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Language learning strategy in Palestine


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113 References

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ABSTRACT This study is purported to examine and explore if Malaysian second language learners of English Language have metacognitive awareness of listening strategies when they

Nevertheless, many Foreign Language (FL) students were reported to command only a limited repertoire of listening metacognitive strategies. Due to this

Tamer’s (2013) study on the readiness of the Saudi university male students on a preparatory English program to partake in autonomous learning of English as a

Reading comprehension text and reading strategies instruction should be included in the syllabus of English language, and these strategies will help students to understand and

In addition, they need to develop appropriate learning outcomes that could enhance students' knowledge and skills in engineering, as well as their English language

This study is conducted to determine screen reading habits and find the frequency of online materials read among English Language and English Education students in university..

This study aims to explore the learning orientation, motivation, foreign language anxiety and anxiety coping strategies in Japanese as foreign language

The present study aims to identify learners’ beliefs and language learning strategies as well as their proficiency of English language, focusing on postgraduate students from China