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March 2021







Thesis submitted to

School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, in Fulfillment of The Requirement for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy








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Lean manufacturing practices (LMP) is considered as a manufacturing philosophy that can lead to global manufacturing performance by adopting and carefully implemented in the organisations. In fact, it gives the manufacturers a competitive advantage by enhancing the economic, environmental and social. In line with that, this study was aimed to examine the relationship between LMP and sustainability among Malaysia’s manufacturing organisations. Specifically, it aimed at investigating both the mediating role of manufacturing performance (MP) on the relationship between LMP on sustainability, and the moderating role of ethical climate (EC) on the relationship between LMP on manufacturing performance. The motivation for this study was motivated by the sustainability issue of previous research that needs to be more investigated for the good of the organisations. In addition, further exploration is also needed on the impact of lean manufacturing on long-term sustainability. In this case, sustainability in production is seen as the leading feasible solution that needs to be explored. Furthermore, studies in examining the influence of EC on MP where the effect of possible mediating and moderating variables that had been proposed to explain the inconclusiveness, were limited.

Consequently, this study integrated theories Resource Based View (RBV) and the Stakeholder Theory to map and position the possible relationships between the variables in the conceptual framework. Since the quantitative method was applied, the questionnaires were developed through extensive literature review. The population size for this study was 2368 based on Malaysia Federation of Manufacturing in Malaysia (FMM). In this study, the unit of analysis was the companies embodied from middle up to the top management.

The survey questionnaires were randomly distributed to 335 manufacturing organisations in Malaysia as the sample with a 30.4 percent response rate. The data collected were analysed by performing the PLS-SEM technique. The results indicated that i) the positive relationship between LMP and SUS, ii) the positive relationship between LMP and MP, iii) the positive relationship between MP and SUS, iv) the positive relationship between EC and MP, v) mediating role of MP between LMP on SUS were established, vi) EC as a moderator did not support the relationship between LMP on MP. Generally, LMP and MP positively improved sustainability, showing that these are the important elements that should be seriously considered by practitioners. Therefore, this study could broaden the boundary of the existing literature, and contributes to the body of knowledge related to lean manufacturing practices, sustainability, manufacturing performance and ethical climate theoretically, practically, and methodologically.

Keywords: lean manufacturing practices, sustainability, manufacturing performance, ethical climate, manufacturing organizations



Amalan Pembuatan Lean (LMP) dianggap sebagai falsafah pembuatan yang dapat membawa kepada prestasi pembuatan global dengan menerapkan dan dilaksanakan dengan teliti dalam organisasi. Malah, ia memberikan kelebihan daya saing kepada pengeluar dengan meningkatkan ekonomi, persekitaran dan sosial. Sejajar dengan itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara LMP dan kemampanan dalam kalangan organisasi pembuatan Malaysia. Secara khusus, ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peranan pengantara prestasi pembuatan (MP) mengenai hubungan antara LMP dan kemampanan, dan peranan moderator iklim etika (EC) pada hubungan antara LMP pada MP. Motivasi untuk kajian ini didorong oleh isu kemampanan berdasarkan penyelidikan lepas yang perlu lebih banyak diselidiki untuk kebaikan organisasi. Di samping itu, kajian lebih lanjut juga diperlukan mengenai kesan LMP pada kemampanan jangka panjang. Dalam kes ini, kesinambungan dalam pengeluaran dilihat sebagai jalan penyelesaian terbaik yang perlu diterokai. Tambahan pula, kajian pengaruh EC terhadap MP di mana pengaruh kemungkinan pemboleh ubah pengantara dan moderator yang telah dicadangkan untuk menjelaskan kes tersebut adalah terhad. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini mengintegrasikan teori Resource Based View (RBV) dan Stakeholder Theory untuk memetakan dan meletakkan kemungkinan hubungan antara pemboleh ubah dalam kerangka konsep. Sejak kaedah kuantitatif diterapkan, soal selidik dikembangkan melalui tinjauan literatur yang luas. Saiz populasi untuk kajian ini adalah 2368 berdasarkan Malaysia Federation of Manufacturing (FMM) di Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini, unit analisis adalah organisasi yang terdiri dari pengurusan menengah ke atas. Soal selidik tinjauan diedarkan secara rawak kepada 335 organisasi pembuatan di Malaysia sebagai sampel dengan kadar balas 30.4 peratus. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan melakukan teknik PLS-SEM. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa i) hubungan positif antara LMP dan SUS, ii) hubungan positif antara LMP dan MP, iii) hubungan positif antara MP dan SUS, iv) hubungan positif antara EC dan MP, v) peranan pengantara MP antara LMP pada SUS diperkenalkan, vi) EC sebagai moderator tidak menyokong hubungan antara LMP pada MP. Secara amnya, LMP dan MP meningkatkan kemampanan secara positif, menunjukkan bahawa ini adalah elemen penting yang harus dipertimbangkan secara serius oleh pengamal. Oleh itu, kajian ini dapat memperluas batas literatur yang ada, dan menyumbang pada pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan praktik amalan pembuatan lean, kemampanan, prestasi pembuatan dan iklim etika secara teori, praktikal, dan metodologi.

Kata kunci: amalan pembuatan lean, kemampanan, prestasi pembuatan, iklim etika, organisasi pembuatan




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Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 3(7), 45-54.

Hasan, M.Z., Mohd Asaad, M.N., & Iteng, R. (2017). Does Manufacturing Performance mediate on Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainability. Journal of Humanities, Language, Culture and Business, 1(2), 40-49.

Hasan, M.Z., Mohd Asaad, M.N., & Iteng, R. (2017). Lean Manufacturing Practices and Manufacturing Performances: The moderating effect of Ethical Climate.Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship, 3(5), 189–200.

Hasan, M.Z., Mohd Asaad, M.N., & Iteng, R. (2017). Mediating effect of Manufacturing Performance on Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainability: A proposed theoretical framework. Proceeding: International Conference on Humanities, Language, Culture and Business (2nd ICoHLCB). ISBN: 978-967-14835-1-0 Hasan, M.Z., Mohd Asaad, M.N., & Iteng, R. (2017). Moderating role of Ethical Climate

on Lean Manufacturing Practices and Manufacturing Performance: A proposed conceptual model. Proceeding: International Conference on Humanities, Language, Culture and Business (2nd ICoHLCB). ISBN: 978-967-14835-1-0

Hasan, M.Z., Mohd Asaad, M.N., & Iteng, R. (2017). Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainability: Mediates by manufacturing Performance. Proceeding: International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology (ICSHT 2017). ISBN:





“Alhamdulillah”, indeed, the successful completion of this work would not have been accomplished without the guidance from Allah.

First and foremost, my sincere gratitude goes to my supervisors, Dr. Hj. Mohd Norhasni Mohd Asaad and Dr. Rosman Iteng for their supervision.

My deepest appreciation also goes to Manufacturing organisations in Malaysia which involved in obtaining the needed data for this study.

The special gratitude goes to both my beloved wife, Ruhil Amal Zainal Abidin for his endless source of love, patience and encouragement and of course to my precious daughters, Puteri Ummu Qais and Puteri Nur Madeena.

Not forgetting to my big family, siblings and supportive friends for the unconditional support and continuous motivation. May Allah bless all your kindness and sharing. I am dedicating this thesis to my beloved wife, children, family, friends and especially my encouragement, Ayahanda Hasan Hj Sulaiman and Bonda Mek Yam Mat who have so much in giving me the inspiration, patience, understanding and precious support.

Last but not least, I wish to thank to all who help me directly or indirectly to finish this dissertation.





CERTIFICATION OF THESIS WORK Error! Bookmark not defined.












1.1Background of the Study 1

1.2Problem Statement 11

1.3Research Questions 21

1.4Research Objectives 21

1.5Scope of Research 22

1.6Significance of Research 23

1.7Definitions of Key Terms 25

1.7.1Lean Manufacturing Practices 25

1.7.2Manufacturing Performance 25

1.7.3Ethical Climate 26

1.7.4Sustainability 26

1.8Summary 26


2.1Introduction 27

2.2Definition of Lean 27

2.3History of Lean 33

2.4Lean Manufacturing Practices 39

2.4.1 Cellular manufacturing 59

2.4.2 Pull system/Kanban 60

2.4.3 Quick changeover 61

2.4.4 Total Quality Management 62

2.4.5 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 63

2.4.6 Small Lot of Production 65

2.5Lean Manufacturing Developments 66

2.6Sustainability 76

2.6.1The Concept of Sustainability: Triple Bottom Line 79

2.6.2Sustainability in the Organizations 81

2.7Manufacturing Performance 91



2.7.1Manufacturing Performance Construct and Dimensions 94 105 106 107 109 110

2.8 Ethical Climate 111

2.8.1 The Role of Ethical Climate in Organisations 113

2.8.2Elements of Ethical Climate 118


3.1Introduction 122

3.2Underpinning Theories 122

3.2.1Resource Based View Theory 123

3.2.2Stake Holder Theory 127

3.3Theoretical Framework 129

3.3.1Operational Definition 138

3.3.1Lean Manufacturing Practices 138

3.3.2Manufacturing Performance 139

3.3.3Ethical Climate 139

3.3.4Sustainability 140

3.4Hypothesis Development 140

3.4.1Summary of Hypothesis Development 147

3.4.2Summary of Relationship between RQ, RO and Hypothesis 148

3.5 Research Design 149

3.5.1Research Philosophy 153

3.5.2Methodological Justification 154

3.5.3Research Design Strategy 156

3.5.4Time Dimension of the Study 157

3.6Sampling Process 158

3.6.1Population and Sample Frame 158

3.6.2Unit of Analysis 160

3.6.3Sampling Technique 161

3.6.4Sample Size 163

3.7Data Collection Approach 164

3.8Instrument Development 167

3.8.1Lean Manufacturing Practices Construct and Dimensions 170

3.8.2Sustainability Construct and Dimensions 173

3.8.3 Manufacturing Performance Construct and Dimensions 174 3.8.4Ethical Climate Construct and Dimensions (Moderating Variable) 175

3.9Analysis of Instrument Validity 177

3.9.1Pre- Test 178

3.9.2Content Validity 178

3.9.3Summary of Reviewers’ comment 180

3.9.4Pilot Test 182

3.10Method of Data Analysis 183



3.10.1Data Entry Errors 185

3.10.2Missing Value 185

3.10.3Treatment of Outliers 186

3.10.4Test of Multicollinearity 187

3.11Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics 188

3.11.1Partial Least Square (PLS) 189 Model 195

3.12Data Collection Procedures 197

3.12.1First Stage 197

3.12.2Second Stage 197

3.12.3Third Stage 198

3.12.4Fourth Stage 198

3.13Summary of the Chapter 198


4.1 Introduction 200

4.2 Response Rate 200

4.3 Data Examination 201

4.3.1Missing Data 202

4.3.2Suspicious Response 202

4.3.3Outliers Detection and Removal 202

4.3.4Normality of Data Distribution 203

4.4 Bias Tests 205

4.5 Demographic Information 208

4.6 Descriptive Statistics 211

4.7 Measurement Model 213

4.8 Structural Model 220

4.8.1Direct Relationships of LMP and MP on SUS 224

4.8.2Direct Relationship of LMP and EC on MP 224

4.8.3Indirect Relationship between LMP and SUS through MP 225 4.8.4Moderation of EC on Relationship between LMP and MP 226

4.8.5Variance Explained and Effect Sizes 227

4.8.6Predictive Relevance of the Model 229

4.9Chapter Summary 231


5.1 Introduction 232

5.2 Recapitulation and Summary of Findings 232

5.3 Discussion of Hypothesis Findings 235

5.3.1Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainability 235 5.3.2Lean Manufacturing Practices and Manufacturing Performance 237

5.3.3Manufacturing Performance and Sustainability 241

5.3.4Ethical Climate and Manufacturing Performance 243

5.3.5Mediating Role of Manufacturing Performance 245

5.3.6Moderating Role of Ethical Climate 247

5.4Research Implications and Contributions 251



5.4.1Theoretical Implication of the Study 252

5.4.2Managerial Implication of the Study 255

5.5Limitations of the Study 259

5.6Recommendation of Future Research 261

5.7Conclusion 264


Appendix 1: Questionnaires 300

Appendix 2: Determining Sample Size 312

Appendix 3: Measurement Model Stage 1 313

Appendix 4: Measurement Model Stage 2 314

Appendix 5: Cross Loading Results 315

Appendix 6: Outer Loading 319

Appendix 7: Expert Review Form 322




Table 1. 1 Major Indicators of The Manufacturing Sector 4

Table 2. 1 Definitions of Lean 28

Table 2. 2 The Seven Types Of Waste 37

Table 2. 3 Summarizes of Lean Manufacturing Practices/Tools in Research 2000-2009 48 Table 2. 4 Summarizes of Lean Manufacturing Practices/Tools in Research In Current

Studies 52

Table 2. 5 Lean Practices That Commonly Used 57

Table 2. 6 Categorize Lean Tools/Practices 69

Table 2. 7 Summarizes of Lean Manufacturing Practices/Tools in Research 2011-2016 74 Table 2. 8 Components of Sustainability in Past Studies 90 Table 2. 9 Summarize of Manufacturing Performance’s Components In Past Studies 104

Table 3. 1 Research Variables 130

Table 3. 2 Summary of Research Hypothesis 147

Table 3. 3 Summary of Relationship between RQ, RO and Hypothesis 148 Table 3. 4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Survey 157 Table 3. 5 Measurement of Lean Manufacturing Practices 171

Table 3. 6 Construct of Sustainability 173

Table 3. 7 Construct of Manufacturing Performance 174

Table 3. 8 Construct of Ethical Climate 176

Table 3. 9 SMEs among Practitioners 180

Table 3. 10 SMEs among Academicians 180

Table 3. 11 Summary of Reviewers’ Comments 181

Table 3. 12 The Analysis of Interim Consistency Reliability 183 Table 3. 13 Research Objectives, Research Hypothesis and Types of Data Analysis 184

Table 3. 14 A Simple Path Model 191

Table 4. 1 Examination Procedures 201

Table 4. 2 Summary of Outliers’ Detections 203

Table 4. 3 Data Normality Results 204

Table 4. 4 Non-Response Bias Results 206

Table 4. 5 Collinearity Test Results 207

Table 4. 6 Background of The Respondents 208

Table 4. 7 Descriptive Statistics Of Each Construct 212

Table 4. 8 Measurement Model (Stage One) 213

Table 4. 9 Measurement Model (Stage Two) 213

Table 4. 10 Internal Consistency Reliability And Convergent Validity Results 214

Table 4. 11 Results of Fornell & Larcker 219

Table 4. 12 Results of HTMT Ratio 219

Table 4. 13 Results of Hypotheses Testing 221

Table 4. 14 Results of Multi-Collinearity, Variance Explained And Effect Sizes 221

Table 4. 15 Results of Hypotheses Testing 224

Table 4. 16 Results of Hypotheses Testing 224



Table 4. 17 Results of Hypotheses Testing 225

Table 4. 18 Results of Hypotheses Testing 226

Table 4. 19 Results of Computed Effect Sizes (f2) 228

Table 4. 21 Result of Research Testing 230




Figure 1. 1 Sales Value of the Manufacturing Sector 1

Figure 1. 2 Highlight Tenth Malaysia Plan 3

Figure 1. 3 Bankruptcies in Malaysia Manufacturing Sector 6

Figure 1. 4 Manufacturing Production Index 7

Figure 2. 1 Triple Bottom Line Principle of Sustainability 81

Figure 3. 1 Conceptual Framework 132

Figure 3. 2 Nature of Mediator Variables 134

Figure 3. 3 Nature of Moderator Variables 135

Figure 3. 4 Research Onion 152

Figure 3. 5 Methodological Choices Methodological Choices 155

Figure 3. 6 Randomizer Software 162

Figure 3. 7 SEM Terminology for Studied Variables 192

Figure 4. 1 Flow Chart of Instrument Development 169

Figure 4. 2 Measurement Model (stage one) 213

Figure 4. 3 Measurement Model (stage two) 213

Figure 4. 4 Structural Model 220

Figure 4. 5 Interaction Plot between LMP and EC 226

Figure 4. 6 Path Diagram with R2 and f2 values 227

Figure 4. 7 Hypothesis Findings 230




Appendix 1: Questionnaires 300

Appendix 2: Determining Sample Size 312

Appendix 3: Measurement Model Stage 1 313

Appendix 4: Measurement Model Stage 2 314

Appendix 5: Cross Loading Results 315

Appendix 6: Outer Loading 319

Appendix 7: Expert Review Form 322




CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CVR Content validity ratio

EC Ethical Climate

GDP Gross Domestic Product NKEA National Key Economic Area MPC Malaysia Productivity Corporation MP Manufacturing Performance VSM Value stream mapping TPS Toyota Production System HRM Human Resource Management JIT Just in time

LMP Lean Manufacturing Practices TBL Triple bottom line

TQM Total Quality Management TPM Total Preventive Maintenance

PLS-SEM Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling SMES Subject Matter Expert

SME Small Medium Enterprise SUS Sustainability

5S Sorting, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain




1.1 Background of the Study

The rapidly growing global population and the raising demand for consumer products are placing tremendous pressure on our country's manufacturing industries. According to Department of Statistics Malaysia (2020), Malaysia’s Manufacturing sales in November 2019 grew by 2.3 per cent to RM73.5 billion as compared to RM71.8 billion reported a year ago as shown in figure 1. The sales value dropped by 1.6 percent (RM1.2 billion) in month-on-month growth, while the sales value grew by 0.5 percent in seasonally adjusted terms.

Figure 1. 1Sales Value of the Manufacturing Sector Sales Value of the Manufacturing Sector

(Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2020)



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Sustainable manufacturing decision making consist of three components: (1) selection of appropriate metrics for assessing the sustainability of manufacturing, (2) the

 To analyse the relationship between the internal organisational factors and electronic manufacturing industry suppliers readiness towards green technology implementation.. 



Abstract: Nowadays, manufacturing industries are rapidly developing. However the constraints faced by today's producers are how to produce their products quickly

Thus, this study posits that there is a need for managerial awareness about the relevance of implementing lean manufacturing practices and IR 4.0 technologies to improve

Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of lean supply chain management practices in manufacturing industry in Malaysia, and identifies

According to Sarminah (2006), a job characteristic is one of the aspects that need to be prioritizing by the management in organization in meas uring the employee’s turnover