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UNiVc'RS; Ti SAP-Ali








I hereby declare that:

" Except where due acknowledgement has been made, this work is that of mine alone;

" The work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any academic award;

" The content of the thesis is the result of work which has been

carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research programme.




Sh(rley Tay Siew Hohg


No.: PS 03-006-086)

Date: ls` August 2007










- NOV 2006



Saya, SHIRLEY TAY SIEW HONG mengaku membenarkan tesis Ph. D ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Malaysia Sabah dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti


1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

2. Perpustakaan Universiti Malaysia Sabah dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja.

3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi.



Tarikh: 1 OGOS 2007

Disahkan oleh,


(Tandatangan Pustakawan)

Tanda tangan Penyelia


Sekolah Pendidikan clan Pembangunan Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

Catatan: @ Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan.




I praise and thank God Almighty for guiding and seeing me through this study.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to the following people who have provided me the support and encouragement throughout my journey in completing this thesis:

" The Ministry of Education, Malaysia for granting the scholarship and the three year study leave to allow me to pursue this doctoral study.

" Associate Professor Dr. Vincent, my supervisor whose patience has been extraordinary and whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement

through meetings and e-mails have helped me in all the time of research for and writing of this thesis.

" The Dean and lecturers of SPPS, UMS especially to Dr. Sabariah Sharif and Major Dr. Hamzah Bin Md. Omar who were so willing to offer intellectual input, guidance and support during my duration of the study. Thank you to Professor Dr. Shukery for his advice and words of encouragement, too.

" Special acknowledgement goes to Dr. Jeannie Ling who took time to read and comment on the draft and to give suggestions which helped to improve clarity on the overall context and structure of the thesis.

" All my friends and relatives in Sabah, Labuan and Peninsular Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Johor) who have provided invaluable assistance in times of need especially to Aunty Polly and Uncle Steven for providing me with all the care I needed during my short stays in USJ.

" All the principals and teachers that have willingly rendered their assistance and cooperated with me in this research, who allowed me to observe and video record their lessons and granted me time from their busy schedules to be interviewed.

" My brothers and sister-in-law, Howard, Richard and lane, who have always supported, encouraged and believed in me in all my endeavours, a BIG thank you.

My 95 year-old grandma, Mak Cheng Hai who has always been a source of encouragement to me.

. My Mum, Madam Lily Ng for all her encouragement and profound understanding.

" My husband, Vun Yun Hin and my lovely children, Olivia and Ivan for enduring all my complaints, stressful situations and for believing in me. Their patience, endurance and love have encouraged me through this challenging process of research, writing and completing the study.

" This thesis is especially dedicated to my father, Mr. Tay Liong who did not live to see, but is always there to guide. His words of wisdom are always an inspiration for me to strive harder, to persevere and yet be persistent to accomplish any goal

in life.




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation process of the teaching and learning of Science in English at the lower secondary level. The study sought to investigate the realities in the implementation process of the new education policy (i. e. Teaching Science in English) in the lower secondary science classrooms in a rural school in Sabah. The thesis focused on two major aspects of teaching and learning Science in English in a rural school in Sabah: (i) The Science instructional methods adopted by the lower secondary school Science teachers (ii) The use of multiple semiotic resources to make meanings in Science lessons. This case study hoped to provide a practical guide for administrators and educators to evaluate science instruction using

English in the lower secondary levels in the rural schools context. A qualitative case study approach was adopted to investigate 'the real-life context' which is bounded in terms of the scope of the study, participants,

place and time. The participants of this research are five lower secondary school teachers and their students. The data were collected through extensive classroom observations which were carried out for a period of six

months in the rural school. Field notes and video recordings were the main sources of data. The data collected were triangulated with data collected through interviews with the Science teachers concerned, English language teachers, students, Head of Science and Mathematics Department and school

administrators. In addition, the data were compared to the information obtained through the responses provided by the participants in the questionnaires. Among the techniques used to ensure the validity and reliability of this research are triangulation, members check, prolonged engagement on-site, peer examination, audit trail and clarifying researcher's biases. The findings reveal that the teachers worked hard to use English to teach Science but they were very concerned about their students' ability to understand the content in English. Hence, the use of translation from English to bahasa Melayu and code-switching between both languages were the main strategies adopted in their teaching. The lack of opportunities to observe different teaching techniques is one of the main factors contributing to their teaching strategies. An evaluation report and a feedback session was conducted in the school to allow Science teachers to reflect on their own teaching and to deliberate on the instructional methods adopted by other

teachers in teaching Science in English. With the findings, theories of Science learning and second language acquisition, and research findings elsewhere, the study suggested appropriate instructional methods to integrate Science content learning and English language development in a rural school context, thereby extending the knowledge of teaching Science in English generated by researchers from other countries as stated in the research literature.

Keywords: Evaluation study, rural school, lower secondary school Science, implementation of science instruction, integration of learning Science and English.




Satu Penilaian Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris di Sebuah Sekolah Luar Bandar di Sabah

Kajian lni bertujuan menilal proses pelaksanaan program pengajaran dan pembelajaran Salns da/am bahasa Inggerls di per/ngkat sekolah menengah

rendah. Sehubungan itu, pengkaj/ berusaha meneroka keadaan sebenar yang berlaku dalam pelaksanaan dasar pendidikan baru yang sedang dilaksanakan pada peringkat sekolah menengah rendah di salah sebuah sekolah menengah

luar bandar Sabah. Tesis /ni memberi fokus pada dua aspek utama, yakni (i) kaedah-kaedah guru Tingkatan Satu dan Tingkatan Dua menyampalkan

pengajaran Salns dalam kelas masing-masing, dan (ii) penggunaan 'multiple semiotics resources' oleh guru guru dalam melaksanakan program pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris. Mela/ui kajian

kes ini, pengkajl berharap satu panduan praktikal dapat dikemukakan bagi golongan pentadbir dan pendidik untuk men/la/ penyampaian mata pelajaran

Sains da/am bahasa Inggeris di peringkat sekolah menengah rendah di luar bandar. Kaj/an kes ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bagi meneroka konteks kehidupan sebenar dalam satu slstem batasan berasaskan skop kajian, peserta, tempat dan masa. Kajian ini telah mellbatkan lima orang guru Sains menengah rendah dan pelajar pelajar mereka. Kutipan data telah dibuat melalui kaedah pemerhatian dalam bilik darjah secara ekstensif selama kira-kira enam bulan di sekolah yang terpilih. Catatan kerja lapangan dan rakaman video merupakan sumber data utama dalam kajian lni. Data yang

diperoleh telah disahkan melalui kaedah triangulasi (triangulation), iaitu dengan mengendalikan temubual dengan guru guru Sains berkenaan, guru- guru Bahasa Inggeris, pe/ajar pelajar, Ketua Bidang Sains dan Matematik dan pentadbir-pentadbir sekolah. Selain itu, data tersebut dibandingkan dengan

maklumat yang diperolehi daripada maklum balas peserta kajian dalam bentuk soal selidik. Teknik untuk menentukan kebolehpercayaan dan kesahan kajian lni adalah proses triangulasi, pemeriksaan ahll, pemerhatian jangka panjang, pemeriksaan sebaya, jejak audit dan penjelasan tentang pandangan

serta anggapan diri pengkaji sendir/ (researcher's biases). Dapatan kajian ini telah menonjo/kan kekuatan dan ke%mahan kaedah pengajaran Sains da/am bahasa Inggeris yang diamalkan oleh guru-guru sekolah berkenaan.

Walaupun guru guru Sains menengah rendah telah berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh mengajar Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris namun mereka kurang yakln terhadap keupayaan pelajar mereka memahami kandungan pelajaran Sains yang disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggeris. Dleh sebab itu, penggunaan kaedah penterjemahan (code-switching) istilah daripada bahasa Inggeris kepada bahasa Melayu menjadi strategi utama dalam pengajaran

Sains mereka. Tambahan Pula, kekurangan peluang untuk guru Sains memerhati kaedah pengajaran Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris yang berlainan turut menyumbang kepada kelemahan cara pengajaran yang dipraktikkan oleh guru Sains seko/ah berkenaan. Satu /aporan penilaian dan sesi maklum balas khas bagi guru guru Sains di sekolah /ni telah dilaksanakan oleh pengkaji. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, teori-teori pembelajaran Sains, pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris dan dapatan penyelidikan dari tempat lain, pengkaji mengesyorkan beberapa kaedah pengajaran yang sesual untuk



menyepadukan pengajaran isi kandungan mata pelajaran Sains dan perkembangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris di luar bandar. Dengan itu, kajian ini juga dapat meningkatkan perkembangan teori pengajaran Sains da/am bahasa Inggeris yang telah dikemukakan oleh pengkaji pengkaji luar negara.

Kata Kunci: Kajian penilaian, sekolah luar bandar, Salns di peringkat menengah rendah, pelaksanaan pengajaran Sains,

Kesepaduan mempelajari Sains dan Bahasa Inggeris.




CD Compact Disk

CIPP Context, Input, Process, and Product

ELL English Language Learners

ETeMS English for the Teaching of Mathematics and Science programme HSC Higher School Certificate

ICT Information and communication technology

IT Information technology

KBSM Kuriku/um Bersepadu Seko/ah Menengah (Secondary School Integrated Curriculum)

KK Kota Kinabalu

L1 First language

L2 Second language

LCD Liquid crystal display

LWC Language of wider communication

MOI Medium of instruction

NGO Non-governmental Organisation

OC Observer's Comment

PCK Pedagogical Content Knowledge

PEKA Pentaksiran Kerja Amali (Assessment Of Science Practical) PMR Peni/aian Menegah Rendah (Lower Secondary Evaluation)

PPSMI Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris (Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English)

SES Socio-economic status

SPM Sij// Pe/ajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Certificate of Education) STPM Sýj// T/ngg/ Perseko/ahan Malaysia (Higher School Certificate) TeSME Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English

TV Television

UPSR Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (Primary Schools Achievement Test)

VCD Video compact disk




Title Page


Approval Page Acknowledgement


Abstrak (Bahasa Malaysia)

List of Abbreviations Contents

List of Figures List of Tables

List of Appendices

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of Study

1.3 Statement of the Problem 1.4 Purpose of the Study

1.5 Research Questions

1.6 Significance of Study 1.7 Definition of Terms

1.8 Assumptions

1.9 Limitations of Study

1.10 Organisation of the Thesis


ill iv








1 3

8 12










2.1 Introduction 26

2.2 Historical Background of Education Development in Malaysia 27

2.3 Science Education and Language Policy Change

in Malaysia 2,

2.4 Theory of Change 3, '

2.5 Theory of Curriculum and Instruction 33

2.6 Process Evaluation: the Curriculum and the Teacher 39

2.7 Science Education at the Lower Secondary Level 45

2.7.1 The Organisation of the Lower Secondary Science Content 46

2.7.2 Scientific Skills 49

2.7.3 Teaching-Learning Strategies in Science Classroom 50 Science Inquiry Approach 52 Constructivism 55 Cooperative Learning 57 Direct Instruction 59 Classroom Teaching Exchange 64 Using Questions 67

2.8 Multiple Semiotics Resource Systems and Science Language 70

2.8.1 Linguistic Language of Science 73

2.8.2 Language Learning Theories 77

2.8.3 Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)

and Basic interpersonal Communicative Skills (BISC) 78

2.8.4 Bilingualism 80

2.8.5 Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement 82

2.8.6 Sociolinguistic Environment and Learning Hnciuage 8-1


2.9 Science Literacy 86

2.10 Principles in Integrating Science Content Instruction

with Language 88

2.11 Cultural Factors in Language and Learning 93

2.12 A Review of the Issues in the Teaching and Learning

Process of Secondary School Science Subject 94

2.12.1 Teachers' Instructional Methods 95

2.12.2 Students' Attitude towards Science Learning 96

2.12.3 Classroom Learning Environment 97

2.12.4 Other Issues 98

2.12.5 English Language Problems Faced By

Teachers and Students 99

2.13 Issues Identified in Other Parts of the World 102

2.13.1 Teachers' Instructional Methods 102

2.13.2 Language Issue 103

2.13.3 Science Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content

Knowledge 104

2.13.4 Teachers' Behaviour 107

2.13.5 Classroom Learning Environment 108

2.14 Conceptual Framework of Study 109

2.15 Conclusion 111




3.1 Introduction 113

3.2 Research Design of the Study 114

3.2.1 Evaluation Research 116

3.2.2 Qualitative Evaluation Research 120

3.2.3 A Qualitative Case Study Design 124

3.3 Statement of Ideologies 127

3.4 The Research Plan 129

3.4.1 The Fieldwork Schedule 135

3.5 Participants and Site 135

3.5.1 Participants and Site of Preliminary Studies 136

3.5.2 Participants and Site of Pilot Studies 138

3.5.3 Participants and Site of Actual Study 138

3.6 Gaining Access and Permissions 141

3.6.1 Gaining Access and Permissions of Preliminary Studies 142

3.6.2 Gaining Access and Permissions of Pilot Studies 142 3.6.3 Gaining Access and Permission of Actual Study 143

3.7 Data Collection and Instruments Used 144

3.7.1 Classroom Observation and Field Notes 147 Classroom Observation and Field Notes in 148 Preliminary Studies Classroom Observation and Field Notes in Pilot 150 Studies Classroom Observation and Field Notes in Actual 152 Study Video Recording 156



3.7.2 Interviews 160 Students' Interview in Pilot Studies 162 Students' Interview in Actual Study 163 Teachers' Interview in Preliminary Studies 164 Teachers' Interview in Pilot Studies 165 Teachers' Interview in Actual Study 165

3.7.3 Questionnaires 167 Students' Questionnaires in Preliminary Studies 167 Students' Questionnaires in Pilot Studies 168 Students' Questionnaires in Actual Study 170 Teachers' Questionnaires in Pilot Study 170 Teachers' Questionnaires in Actual Study 171

3.7.4 Document Analysis 171

3.7.5 Types of Data 173

3.7.6 When To Cease Data Collection? 173

3.7.7 Implications of Pilot Studies and Supervision of Trainee 175 Teachers

3.8 Transcribing Data 177

3.9 Data Analysis 180

3.9.1 Data Analysis of Pilot Studies 182

3.9.2 Data Analysis of Actual Study 183

3.9.3 Coding and themes 185 First and Second Level Coding 185 Within-Case and Cross-Case Analysis 186

3.10 Research Ethics 188

3.11 The Question of Reliability and Validity 189



3.12 Reporting Findings to Science Teachers 193

3.13 Summary 195


4.1 Introduction 197

4.2 Overview of Findings 197

4.3 Naturalistic Setting and History of School 199

4.4 Description of Science Teachers 201

4.4.1 Teacher Andy 201

4.4.2 Teacher David 204

4.4.3 Teacher Karl 206

4.4.4 Teacher Lina 207

4.4.5 Teacher Roy 209

4.5 The Teachers' Instructional Methods and Principles 211

4.6 Analysis of themes 218

4.6.1 Classroom instructional Methods 222 Whole Class Lecture 224 Whole Class interactive

- Teacher-centred 226 Doing Experiment 230 Group Work 232

4.7 Multiple Systems of Semiotic Resources in Science 235

4.7.1 Language in Classroom

- Linguistic Semiotic Resource

Systems 235 Instructing 237 Using Language To Tell and Provide 238



(15) Scientific Discourse 240 Asking Questions and Probing 243 Using Questions in Textbook and Printed

Worksheets 245 Motivating Students 247

4.7.2 Visual Representations 249 Using CD-Rom Multimedia Courseware 249 Drawing Pictures and Diagrams 251 Using Mathematical Operations 253

4.7.3 Teachers' Gestures and Actions 254 To Explain Concepts 254 To Encourage Students 255

4.7.4 Experimental Operations 256

4.8 Teachers' Behaviour 258

4.9 Teachers' Perceptions and Expectations 260

4.9.1 Perceptions About Students 261

4.9.2 Teachers' Concerns and Needs 263

4.10 Students' Behaviour in Science Classrooms 267

4.10.1 Students' Time-On Task 268

4.10.2 Students' Inattention 270

4.10.3 Students' Expectations in Science Class 271

4.11 Summary of Chapter 277




5.1 Introduction 279

5.2 Statement of the Problem 279

5.3 Overview of Findings 280

5.4 Science Instructional Methods 280

5.4.1 Teachers' Instructional Methods and Thoughtful

Classroom 281

5.4.2 Direct instruction 284

5.4.3 The Classroom Discourse and Providing Feedback 286

5.4.4 Questions and Thoughtful Classroom 287

5.4.5 Students' Group Work, Presentation and Scientific Literacy 290

5.5 Languages of Science and Multiple Semiotics 294

5.5.1 Language Used in Science Classroom 295

5.5.2 Visual Representations and English Language 298 Language and CD-Rom 298 Language and Drawings, Pictures, Diagrams 304 Language and Mathematical Functions 306

5.5.3 Gestures 307

5.5.4 Experimental Procedures 308

5.6 The Classroom Process 310

5.6.1 The Role of Science Teachers 310

5.6.2 Students' Behaviour and Expectations 319

5.6.3 School's Learning Environment 322

5.7 The Dynamics of Classroom Process in the Rural School 323

5.8 Implications For Science Instruction 328

5.8.1 Teaching the Linguistic Structures of Science:

Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Logical Connectors 330


(17) Vocabulary 332 Sentence Structure 334 Logical Connectors 335

5.8.2 Using Multiple Semiotics Resources 335

5.8.3 Using Bahasa Malaysia 336

5.8.4 A Proposed Model for Science Instruction in th, c Fzuml School

5.9 Suggestions for Further Studies 3.40

5.10 Reflections on the Study 342

5.11 Conclusion 345

References 347




Figure 2.1: Curriculum as an Output-Input of One System 35

Figure 2.2: The Interaction of Four Systems 37

Figure 2.3: The Components of Meaningful Learning 38

Figure 2.4: Curriculum model with all feedback lines 40

Figure 2.5: A Transactional Model of the Teaching-Learning Process 41

Figure 2.6: Components in Curriculum Process Evaluation 44

Figure 2.7: Linguistics world of students in the rural school 86

Figure 2.8: Conceptual Framework of the Study 111

Figure 3.1: The first phase of study 130

Figure 3.2: The second phase of study 132

Figure 3.3: The third phase of study 133

Figure 3.4: The fourth phase of study 134

Figure 4.1: Elements observed during a Science lesson 198

Figure 5.1: Communication pattern in a typical science classroom

in SMK Aman 297

Figure 5.2: Framework for Integrating Listening Skills in Science Lesson 302

Figure 5.3: The Dynamics of the Classroom Process 323

Figure 5.4: Four-Square Vocabulary Grid 334

Figure 5.5: A Proposed Model for Science Instruction for Lower Secondary

Classes in SMK Aman 340




Table 1.1: Research aims and research questions 15

Table 2.1: Summary of development of education in Malaysia 28

Table 2.2: Developments of lower secondary Science education in Malaysia 30

Table 2.3: Content of the Form 1 Science 47

Table 2.4: Content of the Form 2 Science 48

Table 2.5: Scientific skills at lower secondary school level 49

Table 2.6: Learning and Teaching Principles that aid in the acquisition

of both language and content 93

Table 3.1: Schedule of studies 135

Table 3.2: Number of research participants in this study 140

Table 3.3: List of teachers in this study 141

Table 3.4: Evaluation Plan 145

Table 3.5: Types of data collected 173

Table 3.6: Codes used in the transcripts 179

Table 4.1: Summary of classroom observations 212

Table 4.2: Teaching Principles of the five Science Teachers in SMK Aman 217

Table 4.3: Common teaching principles in lower secondary

Science classrooms in SMK Aman 218

Table 4.4: Coding a page from a sample classroom observation transcript 220 Table 4.5 Summary of SMK Aman Science teachers' instructional methods

used in Science lessons 222

Table 4.6: Frequency of students asking questions in class

Table 4.7: Group work



Table 4.8: Types of drawings used to make meanings 252

Table 4.9: Characteristics of Form 1 and Form 2 Science teachers

in SMK Aman 258

Table 4.10: Teachers' concerns, issues and needs 265



Table 4.11: Students' preference of medium of instruction in Science

subject 274

Table 4.12: Students' perception about learning Science in English 274

Table 4.13: Number of students interested or not interested in learning

Science 275

Table 4.14: Students' reasons for interest in learning Science 275

Table 4.15:

Students' reasons why they are not interested in learning

Science 276

Table 5.1: A Comparison of effective direct teaching approach with

direct teaching in SMK Aman 285

Table 5.2:

Table 5.3:

Table 5.4:

Table 5.5:

Table 5.6:

Some examples of questions used by Science teachers 289

Some pronunciation errors made by lower secondary Science teachers in SMK Aman

Some examples of words that have different meanings when used in different context in this study

Principles of teaching Science in English as observed in SMK Aman lower secondary Science teachers




A summary of the situation in SMK Aman 325






I Classroom Observation Schedule and Coding Scheme

II Classroom Observation Schedule II

III Observation Schedule (Teachers)

Observation Schedule (Students)

IV (a) Students' Questionnaire (Pilot Study) (b) Soal Selidik Pelajar (Kajian Perintis)

V (a) Students' Questionnaire (Revised Version for Actual Study) (b) Soal Selidik Pelajar (Diubahsuai)

VI (a) Teachers' Questionnaire (b) Soal Selidik Guru

VII (a) Teachers' Interview Schedule (b) Temuduga Guru

VIII (a) Students' Interview Schedule (b) Temuduga Pelajar





IX Statistics of Teachers and Students Population in SMK AMAN

X Letter of Approval from EPPRD, Ministry of Education, Malaysia

XI Letter of Approval from Sabah State Education Department

XII A Sample Letter of Consent from Teachers

XIII Statistics of Hostel Students in SMK AMAN

XIV Student's Assessment of Science Practical or Pentaksiran Kerja Amali (Peka)



XV (a) Field Notes

(b) Example of Field Notes

XVI Classroom Observations Transcriptions

XVII Teachers' Interview Transcriptions

XVIII Administrators' Interview

XIX Students' Interview Transcriptions

XX Professional Development Programme for Science Teachers

XXI Report on Findings for SMK AMAN

XXII Feedback Form (from Science Teachers)





XXIII Description of the Teachers' Lessons Observed

XXIV Analysis of Teachers' Instructional Methods and Teaching Principles

XXV Examples of First Level Coding and Second Level Coding

XXVI An Example of Linking Data

XXVII Data Display



XXVIII Location Map of Villages/Feeder Schools

XXIX Rural Setting of Research Area (i)

XXX Rural Setting of Research Area (ii)

XXXI School Surroundings

XXXII Local News about Research Area (i)

XXXIII Local News about Research Area (ii)





1.1 Introduction

The Malaysian education system is based on national ideology also known as

Rukunegara. The aspirations and principles of the Rukunegara and the more

recent Vision 2020 or Wawasan 2020, are manifested in the National Philosophy of Education, which forms the policy of the Malaysian education

system. Realising that science and technology and English will be the driving force for the economic development and industrialisation of a country, the

Ministry of Education Malaysia has taken bold and drastic steps to re- introduce teaching Science and Mathematics in English after it successfully

changed the medium of instruction in schools from English to bahasa Malaysia in the 1970s. This language policy change involves the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English for Primary 1, Form 1 and Lower 6

students and the extensive usage of technology to complement and enhance the teaching and learning process in schools (Kementerian Pendidikan

Malaysia, 2002). Thus, with this latest educational reform in Malaysia there is

a need to promote teaching change, especially in the use of instructional

strategies that are appropriate for low English proficiency students in the

rural areas.

The purpose of the study was to describe and evaluate the

implementation process of the teaching and learning of Science in English at

the lower secondary level. The evaluation study which was focused on the




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The active orthosis measures the patient’s activity using Electromyography and the electrical signal obtained from this sensor is used to control the actuator that drives

The strong point of Nakatani’s (2006) classification is that he centered on the interactive trait of conversation in actual non-native speaking context. Moreover, as the study

As for the choice of optical amplifier, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) is preferable due to high power transfer efficiency from pump to signal power, wide spectral

1) Taxonomy of the mud lobster species from Peninsular Malaysia using both morphological and molecular analysis. 2) To study the distributional pattern of mud

Figure 4.12 shows intensifier negation calculation, where the function of intensifier negation reduces the strength of the sentiment but not reverse the sentiment value. Both

• This study conducted a comprehensive research on the most popular recent RSs and would be good start point for future studies. Chapter 2 has a very comprehensive

Table 2.9: Comparison of GRAT against other tools based on the requirements analysis methods and supported architecture

An exhaustive list of forty-two quality characteristics which make the foundation for the proposition of a Sustainable Quality Assessment Model for E-Learning Systems