• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching


Academic year: 2022

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As the introduction of Western methodologies, teaching materials, and teachers has resulted in a number of mismatches between different elements in the English

As the issues and aspects of autonomous learning and teaching are wide and complex, this chapter will focus on one particular aspect, namely, how language teachers in an English for

The teaching and learning of literature in English in the Malaysian English as a Second Language (ESL) context has evolved from being a core part of the English language curriculum

This study focuses on the selected factors affecting teachers’ implementation of the NCTB’s Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) curriculum in secondary schools in Bangladesh.. The

In the process of teaching and learning, teachers can pick and choose their preferred techniques of disseminating knowledge to the students, based on the

Teaching Mandarin as a second language, public universities, development in teaching, current stage Mandarin teaching survey, teaching Mandarin as a second language teacher

This study investigated teachers’ practices and perceptions in using ICT in English Language Teaching (ELT) with a focus on the obstacles faced by English language teachers in

The main reason of this research is to identify the most common teaching approaches practiced by the ESL Teachers in their Language teaching. The research involved