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Academic year: 2022




(1)FYP FSB GEOLOGY OF KG KUALA BETIS AND POTENTIAL OF GOLD DEPOSITS USING HEAVY METALS CONCENTRATION.. by. NUR SYAFIQA BINTI MOHD DAUD. A report submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Geoscience) with Honours. FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCE UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN 2019.

(2) “I/ We hereby declare that I/ we have read this thesis and in our opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Geoscience) with Honors”. Signature. : ………………………….......... Name of Supervisor I. :. Date. : ………………………………... Signature. : ………………………….......... Name of Supervisor II. :. Date. : ………………………………... i. FYP FSB. APPROVAL.

(3) I declare that this thesis entitled “Geology of Kg Kuala Betis and Potential of Gold Deposits Using Heavy Metals Concentration” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.. Signature. :. Name. :. Date. :. ..................................................... ii. FYP FSB. DECLARATION.

(4) In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, on whom we depend on ultimately in all aspects, on whom we depend on ultimately in all aspects, there is insufficient words to describe grateful and appreciation for the progress of doing this research from early stage to the end. Along my journey of the thesis, I would like to express my big thankful and gratitude to those who constantly gives guidance, assistance, motivation and support either directly or indirectly; 1. A special gratitude to my supervisors and examiners from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli campus. Those are Dr Nor Shahida Binti Shafiee, Ir Arham Muchtar Achmad Bahar, Dr Roniza Binti Ismail and Dr Muqtada Ali Khan for their guidance, advices and encouragement throughout completing this thesis. 2. Special thanks to Dr Wani Sofia Binti Udin, coordinator Final Year Project for Geoscience course for her guidance and provides assistance and guideline for me to complete the thesis. 3. A big appreciation for my mapping partners of Kuala Betis area, lab assistance Mr Rohanif, Mr Fathrio Hudaya bin Zulfin, Mr Khairul Aizuddin bin Razali and Mr Mohammed Firdaus bin Mohd Ridzuan.. iii. FYP FSB. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.

(5) ABSTRACT Geological setting of Kuala Betis area give indication for gold deposition to occur. The study was conducted at Kg Kuala Betis, Gua Musang which covers 25km² within coordinate of ( E101°47’2.306’’, N4°55’42.643’’), (E101°49’45.044’’, N4°55’43.337’’), ( E101°49’45.726’’, N4°53’1.671’’),( E101°47’0.916’’, N4°53’1.881’’). This research was conducted to produce geological map in the scale of 1:25 000 using Arcmap 10.2 software and determine the concentration of heavy metals of Mg, Zn, Fe, Pb and Cu at Kg Kuala Betis. The geomorphologic analysis is done classify the landform according to the drainage pattern, topography and slope angle analysis of study area. The lithology of study area consist of metasedimentary rock which is slate, tuff and granite rock according from older to younger. Geological mapping and geochemical mapping were done to produce geological map and anomaly map of heavy metal in Kg Kuala Betis. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) analysis was done to measure heavy metals concentration from 7 different location of soil sampling. Using the geological data from geological mapping, the stratigraphy, structural geology, geomorphology and petrology of study area were analysed. Overlying all this data, this research will indicate the potential area for gold deposit using heavy metal analysis.. iv. FYP FSB. Geology of Kg Kuala Betis and Potential of Gold Deposits Using Heavy Metals Concentration.

(6) Abstrak Penetapan geologi kawasan Kuala Betis memberi penunjuk untuk pemendapan emas berlaku. Kajian ini dijalankan di Kg Kuala Betis, Gua Musang yang meliputi 25km² dalam koordinat (E101 ° 47'2.306 '', N4 ° 55'42.643 ''), (E101 ° 49'45.044 '', N4 ° 55'43.337 ' '), (E101 ° 49'45.726' ', N4 ° 53'1.671' '), (E101 ° 47'0.916' ', N4 ° 53'1.881' '). Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menghasilkan peta geologi dalam skala 1:25 000 menggunakan perisian Arcmap 10.2 dan menentukan kepekatan logam berat Mg, Zn, Fe, Pb dan Cu di Kg Kuala Betis. Analisis geomorfologi dilakukan mengklasifikasikan bentuk tanah mengikut corak saliran, topografi dan analisis sudut cerun kawasan kajian. Litologi kawasan kajian terdiri daripada batuan metasedimentary yang berbentuk batu slat, tuf dan granit mengikut umur dari lebih tua kepada lebih muda. Pemetaan geologi dan pemetaan geokimia dilakukan untuk menghasilkan peta geologi dan peta anomali logam berat di Kg Kuala Betis. Analisis Spektroskopi Serapan Atom (AAS) dilakukan untuk mengukur kepekatan logam berat dari 7 lokasi pensampelan tanah yang berlainan. Menggunakan data geologi dari pemetaan geologi, stratigrafi, geologi struktur, geomorfologi dan petrologi kawasan kajian dianalisis. Berdasarkan semua data ini, kajian ini akan menunjukkan potensi kawasan deposit emas menggunakan analisis logam berat.. v. FYP FSB. Geologi Kg Kuala Betis Dan Potensi Pemendapan Emas Dengan Kepekatan Logam Berat.

(7) PAGE APPROVAL. i. DECLARATION. ii. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. iii. ABSTRACT. iv. ABSTRAK. v. TABLE OF CONTENTS. vi. LIST OF TABLES. x. LIST OF FIGURES. xi. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. xiii. LIST OF SYMBOLS. xv. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Background. 1. 1.2 Problem Statement. 2. 1.3 Objectives. 5. 1.4 Study Area. 5. 1.4.1 Geography. 8. a) People Distribution. 8. b) Land Use. 9. c) Social Economic. 9. d) Road connection. 10. 1.5 Scope of Study. 10. 1.6 Research Significance. 11. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW. vi. FYP FSB. TABLE OF CONTENTS.

(8) 12. 2.2 Stratigraphy. 14. 2.3 Sedimentology. 15. 2.4 Structural Geology. 15. 2.4.1 Quartz Veins in Sheared Granite Zones. 15. 2.4.2 Hydrothermal Alteration. 17. 2.5 Geochemical Mapping. 18. 2.5.1 Heavy Metals Related To Gold Potential. 18. A. Arsenic. 20. B. Lead. 20. C. Zinc. 21. D. Copper. 21. E. Magnesium. 21. 2.5.2 Analytical Method to Determine Heavy Metals. 22. A. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(AAS). 22. B. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. 23. (ICP-MS) C. X-ray fluorescence (XRF. 24. CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Materials for Geological Mapping. 25. 3.2 Methods for Geological Mapping. 27. 3.2.1 Fieldworks. 27. a. Sampling. 27. b. Traversing. 27. 3.2.2 Laboratory Works. 28. a. Petrological Studies. 28. b. Thin section. 28 vii. FYP FSB. 2.1 Regional Geology and Tectonic Setting.

(9) 3.3.1. 3.3.2. Materials For Geochemical Mapping. 31 31. a. Plastic Sample Bag. 31. b. Steel Auger. 31. Method For Geochemical Mapping. 32. a) Data Collection. 31. b) Data Analysis. 33. c) Research Flowchart. 40. CHAPTER 4 GENERAL GEOLOGY 4.1 Introduction. 41. 4.1.1 Accessibility. 42. 4.1.2 Settlement. 43. 4.1.3 Forestry. 44. 4.1.4 Traverses and Observation. 46. 4.2 Geomorphology. 48. 4.2.1 Geomorphologic Classification. 48. 4.2.2 Weathering. 53. 4.2.3 Drainage Pattern. 53. 4.3 Lithostratigraphy. 56. 4.3.1 Stratigraphic Position of All Units. 4.4. 56. a. Unit Explanation. 57. b. Thin Section Analysis. 59. Structural Geology. 64. 4.4.1 Vein. 64. 4.4.2 Joint. 66. a. Joint Analysis at Riverside Outcrop.. 66. b. Joint Analysis at Roadside Outcrop. 67. viii. FYP FSB. 3.3 Materials and Method for Geochemical Mapping.

(10) Fault. 69. a. Normal Fault. 69. b. Strike Slip Fault. 71. 4.4.4 Fold. 71. 4.4.5 Mechanism of Structure. 72. 4.5 Historical Geology. 74. CHAPTER 5 GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METALS IN SOIL AT KG. KUALA. BETIS. USING. ATOMIC. ABSORPTION. SPECTROPHOTOMETER 5.1 Introduction. 75. 5.2 Description of Soil Sample. 76. 5.3 Location of Sampling. 81. 5.4 Result of Geochemical Analysis Using AAS. 82. 5.5 Discussion. 90. 5.6 Overall Discussion. 93. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion. 94. 6.2 Recommendation. 96. REFERENCES. 97. APPENDIX A. Absorbance graph of different elements. 100. Of AAS analysis APPENDIX B. General Linear Model. ix. 102. FYP FSB. 4.4.3.

(11) NO. TITLE. PAGES. 1.1. Population of RPS Kuala Betis. 8. 2.1. Romanian guideline of soil. 19. 3.1. Materials for geological mapping. 25. 4.1. Geomorphic classification using mean elevation. 48. 4.2. Geomorphology analysis based in slope angle. 50. 4.3. Stratigraphic unit of Kg Kuala Betis. 56. 4.4. Explanation of stratigraphic unit in Kg Kuala Betis. 57. 4.5. Thin section analysis of sample A in Kg Kuala Betis. 59. 4.6. Thin section analysis of sample B in Kg Kuala Betis. 61. 4.7. Thin section analysis of sample C in Kg Kuala Betis. 62. 4.8. Joint reading of riverside outcrop. 66. 4.9. Joint reading of roadside outcrop. 67. 4.10. Readings of normal fault bedding. 70. 4.11. Bedding data of folding. 72. 5.1. Description of soil sample in Kg Kuala Betis. 79. 5.2. Effect of different soil localities on heavy metal 82 concentrations (ppm) at Kg Kuala Betis. 5.3. Results of multi elemental analyses data from DDH 3 of 91 Penjom gold deposit from the early exploration stage.(Shah, 2012). x. FYP FSB. LIST OF TABLES.

(12) NO. TITLE. PAGES. 1.1. Location of gold field in Kelantan.. 3. 1.2. Mineral belts and primary gold occurences.. 4. 1.3. Location of Kg Kuala Betis in Kelantan map. 6. 1.4. Basemape of Kg Kuala Betis. 7. 2.1. Location of Kuala Betis in Gua Musang formation. 13. 3.1. Auger tool. 32. 3.2. The bit of Auger. 32. 3.3. Weighing of soil. 35. 3.4. Stirring of solution using glass rod. 36. 3.5. Filtration of solution. 36. 3.6. Transferred of solution using syringe filter. 37. 3.7. The optical system and detector in AAS. 38. 3.8. Overall research flowchart. 40. 4.1. Road path in Kg Kuala Betis. 43. 4.2. Vegetation map in Kg Kuala Betis. 45. 4.3. Traverse map of Kg Kuala Betis. 47. 4.4. Geomorphology map of Kg Kuala Betis. 49. 4.5. Drainage pattern of Kg Kuala Betis. 55. 4.6. Geological map of Kg Kuala Betis. 63. 4.7. Iron vein structure in metasedimentary rock bedding. 65. 4.8. Iron vein sample. 65. 4.9. Joint analysis at riverside outcrop. 66. 4.10. Joint analysis at roadside outcrop. 68. 4.11. Joint structure at roadside tuff outcrop. 69. 4.12. Normal fault analysis using rose diagram. 70. 4.13. Anticline structure at Kg Kuala Betis. 71. 4.14. Stereo net of fold at Kg Kuala Betis. 72. 4.15. Collision of Sibumasu and Indochina plate.. 73. 5.1. Location of SS1 is taken. 76. 5.2. Location sampling of SS2. 77 xi. FYP FSB. LIST OF FIGURES.

(13) Location of SS4. 77. 5.4. Location of SS6 sampling. 78. 5.5. Location of SS7 sampling.. 78. 5.6. Map of soil sampling of Kg Kuala Betis. 81. 5.7. Anomaly map of Mg concentration in Kg Kuala Betis. 85. 5.8. Anomaly map of Zn concentration in Kg Kuala Betis. 86. 5.9. Anomaly map of Fe concentration in Kg Kuala Betis. 87. 5.10. Anomaly map of Pb concentration in Kg Kuala Betis. 88. 5.11. Anomaly map of Cu concentration in Kg Kuala Betis. 89. xii. FYP FSB. 5.3.

(14) Au-Cl. Aurum- Chloride. Au-S. Aurum-Sulphide. JAKOA. Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli. RPS. Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula. AAS. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. NE-SW. North East-South West. NW-SE. North West– South East. N-S. North- South. Cu. Copper. Ag. Silver. Zn. Zinc. Cd. Cadmium. As. Arsenic. Bi. Bismuth. Pb. Lead. Sb. Antimony. Hg. Mercury. W. Tungsten. Mo. Molybdenum. Se. Selenium. NV. Normal value. Sr. Strontium. Ni. Nickel. Co. Cobalt. Cr. Chromium. Ce. Cerium. La. Lanthanum. Ba. Barium. Ppm. Part per million. WHO. World Health Organisation. mg/kg. Milligram/kilogram xiii. FYP FSB. LIST OF ABBREVIATION.

(15) Milligram/litre. XRF. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Mn. Manganese. Fe. Iron. ICP. Inductively Coupled Plasma. ICPMS. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. REE. Rare earth elements. IDLs. Instrument detection limits. LLOQs. Lower limits of quantitation. GPS. Global Positioning System. HCL. Hydrochloric acid. H2SO4. Sulfuric acid. L. Litre. Ppb. Part per billion. SS1. Soil sample 1. NS. Non-significant. Mg. Magnesium. ANOVA. One-way analysis of variance. DMRT. Duncan Multiple Range Test. SD. Standard deviation. xiv. FYP FSB. mg/l.

(16) %. Percent. °. Degree. ˂. Less than. ˃. Greater than. ˄. Power of. “. Seconds. ,. Minutes. xv. FYP FSB. LIST OF SYMBOLS.

(17) INTRODUCTION. 1.1 General Background The research is about geological study of Kg Kuala Betis and geochemistry study of heavy metals of soil in this location. Geological field mapping is the way of identifying all geological aspects such as sedimentology, stratigraphy, petrology, geology structure and geomorphology. The process involve with the observation of outcrop, coordinate data, orientation and characteristics of rocks and sediments in that area. For this step, it include of collection of samples and data analysis using instruments in lab. This geochemistry study is about determination of heavy metal that are related in gold deposition using soil sample in this area. For the anomaly concentration of selected heavy, it may indicate the location for gold deposited. Kuala Betis is chosen for potential of occurrence of gold due to previous research. Hydrothermal alteration is the main key of the mineralization occur in a place. This process is the reciprocal action between hydrothermal fluids and wall of rocks. The physicochemical conditions will be altered due to this process. Hydrothermal alteration process will transfer the heat and chemical constituents. Mineral group that. 1. FYP FSB. CHAPTER 1.

(18) gold, it is carried in Au-Cl and Au-S solutions. During late stage of ore formation, the depletion of temperature and salinity occur due to inclusion of meteoric water. There are three things occur during hydrothermal alteration which are hydrolysis, hydration, redox reaction and sulphidation. Gold re-precipitation form through oxidation and reduction reactions to form more coarser element over decades in orogenic (Craw & Kerr, 2017).. 1.2 Problem statement Kuala Betis is located on Bentong-Raub suture zone. It may have geological history that shows anomaly in that area. Kuala Betis area also have been said to have gold deposition area from previous research. Figure 1.1 shows distribution map of 34 gold area in Kelantan and the target location of mineralization zones (Heng & Hoe, 2006). The continuous study need to be done here to make sure that geological data are up to date and can be accepted in current time. Anomalous concentration of certain elements can be indicator to locate mineral deposition in study area. The distribution also may related to geological of study area. This result can be benefit in term of economic value and future mineral exploration.. 2. FYP FSB. form during this process determine the geochemical style of ore-forming fluids. For.

(19) FYP FSB Figure 1.1: Location of gold field in Kelantan.. From Figure 1.1, there are 34 gold located in Kelantan. More than 17 locations are located in Gua Musang area. This is due to structural geology of Central Belt that form the gold mineralisation. For Sungai Betis gold deposits, the gold mineralisation occur along fractures, shear zone or fault zone. This type of mineralisation is low sulphide minerals hydrothermal veins. Quartz veins occur at the contact of sedimentary rocks. In certain location in Ke1antan, structural features and granite bodies are unpresented. Hence, the hydrothermal solutions will seep through along the bedding of sedimentary rocks and dissolve along the boundaries of sedimentary-metasedimentary, sedimentary-volcanic rocks and metasedimentary-volcanic rocks. This quartz veins structure can be located along the contact of Permian metasedimentary rocks and Triassic sedimentary rocks,. 3.

(20) Berok. Sungai Berok is one of tributaries in this study area. This kind of quartz veins are mostly found along the foliation of metasedimentary rocks other than the bedding structure of the sedimentary type rocks (Heng & Hoe, 2006).. Figure 1.2: Mineral belts and primary gold occurrences. (Ariffin,K.S., n.d.). From Figure 1.2 above, it shows that Raub suture zone is mostly found the gold deposits. It is form from the hydrothermal veins that form in this structure. According to previous gold mining, the gold mining is done through the veins structure. It is due to mineralisation of gold form in high temperature of rock formation.. 4. FYP FSB. such as the boundary of Sungai Kenik and along Sungai Besir-Sungai Perias-Sungai.

(21) Anomalies concentration of Arsenic, Zinc, Lead and Copper metal will indicate occurrence of gold mineralization in study area.. 1.3 Research Objectives 1. To produce geological map of Kg Kuala Betis, Kuala Betis Gua Musang in scale of 1:25000 2. To analyse the heavy metals concentration in Kg Kuala Betis. 3. To locate the potential deposit of gold in study area using analysis of heavy metal of soil samples.. 1.4 Study Area Kuala Betis is a small area located about 30 km from the Gua Musang town. Kuala Betis is known as the village of the indigenous people. The biggest ethnic of the indigenous people in Kuala Betis is Temiar ethnic. The study area location is about 25km. It is at the coordinates (E101°47’2.306’’, N4°55’42.643’’), (E101°49’45.044’’, and N4 ° 55’43.337’’), (E101°49’45.726’’, N4°53’1.671’’), (E101°47’0.916’’, N4°53’1.881’’). Within this area, there are small villages which is Kg Kuala Betis, Kg. Bawid, and Kg Lalang. From figure 1.3 showing location of research area, it has the main river which is Nenggiri River. Nenggiri River is one of the main river in Kelantan along the Galas River and Kelantan River. Nenggiri River also known as recreation 5. FYP FSB. Hypothesis.

(22) several tributaries in the research area includes Berok river and Betis river as shown in the figure 1.4, the base map of the study area. Although Kuala Betis is in the rural area, it also has many socials facilities which are Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Betis, Masjid Mukim Kuala Betis, and Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Betis.. Figure 1.3: Location of Kg Kuala Betis in Kelantan map. (Source from google map). 6. FYP FSB. site as it have more than 40 rapids and the length is about 50km long. There are also.

(23) FYP FSB Figure 1.4: Basemape of Kg Kuala Betis. 7.

(24) a) People distribution Population of Gua Musang is 90 057 people. Population percentage of Gua Musang by ethnics are 76% Malays, 5% Chinese, 1% Indian, 13% indigenous people and 5% others. From table 1.1, population of Kuala Betis people is classified as RPS Kuala Betis by Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA). RPS Kuala Betis is form into 3 blocks which are A, B and C. Among block C, there are 5 villages such as Kg Angkek, Kg Sentep, Kg Kelapa, Kg Podek and Kg Beluru. Most of population here is Temiar people. Altogether create the Lambok Customary Territory with a villagers of around 300 and 60 families. Table 1.1: Population of RPS Kuala Betis. Date of Name of Villages. Population. updating data. Kampung Orang Asli Bawik, Rps Kuala Betis. 56. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Jias, Rps Kuala Betis. 52. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Langsat, Rps Kuala Betis. 91. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Depak, Rps Kuala Betis. 49. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Pasir Rot, Rps Kuala Betis. 86. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Guling, Rps Kuala Betis. 43. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Tinjang, Rps Kuala Betis. 117. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Teranek, Rps Kuala Betis. 46. 19/9/2017. 133. 19/9/2017. 90. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Jenut, Rps Kuala Betis Kampung Orang Asli Merlong, Rps Kuala Betis. 8. FYP FSB. 1.4.1 Geography.

(25) 68. 19/9/2017. 155. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Lambok, Rps Kuala Betis. 47. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Limau, Rps Kuala Betis. 97. 19/9/2017. 89. 19/9/2017. 127. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Betak, Rps Kuala Betis. 70. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Angkek, Rps Kuala Betis. 55. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Podek, Rps Kuala Betis. 78. 19/9/2017. Kampung Orang Asli Chengkelik, Rps Kuala Betis. Kampung Orang Asli Teluk Untung, Rps Kuala Betis Kampung Orang Asli Taman Sri Galas, Rps Kuala Betis. (Source from JAKOA.). b) Land use Gua Musang is one of district that contribute in economic source for Kelantan state. In Kuala Betis area, mainly the land is use for palm plantation and rubber estate activities. Besides that, the land here also covered by the thick vegetation. This provide source for the logging activities of the villagers and agencies. Logging area will be replace with plantation such as palm plantation. c) Social economic In this study area, there are many activities done by villagers in order to earn money. Most of people work as labor in plantations and some of them own the plantation. They will enter the plantation at 9 am and will be back home at 6pm. Transportation of palm fruits and rubber products usually done during lunch hour. 9. FYP FSB. Kampung Orang Asli Mangsok, Rps Kuala Betis.

(26) some villagers earn money by open their own stall. Men mostly work in plantation, while women work at stall. This area is categorized as rural area which is isolated from the city and development. d) Road connection Figure 1.4 shows base map of Kg Kuala Betis. This area mostly have good accessibility which any car can enter the study area. But only at area around the plantation, the road is unpaved and need a four wheel drive to enter the road. This kind of road is used for logging activites and for plant production to be transported. It takes 20 minutes to reach from main road that connects Kuala Betis and Gua Musang. During rainy season, only certain location can be entered due to rises of stream water level.. 1.5 Scope of Study The scope of study of this study area focused on producing geological map where located in Kampung Kuala Betis, Gua Musang. Before producing geological map, field work which is geological mapping and the investigation petrography of rock in the study area has been done. Fieldwork is done for producing geological map such in geomorphology, stratigraphy, petrology, structural geology and geomorphology. Besides, the main purpose of this thesis is to study the geochemistry of stream sediments samples to locate gold deposits. There are two laboratory work need to be done in this research. First, is analysis geochemistry of rock by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and second is petrography analysis by using 10. FYP FSB. which is 12 in the noon to 2 pm. Due to many population of workers in this study area,.

(27) 1.6 Research Significance Geological mapping is done in order to determine the geological features in study area. This is because through geological mapping, the geological features can be map out very detail and the geological map can be update. The significance of this research also to determine the occurrence of gold mineralization in Kuala Betis. Years by years, there are always some activities of gold mining were done in this study area. By producing anomalies map of selected elements in Kuala Betis and correlate with data in geological mapping, this research can reveal the location of potential gold deposits. This result can be further use in gold exploration at future. The gold might be deposited from previous stream or maybe it was crystallized in the host rock. From this research people who are interested to do mining activities can make it in Kuala Betis. This information also be beneficial to the villagers as they can make extra income of doing mining job.. 11. FYP FSB. thin section analysis. The research area is covering twenty five km² size..

(28) LITERATURE REVIEWS. 2.1 Regional Geology and Tectonic Setting Peninsular Malaysia is located at Eurasian Plate and it is known as Sundaland. Sundaland is consist of West Sumatra Block and Sibumasu Block. Peninsular Malaysia begins to form during period in the Triassic in which during the collision of Sibumasu plate with Indochina plate. It has emerge throughout Cenozoic. It also has massively emerge throughout the Cenozoic and is said to have relatively stable for its tectonic which is the process being confined to the uplift and tilting of epeirogenic, some fault movement, and local gentle downwarps (Hutchison, 2010). There are three parts of the Malay Peninsular which is Central ,Western and Eastern Belt. At the Central Belt, lies The Bentong-Raub Suture Zone. Paleo-Tethys in East Malaysia is represent by the Bentong-Raub Suture Zone. Central Belt lies between the Lower Palaeozoic sediments of the Bentong Group and Lebir Fault Zone. More recent work in Sumatra, geologic history of Cenozoic that begin with shallow-water continental margin sediments which deposite onto the eroded surface of the pre-tertiary basement of Sundaland which has erosion start from the latest. 12. FYP FSB. CHAPTER 2.

(29) with the Indochina block.during late Permian. The Gua Musang formation in South Kelantan – North Pahang was mapped by Yin (1965) to describe Middle Permian to Late Triassic argillite, carbonate, and pyroclastic/volcanic facies within Gua Musang area. Now, the term has been loosely used for nearly all Permo-Triassic carbonate-argillite-volcanic sequences at the north part of Central Belt Peninsular Malaysia. Widespread distribution of argillitecarbonate-volcanic across northern Central Belt has triggered issue regarding current names assigned. (Mohamed et al., 2016).. Figure 2.1: Location of Kuala Betis in Gua Musang formation.(Mohamed et al., 2016). 13. FYP FSB. cretaceous into the early tertiary. Sibumasu moved to the north to collided and joined.

(30) formation consist of 650m thick that are made up from crystalline limestone , interbedded with shale , tuff, chert nodules and subordinates sandstone and volcanics. The volcanics vary from rhyolitic to andesite including tuff, lava flows and agglomerate. Traces of beding, cross lamination and oolites can be found in this formation. (Hutchison, 2010). 2.2 Stratigraphy Kuala Betis village is situated in southwest Kelantan which has distance of 40 km to west of Gua Musang Town. The geology of Kuala Betis is mainly from PermoTriassic metasedimentary-pyroclastic sequence (Aw, 1974) which was later confidence as the Gua Musang Formation by Mohamed et al. (1993). This formation overlain an olistostrom unit uncomformably which has part of the Bentong Suture Zone. Few fossiliferous area were discovered around the Kuala Betis area. Some of them desire Permian flora and fauna including some ammonoids, while others contain Triassic fauna. (Leman, 1994) The rock lithology here is characterized by rock sequences aged Permian consisting of limestone ,phyllite, rhyolite and tuff which is part of the series volcanic sedimentation (Aziz & Hoe, 2003). The geomorphology of the study area is classify as hilly to mountainous with mean of elevation are more than 76 m and the drainage system mostly dendritic in pattern. The lithology of the study area consists of four type of lithology which were identifying as slate, sandstone (lithic wacke), limestone (micrite) and granodiorite. 14. FYP FSB. From Figure 2.1, Kuala Betis is under Gua Musang formation. Gua musang.

(31) The Argillaceous facies which consist of shale, siltstone, mudstone, slate, and phyllite, is the dominant facies in Gua Musang and Telong formations and occurs as interbeds or lenses in the Aring Formation and Nilam marble. The argillaceous facies is the most extensive and fossiliferous facies in the study area, with rocks distributed in the northern area being more fossiliferous compared to those occurring in the southern region of Gua Musang Group. All rocks formations experienced intense weathering and have already transformed into residual soil and completely weathered soils. Most of the undulating lands or hilly areas are underlain by residual soil or highly weathered rock. Hilly areas with steeper slope generally experienced a relatively lower degree of weathering. The thickness of the soil is expected within 20 to 25m thick (Dayawani, 2006).. 2.4 Structural Geology Structural analysis indicated the lineament and joints shows the treading in direction of NE-SW. The bedding analysis is analyse using pi-Gidle which showing direction of 105/80 trending NW-SE.. 2.4.1 Quartz veins in sheared granite zones The geology of the proposed project site and surrounding area comprises of argillaceous rocks, granitic rocks and hornfel. Argillaceous covered almost 100% of 15. FYP FSB. 2.3 Sedimentology.

(32) argillaceous rocks are in Permian age. There are no major structures such as fault or folding observed within the proposed project site. (Dayawani, 2006) Quartz vein is usually the main location for locating gold. Sets of intersecting quartz veins containing gold trend 170°-350°, 130°-310°, and 60-240°. Malaysia is endowed with many sediment-hosted, orogenic gold deposits that lie parallel to otherwise east area of Bentong-Raub Suture Zone, which runs approximately N–S in central Malaysia (Makoundi et al., 2014). Pits were excavated along the trend of the quartz veins some to a maximum length of 96cm and a recovery depth of about 23m. (Oke et al., 2014) In Gua Musang group, type of lithology found here are Argillaceous and calcareous rocks associated with volcanic. Minor presence of arenaceous type of rocks. Kuala Betis is mostly covered with volcanic rock such as tuff due to shallow marine shelf deposit, with active volcanic activity. The argillaceous rocks consist of essentially shales while mudstones and siltstones are locally encountered. Typical shale is black to dark grey in colour, finegrained, and thinly laminated. The laminate ranges in thickness from 0.5mm to 1.6mm. The bedding in argillaceous rocks is locally deformed. There are no major structures within the proposed project site.(Dayawani, 2006). Gold deposits is highly associated with vein or any fracture where the mineral can seep through. The mineralization of gold form in veins, stock works, and breccia that is located at NE − SW and NW − SE faults passing through volcanic and wall rocks. (Karimpour et al., 2018). 16. FYP FSB. the proposed project site. The geological map of Kuala Betis, indicated that the.

(33) sulphide minerals, related to sheared quartz veins and breccia. Gold is present in quartz veins and not observed to be disseminated in wall rocks. (Hassan & Purwanto, 2002) Some of the hydrothermal veins are controlled by structure caused by granite intrusion. During the intrusive stage, low temperature contact metamorphism will form the shear zones around the intrusive bodies. The quartz veins, normally low in sulphides, infiltrate through these sheared zones and some cross-cut the volcanic sedimentary rocks. The quartz veins infill the fractures, cracks and bedding of the sedimentary rocks. Some of the hydrothermal veins probably originate from deeper levels. The hydrothermal solutions travel upwards along the granitoid shear zones to the surface. This type of hydrothermal veins is observed at the margins of granitoids at Katok Batu, Panggong Lalat and Panggong Besarmine. (Heng & Hoe, 2006) .. 2.4.2 Hydrothermal alteration Gold mineralisation is structurally controlled and associated with intense wall rock alteration. The processes of hydrothermal alteration are related to the interaction of wall-rocks with hydrothermal fluids, which transport heat and chemical constituents in a series of evolving physicochemical conditions. Factors that affect such alteration mainly include temperature gradients between fluids and wall-rocks and wall-rock compositional variations. (Zhu et al., 2011) Usually the temperature for gold mineralisation in Central Belt ranges from about 150° to 350° at formation of depth between 100-700m. The fluid salinity is between 0.5 to 4.8%.( Hutchison, 2010) 17. FYP FSB. Gold mineralization in the Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia contain.

(34) nature that form strong fractures at Central belt. This can be indicator that the gold is structurally tapped from the deep source. This is occur due to tectonic movement.. 2.5 Geochemical Mapping. 2.5.1 Heavy metals related to gold potential The low sulphide gold deposits are commonly enriched in Ag, As, Au, Hg, Sb, Se, Te and locally TI, a group of elements generally known as ‘epithermal suite’. Base metals Cu, Pb and Zn, are also locally abundant and some ores become relatively enriched with the base metals at deeper levels in veins (Turekian & Holland, 2003). The residual soil is the geochemical sample that is often used to detect the location of hidden mineralization once a zone of economic interest is localized. Migration of groundwater provided chemical response at the surface. This process produces elemental dispersion pattern. Most of these dispersed elements (e.g., Cu, Ag, Zn, Cd, As, Bi, Pb, Sb, Hg, W, Mo. and Se) are useful indicators or pathfinders for the presence of gold. Analyses of samples taken enable the observation of patterns and concentrations in the distribution of metals in the soil which would potentially indicate enriched rock underneath (Oke et al., 2014). The comparison of the soil heavy metal concentrations with the maximum values admitted by the Romanian guideline has also been made (Ene et al., 2011) 18. FYP FSB. Gold mineralisation occur in Raub suture-zone are strongly related to regional.

(35) Element. NV(mg/kg). ALS(mg/kg) ITS(m/kg). ALLS(m/kg) ITLS(m/kg). As. 5. 15. 25. 25. 50. Co. 15. 30. 50. 50. 250. Cr. 30. 100. 100. 300. 600. Cu. 20. 100. 100. 200. 500. Hg. 0.1. 1. 1. 2. 10. Mn. 900. 1500. 1500. 2500. 4000. Ni. 20. 75. 75. 150. 500. Pb. 20. 50. 50. 100. 1000. V. 50. 100. 100. 200. 400. Zn. 100. 300. 300. 600. 1500. NV-normal value; ALS-alert level in the sensitive area; ITS-intervention threshold in the sensitive area; ALLS-alert level in less sensitive area; ITLS-intervention threshold in the less sensitive area. (Ene et al., 2009) From table 2.1, Romanian guideline gives indication for anomalies of the soil activities. Concentration of As, Pb, Cu and Zn is analyse using AAS. Thus the result is compare with the guideline values given. Normal value (NV) give the indication of normal soil that have no mineralisation occur. More or less from the NV is stated as the anomalies concentration of the heavy metal in soils. Otherwise, different location have different heavy metals concentration according to lithology and geological setting of the area.. 19. FYP FSB. Table 2.1: Romanian guideline of soil.

(36) Concentrations of As in stream sediments are generally below 100 mg/kg although a few samples on some sites exceed this. Among water samples, only mine waters, including adit/shaft discharges and waste seepages, have arsenic concentrations exceeding the standard of 25 μg/l for surface water (Draft European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations, 2008). The total As concentrations measured in stream water samples, including those taken downstream of mine sites, are all ≤25 μg/l. Arsenic is a naturally occurring constituent in low-sulphide Au-quartz vein deposits (Alpers, 2017). This study focused on assessing the release potential of various metals and a metalloid (arsenic; As) leached from gold mine tailings under three different degrees of acidity (pH 2, 4 and 6.5) using a synthetic precipitation leaching procedure SPLP (Boonsrang et al., 2017). B. Lead The quartz vein are enriched by trace elements and rare elements such as Cu, Zn, Sr, As, Ni, Co, Pb, Cr, Ce, La and Ba. The concentration of As and Pb exceeded the backgrounds in unmineralised rocks for As (5ppm) and Pb (10ppm) in majority in quartz vein samples (Oke et al., 2014). Co shows slightly elevated concentrations of 71 ppm and 78 ppm, recorded in stream sediments within the mine property. The concentration of lead is below 127 ppm (Mufenda & Ellmies, 2009).. 20. FYP FSB. A. Arsenic.

(37) all the collected water samples concentration of lead was above the permissible limit. Concentration of lead in all the collected water samples ranged between 0.167 to 0.723mg/l. Concentration of lead in soil samples was recorded to be ranged between 0.061 to 0.461mg/kg. In almost all the collected soil samples concentration of lead was recorded above the permissible limit set by WHO (Nazir et al., 2015). C. Zinc Concentration of zinc in water samples ranged between 0.211 to 0.256mg/kg. The permissible limit of zinc in water according to WHO standards is 5mg/l. In all the collected water samples concentration of zinc was recorded below the permissible limit (Nazir et al., 2015). The anomalies concentration of Zn indicates a significant impact on water chemistry due to discharge of mining activities. D. Copper Concentration of copper in all the soil samples was above the maximum permissible limit set by WHO. Concentration of copper ranged between 0.536- 1.504mg/kg. The maximum permissible limit for Cu in water is 2 mg/l in water samples concentration of copper ranged between 0.258 to 0.659mg/l. In all the collected water samples concentration of copper was recorded below the permissible limit (Nazir et al., 2015). E. Magnesium At the same time, Mg/Au alloy is less cost-prohibitive than gold, improves bonding, and provides high electrical conductivity, better workability as a thinner wire and improved strength.(Cvetković et al., 2017). Mg has association with gold due to its electronegativity that can easily bind with Au.. 21. FYP FSB. According to WHO standards permissible limit of lead in water is 0.05mg/l and in.

(38) A. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Samples of plants, soil and water were subjected to atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin Elmer) for being analysed for metals like Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, Fe, Cu and Pb. The instrument setting and operational conditions were done in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications. The smallest measurable concentration of an element will be determined by the magnitude of absorbance observed for the element (characteristic concentration) and the stability of the absorbance signal (Beaty & Kerber, 1978) According to (Oke et al., 2014), primary gold mineralization produced chemical signature in the overburden and surrounding soil probably through weathering processes. Weathering processes provide samples (soils and stream sediments) that yield data on local hidden mineralization or on the potential existence of major or minor mineralization in a wide region. The residual soil is the geochemical sample that is often used to detect the location of hidden mineralization once a zone of economic interest is localized. Migration of groundwater provided chemical response at the surface. Samples were analysed with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method (AAS) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) for Cd, Zn, Pb, Fe, Zn, Mn and As. The trend observed for the metals analysed in the stream water for both seasons are Cu > Zn > Fe > Cd > Pb > As. In stream sediments, higher mean concentration values were generally recorded in the dry season than in wet season. Four heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu and Fe) in stream waters and 22. FYP FSB. 2.5.2 Analytical method to determine heavy metals.

(39) Health Organisation (WHO). After such a calibration is established, the absorbance of solutions of unknown concentrations may be measured and the concentration determined from the calibration curve. In modern instrumentation, the calibration can be made within the instrument to provide a direct readout of unknown concentrations. Since the advent of microcomputers, accurate calibration, even in the nonlinear region, is simple (Beaty & Kerber, 1978). Metalloids like antimony, arsenic, selenium, and tellurium are now routinely analysed by hydride generation AAS. Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is also a powerful analytical, instrumental method for these elements but at this point it is much higher cost limits it widespread use as compared to AAS (Thomas, 2000). B. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) is used to measure the concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) in certified standard reference materials including shale and coal. Rare earth elements (REE) include the lanthanide series elements. Detection limit of Arsenic by ICP-MS is 0.017ng/ml in Chloride free sample. The performance acceptability of ICP-MS for the determination of the listed elements was based upon comparison of the multi-laboratory testing results with those obtained from either furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry or. inductively. coupled. plasma—optical. emission. spectrometry. It should be noted that one multi-laboratory study was conducted 23. FYP FSB. sediments were found to be higher than allowed limits both by the World.

(40) since that time, other elements have been added through validation and with additional improvements in performance of the method. Performance, in general, presently exceeds the original multi-laboratory performance data for the listed elements (and others) that are provided in Sec. 13.0. Instrument detection limits (IDLs), lower limits of quantitation (LLOQs) and linear ranges will vary with the matrices, instrumentation, and operating conditions. In relatively simple matrices, IDLs will generally be < 0.1 μg/L. For less sensitive elements (e.g., Se and As) and desensitized major elements, IDLs may be ≥ 1.0 μg/L (SW-846 Update V, 2014). C. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) XRF is an excellent method for the analysis of atmospheric particles. XRF is inexpensive method with a simple sample preparation. XRF technique is a promising analytical technique for simultaneous determination of chemical composition in different vegetation species as an alternative to the classical destructive analytical methods, such as Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for elemental analysis is commonly used for elemental analysis in solid matrix. It is easy quantitation of elements over a wide dynamic concentration range and mon-destructive method. For soil testing it requires little or no sample preparation. Portable XRF is ideal for field testing. But the sensitivity of the instrument is not good as AAS method (King & Sciences, n.d.). 24. FYP FSB. in 1988. As advances in ICP-MS instrumentation and software have been made.

(41) MATERIAL AND METHOD. 3.1 Materials for Geological Mapping Two categories of materials can be divided while doing this research. First category of material are journal, article, books and previous research and internet. This materials is information resources for research references. Second category of material are field equipment that used in fieldwork for covering and collecting rock samples of an outcrop, water and sediment samples. Table 3.1 showed field equipment that used during the fieldwork. Table 3.1: Materials for geological mapping.. Equipment 1. Hand held GPS. Functions A modern device which can locate the position on the Earth’s surface with the help of satellites that orbiting the Earth.. 2. Compass. For navigation and orientation that shows the direction relative to the. 25. FYP FSB. CHAPTER 3.

(42) North, South, East and West. 3. Hammer. To break the rocks for sampling purposes. 4. Hand lens. To identify the hand specimens where the grain size or crystal size that build up the rocks can be observed.. 5. Measuring tape. To measure something from grain size to bed thickness. To measure outcrop at field. 6. Hydrochloric acid. To differentiate different types of rocks or minerals such as limestone, quartz, calcite and dolomite.. 7. Notebook. To write down all the data information. 8. Pencil ,marker, eraser. To write field data on field notebook and short note on map. To erase the wrong data collecting.. 9. Plastic sample. To store the rock specimen before its processed into thin sections.. 10. Camera. To take a picture with scale for references on doing data analysis. 26. FYP FSB. geographic cardinal directions which are.

(43) FYP FSB. 3.2 Methods for Geological Mapping. 3.2.1 Fieldworks a. Sampling Sampling is a method of collecting sample. The sample that will be collected used for further studies. Random sampling will be used because of some area in the study area is impossible to be reached by using normal traverse. Rock sampling will be taken by breaking the exposed outcrop that found in the study area which is almost in the fresh area. Weathered sample will give the result not perfect compare the fresh sample. The size of the sample need to be taken is not too so big and too small. Hammer needed to remove the sample from the outcrop. While takes the sample, goggles also using in order to prevent the rock chips from damaging the eye. b. Traversing Traverses will be determined by observing the topographical map and set by passing the point of interest in the study area. Traversing is basically a method of controlling the progress across country, so that we do not have to relocate place from scratch every time an observation was made at an outcrop. It is also a method of covering the study area required. Contact and other geological features are extrapolated between them. This leads to few complications in regions where the rock are only moderately folded and dip faults are few, but reliability decreases as structures become more complex. Traversing also needed to map area in detail where rocks are 27.

(44) traverses are closely spaced GPS is an obvious help in traversing.. 3.2.2 Laboratory works a. Petrological studies This step involved identification of mineral, texture, clast and matrix as well as classification of rock. The samples that were collected at the field was then examining using laboratory investigation. Rock sample that collected need to cut into smaller piece. After that, process such a grinding and polishing was done. Then, the sample were presented in the thin section. Then, under the polarized microscope, the texture of the rock was examined. b. Thin section Thin section is a method where slice thinly and nicely in order to observe the rocks under the microscope. To get a better observation of the minerals under the microscope, the fresh sample should be use rather than the weathered outcrop. INITIAL PREPARATION. 1) Set sample in an open sample tray with one clean glass slide. 2) Mark the sample number on the glass slide with a diamond scriber. Check the sample number against the mark on the glass slide to ensure that the sample ill is correct. 3) Grind the sample to a flat surface using only diamond abrasive and either as dry or with distilled water. Never use tap water as the sample may be 28. FYP FSB. well exposed, especially those where there is almost total exposure. Such as, case.

(45) wheel. If the sample requires stabilization prior to grinding, stabilize the sample with epoxy. Return the sample to the glass slide. 4) Epoxy stabilization will be in a plastic using Epon 815-diethylene triamine or other similar material. Ensure the glass slide stays next to the sample. 5) Coat the sample with the epoxy. 6) Let the epoxy cure at room temperature. 7) Final grinding (lapping) of the surface to be mounted on the glass slide will be using at least a 400-mesh diamond plate. 600 mesh to 12,000 mesh can be used to polish the surface. Use only distilled water. Lapping can be by glass or metal diamond impregnated plate or by diamond impregnated wheel. 8) Use 10-power magnification or more to observe the progress of the grinding and polishing. This can also be done by hand lenses or by microscope. MOUNTING 1) Ensure the sample is dry prior to actual mounting. Prepare an epoxy resin such as Buehler resin 20-8130-032 with the hardener 20-8132-008 (index of refraction 1.58). Follow the instructions on the container of the epoxy being used for the mounting. Make sure that air bubbles are not added to the epoxy during mixing. Place the epoxy on the glass slide and add the sample to the glass slide. Press the two together by hand. Place the slide in its sample box to let it cure. Or alternatively: 2) Ensure the sample is dry prior to mounting. Place the sample on a hot plate (at about 150 degrees F). Place the glass slide on the same hot plate. When the sample is dry and the glass is warm, place Lakeside-70 on the glass slide. Use enough Lakeside-70 to cover the area of the polished face of the sample. When 29. FYP FSB. chemically investigated. Sample grinding will be by hand on a flat plate or by.

(46) any air bubbles that occur. Let the sample and glass slide cool down. GRINDING AND LAPPING TO FINAL THICKNESS 1) Grind the sample mounted on the glass slide by hand or by wheel using diamond impregnated metal plate or wheel. Use 80 to 200 grit size until the thickness of the sample is about the same as the glass slide. Use only distilled water. 2) Use 400 to 600 diamond grit by plate or by wheel to lap to the final thickness 3) Check the thickness of the sample by using a binocular or petrographic microscope. The sample thickness desired will be recorded on the thin section request form. For a petrographic thin section the sample should be 30 microns or less. COVERING 1) Clean the surface of the section using distilled water or Isopropanol. Dry the section in air. 2) Use an epoxy similar to Buehler epoxy (see mounting step 1). 3) Let sample dry Preparation of thin sections requires a high level of skill and training, which can only be gained from extensive practice. Even a competent preparer may not always produce the required results. The ultimate determiner of the quality of a thin section must be made by the requested who decides if the thin section is suitable for its end use (Nye, 2001). 30. FYP FSB. the Lakeside-70 resin is melted press the sample to the glass plate and push out.

(47) The methodology in this research is to identify the heavy metal in the stream of Kuala Betis. Arsenic, Lead, Copper and Zinc metal anomalies concentration will be the criteria of the gold deposition in study area. Samples of plants, soil and water were subjected to Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer) for being analysed for metals like Cd , Cr, Zn, Ni, Fe, Cu and Pb. Instrument used in this experiment is Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). (Nazir et al., 2015). 3.3.1. Materials for geochemical mapping. a. Plastic sample bag To store the stream sediments before it is processed into geochemical analysis. Enable to label anything about the sample on plastic sample b. Steel auger Use to dig, lift and move stream sediments into plastic bag.. 3.3.2. Method for geochemical mapping. a) Data Collection 7 samples of soil are taken for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) analysis for heavy metals detection. Auger sampling is applied in this research.. 31. FYP FSB. 3.3 Materials and method for geochemical mapping.

(48) structure, lithology and distance from river.. Figure 3.1: Auger tool.. Auger tool in figure 3.1 is used to take sample from 7 different locality of soil. One tillage depth of auger sampling can take soil up to 8inch depth. The soil is taken up to 32 inches depth which is measured as 80cm of depth.. Figure 3.2: The bit of Auger.. Figure 3.2 shows the bit of auger. Bit of auger have different shape and purpose. Different bit have different purpose .The auger bit used is for clay soil. Mostly for this study area have soft soil sample due to high water content. At the location, 32. FYP FSB. Every sample is picked randomly and selected based on the geological.

(49) which 1 kg was packaged in plastic bags. All the collected samples were properly marked and identified by their sampling locations using a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The collected soil samples were taken to the laboratory for further processing (Kamunda, Mathuthu & Madhuku, 2016). Soil sampling is chosen for the research because it is the main location for heavy metal to be deposited due to gold mineralisation. According to (Ariffin,K.S., n.d.) , concentrations of gold and heavy minerals often occur at the deepest part of the river, around the outcrops of rock, locations of two river joints, locations of river widen and bending, location of boulders and stones, in gravel and sand banks and at lake and seashores. In this research, soil sample is taken around the rock outcrops to locate the heavy metals deposition. b) Data Analysis PROCEDURE. OF. USING. ATOMIC. ABSORPTION. SPECTROPHOTOMETER Geochemical analysis is done for the soil sample to determine arsenic, Aurum, lead, iron, zinc and copper concentration in the samples. A common problem in the analysis of samples for As is loss during sample preparation. As a precautionary measure, ashing was avoided. 1) Sample preparation (for AAS) At the laboratory, the soil samples were first spread out on a plastic sheet and put in oven for 2–3 days at 100°C. All the soil sample is put in oven to remove moisture and only contain dry mass. The soil is then is mashed using mortar to break into smaller grains. The samples were then sieved through a 63 mm nylon 33. FYP FSB. seven samples were collected randomly, selected prior to geological structure, out of.

(50) sample to avoid cross-contamination. 2) Extraction of Soil for Mineral Determination (Tan, 2003). Materials . Concentrated sulphuric acid. . Concentrated hydrochloric acid. Equipment . Beaker. . 1 L volumetric flask. . Filter funnel. . Filter paper. . Conical flask. Procedures 1. An extractant with a mixture of 0.05 M HCl and 0.025 M H2SO4 is prepared. 2. 5 g of soil is weighed in a 250 ml beaker. 3. 20 ml of double acid extractant is added and shake it mechanically at 180 rpm for 10 minutes. 4. The supernatant is filtered by filter paper into another beaker. 5. The absorbance is read by using a Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometer at 882 nm wavelength.. 34. FYP FSB. mesh to obtain a homogenous sample matrix. Close attention was paid to every.

(51) Calculation Sample concentration (ppm) = AAS reading x (volume of volumetric flask / weigh of sample) x dilution factor (if any). Detail methodology Double acid is prepared using 4.1ml HCL and 1.35ml H2S04 that make up to 1L double acid of volumetric flask. Distilled water is pour until double acid reached calibration mark. 15 gram of soil is weight and put in the beaker as in figure 3.1.. Figure 3.3: Weighing of soil. 60 ml of double acid is pour into and beaker and stirred with glass rod up to 10 minutes. Figure 3.2 shows stirring of solution using glass rod.. 35. FYP FSB. 6. The sample is analysed..

(52) FYP FSB Figure 3.4: Stirring of solution using glass rod.. Then, the solution is filtered using filter funnel and filter paper in figure 3.3.. Figure 3.5: Filtration of solution.. The filtered solution is transferred into falcon tube 50 ml using syringe filter 45 micrometre in figure 3.4. Syringe filter is used to make sure there is no residue left in the solution that might affect the reading of AAS.. 36.

(53) 3) Sample dilution( for AAS) 1.5ml of solution in 50ml falcon tube is taken out and put in 15ml falcon tube. The falcon tube then pour distilled water until reached calibre point. This bottle is mark as 10^-1. Next, 1.5ml of 10^-1 bottle is taken out into new bottle. As previous, distilled water is filled until reached calibre point. The step is repeated until reached 10^-4. All the samples will be analyse using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) is an analytical technique that measures the concentrations of elements in soil and sediments sample. . Atomic absorption is so sensitive that it can measure down to parts per billion of a gram (ppb) in a sample. The technique makes use of the wavelengths of light specifically absorbed by an element. They correspond to the energies needed to promote electrons from one energy level to another, higher, energy level.. 37. FYP FSB. Figure 3.6 Transferred of solution using syringe filter..

(54) From Figure 3.5, monochromator is used to select the specific wavelength of light such as spectral line which is absorbed by the sample, and to exclude other wavelengths. The selection of the specific light allows the determination of the selected element in the presence of others. The light selected by the monochromator is directed onto a detector that is typically a photomultiplier tube. This produces as electrical signal proportional to the light intensity The inert gas control is set to normal. Stopper assembly is removed from reaction vessels, then removed the pellet dispenser cap. Acetylene is set with air flow for fuel rich air-acetylene mixture. Quartz tube is raised, the flame then ignites thus the tube back is lowered to its normal position. The stirrer is stopped, then the stopper is expelled out from the reaction vessels. The sample is moved to the reaction vessels using funnel supplied. The stopper is repossessed and the stirred is on back. After 25 seconds, all air has been out from the system, dispenser knob is turned into 180° and pause briefly to allow a pellet to drop into the solution. A flame is burning quietly at both ends of the quartz tube, indicating the start of the hydride reaction, then turn the dispenser knob back to the closed position. The reaction is wait until it is fully finished after that while stirrer is on and then push the drain button. The stirrer is switch off. The absorbance showed are 38. FYP FSB. Figure 3.7: The optical system and detector in AAS.(Beaty & Kerber, 1978).

(55) calculated referring to the curve on the calibration obtained from plotted concentrations of the standard solutions against the corresponding peak heights.. 39. FYP FSB. measured as peak heights on the chart recorder. The concentration of heavy metals is.

(56) FYP FSB. c) Research Flowchart Literature review. Data collection. Heavy metal analysis. Geological mapping. Fieldworks:. Fieldworks:. Soil samples collection. -Regional geology. Sample preparation. -Stratigraphy Structural -Structural geology geology -Lithology. Laboratory works:. -Geomorphology. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) analysis. Laboratory works:. Distribution of heavy metal is determined. -Thin section Data processing:. -Petrographic study. Arcmap 10.2 software Data processing: Arcgis software. Geological map produced. Map of anomalies concentration of heavy metal produced Result and discussion. Conclusion. Report writing. Figure 3.8: Overall research flowchart. 40.

(57) GENERAL GEOLOGY. 4.1 Introduction General geology is the result from field mapping and data recorded such as structural geology. This is the most important part of geological research to update new information or data that the researcher gained during field observation and mapping. As the objective, this chapter is important to update geological data of previous research. Geological information in this chapter be the guidance to proceed to the next step which is specification in geochemistry. General geology of study area is divided into geomorphology, petrography, stratigraphy, structural geology and historical geology. It provides many geological information which cover geography parts of the area, geomorphologies processes, field observation and mapping and any extra information that are necessary to be discussed in this chapter. Structural geology gives data about the structure of study area that indicate tectonic setting of the location. Structure such as fault, joint, folding reveal the historical geology that form the landscape recently.. 41. FYP FSB. CHAPTER 4.

(58) Earth’s surface and the processes how it was shaped, both at the present as well as the past. Geomorphology is a science of landscapes and a geologist needs to develop an eye for not only the scenery and major landforms, but also for the smaller scale features of the topography; taken as a whole, these all contribute to the recent geological and climatic history of an area (Barnes & Lisle, 2004). While, basic topography is the reviews on the lineaments, beddings, cracks and fault analysis. The formation of these structure were mostly due to tectonic movement. Stratigraphy is the study about rock strata, their relative and absolute ages, and the relationship between strata. Stratigraphy used to correlate the past environment with what have been seen today by analysed from the physical characteristics of rock itself. Stratigraphy also can indicate the depositional environment of study area.. 4.1.1 Accessibility Kg Kuala Betis is located at the west of the study area. The main road connected from east to the west of the study area which is from Panggong Lalat to Kuala Betis. The main road can be use by all types of vehicles. This also be the main road used by Lorries and off road vehicle to bring out products of palm oil fruit, rubber products, quarry excavation and other industries that required transportation of products. At the north of study area, the area is covered by rubber tree and palm oil plantation. This area have access by off-road track as in Figure 4.1. This road can be access by motorcycles, four wheel drive cars and Lorries. Usual vehicles are not recommended due to the structure of the road.. 42. FYP FSB. Geomorphology is a study that concerned with understanding the form of the.

(59) FYP FSB Figure 4.1: Road path in Kg Kuala Betis. 4.1.2 Settlement A settlement is a place where people is living. Settlement hierarchy is a chart used to visual the relationship between various human population centers relate on their size, population, and available services. Along the main road from east to the west of study area, there is a small population of villagers at the roadside. The location is suitable which is easy to be access and near to river as water sources. At the west of the box is the most occupied area which has about 3 villages which area Kg Kuala Betis, Kg Bawid and Kg Lalang. This area have facilities such as school, government office, restaurant, grocery store, mosque, factories and car workshop. This area has basic services which is the reasons it is the village settlement.. 43.

(60) At the north east of the study area, it consist of high elevation area. The area has a forest that is kept by state government. Most of the area is covered by rubber plantation and forest landscape. At the north of the box, the hilly area is mostly covered by oil palm and rubber tree plantation. Using Figure 4.2, the south of study area is covered by rubber plantation. In certain area, there is forest that consist of bamboo trees and banana trees belongs to villager’s orchard. South east of the study area consist of Durian trees and other fruits plantation also belonging to villagers. Alternate with this plantation there is also rubber plantation. For the south east of the box, there is oil palm plantation owned by Liziz Plantation.. 44. FYP FSB. 4.1.3 Forestry.

(61) FYP FSB Figure 4.2: Vegetation map of Kg Kuala Betis.. 45.

(62) The traverse of this area has been done according to contour pattern, geomorphology and lineament of the study area. All those parameters are been determined before going to field and using base map for the analysis. During traversing, the data along the outcrop of track is recorded. Observation of the mapping is recorded and visualize as traverse map in figure 4.3.. 46. FYP FSB. 4.1.4 Traverses and observation.

(63) FYP FSB Figure 4.3: Traverse map of Kg Kuala Betis.. 47.

(64) 4.2.1 Geomorphologic classification Kuala Betis consist of hilly area and mountains area. Hilly area cover almost 90% of the study area while the rest cover by mountains area. Mountainous area is formed at igneous intrusion. Igneous rock have high resistance toward weathering compared to metasedimentary rock and tuff rock. Thus it have less reaction towards climate and the contour is still high in elevation. Based on figure 4.4, the highest elevation in this area is 360m while lowest elevation of study area is 140m which is located at alluvium area. The mean elevation is 220m. Thus the classification of landform is hilly area. The classification is determine using geomorphic classification in table 4.1. Geomorphic analysis of study area based on slope angle are shown in table 4.2 Table 4.1: Geomorphic classification using mean elevation.. Class. Landform classification. Mean elevation (m). 1. Low lying. <15. 2. Rolling. 16-30. 3. Undulating. 31-75. 4. Hilly. 36-300. 5. Mountainous. >301. 48. FYP FSB. 4.2 Geomorphology.

(65) FYP FSB Figure 4.4: Geomorphology map of Kg Kuala Betis. 49.

(66) Classification of slope. Explanation. Mitigation and potential land. Drainage pattern. planning. Undulating sloping. rolling -The elevation in Granite rock this from. class 320m. 220m. -Composed granitic rock.. Angular pattern. range -intrusive rock which has high -drainage pattern in which streams follow a roughly to resistance to weathering.. circular or concentric path along a belt of weak rock,. - it is hard enough to resist abrasion of -very. desirable. and. resembling in plan a ring like pattern. It usually exists in. useful the area of volcano or dome structure occur due to granite. dimension stone.. intrusion that form mountainous area.. Potential -high potential of granite quarrying.. 50. FYP FSB. Table 4.2: Geomorphology analysis based on slope angle.

(67) -The. elevation Tuff. Rectangular pattern. range from 160m to -tuff weathered, very fertile. 220m.. Rectangular shape drainage cause by structural control. -covered by oil palm terraced joints or faults in the bedrock. These breaks in the rock. -composed of tuff plantation. are weak areas, so the streams tend to flow along these. rock. areas. As a result, the tributary streams make sharp bends. Potential. -covered by terrain -potential for vegetation due to and enter the main stream at high angles. This pattern plantation. fertile soil. occur due to major fault which is strike slip fault that occur in this study area.. Steeply dissected. -The. elevation Metasediment rock. Dendritic pattern. range from 180m to -weathered rock with grade 3. -look like tree branches with lots of twigs resulted from. 220m. uniform surface control of the development of stream. -housing settlement area.. -covered with vegetation and Potential -quarrying. channels. of. metasedimentary -form in areas with flat and uniform bedrock which has. stones. no structure control such as folds, fault.. 51. FYP FSB. Hilly steeply dissected.

(68) of -iron extraction. -the bedrock is of equal resistance to erosion.. metasedimentary rock. 52. FYP FSB. -composed.

(69) Kg Kuala Betis has a grade three weathering which is moderately weathered. Most of the outcrop have grade III weathering which has less than half of the rock material is decomposed or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh outcrop is present either as a continuous framework or as core stones. Weathering of rock depends on the induration of rock hardness. The induration or hardness of a sedimentary rock cannot be determined easily. The factors that determined the induration of rock are the type of rock, the degree of cementation, the burial history and stratigraphic age. Induration is an important concept since it affect the degree of weathering of a rock, along with topography, climate and vegetation. A well-indurated rock in the subsurface may be very friable at the surface due to weathering. For example calcite cements in a sandstone are easily dissolved out at the surface, as are feldspar grains and calcareous fossils. Some sandstones at surface outcrop are friable and full of holes from decalcification. The level of induration of tuff and metasedimentary rock in Kuala Betis is good. The sample blow with hammer disintegrates sample hard grains can be separated from sample with pen-knife. Plus it breaks easily when hit with hammer.. 4.2.3 Drainage pattern Kg Kuala Betis consists of three types of drainage pattern which are dendritic pattern, rectangular pattern and angular pattern of drainage as shown in figure 4.5.. 53. FYP FSB. 4.2.2 Weathering.

(70) uniform surface control of the development of stream channels. They form in areas with flat and uniform bedrock which has no structure control such as folds, fault. For example like sandstone or shale that are no jointed rock. The bedrock is of equal resistance to erosion. This pattern is at the west of study area which is mostly covered by tuff rock and metasedimentary rock. Rectangular pattern is the result of structural control joints or faults in the bedrock. These breaks in the rock are weak areas, so the streams tend to flow along these areas. Movement of the surface due to faulting off-sets the direction of the stream. As a result, the tributary streams make sharp bends and enter the main stream at high angles. This pattern occur due to major fault which is strike slip fault that occur in this study area. Angular pattern is a drainage pattern in which streams follow a roughly circular or concentric path along a belt of weak rock, resembling in plan a ring like pattern. It usually exists in the area of volcano or dome structure. In Kg Kuala Betis, angular drainage pattern occur due to granite intrusion that form mountainous area.. 54. FYP FSB. Dendritic pattern look like tree branches with lots of twigs resulted from.

(71) FYP FSB Figure 4.5: Drainage pattern of Kg Kuala Betis. 55.

(72) 4.3.1. Stratigraphic position of all units. Table 4.3: Stratigraphic unit of Kg Kuala Betis.. AGE. LITHOLOGY. DESCRIPTION ALUVIUM UNIT. Quaternary. Alluvium. GRANITOID ROCK Cretaceous. Consist of grey granite. The texture is coarse grain. The main composition is biotite, quartz and feldspar. Granite has phaneritic grain size. TUFF. Early Triassic. Consists of bedded tuff and lapilli tuff. Mostly found is fine-grained ash tuff. The colour of tuff is from white to greyish.. META-SEDIMENTS Consists of Phylite and slate. The composition are Permian. clay and carbonaceous mineral which is black in colour. Slate dominated the lithologic unit.. 56. FYP FSB. 4.3 Lithostratigraphy.

(73) Table 4.4: Explanation of stratigraphic unit in Kg Kuala Betis.. Rock. Coordinate. Description. Granite. N4° 55' 40.76". Granite rock is the youngest among. E101° 49' 1.31". the lithology in this area due to. Elevation= 211m. granite intrusion. Composition of granite rock unit is dominated by grey granite . Colour: Light grey. . Texture: Coarse-grained. . Granite mineral composition: o Quartz o Biotite o Plagioclase. Meta sediment. N04° 53’ 24.46”. Meta sediment rock which is slate. Slate. E101° 49’ 20.4”. mostly covered the middle of the box. Elevation =. from top to bottom. It has abundance. 176m. of iron oxide. The colour is darker due to high carbon contents.. 57. FYP FSB. a. Unit explanation.

(74) N4° 55' 0.02". Tuff rock has grade 3 of weathering. E101° 47' 19.81". which is moderately weathered.. Elevation= 203m. Composition of tuff unit is dominated by tuff Tuff field features: . Colour: Light. . Texture: Fine-grained. Tuff mineral: . 58. Felsic minerals. FYP FSB. Tuff.

(75) Table 4.5: Thin section analysis of sample A in Kg Kuala Betis.. CODE: Sample a. MICROSCOPIC EXPLAINATION. ROCK NAME: Granite. 4x magnification (XPL). CLASSIFICATION: Igneous rock. 10x magnification (XPL) Coarse grain. IMPORTANT NOTES. MINERALOGY. Consists of few Fe-Mg minerals. . Generally light colours. Quartz. Colourless , Irregular grains, Show strained extinction . Plagioclase. Colourless mineral, Low relief, Twinning mineral •. Biotite. Brownish colour, Moderately relief Alteration. PPL. 59. FYP FSB. b. Thin section analysis.

(76) Biotite : 20% Plagioclase : 30% Other minerals: 5%. XPL. 60. FYP FSB. Quartz : 45%.

(77) CODE: Sample B. MICROSCOPIC EXPLAINATION. ROCK NAME: Slate. : 4x magnification (XPL). CLASSIFICATION: Metasediment rock. 10x magnification (XPL) Medium grained. IMPORTANT NOTES. MINERALOGY. Black colours. . Clay minerals. Alteration of biotite . Quartz. Clear and unaltered, Colourless mineral, Low relief . Biotite. Brown, Pleochroism is moderate to. PPL. strong, perfect cleavage . Groundmass. Mostly covered with clay Groundmass : 40% Quartz : 20% Brownish feldspar: 20%. XPL. Biotite : 20%. 61. FYP FSB. Table 4.6: Thin section analysis of sample B in Kg Kuala Betis..

(78) CODE: Sample C. MICROSCOPIC EXPLAINATION. ROCK NAME: Lapilli tuff. : 4x magnification (XPL). CLASSIFICATION: Sedimentary rock. 10x magnification (XPL) Fine grained texture. IMPORTANT NOTES. MINERALOGY. White colour. . Fine grained tuff. Quartz. Colourless mineral, Very low relief, Rare in twinning . Biotite. Brown colour, Moderately relief, High birefringence . Calcite. Colourless mineral, Low to PPL. moderately relief . Groundmass. Groundmass : 40% Quartz : 30% Calcite: 30%. XPL. 62. FYP FSB. Table 4.7: Thin section analysis of sample C in Kg Kuala Betis..

(79) FYP FSB Figure 4.6: Geological map of Kg Kuala Betis. 63.

(80) 4.4.1 Vein Iron vein present in metasedimentary rocks bedding. Many hardground surfaces themselves are planar, having been face to corrasion which is erosion through sand being moved across the surface. Thus, borings and fossils in the sediment may be truncated. For in deeper-water limestones and chalks hardgrounds, it have a more irregular surface with some relief where a degree of seafloor dissolution has taken place. Hardgrounds commonly have a nodular appearance, and this may be related to burrows and bioturbation which formed before the sediment lithification. Hardgrounds may be includes with iron minerals and phosphate despite there may be iron oxide or phosphatic crusts on the hardground surface. Grains of glauconite may be present too. Hardgrounds can commonly be traced for many tens or even hundreds of metres. Pyritic mudrocks: pyritic nodules and laminae, often in black or bituminous shales, usually marine (Tucker, 2003). Figure 4.7 shows vein structure occurrence at bedding of metasedimentary rock. The colour of outcrop is brownish, has hard texture based on figure 4.8. The outcrop is moderately weathered and located at drainage area.. 64. FYP FSB. 4.4 Structural Geology.

(81) FYP FSB Figure 4.7: Iron vein structure in metasedimentary rock bedding.. Figures 4.8: Iron vein sample. 65.

(82) Joint. a.. Joint analysis at riverside outcrop.. Table 4.8: Joint reading of riverside outcrop.. 0. 64. 6. 282. 76. 357. 5. 82. 63. 354. 2. 2. 2. 39. 12. 61. 1. 358. 358. 61. Figure 4.9: Joint analysis at riverside outcrop.. 66. FYP FSB. 4.4.2.



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3.6 Background concentration of heavy metals 25 4.1 The average concentration % of heavy metal in control soil 26 4.2 The average concentration % of heavy metal in studied area 27