educators are able to download new content on the go, anytime and anywhere.

Research suggests that students' adoption or use of a digital application, whether for learning or for library search, is influenced by their awareness of the application and by their technical ability to use it. The term awareness in this context refers to the level of knowledge gained through one’s own understanding (Awan & Abbasi,2013). Studies indicated that students' level of awareness is greatly influenced by factors within the environment (Daniels 2014; Cuevas 2011; Mylopolous, 2013).Students' technical ability to use an application, or procedural knowledge, on the other hand can be referred to as knowing how to do something. Studies on procedural knowledge indicated students’ know-how in handling problems (Sicignano 2011; Gaffney & Hjalmarson, 2012), and students’ level of awareness have a positive impact on their intention to use a gadget (Miller, 2011; McCombs 2013; Wong, Osman, Goh, & Rahmat, 2013; Abadi, Ranjbarian & Zade, 2012; Shroff, Deneen &Ng, 2011). Awareness of an application for instance, may significantly improve when there are clear guidelines and instructions, while procedural knowledge can be achieved by understanding how to operate the concept itself. Similarly, intention to use is mostly influenced by being aware of BookMyne as a library-on-the-go application.



Research on the use of mobile hand-held devices to access library resources for academic purposes by students of institutions of higher learning shows positive results (Lippincott, 2010; Cummings, Morril & Borrelli 2010; Koulikoudi, 2008). Students in the IIUM are not an exception; practically all the students make use of a hand-held mobile device with Wi-Fi enabled capabilities. Abdul Karim, Darus and Hussin (2006) revealed that a significant number of the respondents showed their willingness to become users of the wireless services rendered by the libraries. Bomhold (2014) mentioned that the perception of undergraduate students of the usefulness of smartphones for academic purposes is increasing, and now there is a growing number of mobile apps in the library system. Factors like users’ needs, speed of Internet connectivity, provision of easy access to databases, training programmes, and organizing orientation to students and staff on the use of e-library resources should be given more emphasis while subscribing with providers of library services (Velmurugan, 2013).

Meanwhile, different studies indicated that factors such as high income and low income, easy access to the Internet and demographic variables such as age, gender, level of study and educational qualification affect students’ level of awareness (Arbaat, Norshariani & Sharifah Intan, 2010; Goel, Bansal, Pathak, Sharma, Luthra& Agarwal, 2012; Ellis, 2012; Awan & Abbasi, 2013; Pathmanathan & Lakshmanan, 2014; Azhari, et al, 2013). Moreover, a number of studies indicated that students have low levels of procedural knowledge (Huang, 2010; Surif, Ibrahim & Mokhtar, 2012; Lanzer &

Taatgen, 2013). Many studies validated the original constructs of TAM as significant



predictors of intention to use (Omar & Putit, 2012; Praveena and Thomas, 2013;

Shafinahet al, 2013; Shroff, Deneen &Ng, 2011; Punnose, 2012).

The need for an empirical investigation is paramount with a view to identifying students' knowledge of BookMyne.There are many studies on the digitization of libraries in different countries and regions of the world, many of which were conducted in the developed world like the United State of America and several European countries where librariesare extensively used for intellectual development. Furthermore, very few studieshave been carried out on the use of BookMyne. This is due to the fact that BookMyne is a relatively new application. Consequently, here in Malaysia there are very few studies on the digitization of libraries, whereby in the case of International Islamic University Malaysia, no research has been carried out on BookMyne up to this date, despite its adoption for campus-wide usage.Therefore, an investigation is considered necessary to examinethe awareness and procedural knowledge of BookMyne as predicting factors of students' intention to use BookMyne at the International Islamic University Malaysia.


The main objectives of this study were to explore the levels of IIUM students’

awareness and procedural knowledge of BookMyne, which is a service, provided by the IIUM library Gombak campus to access the library catalogue on the go, and to identify the relationship between these two types of knowledge. In addition to that, the study also sought to ascertain whether awareness and procedural knowledge are significant predictors of IIUM students’ intention to use BookMyne.



Given the aforementioned research objectives, this research work aimed at answering the following questions:

1- What are the levels of IIUM undergraduate students’ awareness knowledge of BookMyne?

2- What are the levels of IIUM undergraduate students’ procedural knowledge of BookMyne?

3- What are the levels of IIUM undergraduate students’ intention to use BookMyne?

4- Is there a statistically significant relationship between awareness and procedural knowledge of IIUM undergraduate students?

5- Are awareness knowledge and procedural knowledge significant predictors of IIUM undergraduate students’ intention to use BookMyne?


With the advent of new technology, most students especially those in higher institutions of learning either use computers or smartphones frequently to communicate with their peers. They can also play games, download music and even send instant messages to their colleagues The study will contribute to the areas of teaching and learning as there are virtually no studies carried out on BookMyne due to the fact that the phenomenon is new and the existing few studies have looked at it from a different point of view. In this study, the researcher looked at BookMyne from a different perspective, where the researcher focused on two widely used theories in technology adoption, which are Rogers’ (2003) theory of diffusion of innovation (DOI) and Davis’ (1989) Technology



Acceptance Model (TAM). Rogers’ theory looks at the two levels of knowledge i.e.

awareness and procedural knowledge, and Davis (1989) looks at intention to use.

The study validates and evaluates the aspect of knowledge in Rogers’s theory of diffusion of innovation. The study will also identify the universal applicability of the theory of DOI on Rogers’ two types of knowledge. Students will find this study very useful in terms of gaining access to library catalogue with internet enabled smartphones to search for e-resources in the library while on the go, that would shape their research work and their day-to-day academic routines. The study will also identify frequent users among students so that more awareness campaigns can be initiated toward encouraging utilization of BookMyne. Also, when BookMyne is fully utilized by students, it will help expand their horizon of knowledge and give them the needed research skills.

Similarly, teachers will find this study meaningful for the development of their career in term of searching and utilizing the library catalogue to enhance their research with the available e-resources in the library. The study will be useful to them by easing their daily task, enhancing their computer abilities and reaching out to library materials on the go and keeping them up-to-date. Thus, the study will help the teachers to facilitate their teaching and learning.

In addition, the study will be important to practitioners and stakeholders in the academic environment. The study will provide a ground for new policy initiatives towards improving the use of library facilities e.g. BookMyne, amongst students to enhance the level of utilization. Practically, the study explored the degree to which BookMyne is being utilized in the university. Lastly, the study will recommend that Kulliyyah representatives organize sensitization workshops on the use of library facilities available in the IIUM library from time to time to enhance utilization.



Two theories were employed in this study to conceptualize the main constructs, i.e.

Rogers’ theory of Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and Davis’ (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The researcher worked with the aspect of knowledge in Rogers’ theory, i.e. awareness and procedural knowledge, and the intention to use construct from Davis’ TAM. The present study was designed to explore the levels of IIUM students’ awareness and procedural knowledge of BookMyne. Rogers' theory of diffusion of innovation was chosen as one of the bases for this study and was used to derive the two types of knowledge treated as the main constructs under study.

Awareness-knowledge according to Rogers is the degree to which an adopter of an innovation has the information that an innovation exists. This type of knowledge motivates an individual to seek the other type of knowledge. This determines the individuals’ willingness or unwillingness to adopt an innovation. For instance, the adopter may not seek more knowledge about an innovation if he or she comes across the new idea, product, or service by accident. Awareness-knowledge helps an individual know the other two types of knowledge. An individual should have sufficient level of how-to-knowledge to increase the chances of adoption prior to the trial of innovation functioning principle describing how and why innovation works (Sahin, 2006). The term procedural knowledge refers to the knowledge which is required to perform a certain task (Zhang, Webster, Uren, Verga & Ciravegna, 2012). In order to understand the true meaning of knowledge, one has to represent knowledge in two forms (RittleJonhson & Schnieder, 2013). Procedural Knowledge has to do with knowing how to do something while knowing that something is either true or false refers to declarative knowledge. They further argue that knowledge is subdivided into two major categories:

tacit and explicit knowledge. These can be simply identified as informal and formal



types of knowledge, the former is procedural knowledge while the latter is declarative knowledge.

The dependent variable in the study was intention to use BookMyne, and this construct was derived from the TAM. The rationale behind the TAM is to examine the connection between attitude and behavior based on the following two main concepts:

‘‘perceived usefulness’’ and ‘‘perceived ease of use’’. The theory has been applied in so many disciplines to investigate and predict a phenomenon.


The conceptual framework of this study was derived from the two above theories, i.e.

Rogers' DOI and Davis' TAM, where it was postulated that students' awareness and procedural knowledge of BookMyne would influence their intention to use the application. The proposed framework is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1The Study's Conceptual Framework

In the proposed model, awareness and procedural knowledge are the two forms of knowledge that are related to each other and expected to predict intention to use.

Awareness Knowledge

Procedural Knowledge

Intention to Use BookMyne



Awareness knowledge encourages the adopters to seek for the other types of knowledge.

This helps the individual to know the existence of the other types of knowledge. An individual who is aware of the existence of an innovation may seek to know how to use it. This process can be referred to as procedural knowledge. The connection between the two types of knowledge is that they are interwoven and may be considered to be significant predictors of intention to use.


The study had focused only on the undergraduate students of the International Islamic University Malaysia at the Gombak campus. The sample was delimited to surveying 415 IIUM students that cut across all levels except level one during Semester I, 2014/2015 at IIUM Gombak campus. Therefore, its results and findings might not be generalizable to students on other campuses or to other students who are from other universities in Malaysia.

1.9 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS The terms used in the study were defined as follows:

Awareness: Information possessed by IIUM undergraduate students that BookMyne exists as an application to access the IIUM library catalogue (Rogers, 2003). In this study, five (5) items measured IIUM undergraduate students’ awareness knowledge of BookMyne.

Procedural knowledge: Technical information possessed by IIUM undergraduate students on how to use BookMyne to access the IIUM library catalogue from smartphones (Rogers, 2003).In this study, six (6) items measured IIUM undergraduate students’ procedural knowledge of BookMyne.



Intention to use: An indication shown by IIUM undergraduate students that they will use BookMyne to access the IIUM library catalogue from a smartphone (Davis, 1989).In this study, IIUM undergraduate students’ intention to use BookMyne was measured by nine (9) items.

IIUM Undergraduate Students: Students at the IIUM Gombak who were currently undertaking a 4 to 5 year degree programme at the time of data collection in various fields and specializations with an age range from 18 to 25 years.

BookMyne: Is a mobile application used on, an Android phone, iPad, iPhone or tablet to access the IIUM library catalogue on the go.


The purpose of this study was to explore the levels of IIUM undergraduate students’

awareness and procedural knowledge of BookMyne, and to identify the relationship between awareness and procedural knowledge. The study also sought to examine whether awareness and procedural knowledge were significant predictors of IIUM students’ intention to use BookMyne. Five research questions were posed in this study to determine the predicting factors in students’ intention to use BookMyne. This chapter outlined the objectives of the study, contributions, theoretical and conceptual framework covered by the study, delimitations, and definition of terms used. The following chapter will present the literature that supports the research questions raised in this study.



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