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Universlti Utara Malaysia



NASIRU UMAR (817816)

A Thesis submitted to the Ghazali Sha fie Graduate School of Government In fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Art (Sociology)

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Konflik, khususnya dalam demokrasi, adalah normal dalam batas-batas peraturan demokratik, tetapi apabila ia beterusan dan menjadi amat ganas, sistem sosial memerlukan kajian mendalam bagi menentukan puncanya. Nigeria telah bergelumang dengan krisis etnik agama yang berterusan yang telah mengambil nyawa beribu-ribu orang, menghancurkan harta benda yang tidak temilai, dan menyebabkan berjuta-juta orang termasuk wanita dan kanak-kanak hilang penempatan. Semua ini mengakibatkan ketidakstabilan demokrasi di negara ini.

Konfrontasi kekerasan yang berulang kali dan berterusan dalarn kalangan kumpulan etnik di zon geopolitik Baral Utara terutamanya di Kaduna selama lebih daripada satu dekad dan yang tampaknya semakin meningkat terutama dengan pendemokrasian politik memerlukan pemeriksaan kritikal untuk memahami faktor­

faktor yang bertanggungjawab terhadap berlakunya kejadian seumpama ini. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sarna ada etnik dan agama memberi kesan terhadap keadilan dan toleransi politik dan sama ada kepelbagaian budaya merupakan satu faktor dalam konfrontasi yang tidak berpenghujung. Kajian ini mernilih tiga titik penting dalam metropolis negara-Kaduna, Kafanchan, dan Zangon kataf untuk kajian. Temu bual mendalam dilakukan dengan peserta di tempat kajian. Semua respons telah disusun dan diurus dengan menggunakan perisian Nvivo 1 1 untuk analisis berikutnya. Tiga penemuan utama telah dijumpai: (a) konflik etnik agama adalah hasil perjuangan kuasa elit yang menafikan keadilan rakyat melalui manipulasi agama dan etnik; (b) manipulasi identiti etnik dan agama oleh ahli politik telah menjadikan kedua-dua komuniti eksklusif dan menyebabkan mereka tidak mempunyai semangat toleransi; dan (c) kepelbagaian budaya digunakan oleh kumpulan etnik untuk menuntut daripada kerajaan agar orang lain dikesampingkan kerana mereka tidak berkongsi pertalian budaya, mengakibatkan penyingkiran sosial dan tentangan ganas oleh kaum terpinggir. Kajian ini menyumbang kepada pemahaman keadilan sosial dan toleransi politik sebagai pemboleh ubah penting dalam pernbangunan budaya politik.

Kata Kunci: Konflik Etno Agama, Kestabilan Demokrasi, Keadilan Sosial, - Toleransi Politik.


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Conflicts, especially in a democracy, are normal within the confines of democratic rules, but where they become persistent and especially violent; the social system requires an in­

depth study to establish the reasons. Nigeria has been grappling with persistent ethnoreligious crises that have taken the lives of thousands, destroyed an indeterminate value of properties, and displaced millions of people including women and children resulting in democratic instability in the country. The recurrent violent confrontations that have continued unabatedly among ethnic groups in the North Western geopolitical zone particularly Kaduna state for over a decade and that seem to be on the increase especially with the democratization of the polity necessitate a critical examination to fathom the underlying factors responsible for the incident. The study intends to find out whether ethnicity and religion impacts on justice and political tolerance and whether cultural diversity is a factor in the unending confrontations. The research selected three important flashpoints within the state-Kaduna metropolis, Kafanchan, and Zangon kataf for s I tudy.

In-depth interviews were conducted with participants whose responses were organized and managed using the Nvivo 1 1 software for subsequent analysis. Three key findings were found: (a) ethnoreligious conflicts are the outcome of an elite power struggle which denies citizens justice through the manipulation of religion and ethnicity; (b) the manipulation of ethnic and religious identities by the politicians has made the two communities exclusive, rendering them intolerant; and (c) that cultural diversity is used by ethnic groups to make demands on government lo the exclusion of others with whom they do not share cultural affinity thus promoting social exclusion and violent resistance from the marginalized communities. The study contributes to the understanding of social justice and political tolerance as important variables in the development of political


Keywords: Ethnoreligious Conflicts, Democratic Stability, Social Justice, Political Tolerance.


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I am immensely thankful to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala in whose guidance and providence this academic pursuit comes to fruition. I commend the patience, the diligence and the immeasurable contribution of my supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Zaheruddin Bin Othman. Credit also goes to Associate Professor Dr Shafe'e Sa'ad for his constructive criticism of my work every step of the way. The immense contribution of Associate Professor/ Dr Ahmad Tannizi Talib is also acknowledged for harmonizing the disparate ideas in the thesis. I also commend the patience of my wife Zaliha Sani Bauranya for bearing with my long absence.

I appreciate the assistance of Professor Dr Faridahwati Binti Mohd. Shamsuddin, Professor Dr. Mohd. Kamarulnizam Abdullah, the Dean of Ghazali Shafi'c Graduate School of government. I also mention Nor Atika Binti Zakaria and Nor Fatimah Binti Hashim for their role in effective communication between me and the College.

I do not discount the immense support of my sisters Zaliha Umar, Habiba Umar and Amina. I am grateful to Masa'ud Umar, Abubakar, Dikko and Faruk Umar they have been my pillar of support while the program was on. I appreciate the assistance of my uncle Ibrahim Muhammad for his assistance.


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I dedicate this work to my mother Rabi Muhammad.


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1 . 1 Background to the Study I

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Research Questions 7

1.4 Research Aim And Individual Objectives 8

1.5 Research Paradigm 8

1.6 Conceptual Framework 9

1.7 Significance of The Study 1 1

1.8 Scope of The Study 12

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 14

1 . 1 0 Summary of Chapter. 1 7



2.1 Introduction 1 9

2.2 The Concept Of Democracy 19

2.3 Democratic Stability 24

2.4 An Overview Of Ethnicity 29

2.5 Endemic Nature of Conflicts 3 1

2 . 5 . 1 The Ethno-Regional Conflicts 34


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2.5.2 The Ethno-religious Conflicts 35

2.6 State Response To Ethnic Conflicts 39

2.7 Nature Of State 41

2.7.1 The Political History of Nigeria 41

2.8 Structural Theory Of Conflict 66

2.9 Psycho-cultural Theory Of Conflict 67

2 . 1 0 Summary of The Chapter 68


3 . 1 Introduction 69

3.2 Reason for Adopting Qualitative Approach 69

3.3 Sources Of Data 70

3.3.1 Research Setting 70

3.3.2 Participants ...•...•... 70

3.3.3 Data Collection Strategies 70

3.3.4 Data Analysis Procedures 71

3.4 Method of Data Collection 73

3.4. l Interview 73

3.5 Sampling Strategy 74

3.6 Data Recording And Analysis 74

3.7 Northwestern Nigeria 75

3.7.1 Kaduna State 77

3.8 Summary of The Chapter 79


4.1 Introduction 80

4.2 Influence of Ethnicity on Justice 8 1

4.3 Corruption 81

4.4 Nepotism 82

4.5 Significance of Kaduna 84

4.6 Marginalization 85

4.6.1 Proportionate Distribution 86


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4. 7 Discrimination 88

4.7.1 Settler- Indigene Dichotomy 89

4.8 Influence of Religion on Justice 90

4.9 Corruption 90

4.9.1 Abdication of Responsibility 91

4.9.2 Government The Major Source of Wealth 92

4 . 1 0 Political Exclusion 92

4.1 I Power Struggle 94

4 . 1 1 . 1 Fear of Marginalization 96

4 . 1 1 . 2 Sabotage 96

4 . 1 1 . 3 Unfavorable Power Relations 97

4 . 1 2 Social Exclusion 98

4.13 Summary of The Chapter 99



5.1 Introduction I 00

5.2 Influence Of Clerics 1 0 1

5.3 Political Class Interest I 02

5.3.1 Religious Card I 03

5.4 Political Exclusion I 04

5.5 Religious Ignorance 104

5.5.1 Intense Religiosity I 05

5.6 Religious Organizations I 06

5. 7 Sectarianism I 07

5.8 Urban and Rural Tolerance Divide I 08

5.9 Summary of the Chapter 109


6.1 Influence Of Historical Relations And Cultural Diversity On Conflicts 1 1 0

6.2 Introduction 1 1 0

6.3 Cultural Incongruity 1 1 1

6.4 Culture of Impunity 1 1 2


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6.5 Elite Power Struggle 1 1 3

6.6 Ethnic Identity Politics 1 1 4

6.6. l Dominant Zazzau 1 1 4

6.7 Historical Power Relations 1 1 5

6. 7. I Recognition 1 1 6

6.7.2 Regional Politics 1 1 6

6.8 Political Exclusion 1 1 7

6.9 Religious Manipulation 1 1 8

6. l O Social Exclusion 1 1 9

6. l l Mutual Coexistence 120

6 . 1 1 . 1 Deconstruct Social Relations 121

6 . 1 1 . 2 Demarcation Irreversible 122

6 . 1 1 . 3 Demarcation Desirable 122

6 . 1 1 . 4 Kaduna Still Insecure 123

6.1 1 . 5 Kaduna Is Indivisible 124

6 . 1 1 . 6 Maintain Status Quo 125

6 . 1 1 . 7 Partition The State 125

6.12 Summary ofThe Chapter 126


7. I Introduction 127

7 .2 Influence of Justice on Ethno-religious Conflicts 128

7.3 Influence of Religion on Justice 137

7.4 Influence of Religion on Political Tolerance 144

7 .5 The Influence of History and Culture, on Ethno-religious Conflicts 148

7.6 Summary of The Chapter 155

7.7 Theoretical Validation 156

7.8 Theoretical Contributions 158

7 .9 Practical Contributions 159

7.10 Limitations 159

7 . 1 1 Conclusions 159



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Table I List of Participants , : 74


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Figure 1.1 Conceptual Frameworks 10

Figure 3.1 Map ofN011h Western Nigeria 75

Figure 3.2 Map ofKaduna State 78

Figure 4. 1 Influence of Ethnicity on Justice 81

Figure 4.2 Participants on the Influence of Ethnicity on Justice 90

Figure 4.3 Influence of Religion on Justice 90

Figure 4.4 Participants on the influence of religion on Justice 99 Figure 5. 1 Influence ofreligion on Political Tolerance I 00 Figure 5.2 Participants on Religion on Political Tolerance 109 Figure 6.1 History, Culture and Political Behaviour 1 1 0 Figure 6.2 Participants on History, Culture and Political Behaviour.. 120

Figure 6.3 Mutual Coexistence 1 2 1

Figure 6.4 Participants on Mutual coexistence 127


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AOAY Action on Armed violence UNPF United Nations Population Funds GNP Gross National Product

IDEA International Democratic and Electoral Assistance HRW Human Rights Watch

OPC Ooduwa Peoples' Congress PDP Peoples Democratic Patty NPC Northern People's Congress

NCNC National council of Nigerians and the Cameroons UMBC United Middle Belt Congress

AG Action Group

ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States MASSOB Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign Biafra NCBWA National council for British West Africa

NYM National Youth Council

NNDP Nigerian National Democratic Party NJ REC Nigerian Interreligious Council

� IPL International Peace League

UNESCO United Nations Educational and Scientific Commission JAMB Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board

APC All Progressives Congress

UNDP United Nations Development Program ANPP All Nigerians Peoples' Party

CPC Congress for Progressive Change CAN Christian Association ofN igeria


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1.1 Background to the Study

There has been an explosion of democratic activities m the world in 1990.

Communist and authoritarian regimes have been crumbling in the face of people's resistance and rebellion. Nepal, Zaire, Mongolia, Burma, and Albania, countries reckoned to be the worlds most isolated have joined the ferment. The post­

communist Eastern Europe, the Latin American post-bureaucratic authoritarian states, the rich industrializing East Asia and even tropical African nations are democratizing. The unprecedented scale at which independent nations are demanding, installing or practicing democracy has never been witnessed. The wide and rapid spread of awareness of the struggles for popular democracy has been tremendous (Diamond, 1990). However, the freedom of speech, freedom of religion and association known with democratic regimes and the weakening of military's hold on political power have resulted in a rise in ethnoreligious sentiments in Nigeria.

(Ojie, 2006).

This ethnic sectarianism which weakens democratic stability leads to undesirable schisms of interests which put democratic politics in jeopardy. Democracy is an administrative system which primarily addresses common concerns. The state is a

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I . Let's talk about the influence of ethnicity on social justice in Kaduna state 2. Would you say ethnicity impacts on political tolerance in Kaduna state?

3. Please describe how religion influences politics and political tolerance in Kaduna state?

4. Is the history and culture of the people of any significant impact on their democratic behavior?

5. How popular is the idea of mutual coexistence among the people ofKaduna state?



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