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Thesis Submitted to

Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia,

in Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


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The element of trust is embedded in Islamic banking transactions given the impermissibility of collateralizing the business risk in Islamic contracts (muḍārabah and mushārakah). In addition, the existence of information symmetry underlying the financial-decision precludes the trustor from observing the trustworthiness of the trustee. Therefore, it is crucial for the trustee to observe the fiduciary duty towards the trustor and the use of his fiduciary power. However, given the multi- structural nature of trust, there is still disagreement in the literature on the concept. Motivated by the above, this qualitative study aimed at constructing a model of trust in Islamic banking transactions. In view of the social constructivism ontology, the components of trust were acquired by scrutinizing the concept in the literature as well as conducting semi-structured interviews with selected Islamic finance scholars and bankers. Additionally, the classical and contemporary Fiqh writing were the materials for interpretative content analysis. The socially constructed views indicated that trust is the fiduciary relationship emerging from and accommodated by the contractual agreement upon which the Islamic banking transactions are founded. Under this relationship, the performance of the transacting parties is expected to be trustworthy.

Trustworthiness (Al-amanah) is the faith- produced quality underpinning the fulfilment of the fiduciary obligation emerging from the contractual agreement. Moreover, the persistence of shari’ah rulings and institutional regulations give rise to the belief and expectancy regarding trustworthiness. Additionally, the principle of reliance (tawakkul) after making the due diligence enables the enactment of the trustor’s judgement in terms of behavioural trust. Overall, this study offers a new theoretical model of trust which considers the framework of the Islamic qualities and principles. This will contribute and enhance the trustworthy conducts of the transacting parties and curb their misconducts such as injustice dealings, greed, exploitation, negligence and transgression.

Keywords: trust, fiduciary relationship, Islamic banking transactions, contractual agreement, trustworthiness, tawhidic epistemology


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Elemen kepercayaan terpakai dalam urus niaga (transaksi) perbankan Islam kerana risiko perniagaan tidak boleh dicagarkan dalam kontrak Islam (contoh: Mushärakah dan Mudärabah).

Di samping itu, kewujudan maklumat simetri yang mendasari keputusan kewangan menghalang pemberi amanah memerhatikan kebolehpercayaan terhadap pemegang amanah. Oleh itu, adalah penting bagi pemegang amanah untuk mematuhi kewajipan yang dimilikinya dan melaksanakannya atas kuasa pemegang amanah. Namun, memandangkan kepercayaan bersifat pelbagai-struktur, masih ada perselisihan dalam literatur mengenai konsep kepercayaan. Didorong oleh perkara di atas, kajian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk membina model kepercayaan dalam urus niaga perbankan Islam. Dari sudut ontologi konstruktivisme sosial, perspektif tersebut diperoleh dengan meneliti konsep kepercayaan dalam literatur serta mengadakan temu bual separa berstruktur dengan para sarjana dan pengurus institusi kewangan Islam terpilih. Penulisan fikah klasik dan kontemporari digunakan untuk membuat analisis kandungan tafsiran. Pandangan yang dibina dari perspektif sosial menunjukkan bahawa kepercayaan adalah hubungan fidusiari yang wujud dan disesuaikan dari perjanjian kontrak seperti mana yang ditemui dalam transaksi perbankan Islam. Dalam hubungan ini, prestasi pihak yang berurus niaga diharapkan dapat dipercayai. Kebolehpercayaan (Al-amanah) adalah kualiti yang dihasilkan oleh kepercayaan yang mendasari kepatuhan kewajipan pemegang amanah hasil daripada peranjian kontrak. Tambahan lagi, keterusan peraturan syariah dan peraturan institusi meningkatkan lagi kepercayaan dan keyakinan terhadap kepercayaan. Selain itu, prinsip kebergantungan (tawakkul) setelah berusaha sewajarnya memungkinkan enakmen pertimbangan pemberi pemegangan amanah dari segi kepercayaan tingkah laku. Secara keseluruhan, kajian ini menawarkan model kepercayaan baharu yang mengambil kira kerangka kualiti dan prinsip Islam. Hal ini akan menyumbang dan meningkatkan tingkah laku yang boleh dipercayai daripada pihak-pihak yang berurus niaga dan membendung salah laku mereka seperti dalam urusan yang tidak adil, ketamakan, kecuaian, eksploitasi dan pelanggaran.

Kata kunci: kepercayaan, hubungan fudisiari, transaksi (urus niaga) perbankan Islam, perjanjian kontrak, kepercayaan, epistemologi tauhid.


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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. First and foremost, praises and thanks to Almighty Allah who bestows upon us all the faculty of searching, understanding and learning.

I would like to express my faithful thanks, gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors, Associate Prof. Dr. Selamah Maamor and Prof. Dr. Abdullah Haji Abdul Ghani for their patience, time, valuable guidance, assistance and huge support granted to me throughout the journey of this study.

Their persistent advises, suggestions and instructions is what enabled me to conduct this study.

Additionally, I owed a great gratitude to my beloved family, my father Abdul Salam, and My mother Huda, for their prayers which had inspired me to proceed with this study. Last but not least, great appreciation and love to my beloved family, my wife Banan, my daughters, Noorul Huda, Bassmah and Lilas and my sister Sawsan who had always instilled the hope in me to finish this study. This hope is what provoked my determination and kept the momentum of this challenging journey.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has given me inspiration, assistance and guidance throughout the venture of this study.


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ABSTRAK ... vi







1.2 Problem Statement ... 12

1.3 Research Questions ... 15

1.4 Research Objectives ... 15

1.5 Scope of the Study... 15

1.6 Significance of the Study ... 16

1.7 Organization of the Study ... 17



2.0 Introduction ... 18

2.1 Constructs of the trust concept ... 19

2.1.1 Trust encompasses immeasurable uncertainty and risk of opportunism ... 20

2.1.2 Trust encompasses bounded rationality ... 23

2.1.3 Trust encompasses expectancy ... 25

2.1.4 Trust encompasses belief ... 27

2.1.5 Trust encompasses confidence ... 28

2.1.6 Trust encompasses attitude ... 29

2.1.7 Trust manifests through behaviour ... 30

2.2 Theoretical foundations of trust ... 31

2.2.1 Cognitive-psychological foundation of trust ... 32

2.2.2 Socio-Psychological foundation of trust ... 35

2.2.3 Legal foundation of trust ... 37


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2.2.4 Economical (rational) foundation of trust ... 39

2.3 Theoretical conceptualization on trust ... 41

2.3.1 An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust ... 41

2.3.2 Cross-discipline view of Trust ... 44

2.3.3 Model of Initial Formation of Trust ... 47

2.3.4 Conception of Trust as the Connecting Link between Organizational Theory and Philosophical Ethics ... 51

2.4 Summary ... 54

2.5 Conclusion ... 56



3.0 Introduction ... 57

3.1 Theoretical assumptions of the study ... 57

3.2 Design of study... 63

3.2.1 Sample of study ... 63

3.2.2 Data collection ... 66

3.2.3 Data analysis ... 70

3.2.4 Reporting of study ... 75

3.3 Summary ... 78



4.0 Introduction ... 79

4.1 Essence of trust and trust constructs ... 79

4.1.1 Trust as trustor’s ‘psychological willingness’ ... 85

4.1.2 Trust as trustor’s ‘confidence’ ... 87

4.1.3 Trust as trustor’s ‘belief’ ... 88

4.1.4 Trust as trustors’ ‘expectancy’ ... 90

4.1.5 Trust as trustor’s ‘attitude’ ... 93

4.1.6 Trust as ‘behaviour’ ‘choice’, ‘decision’ ... 95

4.1.7 Trust relationship/ trustor/ trustee... 97

4.1.8 Trust comprises social exchange ... 98

4.1.9 Trust comprises trustor’s perception of trustworthiness ... 101


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4.1.10 Trust involves inherent uncertainty ... 102

4.1.11 Trust involves risk of opportunism ... 104

4.1.12 Trust comprises expected outcome ... 106

4.2 Discussion ... 106

4.2.1 Economical, socio-psychological and philosophical perspectives of trust ... 107

4.2.2 Trust involves ‘good reasons’ and ‘cognitive leap’ ... 109

4.2.3 Link between ‘favourable expectations’ and ‘cognitive leap’ ... 114

4.2.4 Further ‘good reason’ of trust ... 117

4.3 The trustor’s belief and attitude from Islamic perspective ... 122

4.3.1 Trust encompasses inductive reasoning ... 123

4.3.2 Trust encompasses moral values ... 125

4.3.3 Trust encompasses fiduciary duty (al-amanah) ... 130

4.4 Summary ... 133

4.5 Conclusion ... 135



5.0 Introduction ... 138

5.1 Trust is value-based entity... 139

5.2 Trust is embedded in institutions ... 141

5.3 Trust involves expectancy ... 142

5.4 Trust entails due diligence... 144

5.5 Trust involves trustworthiness perception... 145

5.5.1 Customers’ perception of banks’ trustworthiness ... 149

5.5.2 Banks’ perception of customers’ trustworthiness ... 150

5.6 Trust is part of the contractual agreement ... 154

5.7 Trust encompasses reliance (tawakkul) ... 156

5.8 Trust manifests as actual transactions ... 157

5.9 Discussion ... 158

5.9.1 Trust involves fiduciary duty ... 159

5.9.2 Trust in the trust-based transactions ... 165

5.9.3 Trust sustains by institutions ... 176

5.9.4 Trust comprises perception of trustworthiness ... 183


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5.9.5 Trust is founded upon the tawhidic epistemology ... 189

5.10 Conclusion ... 203



6.0 Introduction ... 205

6.1 Constructs of trust from bankers’ perspective... 206

6.1.1 Trust involves institutional governance ... 207

6.1.2 Trust involves expectancy and belief ... 208

6.1.3 Trust involves due diligence ... 209

6.1.4 Trust manifest in terms of actual transactions ... 216

6.2 Discussion ... 217

6.2.1 Trust encompasses uncertainty and counterparty risk ... 218

6.2.2 Trust encompasses perception of trustworthiness ... 220

6.2.3 Trust encompasses expectancy ... 221

6.3 Conclusion ... 224



7.0 Introduction ... 225

7.1 Definition of trust ... 228

7.2 Model of trust within the IBTs ... 232

7.2.1 Trust emerges from and accommodated by the legal agreement ... 233

7.2.2 The fulfilment of trust is faith-produced ... 240

7.2.3 Trustworthiness perception forms through cognitive judgement ... 242

7.2.4 Trustworthiness perception sustains by belief and expectancy ... 248

7.2.5 Trustworthiness perception sustains by institutional environment ... 251

7.2.6 Behavioural trust is faith-based decision ... 255

7.3 Summary ... 261

7.4 Conclusion ... 263



8.0 Introduction ... 267

8.1 Summary of the study ... 268


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8.1.1 Summary on Findings of Objective One ... 270

8.1.2 Summary on Finding of Objective Two ... 273

8.1.3 Summary on Finding of Objective Three ... 275

8.1.4 Summary on Finding of Objective Four ... 275

8.2 Contribution and policy implications ... 279

8.3 Limitations and recommendation for future research ... 282




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Table 2.1 Summary of ethical principles in Conceptions of Trust Hosmer (1995) ……… 53

Table 3.1 Methodological implication of constructivism epistemology ………. 61

Table 3.2 The academic particulars of the interviewed scholars ………. 65

Table 3.3 Interview questions for scholars ……….. 68

Table 3.4 Interview questions for bankers ………... 69

Table 3.5 An example of the data analysis process ………. 75

Table 4.1 Number of previous studies in different periods ………. 80

Table 4.2 Essential constructs of trust discussed in previous studies ……….. 81

Table 4.3 Other constructs of trust discussed in previous studies ………... 82

Table 4.4 Character-related qualities discussed in previous studies ……… 83

Table 4.5 The frequency of using character-related qualities in previous studies ………... 84

Table 4.6 Theoretical foundations of previous studies ……… 85

Table 4.7 Definitions of trust as trustor’s ‘willingness’ ……….. 86

Table 4.8 Definitions of trust as trustor’s ‘confidence’ ………... 87

Table 4.9 Definitions of trust as trustor’s ‘belief’ ……… 89

Table 4.10 Definition of trust as trustor’s ‘expectancy’………91

Table 4.11 Definitions of trust as trustor’s ‘attitude’ ………... 93

Table 4.12 Definitions of trust as ‘behaviour’, ‘choice’, ‘decision’ ……… 96

Table 4.13 Definitions of trust utilizing relationship/trustor/trustee ………... 98

Table 4.14 Definitions of trust utilizing social exchange ……… 99

Table 4.15 Definitions of trust utilizing character-related qualities ……….. 102

Table 4.16 Definitions of trust utilizing ‘uncertainty’ ………... 103

Table 4.17 Definitions of trust utilizing ‘risk’, ‘fears’, ‘harm’ ……….. 104

Table 5.1 Constructs of trust from scholars’ perspective ……….. 139

Table 6.1 Constructs of trust in bankers’ perspective ……… 205


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Diagram 2.1 Integrative Model of Trust (Mayer et al, 1995) ………. 43 Diagram 2.2 Cross-discipline view of Trust (Rousseau et a., 1998) ……….. 46 Diagram 2.3 Model of Initial Formation of Trust (McKnight & Chervany, 1998) ………… 49 Diagram 3.1 Textual content analysis process ……… 72 Diagram 4.1 The constructs of trust from the trustor’s perspective……… 137 Diagram 7.1 Model of trust in the Islamic banking transaction ………. 266


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1.1 Background of Study

Islamic finance and banking comprise the banking and financing activity that complies with shari’ah (Islamic law) and its practical application in the development of Islamic economics. In

contemporary economics, Islamic banking has become one of the vital sources of economic growth (Alwady & Samhan, 2007). The main objective of the Islamic banking system in Malaysia is to meet the financial needs of Muslims in particular and the nation at large (Abdul Rahman, 2014).

The Islamic law (Shari'ah) constitutes rulings (ahkam) that encompass the value of faith (iman), the relationship between individuals and Allah (S.W.T) (‘ibadah), and the relationship between people (mu'amalah), as well as a system of ethics and morality (akhlaq) (Laldin & Furqani, 2013).

In this respect, Abtani (2007) stated:

“Islamic law cannot be separated from its moral, ethical and religious principles; otherwise, its rules will be useless. In other words, the Islamic system cannot be secular. This is because all Islamic rules are connected with the faith, beliefs and worship of Islam.”

The Islamic finance and banking industry has been lauded for returning to the path of divine guidance in rejecting the political and economic dominance of the West (Usmani, 1999) and noted as the most visible way of Islamic revivalism (Farooq, 2007) by acknowledging the employment of profit and loss sharing instruments as the ethical modes of investment promoted by early promoters (Khan, 2013).


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Informed Consent for Participation in Research Activities:


I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to conduct this interview session with you.

My name is Emad Eddin Abaji. I am a PHD candidate in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). I am doing this academic research under the supervision of Associate Prof. Dr. Selamah Maamor and Prof. Dr. Abdullah Haji Abdul Ghani. I appreciate your cooperation of providing me with your experience and perspective needed for conducting this academic research.

The purpose of this interview is to gain your insights, opinions and experiences regarding the concept of trust and its constructs within the Islamic banking transactions (IBTs). This interview will be conducted in English. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may decline to answer any of the interview questions if you wish. Furthermore, you may decide to withdraw from this interview at any time without any negative consequences. The interview session may last approximately one hour in length. All responses will be used for academic purposes only and will be kept confidential and not be used except as the basis of papers written for conferences or journals after your written consent. Therefore, anonymous quotations may be used. The data collected during this study will be retained in my supervisor’s office and only researchers associated with this study will have access. The interview will be tape-recorded in order to facilitate the collection and the later transcription of data for the analysis purpose. If you require further information about this study you may call my supervisors the Associate Prof. Dr. Selamah Maamor and Prof. Dr. Abdullah Haji Abdul Ghani on 0194480666 and 0194422349 respectively.



Figure 6.48 Differential cross section of neutron candidates with respect to its measured momentum momentum (pb/GeV) vs its energy

As the fibers ratio increase in long and short fiber, the flexural strength is increasing but decrease after exceeding 60vol % due to limitation of matrix to coat the overall

Due to the prohibition of interest in Islamic financial transactions as well as the nature of the Islamic banks which is based on the profit and loss sharing concept, the

One of Monetary Authority of Singapore’s early amendments in banking regulation was to remove additional stamp duties on Islamic financial transactions such as Sukuk

The sick are in truth those who spurn the remedy, the Qur'an itself, the Divine Book that enkindles true belief in one's heart and provides curative for spiritual and

By incorporating a lower risk factor for real estate lending, the risk-weighted-asset (RWA) for capital adequacy standard for the Islamic banks can be reduced. Then,

Secondly, the methodology derived from the essential Qur’anic worldview of Tawhid, the oneness of Allah, and thereby, the unity of the divine law, which is the praxis of unity

The number of Internet users in Malaysia has increased dramatically in recent years, however, many are still reluctant to leverage on Internet banking in their banking