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Thesis submitted to

Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia,

In Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Human Resource Management



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Employee turnover has gained considerable attention from various industries in Malaysia.

The main objective of this study is to explore potential influence of training, job security, career development opportunities and performance appraisal towards turnover intention among hospital employees in Kuala Lumpur. By identifying significant influences of training, job security, career development opportunities and performance appraisal on hospital employees turnover intention, it will help to create awareness to hospital on the importance of those practices in building human capital. There are 274 hospital employees from five respective hospitals in Kuala Lumpur were selected as samples. The data were collected using five-point Likert Scale’s self-administered questionnaires. There are two types of data techniques adapted for this research which is descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. Descriptive analysis technique is used to identify the background of respondents in the aspect of age, gender, marital status, years of experience, and qualification. However inferential analysis is used to determine the significant relationship between training, job security, career development opportunities, performance appraisal and turnover intention among hospital employees in Kuala Lumpur. The result of this study shows that there is a strong correlation between training and turnover intention. The results also revealed that there is a weak correlation between performance appraisal, career development opportunities, job security and turnover intention. This study help to identify factors contributing towards hospital employees turnover intention in Kuala Lumpur and recognise few recommendation to reduce turnover intention.

Keywords: Training, Job Security, Performance Appraisal, Career Development Opportunities & Turnover Intention



Niat perolehan kerja telah mendapat perhatian dari pelbagai industri di Malaysia. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk meneroka pengaruh latihan, jaminan pekerjaan, peluang pembangunan kerjaya dan penilaian prestasi terhadap niat perolehan kerja di kalangan kakitangan hospital di Kuala Lumpur. Dengan mengenal pasti pengaruh tersebut, ia dapat membantu untuk mewujudkan kesedaran kepada pihak hospital mengenai kepentingan pembinaan modal insan. Terdapat 274 kakitangan hospital telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian dari lima buah hospital di Kuala Lumpur. Data telah dikumpul dengan menggunakan borang kaji selidik. Antara kaedah analisis yang telah digunakan adalah teknik analisis diskriptif dan inferensi. Teknik analisis diskriptif telah digunakan untuk megenal pasti latar belakang responden dari segi umur, jantina, status perkahwinan, pengalaman bekerja dan kelayakan akademik. Manakala teknik analisis inferensi digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara latihan, jaminan pekerjaan, peluang pembangunan kerjaya dan penilaian prestasi terhadap niat perolehan kerja di kalangan kakitangan hospital di Kuala Lumpur. Hasil kajian menunjukan terdapat satu kolerasi yang kuat antara latihan dan niat perolehan kerja.

Selain dari itu, terdapat korelasi yang lemah antara penilaian prestasi, peluang pembangunan kerjaya, jaminan pekerjaan dan niat perolehan kerja. Kajian ini dapat membantu untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada niat perolehan kerja dikalangan kakitangan hospital di Kuala Lumpur serta beberapa cadangan bagi mengurangkan niat perolehan kerja.

Kata Kunci: Latihan, Jaminan Pekerjaan, Peluang Pembangunan Kerjaya, Penilaian Prestasi

& Niat Perolehan Kerja



I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to my supervisor Dr.Jasmani Binti Mohd Yunus who has assisted me in preparing this research project. I highly appreciate her diligent efforts to provide useful guidance to lead me on my journey in my studies. I also like to express my gratitude to my parents, family members and close friends for their continuous support, assistance and encouragement throughout this research project.

Besides that, I like to show my appreciation to the University Utara Malaysia (UUM) for giving me an opportunity by providing Master Degree courses which allow me to be more knowledgeable, independent and rational in facing future challenges in life.

Not forgetting, a special thanks to all my respondents for participating in the research by answering my questionnaires. I would like to sum up that this research project will not be successful without the guidance and support from everyone mentioned above.

Thank You.



Title Page……… i

Permission to Use... ii

Abstract... iii

Abstrak... iv

Acknowledgement... v

Table of Contents... vi

List of Tables... vii

List of Figures... viii

List of Appendices... ix

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study……….. 1

1.2 Healthcare Industry in Malaysia……….. 5

1.3 Problem Statement………... 7

1.4 Research Questions……….. 8

1.5 Research Objectives………. 9

1.6 Significance of the study……….. 10

1.7 Scope of the study……… 11

1.8 Limitation of the study………. 11

1.9 Organization of the study………. 12

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction………. 14

2.2 Employee Turnover Intention………. 14

2.2.1 Voluntary Turnover……….. 15

2.2.2 Functional Turnover………. 16

2.2.3 Dysfunctional Turnover……… 17

2.2.4 Involuntary Turnover……… 17

2.3 Empirical Studies on Turnover Intention………. 18

2.4 Theory & Model on Turnover Intention……….. 19

2.4.1 Human Capital Theory……….. 19


2.4.2 Mobley’s Model……….. 21

2.5 Training……….. 23

2.5.1 Training & Turnover Intention……… 23

2.6 Job Security……… 25

2.6.1 Job Security & Turnover Intention……….. 25

2.7 Career Development Opportunities……… 27

2.7.1 Career Development Opportunities & Turnover Intention………. 27

2.8 Performance Appraisal………... 29

2.8.1 Performance Appraisal & Turnover Intention………. 29

2.9 Chapter Summary……… 30

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction………. 31

3.2 Research Framework……….. 31

3.3 Research Hypothesis……….. 32

3.4 Research Design………. 35

3.5 Operational Definition……… 36

3.6 Research Instrument……… 37

3.7 Population & Sample……….. 41

3.8 Reliability Test……… 42

3.9 Validity Test……… 43

3.10 Normality Test……….. 49

3.11 Pilot Test……… 50

3.12 Descriptive Statistics………. 51

3.13 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis………... 51

3.14 Multiple Regression Analysis……… 52

3.15 Chapter Summary……….. 52

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS & DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction………. 53

4.2 Descriptive Analysis………... 53

4.2.1 Descriptive Analysis of Dependent Variable………... 56

4.2.2 Descriptive Analysis of Independent Variable………. 58


4.3 Correlation Analysis……… 62

4.4 Regression Analysis……… 64

4.4.1 Hypothesis Testing………... 66

4.5 Chapter Summary……… 69


5.2 Discussion……….. 70

5.3 Assessment of the Research Objectives……….. 71

5.4 Theoretical & Practical Implication………. 74

5.5 Recommendation for Future Research………. 75

5.6 Conclusion……… 80

References………. 81



Table 1.1: Hospitals & Number of Beds in Malaysia………. 6

Table 3.1: Summary of Questionnaire’s Items (HRMP Scale)……….. 39

Table 3.2: Turnover Intention Scale………... 41

Table 3.3 Numbers of Working Staff in Five Respective Hospitals……….. 41

Table 3.4 Rotated factor Matric for Training………. 44

Table 3.5 Rotated factor Matric for Job Security……… 45

Table 3.6 Rotated factor Matric for Performance Appraisal……….. 46

Table 3.7 Rotated factor Matric for Career Development Opportunities………… 47

Table 3.8 Rotated factor Matric for Turnover Intention………. 48

Table 3.9 Skewness & Kurtosis result for every variable………... 49

Table 3.10 Internal Consistency for Cronbach’s Alpha……….. 50

Table 3.11 Cronbach’s Alfa Coefficient Result……….. 50

Table 4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents ……… 54

Table 4.2 Descriptive Analysis of Turnover Intention………... 57

Table 4.3 Descriptive Analysis of Training………... 58

Table 4.4 Descriptive Analysis of Job Security………. 59

Table 4.5 Descriptive Analysis of Career Development Opportunities…………. 60

Table 4.6 Descriptive Analysis of Performance Appraisal……… 61

Table 4.7 Correlation between Variables……… 62

Table 4.8 Summary of Regression Analysis……… 64

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Framework of Staff Turnover……… 15

Figure 2: Human Capital Theory……….. 20

Figure 3: Sequential Turnover Model………... 22

Figure 4: Research Framework………. 32



Appendix A: Questionnaire Set……… 93

Appendix B: Descriptive Analysis……… 97

Appendix C: Pearson Correlation Analysis ………. 102

Appendix D: Reliability Test……… 103

Appendix E: Regression Analysis……… 107

Appendix F: Normality Test………. 108

Appendix G: Factor Analysis……… 114



1.1 Background of the Study

The attention of both researchers and practitioners have attracted for decades due to the organizational problem such as turnover which worries employers as well. According to Choi, Perumal & Ajagbe (2012), competitive industry and low employment rates are the top two factors that are worsening in Malaysian organization lately and are proofed to contribute the link in the trend of job-hopping among Malaysian. In other words, “turnover” whereby this statement is strongly proven by Towers Watson (2013) which stated that the percentage of turnover rates has increased from 12.3 % in 2012 to 13.2 % in 2013 which designating that employee turnover will continue to be an issue to employers. The reasons behind this phenomenon should be empirically investigated. Therefore, the employee turnover should not be neglected by employers since it’s continuously arise.

Lucas et.al., (2012), includes that turnover can cause problems in organizations as the cost burdened to replace each of one lost executives which could reach up to 213% of the executive’s salary. Boushey & Glynn (2012), adding that turnover can considered as costly because it incurs training, separation and recruitment cost whereby indirectly could contribute to losses in term of productivity, quality, clients and at the same time it will reduced remaining employees morale. On the other hand, there will be additional work for the remaining employees as well. That is the reason why organizations should make an effort to reduce turnover.

Ahmad et.al., (2011)) stress on the point that an important area of the HR advancement that should be analysed thoroughly is the turnover of employees as it will cause unfavourable effects on organization. Meanwhile, Hogan & Barton (2001), has highlighted


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In this proposed project application, due to the current technologies in the year of 2019, most of the augmented reality application is not considered mature and it

Table 5.3 Sample marked area as potential object position - 1 Colour histogram comparison Template image.. Search

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR INTERACTIVE LEARNING APPLICATION FOR COMPUTER.. PROGRAMMING

The purpose of this research paper is to identify the influence of training & development program and employee performance on job satisfaction among

Consider the heat transfer by natural convection between a hot (or cold) vertical plate with a height of L at uniform temperature T, and a surrounding fluid that

The main objective of this research study is to examine the impact and relationship of human resource practices (training and development, performance of appraisal,

Finally, there is the method of unobtrusive control (Tompkins & Cheney, 1985) which is described as getting employees to control themselves. It is a process by which members of

The objective of this study is to determine and investigate the relationship between EI and job performance.. The four components are including, Self-Awareness, Self -Management,