• Tiada Hasil Ditemukan

VOL. 2, NO. 2, 201 ISSN 2289-9103


Academic year: 2022

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VOL. 2, NO. 2, 201 ISSN 2289-9103



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Knowledge Is Wisdom

This project consumed huge amount of work, re- search and dedication. Still, implementation would not have been possible if we did not have a support of many individuals and organizations. Therefore i would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of them.

First and foremost, I would like to thanks to Al- lah, for giving me the strength to complete this

publication project. This magazine will not be able to be complete without the blessing that has been given by Allah to us.

We are also grateful to Encik Azmi Bin Ab Rahman for provision of expertise, technical support and providing necessary guidance concerning projects implementa- tion. .Without his superior knowledge and experience, the project wouldn't be able to complete on time.

Next, I would like to express our sincere thanks towards some of the lecturers who devoted their time and knowledge in the process of making and providing us with their article.

Nevertheless, I would like to express my grati- tude towards my colleagues for their kind co-operation and encouragement which working together as one team in the completion of this project. Without them, I believe that this project will not succeed as it was shown today.

Perception Vs Reality

"Librarian are the secret masters of world, they control all of the information'

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one!'

Thank you.




iliiiiiiiiiiiHt m m

II nr

laoieuT Content

JR?^ Librarian Lifestyle Carrier Guidence in Information

Library's patron behaviour:

How library staffs cope with it Local Students VS

International Students

Perception Toward Malaysian Library


S, Library For Homeless

*v8) The Issues In Academic

^ Libraries

Strategic Planning to

Increase Number of Users in Library

i- Of Syntax and Chords; The 23! Universal Connection of

Language and Music Why Do We Still Need a

Librarian ?

Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources

An Analysis Factor That

$ Affecting Students Academic Achivement

The Effectiveness Of The Language Experience Approach And Extensive

Reading Approach In Improving The Narrative Writing Skills Of Upper

Primary School Students


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Of Syntax

and Chords;

The Universal Connection of

Language and Music by S.Mariam Md.lliyas

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" People worry about kids playing with guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands - literally thousands -

of songs about broken hearts and rejection and pain and misery and loss "

Nick Hornby, High Fidelity


owadays, people all around the world see education as a very important aspect in their lives. Regardless of any subject or topic that is being focused into, there are indeed many researches and studies to improve the quality of education. Among all the subjects are music and language. These two subjects are indeed not the same subject; however, I do believe that mu- sic and language is interrelated to each other; based on several aspects.

Both music and language share a same principle, which is the structure. In order to build a structure; for example a sentence or a phrase of melody in the song, we need to organize every sin- gle thing to make sure that the end result is in order and highly structured.


In other words, both music and language share a same principle; which is syntax. Syntax can be defined as 'a set of principles governing the combination of discrete structural elements into sequences.' (Patel, 2003). The example of the structural elements here are words and musical tones.

For instance, in a conversation, people do not just blabber anything that cross their mind.

The same thing goes to a musician who plays a musical instrument. In order to produce a good melody he will apparendy not just play the instru- ment and make any sound without organizing the sound first. In both cases, it is obvious that both music and language do have s true aires.



Upon reading this statement, it does make sense that the function of language is intertwined with those of mu- sic. As language is concerned, every single people all around the world; who communicate to each other do organizes their words; such as the determiners, nouns and adjectives into phrases, and finally organizes the phrases into one com- plete, structured sentence. The same thing goes to music; as there are chords, chords progression, keys, phrases, modula- tion and cadences. Everything is being organized to produce something that is complete.

Talking about music, one aspect that is related is the property of sounds. For example, a group of students in a choir class might be taught about the correct way of singing a phrase in a song, such as the pronunciation and the tone.

These two aspects are related in the studies of language; as it is closely related to the methodology of listening and speak- ing.

In English class, students might also be taught about the properties of the sound; such as in the phonology and phonetics studies. Students will be taught about the correct way of pronouncing certain vowels or consonants, the dif- ferences in terms of the length as wTell as the right form of pronouncing certain words; either strong or weak. They will also be taught about the correct tone in speaking to make sure that the communication is comprehensible and effective.

For example, the dynamics of the group of singer during the end of the phrase or a song might be different from their tone during the beginning of the song. The dy- namics during the beginning might be softer, and become louder towards the end of the song. The same goes to the differences between a speaker's dynamics when asking for a favor and giving an order. In both cases, the distinction be- tween two dynamics does mean something; and for both cas- es, the differences are absolutely obvious. Therefore, it can be said that both music and language share one similar aspect;

Both music and language are also interrelated to each other in terms of emotion; thus the cliche "music is the language of the emotion". Even so, I find that there are several aspects that make this statement relevant. It is well-known that people express their feelings and portray their emotions with the use of language; like words. And it is undeniably true that words are the best medium to con- vey the feelings to other people. However, I do believe that somehow the feelings will be much more emotionally com- prehensible with the use of music.

In language, there are topics which focus on ex- pressing emotion. In a drama class, the students will be taught about the right wTay in order to convey their feelings;

involving correct pronunciation, tones, dynamics, stress and others. The same goes to music; as one of the aspects in music education is expression, such as the topics of dynam- ics and mood. (Sukatan Pelajaran KBSR, Pendidikan Muzik, Pg.6).

For example, in a drama, a movie or a play, it is indeed very true that people always use music to add in the impact of certain feeling; such as sad. Other than the actor saying his lines with full of heart-wrenching words and dic- tions, it is definitely very true that the sound effect or the background music had also play the important role in ex- pressing the emotion to the viewer. The same goes to music.

Very often people use music as the medium in conveying or expressing their emotion. However, I do believe that it is much more effective with the use of words; or lyrics. With the correct use of words as w^ell as the suitable choice of keys and notes, it is undeniably true that the combination of both music and language can be such a great tool of ex- pressing emotions.

The Universal Connection of Language and Music j 23



Researches had revealed that music and language are interrelated to each other scientifically. According to the arti- cle in ScienceDaily, September 28, 2007, music and language are processed by the same brain systems. In addition, there is a method which applies music in language learning. A Bul- garian psychologist, Georgi Lozanov (1979) had invented a method which is called as 'Suggestopedia'. Music was central to his method. As this method is concerned, the kind of mu- sic that is being used was Baroque music.

I do believe that there will be much more research on this topic later on; as integrated learning is proven very helpful in improving the effectiveness of education. Other than the mechanical aspect of the effectiveness, I do believe that one should not just learn what he has to learn just the way it is. It is very good to integrate other related aspects to the process of learning itself, not just for the effectiveness, but also to enjoy the process of learning.

"Baroque music

created created the kind of 'relaxed

concentration' that led to 'superlearning

According to Ostrander & Schroeder (1979

For all these times, music is seen as only the enter- tainment in people's life. As much as it does make sense, it is

somewhat arguable. Other than entertainment, there are indeed a lot of other aspects that can be associated with music; for example language and the process of learning


Regardless of any other aspects that lie within this method, the main concern here is with such method being used in language learning, it is definitely true that music and language is related to each other. There must be several as- pects which make music fits in the language learning. If it is not so, I strongly believe that there will be no such thing like a method which apply music in language learning.

A growing body of evidence; such as the research by a group of researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center (ScienceDaily, 2007), suggests that language and mu- sic are closely related than previously believed. Studying the precise nature of their overlap can reveal interesting things about the functional architecture of both domains and refine our understanding of the role of different brains areas in the processing of complex, hierarchically structured sound sequences.

According to Dobrian, 1992, "Music is not itself a language and therefore is

not susceptible to precisely the same methods of analysis and teaching

as verbal language; so it is almost r*^ certainly futile to attempt to model

music entirely as a language.

Nevertheless, music does in most cases

include the linguistic elements of symbols and grammar, and it is therefore very likely that linguistic methods of analysis and education can at least provide some insights into analogous processes of musical understanding."

Initially, music and language are indeed two differ- ent things. We should never treat the education of music and language as one identical aspect. However, I do believe that both music and language is closely related to each other, and the effort to integrate these two component in the process of learning is indeed very good. One can not just only use what he had gained in the language class just for language use only, but he can also use what he learned from music class to gain more understanding about language.


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Patel, Anirudh D. Language, Music, Syntax and The Brain. Nature Neuroscience, July 2003, Vol.6, No.7, Pg.674-681. San Diego, CaUfornia 92121.

Dobrian, Chris. Music and Language. 1992. Retrieved on April 10th,2009 from http://music.arts.uci.edu/dobrian/CD.music.lang.html

Adorno, T.W. Music and Language : A Fragment. Retrieved on April 10th, 2009 from https://www.msu.edu/~sullivam/AdornoMusLangFrag.htnil

Wang, Debbie. Music, Language, and The Brain. Retrieved on April 12th, 2009 from http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/biology/bl 03/f01 /web 1 / wang.html

Brown, H. Douglas. Teaching by Principles : An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy; 2nd ed. San Francisco State University. Pearson Education.




I w i s h t h a t I c a n s t o p t h e r u n n i r i Q t i m e a n d o r g a n i z e e v e r y t h i n g f o l l o w i n g m y w a y .

I w a n t t o h e l p

Y e t , t h e y d o n ' t n e e d m e W h a t s h o u l d I d o ?

I a m a l i b r a r i a n

B e f o r e a c h i e v i n g t h i s t i t l e , I h a v e i m a g i n e m y s e l f c o n d u c t i n g a s u c c e s s l i b r a r y w i t h a g o o d s e r v i c e s . S a d l y , it w a s o n l y i n m y i m a g i n a t i o n . It is m y d u t y t o a s s i s t l i b r a r y u s e r s i n f i n d i n g i n f o r m a t i o n t h e y n e e d

It i s m y d u t y t o t e a c h a n d g u i d e t h e u s e r s t o u s e l i b r a r y m a t e r i a l s i n a r i g h t w a y f o r g o o d

V e t , s^QSkln

I a m n o t h i n g f o r t h e m I f e e l d o w n

D o n ' t t h e y k n o w t h a t I a m h e r e f o r t h e m ?

D o n ' t t h e y k n o w o t h e r r e s o u r c e s m i g h t g e t m o r e v a l u a b l e w i t h m y a s s i s t a n c e * ?

I a m n o t s a y i n g t h a t I a m 3in i n f o r m a t i o n g o d d e s s

B u t

B u t a g a i n , t h e y p r e f e r i n t e r n e t a s s i s t a n c e r a t h e r t h a n m e

A m I t h a t b a d In g i v i n g s e r v i c e s ' ?

W h y d o t h e y j u d g e m e w i t h o u t h a v i n g a t r y o f l i b r a r i a n s e r v i c e s t h a t a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e m ?

W h y d o t h e y k e e p s a y i n g l i b r a r i a n i s h e l p l e s s w h e n t h e y d o n o t e v e n a s k f o r h e l p ?

T h e y a r e b e i n g d i s c r i m i n a t i v e .

Why Do We Still Need

A librarian

Lot of things that people does not know about librarian.

People tend to see librarian doing an easy task all this while

But, don't they know

A librarian is giving their best and ensure the services will bring benefits to the users

With librarian existence, users' difficulty in information seeking will be easy

A librarian never neglecting users' queries in giving services.

However, we have been discriminated and been judged with biased.

Why does this discrimination and biased judgement happen?

In automated library, users always complaining about library

But, why they still refuse to ask for librarian assistance?

Don't users want to make their task easier and complete it without problem?

Don't user want to seek for reliable information with librarian assistance?

Does user think that they are excellent in using the online database?

Do they can confirm the information from Internet can be trusted?

A Librarian 126


The reason for me being a librarian to help them Nevertheless, users always think that they already know everything!

Life of a librarian.

The commitment of a librarian.

How a librarian struggle in ensuring every services are in good condition to be used

How a librarian gives their best by attending training class for better services

Everything relates with library, users and all sort of thing relates to information is under librarian consideration and responsibility

But, the user refuse to acknowledge the assistance provided

What does the library user really want when they are in library?

How can I make user acknowledge librarian services?

One can only appreciate something when they are losing it

It is something that cannot be helped when it is too late.

By generation, library will be innovated

Facilities will be improved and exchanged with new technologies.

It will be tough task when there's no librarian assistance

It will be more challenging when the innovation of technology getting better

It will be hard enough for new generation to find information without librarian guide and assistance Thus, why user still denying the needs of librarian services?

W h y D o W e s t i l



A librarian

As a librarian, I really want to serve user along with my other responsibility

As a librarian, I really wish that my effort and my intention to ease library user information retrieval will be acknowledged by user

"I see libraries and librarians as frontline soldiers in the war against illiteracy and the lack of imagination" - Neil Gaiman

As a librarian, I want to assists and give guidance as it can be used throughout a lifetime.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish; you feed him for a lifetime"- Chinese Proverb

The proverb shows how an information can be used in a lifetime

As a librarian, I want to share my knowledge with user

I want to make user and help them be knowledgeable person

But one mind is differ from another

Library might seems only as information centre


With the right way of use, the user can get benefits from most of the services provided.

No matter what, as a librarian

i really hope the new generation will value library and make use the librarian s ^ s for their own benefits.

A Libraria


• By : biraindrops

That happy look when I reach out my hand from a moving car, The winds are being loyal to accept the handshake,

All I can think of is myself who never get tired of being me, All I can think of are my beloved people who reach for me when I am


Why pleading for others when you have hearts to be taken care of?

Why being sorry for those who are responsible for your broken heart?

Such a waste of clock ticking when you ignore the smiling faces and longing for those crying nights,

The moon is smiling at you, The sun is shining for you, Welcoming the good vibe and let the frown and hatred go, And you will become the happiest person standing on this world,

Anticipating for tomorrow and have pride on the yesterday, Wake up for a new thrill and brace yourself for the unforeseen


• Embrace the day, Live your life to the fullest, and you will forget what your worries are all about,

you will never regret the day,

Gratefulness also positivity keeps you alive,

And that's what makes you radiant and sunny towards every bits of your journey.

Happy No Worries | 42



by: biraindrops

Lelah belajar katanya, jemu menelaah rungutnya,

dunia penuh kebodohan dan kepuraan, yang jahil membidas tanpa sekat, yang bijak berdiam tanpa kata.

Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke Hang lahad,

bertatihlah mengutip permata penge- tahuan,

Dunia perlukan bijak pandai, perlukan minda ber-


hauskan suara tegas.

Wajah Bonda Abah berlegar di benak, hadiahkan mereka tangisan syukur,

syukur melihat cahaya hatinya menjadi manusia berjaya,

yang tahu beza yang jelek dan yang can- tik,

yang berbuah hasil dan yang sia-sia, yang membina dan yang merosakkan.

Pimpin bangsa membina empayar, bantu agama mendidik bangsa,

Informasi adaiah segalanya,

yang menerima tanpa soal membunuh, yang teliti mengkaji terselamat,

indahnya bila ilmu tersemat.

Melangkah kaki di gedung ilmu,

kitab beratus warna, berjuta bentuk, tak terbatas pengetahuan,

Librarians wield unfathomable power, bring order to chaos, wisdom and culture to the mass-

es, preserve every aspect of human knowledge

Langkahj 43


Pantwia Itmu

Meka r sejambak. ounga guoahar^ ibak bt ojbah*

J a t u n sekuitium di atas peti,, f^erabaca itu suruhan 7"uhan, Al-alao d itu run merijadi buktL

Qeraiia kesumba indah metai^

£ a n t i k ier$emat daitibaan puteri, Jltmu ditimba sepenuh batij j^ekuatari umat mihda bestari*

Harum sungguli buriga kemboia,

£}unga karangan canfcik ter^emat^

Janganlab membaca kulit sahaja?

I clitilah Icandungn sehingga tamat.

f^ekar angsana panda rig tak jemyl

j^ungariija iuruh ke dalam raga?

L>°ku laksana lautan ilmu, 0a5arnya penub mutiata berbarga,

£)aun nipah kaiangnya rapat?

Ijidangan fcctamu di Kuala fvfaran,

£>uku menCJ|impan beriuta maklumat, f a k t a , MITIUJ cereka hiburan.



M H*fi

OurlOfe/ foUk&Gt/tfaorv\y ro}&,

Not perfect, buta^ayybeoMtvfuli






dada, tidak jarang daw tidak terlawipau )arik perhatiaw orang.

PerhiasaH tidak boleh sehiwgga tabarruj, jawgan kelihataw begitu terserlah dan bukan wfat wwtwk tarik perhatiaw orang.

Kaki adalah aurat yang m jib

dittrtup. Pakai sarung kaki. Tidak boleh mewakai gelang kaki yang berbuwyi.

Hijab, My Right, My Choice, My Life | 45



Sang Pencari, 2015

No matter how old I can't stop my will

Nevertheless, I will always look for it As it are uniquely portable mag^L,

The feeling is still there

id wash away tl

From the dust of everyday life

lakes me never give up, for the loved ones a book..

Biblioholisme | 46



(Usman Awang, 1988)

Perpustakaan Tercinta Ini

Pelabuhan Kebudayaan Peradaban Zaman Gedung Akal Laut Bicara AAanis Manusia

Mutiara Pendeta Tasik Pujangga

Kota Kebenaran Penaung Kebebasan Ucap Suarcf Dari Ruang Ini bersinar Keagungan Pemikiran Menghayati Teluk Liku Zaman Demi Zaman

Tanpa Prasangka Apa Tanpa Batas Benua

Kekal Bersama Angin Yang Mengusapi Abadi Bersama Lang it Yang Memayungi

Dikeramatkan Untuk Anda Menghirup Di Perpustakaan Tercinta Ini

Usman, A. (1988). Puisi-puisi pilihan sasterawan negara. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Ba Pustaka (DPB), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.

Sajak Perpustakaan | 47


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"Melayunya aku"

Tiba-tiba saya teringat lagu si tabu terjun dengao labu-labunya^ faiarfcan . btarican.

Mengapadibiarkan?Sayajuga masih teringat kepada pufsi Sasterawan Negara Usman Awang yang bequdul "Melayu



Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana Nakalnya bersulam jenaka Budf bahasanya tidak terkira Kurang ajamya Map santun.

Melayu itu kaya fialsafahnya Kias kata bidal pusaka

Akar budi beisulamkan daya Gedung akal laut bicara.

Beitelahi cara Melayu Menikam dengan parrtun Ifenyanggah dengan sersyum lytarahnya dengan darn

Ifereidah bukan menyembah Meninggt bukan melonjak.

Watak Melayu rnenolak pemnusuhan S etia dan sabar ti ad a sempadan Tapi jika marah tak narnpak telinga Musuh dicari ke lubang cadng Tak dapat tanduk telinga dijinjing

Maruah dan agama dihina jangan Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan.

jApafcah cuang melayu hebat ...tiba-tiba saya tertoacasefokainL.

Memang nnudah hiding jari kepada DAP Memang senarig tiiduh MCA atsu MIC

Betul Ke Cina dan India yang rnenyebabkan

Melayu mundur?

Melayu alpa Melayu merempit Melayu ambil dadah Melayu gila hiburan Melayu asyifc berkoosert

Di dewsn-konsertf di padang-konsert, di stadium


Hebat Melayu, dari Bintang Kecil ke Bintang Tua!

Angkara Cina dan India kah semua itu?

Memang banyak cerita Cina dtskriminasj Melayu di dunia pekerjaan.

Dalam sektor swasta mereka kuasai.

Sukar anak Melayu nak naik pangkaL Dunia naik pangkat mereka comlrol.

Payah peniaga Melayu nak mencelah same.

Kits tidak kata Cina dan India 100% idak bersalah.

Tetapi Melayu juga ads diskriminasi Cina dan


Kita berkata, dimana Melayu baJeh kawal kenapa Melayu tidak kawal.

Kenapa Melayu taft kawaJ hbuian hingga mefekakan remap Melayu

Hingga kinf bukan saja remap Melayu,

Mak bapak Melayu pun a&yik dengan hiburan.

Barangkali tak dan wan Melayu jyga]

Bukan saja anak kecil, datuk dan nenek Melayu pun menyanyi.

Pun bergencok

Melayunya Aku (48

* * H » « # * i « » i « * « * i i » % * * » M f f f u i | | . t l l i mm * m l i s . M I M * • « i i « | i | | « i i i i i f i # i i i « f i i | a « « M * i a « * « « *


Jadi kalau ramai pelajar Melayu tak tau solat Kalau lagi ramai yang tak tau solat tak tak bersolat la.

Terlalu ramai tak pernah jemaah di masjid Salah Cina dan India lagi!!!

Siapa perintah Negara setakat ini... Cina dan India?

Siapa kesemua PM setakat ini... Cina dan India?

Siapa majoriti ketua-ketua jabatan setakat ini Cina dan India?

Sekarang ini mari kita pakat memperbaiki diri kita.

Perbaiki bangsa kita.

Perbaiki amalan agama kita.

Perbaiki anak muda kita.

Perbaiki pelajar kita.

Dengan menoleh ke dalam diri kita Dengan muhasabah kesilapan kita.

Dengan ikhlas dengan kekurangan kita.

Dengan usaha perhebatkan bangsa kita.

Hanya Melayu yang Islam boleh maju kedepan.

Melayu yang Melayu sukar, lambat dan tak nampakjalan!

Li hat dalam Islam...


Renung bangsa sendiri

Tengok amalan agama bangsa sendiri.

Teliti kesilapan kealpaan bangsa sendiri.

Apabila kita asyik tuduh Cina dan India.

Kita tambah dengan Kedazan dan Iban.

Kita Melayu, kita Muslim lupa perbaiki diri kita.

Itu salah kita selama ini.

Usah beralasan lagi.

Mari kita sama-sama cari jalan keluar.

Ayuh Melayu... sama-sarna fikir, sama-sama renung.

Sama-sama bertindak dengan bijaksana.

Bukan emosi tak tentu hala!..

Terima kasih.

By: Abdul Rahim bin Rahman

Kita diajak hanya 15 kali sehari, 450 kali sebulan,

5400 kali setahun.

Kan berkemundang "Haiyya alal Falah"

Dua kali dalam azan, sekali dalam iqamah...

5 kali sehari.

Mari Berjaya.

Come to success.

Tetapi "Hanyya Alal Falah: didahului dengan

"Hanyya Alal Solah"

Maksudnya Berjaya mengikut acuan Islam.

Mari bersolat, mari Berjaya.

Come to solat, come to success.

Melayunya Aku | 49


Jf*lk grupbuku /SS buku , ° .

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loyari laman web

www.alaf21 .com.my www.bukuprlma.com.my www.karyabestan.blogspot •com

ses Dengan Buku? Minat Akan Novel? | 50



Inspired by the works of Glass blowers and artisan metalsmiths, the Samsung

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With super-fast boot up and app launching, the Samsung Galaxy 5 6 edge gives you unbeatable results and improved energy efficiency.

Its 64-bit architecture, LPDDR4 and advanced GPU delivers truly powerful performance,letting you take multitasking and multimedia functions to the next level.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge | 51


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ueu back 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 omms.

A fckaftlait cm hma mn bacbtke


NURSARAH SYAFIQAH BINTI ISMAIL, 22 SOU fed t& fttwflfties witiieut tifcuwifliis. sau

m t& btewklqe witkeut be«fe AFIQAH SYAHIRAH BINTI MOHD RAZIB, 22 A teew, urttkeut beefe k fike a bedu untkeut a souf



isfifeeeaftn untk^(iLiQ€slutQ


AZIZ, 22 J ftka/^ is a hospital |o^tiiehiuuii


^ e is fefee a good book

§w$m ^ou. ad; ufe i t ttte Ktoteitbeauiste

*aata sense



Skalk€0is COK buifei kiak buddings, Ucacfcj^K cokteadt students, buttfoe

flbifl^iaK, can- tulle tke u^©>lEds


Knourfedxte is ^oo<i. W e i stawe untkout it. QjuHUHJttuuu!


Wembacatldafc sentestiHua di pe/ipustafeaan, dl wumok pun iii£Mtadat


tJoda^ a teade/u tetaowew a kaAen


<We fose ewtsefties uv beefes. we $wl eutsdfoestkenete&


ika/Uj is tike funna OMORisht, Us awl always GjxpcuicL that make a gteat

peopfe w i i lecognize it NORASHIKIN


^ e isfc t olbm^ about QjOQX, its abeutltS


^lj4b9efclsfefceal^teuMl2*iO{*m untitui tke costfe oj ones eum

Editorial b o a r d 53

http://music.arts.uci.edu/dobrian/CD.music.lang.html https://www.msu.edu/~sullivam/AdornoMusLangFrag.htnil http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/biology/bl 03/f0 www.alaf21 .com.m www.bukuprlma.com.my www.karyabestan.blogspot •co



Anda dikehendaki membuat analisis (jawapan bertulis) mengenai masjid ini berasaskan 5 faktor elemen senibinanva yang digunakan dalam rekabentuk masjid ini (Lakaran tidak

Dalam pengendalian sesebuah projek, jelaskan kedudukan perkara- perkara berikut dengan memberi contoh kes projek

Jelaskan bita dan mengapa pembaikan tapak atau tanah dipeflukan dalam kerja-kerja berkaitan pembinaan ialan dan lebuhraya. List four (4) soil or site improvement

Apakah strategi yang boleh diambil untuk mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga pada bangunan-bangunan yang sedia ada

isipadu tanah yang perlu dipotong itu adalah sama jumlahnya dengan isipadu tanah yang perlu ditambak, apakah aras laras (platform level) yang baru untuk tapak

kiteria yang anda perlu pertimbangkan untuk memastikan pemilihan lokasi loji rawatan kumbahan yang sesuai.. Dengan bantuan lakaran, bincangkan keperluan zon penampan

Pendekatan penandaras dikatakan mampu untuk meningkatkan prestasi pengurusan penyenggaraan bangunan Stk terangkan tangkah-tangkah berkaitan yang perlu diketengahkan

Dalam keadaan bagaimanakah anda boleh mengguna variabel keetnikan dalam analisis regresi. (5 markah) Mengapa penelitian andaian lineariti