• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan



Academic year: 2022





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The Culprits

i Por*r-utuaLrn, :

{'"^-- Carbon Dioxide Cvcle | \ lil



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Green'house Gases

. Cariron dioridB (CO:) . Nitrous oxides (NO^) . Methane {CHo}

. Aerosol

Accu mulahon of green-house gases lead to global l,varming


r'.::' . . w Plantation/Agricultu re * \ iiJ.$::5ih

Greenhouse emission:

- Industrialized inputs

. Machinery . Fertilizers . Pesticides

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Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world in the 21st century

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DNA: Structure and Fu nctiorl ru l'it.;#'jsl5

Watson and Crick produced their double helix model in 1953.

"Modern" biotechnology began

with their discovery rryar*oiii,,o-Fr#*riri6l.ii-on*

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"Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make ol" rnodify products or processes for specific use,"

Modern biotechnology is the term used to describe a range of processes and techniques especially at the molecular level.

Modern Biotechnologyi \ iii ri :'l:"

(a) in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (Dl'lA) and direct injection of the nucleic acid into cells or organelles;

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fbl fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological reproductive or recombination barriers and that are not techniques used in traditionalbreeding and selection BIOSAFETY ACT 2OO7

Biosafery (Approval and Notification) f,egulations 2010

Crops Forest

Conservation of BioD B i o F u e l

Industria I biotechnology

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. Potential solution to climatE problems through the creation of crops that are designed to meet the challenges of a new climate era . Potential of genetically modified crops

- to transcend agriculture's contribution to climate change

* to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

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+ I ra nsgefitc crops \,itr ir #i*q$irsl i,3 fl1;L."^,.," ,

' To improve the current system of agriculture through reduced greenhouse gas ernission

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* In 1998, 8-2 million fewer pounds of active lfertilizersj were used on corn, cotton, and soybeans than in 1997 and corresponded to an increase in the adoption of genetirally engineered crops {Wolfenbarger & Phifer 2000}.

Transgenic Crops


lncreased adaptability to climate change

* drought resistance {water efficient}

- Ricg, i7\ tti.t 1:.,i::.''', tr, r,: rli:,

' Reduce level of key stress-related proteins . Genes from plants already highly drought resistant

- Resistant to salt

- More space-efficient plants - Increased yield

' World population - 7 billions in 2020

. 9 billions in 2050.

- Increased in yield is crucial by 2050

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Accepta nce #|.i"t#|iL\:

' Acceptance of rnodified crops

" Transgenic crops now cover over 100 million hectares of arable land in >20 countries, and this trend toward increased uptake and deployrnent is growing at a steady rate

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The regulatory bottleneck

Anticipated lack of market acceptance Market rejection or lack of demand

. Some countries and markets

Reexamination of the balance between potential risks versus foregone societal benefits

P u b l i c a w a r e n e s s


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l n o l o g y it { ; i : ' ' l '

Understanding the carbon storage and sequestration m e c h a n i s m s o f f o r e s t tr e e s a n d f o r e s t s o i l s

l d e n t i f y i n g a n d c o n s e r v i n g r a r e o r v a l u a b l e g e r m p l a s m t h r e a t e n e d b y c l i r n a t e c h a n g e

D e v e l o p i n g t r e € s th a t a r e m o r e e a s i l y p r o c e s s e d i n t o f i b e r o r o r b i o c h e m i c a l s

Breeding trees able to grow faster in elevated carbon d i o x i d e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s a n d c a p a b l e o f w i t h s t a n d i n g s t r e s s e s d u e t o c h a n g i n g c l i m a t e .

Con servation Bi otechn ology


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. Significant contributions to ameliorate some o f t h e c o n s e q u e n c e s o f c l i m a t e c h a n g e

- Provision of planting stock of germplasm that cannot be conserved by conventional seed storage practices

* Fundamental a n d a p p l i e d re s e a r c h t o d e v e l o p crypreservation technologies for the ex sifu conservafion of BioD at risk from clirnate change, partrcr.llarly storage of , germplasm and e n d a n g e r e d s p e c i e s { E e r j a k e t 6 1 . 2 0 1 1 )

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O r t h o d o x S e e d s i 1 i ' r j 1 : " \

Tolerantto desiccation and low temperature

Seed rnoisture content 6-8% al'rd storage tem perature -18oC { Bioversity


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R D A G e n e b a n k K o r e a j \ 1 i l ', . ' " 1 ; .

P r o b l e m M a t e r i a l s l\ t i * ,i'i tr',


No seed produced - Muso spp.

Vegetatively propagated - Monihot esculento - Gorcinio mangostqna


Recalcitrant Seeds

NCIt tolerant to:

- Desiccation to as high as t2- lL% moisture content

* Low temperatures {Roberts 1973}


...then how to store?

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- slow growth

-cryopreservation !s-"---.



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RDA Genebank l$ li!,;#llx,

Co nse rvation Biotech no

Aid the safe and secure cold storage of non- viable and/or non-reproductive biological resources

- DNA, blood products, cells, bone, feathers, foliage materials for use as 'type' materials

S u c h m a t e r i a l s w i l l p r o v i d e in v a l u a b l e reference specimens for climate change- associated conservation research, wildlife management and genetic studies such as the barcode of life programme (Berjak et al. 201L)

Laboratpry of'Tropica I Crop


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lrn t of K.U.Leuven


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Cryobionomics t5*ti:i#stI

The study on cryoinjury and how it affects the genome and genetic stability

Fundamental and applied research in the study of biophyslcal, molecular and genetic sta bility

Reintroduction into the environment of organisms recovered f rom cryopreserved germplasm.

(Berjak et al. 2011)

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I ndustria I Biotechnotogy I I llJ#s I r

E nzymes, microorganisms

- To make biobased products :chemicals, food and feed, detergents, paper and pulp, bioenergy Renewable raw materials

- Save energy

* Reduce CO, emission

- Biotechnology processes and biobased products:

* Mitigation potential between 1 billion and 2.5 billion tons C0, equivalent per year by 2030 {WWF 200e)



. Nature Biotechnology 27,7728 - 1129 {ZOA9) Engineering direct conversion of C0rta biofuel

G eneti ca llv enai n ee red cyun oba de ris h srve st tiaht elerqv to diftcllv produce

isob ute ro ld e hvd e ond iso huta no I.

. Recycle CO, directly into fuels or chemicals using photosynthesis

' Overexpression of Bubisco

Palm Procsssins -

Zero waste,


zero carbonjj::::rt",



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Mitigation & role of biotechnology/microbial - Bioconversion of solid oil-palm waste/biomass - Production of biohydrogen from biomass - Use of biohydrogen for power & steam generation :

water as product of combustion,Zero carbon signatu re, free electricity

- Sludge from biohydrogen will be converted / composted to organic fertilizer

- CO, release from composting is trapped & utilized by microbial processing. The product form this process w i l l b e u s e d a s a n i m a l f e e d


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. Nature Eiotechnology 26, 159 - 772 PW8) doi: 70. 7038/nbtA2A8-769 Haw bioteeh can translorm biofuetrs (Lee et al.]

For cellulasic ethdnol to become a reality, biotechnological solutions shauld focus on optimizing the canversion of hiomoss to

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Biotlc rr rylopig ] Annr_oacf esj ] j 1:'*,t 1'

' The most powerful approach to address the dual challenges of biomass recalcitrance and large scale sustainable producfion

- Systems biology

- lmaging and computationaltools (Lee et al. 20O8)


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S y n t h e t i c B i o l o g y ; \ i l r + r 1

' Biological b u i l d i n g b l o c k s Synthetic biology: Living quarters

Synthetic biology could offer truly sustoindble opproaches to the built environment, predid

Bachel Armstrong ond Neil Spiller Natu{e 467, 916:97 8 { 21 Qctsh*L29}g).

New farm af architecture that incorporote the dyndmic properties of living systems


Biotechnology presents a feasible solution to climate change mitigation and adaptation

r' Sustainability in agriculture


"/Conservation of BioD

"'Biobased products




Effects of different phenolic compounds (catechin, ferulic acid, tannic acid and gallic acid) or the extracts including ethanolic kiam wood extract (EKWE) and ethanolic cashew

It is a well-established fact that finer particles (nano) having more specific surface area can fill more effectively the pores in cement matrix, densify its structure, and might

Independently of different study designs and detection methods, including bacterial culture methods, immunoassays and nucleic acid based techniques use different principles

Herein, it was demonstrated for the first time a novel fully integrated paper-based sample-to-answer biosensor incorporating nucleic acid extraction, amplification

Key difference: method of denaturation and nucleic acid transfer Capillary transfer – Use of high-salt buffer (15-20 x SSC or SSPE) Alkaline blotting- Use of 0.4 N NaOH.. Choice

control, Lane 3 -Lane 7 of double dilution of template nucleic acid.. Viral meningitis and the aseptic meningitis syndrome. et al., Multiplex PCR: Optimization and Application in

A comparative study of the extraction efficiency of nine known polyphenols [phenolic acids (benzoic acid, dihydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid, trans-cinnamic acid, and vanillic acid)

Various studies have reported that topical application where there is direct availability of the whole cells or metabolites from lactic acid bacteria to the skin could