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Academic year: 2022





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Thesis Submitted to

Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia,



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This study focuses on the effect of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system adoption on firm's performance among medium-sized enterprises organization in Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to examine the mediating role of ERP system adoption on the relationship between performance of medium-sized enterprises (PME) and Organization Culture (OC), Communication Process (CP), Organization Structure (OS), IT readiness (ITR), Technological Change (TC), Government Policy (GP), Information Access (IA) &

Technology Infrastructure Support (TIS). This study also included the role of top management support (TMS) as a moderating variable on the relationship between ERP and PME. The research framework has been established based on theories such as Resource Based View, Contingency Theory, and Diffusion of Innovation. The data were collected from the medium-sized enterprise organizations operating in South Western Nigeria and a cross-sectional survey and were applied.The systematic random sampling was used to choose the sample. A total of 658 questionnaires were distributed and 374 were returned, out of which 355 were useable. The data analysis was performed through Smart PLS 3.0 and SPSS software. The results showed that CP, ERP, GP, IA, ITR, OC, OS, TC, TIS and TMS have significant direct relationship with the ERP and PME. However, GP is not significant with ERP adoption. In fact, IA, ITR, OC, OS and TC have no significant relationship with PME. Hence, ERP system adoption mediates the relationship between the CP, OC, OS, TC and TIS with PME. The findings show that CP, OC, OS, TC, TIS will influence the performance of medium enterprises in the adoption of ERP. The findings also confirm that the top management support plays an important role in moderating the relationship between ERP and PME. The findings provide important insights to CEO, directors, managers, policy-makers and researchers to understand the important use of ERP system that will enhance the performance of medium-sized enterprise organizations in Nigeria.Equally, it provides further explanation to the existing literature by empirically extending the theory of adoption and implementation of ERP system to enhance performance of medium-sized enterprises firm.

Keywords: ERP system adoption, medium-sized enterprises performance, internal factors, external factors, top management support.



Kajian ini berfokus kepada penerimagunaan sistem Perancangan Sumber Perusahaan (ERP) dalam kalangan organisasi perusahaan bersaiz sederhana di Nigeria. Objektif utama kajian adalah untuk menyelidik peranan penerimagunaan sistem ERP sebagai perantara dalam hubungan antara prestasi perusahaan bersaiz sederhana (PME) dengan budaya organisasi (OC), proses komunikasi (CP), struktur organisasi (OS), kesediaan IT (ITR), perubahan teknologi (TC), dasar kerajaan (GP), akses maklumat (IA), dan sokongan prasarana teknologi (TIS). Kajian turut meneliti peranan sokongan pengurusan atasan (TMS) sebagai pemboleh ubah penyederhana dalam hubungan antara ERP dengan PME.

Kerangka kajian dibina berlandaskan teori Pandangan Berasaskan Sumber, Teori Kontingensi, dan teori Penyebarluasan Pembaharuan. Data dikutip daripada organisasi perusahaan bersaiz sederhana yang beroperasi di bahagian barat daya Nigeria dan tinjauan keratan rentas turut digunakan dalam kajian ini. Persampelan rawak bersistem digunakan untuk memilih sampel kajian. Sejumlah 658 borang soal selidik diedarkan dan sebanyak 374 borang dikembalikan, hanya sebanyak 355 daripadanya boleh digunakan. Analisis data dilakukan menerusi perisian Smart PLS 3.0 dan SPSS. Hasil dapatan memperlihatkan bahawa CP, ERP, GP, IA, ITR, OC, OS, TC, TIS, dan TMS mempunyai hubungan langsung yang signifikan terhadap ERP dan PME. Waiau bagaimanapun, GP didapati tidak signifikan dengan penerimagunaan ERP. Malah, IA, ITR, OC, OS, dan TC tidak mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan PME. Oleh ha! yang demikian, penerimagunaan sis tern ERP bertindak sebagai perantara terhadap hubungan antara CP, OC, OS, TC, dan TIS dengan PME. Dapatanjuga menunjukkan bahawa CP, OC, OS, TC, dan TIS akan mempengaruhi prestasi perusahaan bersaiz sederhana apabila ERP diterima guna. Dapatanjuga mengesahkan bahawa sokongan pengurusan atasan berperanan penting dalam menyederhana hubungan antara ERP dengan PME. Hasil kajian memberikan maklumat yang berguna kepada CEO, pengarah, pengurus, penggubal dasar serta penyelidik untuk memahami kepentingan penggunaan sistem ERP yang boleh meningkatkan prestasi organisasi perusahaan bersaiz sederhana di Nigeria. Selain itu, kajian ini turut memberikan penerangan lanjut kepada literatur sedia ada dengan memperluaskan secara empirik teori penerimagunaan dan pelaksanaan sistem ERP bagi meningkatkan prestasi firma perusahaan bersaiz sederhana.

Kata kunci: Penerimagunaan sistem ERP, prestasi perusahaan bersaiz sederhana, faktor dalaman, faktor luaran, sokongan pengurusan atasan



I would like to praise and thank Allah SWT for his uncountable blessings and giving me the ability, strength and motivation to complete this study, without Allah' s blessing and help, it would never be possible for me to complete such a long journey.

First and foremost, I would like to give my sincere thanks to my honorable supervisor "Dr Arfan Shahzad," It has been an honor to be his PhD student. I appreciate all his contributions of time, ideas, guidance and friendliness to make my PhD experience productive and stimulating. The joy and enthusiasm he has for his research was contagious and motivational for me, even during tough times in the PhD pursuit. Thank you, Dr Arfan Shahzad, with my heartfelt feelings for all his contribution. He is such remarkable academician and researcher who have extended his greatest supports in assisting me to overcome all the obstacles that I have encountered in completing this study. Once again I would like to extend my genuine gratitude to him for all the superb wok he has done and wish him best wishes for his future endeavors.

Secondly, I would like to thank my co-supervisor, Prof. Dr. Shahizan Hassan. Thank you for always being inspiring, sharing, patient, and understanding. You are a wonderful supervisor, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have the chance to work with you. Your effort in reading my drafts and correcting each and every word is really remarkable. I really learned a lot from your knowledge and experience. You are a brilliant researcher and academician. I wish you best of luck for your future endeavors.

I am very grateful for my father, Alhaji Adejare, for earning an honest living for us. His support and his love encouraged me to work hard and to continue pursuing a PhD project abroad. His firm and kind-hearted personality has affected me to be steadfast and never bend to difficulty. He always lets me know that he is proud of me, which motivates me to work harder and do my best.

To my Mother, who sacrificed and invested all her life for my wellbeing, she is a strong and gentle soul who taught me to trust in Allah, believe in hard and that so much could be done with little. She has a high hopes for me and always wanted to see me at higher level.

I pray for her long life and good health.

To my elder brothers & Sisters, Akeeb Adejare, Jelili Adejare, Ayinde Adejare they took upon my responsibility during my studies; indeed, there are few brothers of your kind. I would like to thank my sisters Mujidat, Medina! and Busirat for their moral support and love. I am glad that I did not disappoint you. I will always remember your valuable words of advice for me.


level, caring for me when we were together in UUM and also giving his moral support in this long journey. He was always besides me to support and encourage me to complete most difficult tasks. I would also like to thanks my other close friends also Dr's and PhD scholars, Dr. Mohsin, Dr. Nura, Dr. Rogo, Mr. Jubril, Mr. Muqodam, Mr. Abdraman, who gave their full support during my PhD journey and enabled me to present my thesis more confidently.

I would like to give my special thanks to Professor. Sanusi Y ekinni Kolawole for his inspiration, guidance, support, and generosity. He inspired and motivated me greatly all through my PhD journey, which resulted into huge success. I particularly benefited tremendously from the opportunities offered to me in terms of financial assistant and research process.

I would like to also thank my internal and external examiners for their valuable suggestions during my proposal defence and viva. Collective and individual acknowledgements are also owed to my friends who present somehow perpetually refreshed, helpful and memorable. To my respondents, my sincere appreciation for taking time and effort to participate in this research.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the successful realization of my research thesis, as well as expressing my apology that I could not mention personally one by one.















1.0 Background of the Study I

1.1 Statement of the Problem 14

1.2 Research Questions 21

1.3 Research Objectives 22

1.4 Scope of Study 23

1.5 Significance of the Study 24

1.5 . 1 Theoretical Contribution 24

1.5.2 Practical Contribution 25

1.6 Definition of Key Terms 26

1.7 Organization of the Thesis 27



2.0 Introduction 29

2.1 Theoretical Background 29


2 . 1 . 3 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 3 1

2.1.4 Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI) 32

2 .1. 5 Contingency Theory (CT) 33

2 . 1 . 6 The Resource-Based View (RBV) 37

2.2 The Identification of Constructs 41

2.2.1 Performance of Medium-sized Enterprises (PME) 41

2.3 Internal Factor of ERP System Adoption 46

2.3.1 Organizational Culture (OC) 48

2.3.2 Communication Process (CP) 50

2.3.3 Organization Structure (OS) 52

2.3.4 Information Technology Readiness (ITR) 54

2.4 External Factors of ERP Adoption 58

2.4.1 Technological Change (TC) 60

2.4.2 Government Policy (GP) 62

2.4.3 Information Access (IA) 65

2.4.4 Technological Infrastructure Support 66

2.5 Enterprise Resource Planning, Adoption (ERP) 70

2.6 Top Management Support 74

2.7 Summary 76



3.0 Introduction 78

3. I The theoretical framework 78

3.2 Hypotheses Development. 82

3.2.1 Organizational Culture and Performance of Medium Enterprises 83

3.2.2 Communication Process and Performance of Medium Enterprises 84 3.2.3 Organizational Structure and Performance of Medium Enterprises 85 3.2.4 IT Readiness and Performance of Medium Enterprises 86 3.2.5 Technological change and Performance of Medium Enterprises 87 3.2.6 Government Policy and Performance of Medium-Sized Enterprises 88


3.2.8 Technology Support Infrastructure and Performance of Medium Enterprises. 90

3 .2.9 Organizational Culture and ERP Adoption 91

3.2.10 Communication Process and ERP Adoption 92

3 . 2 .1 1 Organizational Structure and ERP Adoption 93

3.2.12 IT Readiness and ERP Adoption 94

3.2.13 Technological change and ERP Adoption 94

3 .2.14 Government Policy and ERP Adoption 95

3.2.15 Information Access and ERP Adoption 96

3 . 2 . 1 6 Technology Infrastructure Support and ERP Adoption 97 3.2.17 ERP Adoption and Performance of Medium Enterprises 98 3.2.18 Top Management Support and Performance of Medium Enterprises 99 3.2.19 ERP Adoption as a Mediating Variable to Internal and External factors, and

Performance of Medium-sized Enterprises 100

3.2.20 Top Management Support as a Moderating Variable to ERP Adoption and

Performance of Medium Enterprise Relationship I 02

3.3 Research Design 103

3 .4 Operationalization of Variables I 04

3.4.1 Performance of Medium-sized Enterprises 105

3.4.2 Organizational Culture 105

3 .4.3 Communication Process I 06

3.4.4 Organizational Structure I 06

3 .4.5 IT Readiness I 07

3.4.6 Technological Change 107

3 .4. 7 Government Policy I 08

3.4.8 Information Access 108

3.4.9 Technology Infrastructures Support I 09

3.4.10 Enterprise Resource Planning Adoption 109

3.4. I I Top Management Support I 09

3.5 Measurement of Items 1 10


3.5.3 Communication Process 1 12

3.5.4 Organizational Structure 1 1 3

3.5.5 Information Technology Readiness 1 1 4

3.5.6 Technological Change 1 1 4

3.5.7 Government Policy 1 1 5

3.5.8 Information Access 1 1 5

3.5.9 Technology Infrastructures Support 1 1 6

3.5.10 ERP Adoption 1 1 6

3.5 . 1 1 Top Management Support 1 17

3.6 Population 1 1 8

3.7 Sampling Technique 120

3.8 Sample Size 121

3.9 Unit of Analysis 123

3 . 1 0 Data Collection Method 124

3 . 1 1 Questionnaire Design 125

3.12 Data Collection Procedures 127

3 . 1 3 Pilot Study 128

3.14 Validity Test 129

3 . 1 5 ReliabilityTest 130

3 . 1 6 Technique of Data Analysis 131

3.1 7 Summary 134



4.0 Introduction 136

4.1 Response Rate 136

4.2 Test of Non-Response Bias 13 8

4.3 Data Coding 144

4.4 Common Method Bias Test. 145

4.5 Data Screening and Preliminary Analysis 146

4.5.1 Missing Value Analysis 147


4.5.3 Descriptive Analysis of Latent Construct.. 148

4.6 Demographic Profile of the Respondents 149

4.7 Assessment of PLS-SEM Path Model Results 152

4.8 Assessment of Measurement Model 153

4.8.1 Individual Items Reliability 155

4.8.2 Internal Consistency Reliability 155

4.8.3 Discriminant Validity 158

4.9 Structural Model.. 162

4.9.1 Assessment of Significance of the Structural Model Direct Relationships 162

4.10 Assessment of effect size (f-squared) 169

4.1 1 Mediation Analysis 1 7 1

4 .1 2 Testing of Moderating Effect 17 5

4.13 Assessment of Predictive Relevance of the Model 179

4.14 Summary 180



5.0 Introduction 184

5.1 Recapitulation of this Study 184

5.2 Discussion 186

5.3 Objective 1 : Direct Relationship between OC, CP, OS, !TR, TC, GP, IA, TIS and

performance of Medium-sized enterprises firm 188

5.3. l Organization Culture (OC) and Performance of Medium-sized Enterprises

(PME) 188

5.3.2 Communication Process (CP) and Performance of Medium-sized Enterprises

(PME) 189

5.3.3 Organization Structure (OS) and Performance of Medium-sized enterprises

(PME) 190

5.3.4 Information Technology Readiness (!TR) and Performance of Medium-sized


5.3.6 Government Policy (GP) and performance of Medium-sized enterprises (PME) ... 193 5.3.7 Information Access (IA) and performance of Medium-sized enterprises (PME) ... 194 5.3.8 Technology Infrastructure Support (TIS) and performance of Medium-sized

enterprises (PME) 195

5.4 Objective 2: Direct Relationship between OC, CP, OS, ITR, TC, GP, IA, TIS and

ERP System Adoption (ERP) 197

5.4.1 Organization Culture (OC) and ERP System Adoption (ERP) 197 5.4.2 Communication Process (CP) and ERP System Adoption (ERP) 198 5.4.3 Organization Structure (OS) and ERP System Adoption (ERP) 200 5.4.4 Information Technology Readiness (ITR) and ERP System Adoption (ERP)200 5.4.5 Technological Change (TC) and ERP system adoption (ERP) 201 5.4.6 Government Policy (GP) and ERP system adoption (ERP) 202 5.4.7 Information Access (IA) and ERP system adoption (ERP) 203 5.4.8 Technology Infrastructure Support (TIS) and ERP system adoption (ERP) .. 204 5.5 Objective 3: Direct relationships between ERP system adoption (ERP), Top Management Support (TMS) and Performance of Medium-sized enterprises (PME) 205 5.5. I Adoption of ERP System (ERP) and performance of Medium-sized enterprises

(PME) 206

5.5.2 Top Management Support (TMS) and Performance of Medium-sized enterprises

(PME) 207

5.6 Objective 4: Mediating Role of ERP system adoption on the Relationship between OC, CP, OS, ITR, TC, GP, IA, TIS and performance of Medium-sized enterprise

organizations in Nigeria 208

5.7 Objective 5: Moderating Effect of Top Management Support (TMS) with the Relationship between ERP system Adoption (ERP) and Performance of Medium-sized

enterprises (PME) 2 1 5

5.8 Implication of the study 217

5.8. l Theoretical Implication , 217

5.8.2 Practical Implications : 220


5.9 Conclusion 224 5.10 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research 227

References 230





Convengent validity 284


Survey on Problem Statement Practical Gaps 287



1 . 1 : Challenges for Enterprises Development in Nigeria 9

1.2: Nigeria MSMES Data 24

2.1: Contingency Theory 36

2.2: Resource-Based Theory .40

2.3: MSMEs DATA 42

2.4: Performance of Medium-sized Enterprise Organization in Nigeria 45

2.5: Internal Factors of ERP System Adoption 57

2.6: External Factors of ERP Adoption 79

2.7: Enterprise Resource Planning, Adoption 74

2.8: Top Management Support 76

3 .1 : Summary of Variables and Total Number ofltems 1 1 1

3.2: Performance of Medium Enterprises 1 1 2

3.3: Items for Organizational Culture 1 1 2

3 .4: Items for Communication Process 1 1 3

3.5: Items for Organization Structure 1 1 3

3.6: Items for IT Readiness 1 1 4

3.7 Item for Technological Change 1 1 4

3.8: Items for Government Policy 1 1 5

3.9: Items for Information Access 1 1 5

3 . 1 0 : Items for Technology Infrastructures Support 1 1 6

3 .1 1 : Items of ERP Adoption 1 1 7

3.12: Items for Top Management Support 1 1 7

3.1 3 : Number of Regional and State 1 1 8

3.14: Name of States and their Medium Enterprises Population 1 1 9

3 . 1 5 : Sampling with proportionate technique l 23

3.l 6 Reliability Statistics for Pilot Study 130

4 .1 : Response Rate of the Questionnaires 137

4.2: Group Descriptive Statistics for the Early and Late Respondents 139

4.3: Levene's Test. 141


4.5: Result of Descriptive Statistics of the study Variables 149

4.6: Demographic Profile ofRespondents 1 5 1

4.7: Indicator Loadings, Internal Consistency Reliability, and Convergent Validity156

4.8: Discriminant Validity Matrix 159

4.9: Loading and Cross loadings 160

4.10: Result of hypothesis testing (Direct effects) 165

4 . 1 1 : Direct effect size (f2) 170

4.12: Test of mediation of adoption of ERP system 174

4 .13 : Moderator Hypothesis Testing 177

4.14: Construct Cross Validated Redundancy 180

4 . 1 5 : Summary of Supported Hypothesis .182

4.16: Summary of Supported Hypothesis 183



2 . 1 : Resource characteristics Model.. 36

2.2: ERP life-cycle frameworks 70

3 . 1 : Theoretical research framework 79

3.2: REV Model.. 80

3 .3: Contingency Model. 8 1

4 . 1 : A Two-Step Process of PLS Path Model Assessment.. 153

4.2: PLS Algorithm Measurement Model. 154

4.3: Structural Model Direct Relationships 164

4.4: The Indirect Effect ofERP 173

4.5: Structural Model with Moderating Variable 178








Chief Executive Officer Communication Process Contingency Theory

Diffusion of Innovation Theory Enterprise Resource Planning Federal Executive Council Gross Domestic Product Government Policy Information Access

Information Communication Technology Information System Manager

Information Technology

Information Technology Readiness International Telecommunication Unit Local Government Areas

Material Requirement Planning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Nigerian Communication Commission

National Information Technology Development Agency Organization Culture

Organizational Performance Organization Structure

Performance of Medium Enterprise Resource Based View Theory



Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria Small and Medium Size Enterprises

Sub-Saharan Africa

Technology Acceptance Model Technological Change

Technology Infrastructures Support Top Management Support

Theory of Planned Behavior


Appendix A:

Appendix B:

Appendix C:

Appendix D:

Appendix E:



Original Items Adapted From Previous Studies and Modified New Items Convengent Validity (Pilot-Test)

History Of Enterprise Resource Planning And SMEs Overview Survey on Problem Statement Practical Gaps



1.0 Background of the Study

Recently, the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has generated great deal of discussions among practitioners, researchers, educators, and policymakers. In this regard, the characteristics and determinants of SMEs have been the focus of much debate and interest (McKelvie & Wiklund, 20 I 0) due to the unique constraints and limitations faced by SMEs, such as the limited number of employees, insufficient financial resources, the lack education background, experience, managerial expertise, technological innovations and other limiting factors (Samad, 2007; Saleh & Ndubisi, 2006; Mohd Aris, 2007). Consequently, there are continuous efforts to understand how the performance of SMEs could be further enhanced. Thus, these efforts are important since this sector is recognized as one of the crucial engines of growth for a country's economy (Abu Kassim

& Sulaiman, 2 01 1 ).

Equally, SMEs are also recognized as crucial mechanisms of national development in technologically advanced and industrialized economies (Aigboduwa & Oisamoje, 2013;

Osalor, 2012; Lai & Arifin, 2 0 1 1 ; Abrie & Doussy, 2006; Oyekanmi, 2003). They also serve as a backbone for the economic revival of many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Babajide, 2 0 1 1 ) where micro, small and other medium enterprises occupied a large number of labor force and generate employment in the economies (Mahmood & Hanafi, 2013). In most countries, SMEs generate employment and reduce poverty, as well as to



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“capabilities” of ERP system and “capabilities” required by business organization in the definition of ERP misfit can represent different constructs, ranged from

The mixing time and the intensity of mixing powder and lubricant is an important factor because it will affect the properties of the mixture such as flow and

In examining the effect of sonication cycle time on the effectiveness of in-situ ultrasonication in increasing the rate of filtration, experiment was initially conducted

In this research, the researchers will examine the relationship between the fluctuation of housing price in the United States and the macroeconomic variables, which are

Therefore, at 1400C with coarser grain size, the composite mechanical properties slightly decreases but the readings were quite high compared to the composites sintered lower

UiTM Maintenance Department must administer all the contractors’ work to make certain improvement in paint quality and to ensure that the facade of building can

It is believe that individual users’ absorptive capacity in understanding ERP system, assimilating ERP system and applying ERP system can influence their ERP

The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence on a particular aspect of the debate which has not been documented yet (so far), namely how local and foreign