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Konsep Asas Geologi Sekitaran


Academic year: 2022

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STAG 3073 Environmental Geology

Dr. Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob Program Geologi


Konsep Asas Geologi Sekitaran


Konsep asas Geologi Sekitaran (Coates, 1981)

1. Manusia adalah agen perubahan geologi

2. Bumi adalah unik

3. Bumi adalah sistem kepada sistem

4. Bumi adalah sistem tertutup

5. Proses geologi dan aktiviti manusia beroperasi dalam skala masa yang berbeza

6. Risiko dicirikan oleh hubungan manusia-planet

7. Kita amat bergantung kepada sumber bumi

8. Sumber bumi adalah terhad

9. Sumber bumi boleh diurus secara “mapan”

10. Pengurusan alam sekitar bermakna mengurus sikap manusia – education

11. Pemuliharaan dan penjagaan adalah sebahagian


1. Masalah utama alam sekitar akibat dari penambahan penduduk

2. Bumi adalah sistem tertutup

3. Bumi adalah habitat yang paling sesuai untuk kita dan sumber bumi adalah terhad

4. Proses fizikal bumi merubah landskap sepanjang masa geologi. Magnitud dan kekerapan proses ini bergantung

kepada faktor perubahan samada secara tabii/buatan

5.Proses bumi adalah merbahaya kepada manusia.

Bencana ini perlu dikenalpasti dan dielak dan kesan LAPAN KONSEP ASAS GEOLOGI SEKITARAN

(Keller, E.A. 1992 )


Konsep asas geologi sekitaran (samb.)

6. Perancangan guna-tanah dan guna-air mesti

dipertingkatkan supaya seimbang di antara pertimbangan ekonomi dan variable yang kurang jelas/nyata spt aestetika (i.e. nilai; kecantikan)

7. Kesan guna-tanah adalah berbentuk kumulatif; dgn itu kita ada tangggung jawab kepada generasi yang akan datang

8. Komponen penting untuk alam sekitar ialah faktor

geologi, pemahaman alam sekitar memerlukan pengetahuan yang luas tentang sains bumi dan disiplin yang berkaitan.


Fundamental concepts of Environmental Geology

(Keller, EA. 2000, eight edition)

• 1. Population growth

The number one environmental problem is increase in human population.

• 2. Sustainability

(mapan/lestari/mampan )

Sustainability is the environmental objective

• 3. Systems

Understanding the earth‟s systems and their changes is critical to solving environmental problems.

The earth itself is an open system with respect to energy,


• 4. Limitation of resources

The earth is the only suitable habitat we have, and its resources are limited

• 5. Uniformitarianism

The physical processes modifying our landscape today have operated throughout much of geologic time. However, the magnitude and frequency of these processes are subject to natural and artificial induced change

• 6. Hazardous earth processes

There have always been earth processes that are hazardous to people. These natural hazards must be recognized and avoided where possible and their threat to human life and property minimized.

• 7. Geology as a basic environmental science

The fundamental component of every person‟s environment is the geologic component, and understanding our

environment requires broad-based comprehension and appreciation of the earth sciences and related disciplines.

• 8. Our obligation to the future

The effects of land use tend to be cumulative, and therefore


1. Population growth

Gareth Harden :

Population increases; impact increases; more resources are needed.


Pollution of ground and surface waters;

hazardous waste;

exposure of people and human structures to natural hazards.

Total environmental impact of population = product of impact per person x the population


World population

World population

1830 – 1930: Human

population doubled from 1B-2B

2007: 6.6 billion

2010 : 6.9 billion people on earth;

Malaysia (27 M)

Population bomb:

exponential growth-very dynamic process

Human population

increases 1.4% annually (Growth rate)

Exponential “J” shape


200 million lives



• The present population is already over the comfortable carrying capacity for the planet.

• The role of education is paramount; greatest hope for population control

• Pessimistic scientists:

Population growth will take care of itself thru disease and catastrophes (famine lack of food) ; WAR

• Optimistic scientists:

Hope we will find better ways to control the population of the world within the limits of our available resources,

1. Population growth (cont…)



A disease spread by rats that causes fever, swellings on the body and usually death


Bacterial disease plague caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis



One family, one child policy in China

control the population of the world






The World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development in 1987:

“Sustainable Development is a form of progress that ensures human development and that „meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

2. Pembangunan Mapan



+ Respecting the limits of environment, resources

& biodiversity

+ Sustainable economy (opportunity for all) + Polluter pays principle + Efficient resourceuse + tax (landfill tax; waste tax) + new tax structure to

encourage population control and wise use of resources + Policy based on strong

scientific evidence + good governance + ensuring a strong, healthy & just society +Sistem sosial,

perundangan, politik dan pelajaran

Lestari / Mapan / Mampan / Sustainability


Sustainable Development

2 pendapat : (1) Environmentalist

Perlu jaga alam sekitar agar generasi akan datang tiada masalah dengan

kemusnahan yg berlaku

– Cth: Ozon layer dan kepupusan spesies

(2) Economists

Generasi akan datang akan mewarisi kekayaan yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan sumber sekarang ini

£10 a slice (RM50)



1. Tinggal di Seremban, memandu kereta NAZA RIA seorang diri dan bekerja di UKM Bangi.

Merokok semasa memandu. Memakan makanan yang ditanam dengan

menggunakan bahan kimia pesticide 2. Tinggal di Bandar Baru Bangi, menaiki

basikal ke tempat kerja di UKM Bangi dan

tidak merokok. Memakan makanan yang

ditanam sendiri secara organik



1. Tinggal di Seremban, memandu kereta NAZA RIA seorang diri dan bekerja di UKM Bangi.

Merokok semasa memandu. Memakan makanan yang ditanam dengan

menggunakan bahan kimia pesticide 2. Tinggal di Bandar Baru Bangi, menaiki

basikal ke tempat kerja di UKM Bangi dan

tidak merokok. Memakan makanan yang

ditanam sendiri secara organik


• A system:

– Any defined part of the universe that we select for study

Eg. A planet; a volcano; an ocean basin, river

• The Earth as a system

– A system with 4 parts

Atmosphere (air); hydrosphere (water); biosphere (life); lithosphere (rock,soil); others:-

humanosphere; oxysphere; cryosphere

Responsible for the surface features of the earth

Any change in magnitude/frequency of processes in one part causes changes in the other parts.

3. Systems


Mountain uplift

2. Precipitation (affect local hydrosphere)

Ocean 1 * Steeper slope (affect



*rate/types of sediments Produced – types of rocks

created wind

Prinsip Kesatuan Alam Sekitar / Principle of environmental unity

3. Biosphere types of

animals/plants with new


(Everything affects everything else)



• Earth is not static; rather, it is dynamic

Material and energy are constantly changing

OPEN system

True with respect to energy

earth receives energy from the sun and radiates energy back into space

Exchange of matter

Meteors fall to earth, and small amount of earth material escapes into space as gas

• Earth‟s material is recycled within the system

CLOSED system

3. Systems (cont…)


• FEEDBACK -- system response

– Two types of feedback

NEGATIVE feedback: inducing the system to approach steady state (GOOD)

– Eg. Erosion to river system  steady state

POSITIVE feedback: vicious cycle

– Eg. Offroad vehicle use  high erosion rate

3. Systems (cont…)





Growth Rate

• Exponential growth (slow to fast)

• 2 important measures:

– (1) the Growth Rate (%)

– (2) Doubling time


Doubling time

• Time for the quantity of whatever is being measured to double

Rule of thumb: 70 ÷ growth rate

• Example, given Canada's net population

growth of 0.9% in the year 2006 (population 33 m), what is the doubling time?

dividing 70 by 0.9 gives an approximate doubling time of 78 years.

Thus if the growth rate remains constant, Canada's population will double from its current 33 million to 66 million by 2084.



1 60,000

2 66,000

3 72,600

4 79860

5 87846

6 96630

7 106294

8 116923

% of growth Rate = 10%

per year

Doubling time = 70/n

= 70/10 = 7 tahun

0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Doubling Time (7 years)

Doubling time = 70 / n n = growth rate (%)


(cancel out)



Let us say that a certain population has 28 births and 8 deaths per 1,000 people in that population for a certain year.

How fast is that population growing or shrinking for that year?

Annual Rate of Population Change

= 28 - 8 = 2 % 10

The population is growing at 2% per year (Growth Rate)



• Population (2009): 28.3 million.

Annual growth rate: 2.0%.

• Berapa tahun jumlah populasi Malaysia akan berganda menjadi 56 Juta


Doubling time = 70 / 2 = 35 tahun


• Predicting changes in systems


Method for analyzing change in open systems

3 types of change:--


Steady state; not net change occurs EG: (1) University students

(2) Incoming solar radiation = outgoing radiation


Use of resources such as fossil fuels or groundwater Fuel or water completely used up


The stock will increase

Buildup of heavy metals in lakes Pollution of soil and water

3. Systems (cont…)


Dynamics of environmental component (Box model)


(Source) @ soil erosion

@ Sea floor sediment


Flux = pergerakan bahan dalam pool/reservoir


3. Systems (cont…)


is a measure of the time it takes for the total stock or supply of the material to be cycled through a system.

ART = Total size of the stock

the average rate transfer through the system


If a reservoir holds 100 million cubic meters (m3) of water and both the average input and output are 1m3/sec.

ART = 100 million m3 1m3/sec

= 100 million seconds (3.2 yrs)


Size of stock/pool

average rate of transfer through the system

Residence time?

Rate of transfer?


Masa purata yang diambil oleh bahan-bahan untuk bergerak dalam satu kitaran sistem


4. Limitation of resources

• Two fundamental truths

– 1. the earth is indeed the only place to live that is now accessible to us

– 2. our resources are

limited, and while some

resources are renewable,

many are not.


• Two major views on natural resources

– 1. Finding resources is not so much a problem as is finding ways to use them (i.e. easy to find new resources)

Efficient and intelligent use of materials

Use lightweight material to build a car New technology to save fuel

We know more about extracting minerals than we did in the past

Find new resources faster

Mining lower grade of minerals

Recycling of resources can help us meet the needs of the future.


Old computer into gold

Video: Recycling old computers


– 2. A finite

definite limit

resources cannot support an exponential growth of people forever. And we are in a resource crisis due to:--

Improvements in medical technology contributing to over population

Ever increasing gross national product based on obsolescence (design not to last long) and waste.

The finite nature of the minerals

Increased risk of damage to the environment as a result of overpopulation, waste, deforestation,

burning of fossil fuels, overuse of resources (water, energy, soil, minerals, animals, forests)



• Sumber mineral tak pernah habis tetapi

menyusut nilai ekonominya “economically depleted”

Kos mengekstrak dan penggunaan mineral yang tinggal melebihi nilai ekonomi mineral berkenaan.

•Economically depleted = apabila 80%

dari kandungan mineral tersebut telah diekstrak keluar dan digunakan.

•Kos bertambah untuk mengeluarkan dan memproses mineral yang masih tinggal (20%)


Ada 6 pilihan untuk mengatasi masalah sumber:-- 1) Cari lagi (Carigali atau galicari)

“petronas carigali”

2) Recycle atau Reuse 3) Waste less

4) Use less (Reduce)

5) Cari bahan/teknologi ganti

sinthesis bahan alternative

6) Tunggu berjuta-juta tahun untuk mendapatkan sumber yang baru

styrene-butadiene rubbers (S-SBR)


Konsep 3R

• Reduce

• Reuse

• Recycle

2 R Concept 1. Reduce 2. Reuse

4 R Concept 1. Reduce

2. Reuse + Refuse



Ingot – solid piece of metal shaped like a brick


5. Uniformitarianism

• The “present is the key to the past”

James Hutton (1785)

GAIA Hypothesis

Fundamental concept of earth sciences

The process that we observe today also operated in the past

Glacier valley

• Examples:

Glacier valley


Gaia Hypothesis

1785 James Hutton “the father of geology” said “Planet earth is a super organism”

– Circulation of earth’s water = blood – Ocean (heart of earth); forest (lung)

1970: James Lovelock introduced the Gaia hypothesis

– Gaia (Greek goddess of the land) – the earth is one super-organism

which can act to self regulate


5. Uniformitarianism

• The “present is the key to the future”

The effects of human activity on natural earth processes (eg. Flooding)

Increase OR decrease the frequency &


Use the past and present to predict the future

Eg: recent mudflow deposits on the area proposed for housing development.


5. Uniformitarianism

• Effect of human activity may be very pronounced in a local area


Construction site or cut slope is higher than a total erosion in the jungle/forest/agriculture area

Eg: 1 year cutslope = many years jungle


6. Hazardous earth processes

• Earth processes hazardous to people

• Must be recognized and avoided

• Reduce threat to human life and



6. Hazardous earth processes

• Conflict between human vs nature

• Earth processes cause loss of life/property damage

Flooding; earthquakes; volcanic; landslides;


• Earth scientists

identified potentially hazardous processes

make info available to planners/decision makersavoiding/minimizing the threat to human



Mount St. Helens

"Vancouver! Vancouver!

This is it!"[

30-year-old volcanologist David A. Johnston

Mount St Helen (May 18, 1980)


Hazard map of volcanic eruption

Kenalpasti kawasan berisiko dan maklumkan kepada orang ramai /


Houses on fault, whose fault is it?


7. Geology as a basic environmental science

• All geology can be considered environmental

• Be aware of contribution from other fields:

Biology, chemistry, env law, architecture, and engineering, economic, etc.

• Strong interdisciplinary interest

• Most projects are complex

Physical; biological; human use & interest

Physical factors -- geography; geologic processes;

hydrologic processes; rock and soil types; climatology

Biologic factors – nature of plant and animal; changes in biologic condition

Human use and interest factors – land use, economics, aesthetics



The planning, construction, and operation of sanitary landfill site:--

Physical factors:

Physical location, topographic;

Soil type & hydrologic condition Biologic processes:

Decay of organic refuse;

contamination of biologic realm;

Human interests:

Good engineering practice

Compliance with laws and regulations


8. Our obligation to the future

Prehistoric people: minimum impact

Hunted Game !!!

“Memburu dan kadang-kadang diburu”

Use of fire; agriculture; population increase; need more food; cut more trees (+ve feedback); waste problem

The effects of land use tend to be

cumulative, and therefore we have an obligation to those who follow us

(sustainable development).


8. Our obligation to the future

Human activity remove soil or rock more than any other earth processes

Mountain building; river transport;


“Human activity is the most

siginificant process shaping the planet”

Land use or Land abuse or Land misuse


Land clearance for development

“one generation of people replaces another, but productive soils destroyed are seldom





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